Finding Home: A Club Dark Novel (9 page)

BOOK: Finding Home: A Club Dark Novel
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Chapter 9

Two weeks. That’s how long it’s been since everything went down at the club, and we still aren’t any closer to learning who drugged me. Cory assures me the incident that took place with one of the girls the night after was completely unrelated. Just a regular client who had one too many drinks and got a little rough with one of the girls without her permission. He says he’s banned him from the club until he seeks help for his issues which makes me feel better for his girls but not any better when it comes to my situation.

Despite the many times I’ve insisted that he sleep in his bed, he still sleeps on the couch in his room. It’s comforting having him in the same room as me, it makes me feel safe in a way. But I still feel really bad for kicking him out of his bed. I’ve repeatedly told him that I can sleep in one of the guest rooms, but I think he likes knowing I’m close by also. We’ve also come to a mutual agreement that I stay with him until we at least know who slipped drugs in my drink. Not that this never happens, but Cory and his security team feel that I was specifically targeted, and until we know different, this is where I’ll be.

He’s yet to make any more advances toward me, and part of me is really grateful for that. It’s given me an opportunity to clear the fog in my head and make some sense of what’s left of my life. There is another big part of me who misses the bits of bonding we shared on his front porch. It seems that since the day in the meadow he’s closed himself off from me.

Today, we are holed up in his room. I’m stretched out on his bed, reading of course, and he’s over on the couch catching up on work, he says. He’s gotta go back in tonight, something about a monthly meeting he holds with senior partners or whatever. The man is a workaholic. I can’t help but notice how hot he looks sitting there in just a pair of sweatpants. I don’t even realize I’m staring at him until his eyes meet mine. He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. Smug bastard.

“Yes, Miss Carter?” I lower my head in a lame attempt to hide the fact that I was blatantly staring at him.

“Nothing,” I quickly say, looking down at my book. When did I become shy?

“Uh-huh. So do you make it a habit of just staring at people for no reason?” He thinks he’s funny, does he?

“I’m only thinking about how much you work, surely you deserve a break?” No, I’m not thinking about how it would feel to run my hands up his perfectly toned abs. My body warms and my cheeks grow hot. I’m totally blushing and from the look on his face, he knows it. Oh shit.

He places his laptop off to the side and stands up. Slowly, he walks toward the bed. I can’t seem to take my eyes off of him. This man screams sex appeal. He’s built, but not in an I’m on steroids kind of way. No, it’s more of a sexy I’ll kick your ass and I have the muscles to prove it kind of way. His skin is the color of a caramel latte, and it’s all smooth and tan with a natural glow. He’s got a very intricate tribal tattoo that takes up his entire chest. It makes me wonder why I never noticed it down in the gym. I’ll make a point to ask him about it later.

He reaches the bed and this time, I can’t hide the fact that I’m openly gawking at him. Reaching down he takes hold of my book and tosses it to the floor. I no longer remember what it was nor do I care. He bends one knee onto the mattress and leans in close. “Would you like to try that again,” he questions lightly in my ear. I faintly feel him blowing trails on my neck and shoulder, creating chills across my back and arms. This man is driving me crazy, and the only response I can manage to give him is a quiet moan. “Miss Carter?” he whispers, “You and I both know that’s not all you were thinking. Care to share the rest?” He trails his hands up and down my arms, smoothing the chills he created just moments before. That fire I noticed in his eyes a few weeks ago has resumed, promising to consume me at a moment’s notice. I find it harder and harder to form excuses to stop it. But then pieces of that awful night slip in, effectively dousing my mood and this moment.

I quickly slide myself out of the bed and race for the bathroom. I grab the door and close it. Once I have the door locked, I slide myself against it and draw my knees into my chest. I’m not sure what’s come over me. I’ve done good the last two weeks with shutting everything out and trying to forget what happened. But now, it’s like everything has come back and it’s hitting me like a ton of bricks. What am I supposed to do? I wasn’t good enough for the man who claimed to love me. I couldn’t even watch out for myself and like an idiot, I ended up passed out and drugged in a city I have no business being in. And while Cory has been great, he doesn’t deserve all the drama I have, and I definitely don’t deserve him. I’m damaged goods with a whole lot of baggage and nothing to offer.

Cory quietly knocks on the door. “Lacey, what’s going on?” I just sit there, silently rocking myself back and forth. How can I explain this to him? He probably al-ready thinks I’m crazy. “Come on, Lacey. Open the door please.” I hate the vulnerable sound in his voice. Hearing a man as strong and demanding as he is sound so weak and confused causes something to spark inside of me, so I quickly stand and unlock the door to let him in. The moment our eyes lock, it’s like the floodgates open, causing tears to pour down my face. I wish I could say that it’s a dainty pretty cry but it isn’t. I’m a mess, all sobs and hiccups. Nice, Lacey.

“Come here.” He gently gathers me up in a hug. “Talk to me,” he whispers while rubbing slow circles on my back, effectively calming my nerves and my tears. He reaches for my hand and walks me over to the couch. “What’s going through that head of yours?” he asks gently. It takes a few deep breaths before I’m calm enough to talk.

“I just can’t seem to piece all of this together. Everything was perfect, at least that’s what I thought. Where did I go wrong?” That’s meant more as a statement than a question, but Cory answers anyway.

“Nowhere. If anything, the only thing I can see you doing wrong is falling in love with a jerk like him. Any man would be lucky to have you. And he’s stupid for screwing that up.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer so I can rest my head on his chest.

I take a moment to breathe him in, taking in his unique masculine scent. It’s rugged and all man, and I’d swear there’s a hint of vanilla in there too. Whatever it is, I’m content with just lying here and breathing him in. Silly right? I feel myself start to relax and in that moment I realize that Cory is right. I don’t deserve any of this. I was always good to Aaron, so again, I question where it went wrong.

Cory lays back into the couch, pulling me down so I’m practically on top of him, but it doesn’t feel sexual. I feel protected like he truly cares about me. He rubs circles on my back again, and I feel myself relax even deeper. Soon my body starts to feel heavy, and I drift off to sleep.

When I wake up, I’m still laying on the sofa, but Cory’s gone. Lying right beside my head is a small note.

Miss Carter,

     I’m terribly sorry I had to run out, I’m still here but I’m afraid I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on. I’ll be in my office right down the hall if you need anything.




Well, okay then. I’m kind of lost at what to do with myself. It’s getting boring just sitting around this house day in and day out. I’m starting to feel trapped and restless.

I’m sitting on the bed contemplating what my next step is going to be; I can’t just stay in this house forever with nothing to do and no purpose in life. I’m startled out of my thoughts by the ringing of my phone across the room. I haven’t used the thing in a few weeks; I completely forgot I even had one. Looking down at the screen, I see that it’s Amber. I haven’t spoken to her in a while, so I guess it wouldn’t hurt to see what she wants.

“Hi, Amber,” I say, trying to sound happy. Honestly, I still don’t know where we stand after that night.

“Hey, Lacey. How are you doing sweetie?” Her voice sounds friendly which puts a smile on my face. Sure Cory has been kind to me, but I’ve missed having a friend.

“I’m fine. Just learning to adjust. Everything okay on your end?” I’m not really sure what to say. As much as I’d like to be friends and make conversation, I’m not really sure how to.

“Oh yes. Well, mostly. Cory has hired a third bartender. She’s supposed to help lighten the load for me and Torrance, the bar back. But the girl is such a damn klutz. She really should’ve come with her own warning label,” she says, trying to hide her laughter, and I can’t help but laugh with her. Maybe this whole friend thing won’t be so hard after all.

“Anyway, I didn’t call to poke fun at the new girl. I was actually calling to see if I could get you to come eat dinner with me? I know this great pub in town and they make a killer Philly.” Part of me wants to say no, after all, the last time I went out with her things didn’t really turn out so well for me. But I really need to get out a bit before I go stir crazy. Besides, what can go wrong with just grabbing food?

“Sure, but you’ll have to pick me up. My car is still at the apartment.” I hope Cory doesn’t get upset when he finds out I’m leaving, oh well.

“Give me about thirty minutes. And, Lacey? Thank you.” She hangs up before I can even get out a reply.

I guess since I’m going out into the real world I should probably put some decent clothes on. After spending a few minutes looking for something to wear, I hop in the shower and then do my hair. I look in the mirror and examine myself for a second to make sure I look okay, and once I determine I look as good as I’m going to I grab my purse and head for the door. I wasn’t going to disturb Cory, but he’s probably going to worry if he ever comes out of this office and I’m not here.

Tapping on his office door, butterflies start to form in my belly at the thought of finally seeing the inside of Cory’s office. A low
come in
resounds from the other side of the door, giving me permission to enter.

Pushing through the door, my eyes make instant contact with his, but only briefly, I’m too curious about where he likes to hide out. The room itself is very rustic and homely, for some reason, I pictured it to be corporate and sterile. There’s wall to wall book shelves lining two of the four walls. One to my left and right, and each stock full. Behind him is a wall of windows with a door opening up to a beautiful terrace, I can make out a peek of flowers in the distance making it appear like a garden. I’ll have to get him to show it to me.

Glancing back at Cory, my breath catches in my throat. This man always seems to render me speechless, and seeing him sitting behind his cherry oak desk looking all professional, is no different. Forcing myself to breathe, I take in his amused expression and decide to give him one of my own.

He chuckles softly, making them butterflies from before flutter. “You look refreshed, Miss Carter, did you enjoy your nap?” I hop up on the desk in front of him, careful not to ruffle his papers. A deep groan escapes his lips and a thrill runs through me, enjoying the enticing game I now find myself playing. “My sleep was just fine, Mister Lewis,” I emphasize his name, knowing it’ll drive him crazy, “and how has your evening been?” I give him a sultry look then slowly slide my hand to his thigh. “You’re playing with fire here sweetheart.” He says as his strong hand engulfs my wrist. Riding the high this little exchange has given me, I lean in real close and place my other hand on his other thigh, placing myself between his legs. With my mouth just inches from his, I softly mutter, “I love the burn.” before walking away. Looking back over my shoulder, I take great delight in the shocked look that’s fell across his face, and then add “Amber and I are going to town to catch up, I’ll be back in a few hours.” Without another word, I head for the front door to meet Amber.

We arrive at a small plaza right outside of Seattle. There’s a Safeway grocery store and a Dollar Tree. Nestled between the two is Alexander’s Pub. Reminds me of one of those family-owned hole in the wall restaurants which tend to have the best food and company.

We head inside where my suspicions are confirmed, it is indeed a little hole in the wall place. First thing I see when we walk in is an old worn looking bar with maybe twelve to fifteen bar stools surrounding it. More than half are occupied. The bartender looks up as we enter; he’s got a beer mug in one hand and a towel in the other, drying the inside of the mug. “Welcome to Alexander’s, please help yourself to a seat and I’ll be right with you,” he says in a very scripted voice. Charming.

Looking around, I notice the place is practically empty, the only people here are the ones seated at the bar. We head for a booth in the back corner and as we approach, I get an unsettling feeling like I’m being watched. Glancing around, no one stands out, but every hair on my body stands at attention and I’m on high alert. This doesn’t feel right.

I take the seat against the back wall so I have a full view of the entire place and can keep an eye on everything going on. I’m starting to feel very paranoid, and I know it’s just the fear from what happened a few weeks ago, so I try and calm myself down. Breathe, Lacey, Breathe, you are fine. I tell myself over and over like my own little mantra. I take a deep breath and try to divert my attention to Amber. She sits down across from me, and I take in her appearance for the first time today. I notice she has her hair piled on top of her head in one of those messy buns. I never can seem to get them things right, but on her, it looks perfect. Her clothes are actually on the subtle side today which surprises me. She’s in a pair of skinny jeans and a blue tank top. There’s hardly any makeup on her face making her look even more beautiful than she did before. Honestly, if you don’t need it, why wear it? And she definitely doesn’t need it, she’s beautiful.

BOOK: Finding Home: A Club Dark Novel
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