Firefight: The Soul Scorchers MC (The Scorched Souls Serial-series Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Firefight: The Soul Scorchers MC (The Scorched Souls Serial-series Book 2)
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Reaching out, I grabbed her wrist, forcing her to look at me. She leaned over and brushed her lips against mine. “I’ll go check on the boys. They can’t wait to see you.”

Even with my leg bandaged and sore as fuck, and my cracked ribs wrapped tight, her soft kiss stoked the flame burning between us – a flame that burned hotter every day. I didn’t know how I’d manage with my injuries, but I’d find a way to possess her pussy before the day’s end. I whispered my intentions in her ear.

Her eyes widened and she glanced nervously between my father and Doc, both who were watching our interaction closely. “All right then. I’ll be back,” she pledged, her voice sounding breathy.

“You better be. This won’t take long,” I shot a disapproving glance at my dad.

The minute the door clicked behind her, he exploded. “What the fuck, Boone? I told you not to fuck her. It was an order not a suggestion. What is it with this bitch? I get it she’s gorgeous, but you’ve been with plenty of women just as attractive. It’s like she has a golden pussy or something.”

Doc chuckled.

Bones turned on him. “Give me some time with my son.”

The doctor raised his hands. “Shit, man. Don’t shoot me. And don’t get him pissed off. He’s still my patient.”

“Out,” Bones growled, pointing at the door.

With Doc gone, he pulled a chair next to my bedside and launched into his well-rehearsed spiel. “You’re fucking up. Everyone can see it. Some of the guys are even questioning your ability to lead. I don’t have to tell you how serious a problem that is.”

I didn’t bother responding, and he took my silence as agreement and continued. “Olympia Olsen has fucked with your mind. When you were unconscious, after the fight, we took a vote…”

“You had church and voted without me?” Now it was my turn to rage. “You don’t see any problem with that? And what about that body? You should have let us deal with it instead of inviting a known contract killer into our clubhouse. Did you even bother to vote on that decision?”

I’d never wanted to knock my dad out more than I did in that moment. It was probably a good thing I could barely move, or we’d be testing our fighting abilities outside the ring.

It appeared my critical questions had hit their mark. His gaze darkened and his face blazed with barely contained fury. “One more mistake. One more negative situation connected to Olympia Olsen, and she’s gone.”

“Then I’m gone.”

The shock on Bone’s face reflected how I felt after saying those three short words.

Was I so buzzed on my pain meds that I’d lost my mind?

“You’d just up and leave your club and your kids for a woman who is gonna hate you the minute she remembers who you really are and how you screwed with her life?”

“Nope. I’m taking my boys too. We’ll go to another chapter. Didn’t you say you were concerned about the club in Hood River? I could go check them out and get away from here till things cooled down.” A sense of peace stole over me as soon as I made the offer. It was perfect; just me and the boys, and Olympia, far away from this town and all its crazy bullshit.

Bones let out a heavy sigh, his anger subsiding. “You really like this girl, don’t you?”

I nodded, not bothering to tell him my feelings had far surpassed the ‘like’ phase.

It seemed he was already well aware of that fact. “You had to go and fall in love with the one woman you should be avoiding like the plague. I’ll admit; she’s damn good with those boys, and most of the guys like her. They just don’t like the way trouble follows her around. The club comes first, son. You know that. No female can get in the way of the commitment you made to your brothers.”

I met his gaze. I couldn’t say what I wanted, because the truth would send him over the edge. 

But I sure as hell could think it.

For the first time in my life, I wasn’t certain my brothers were more important than my kids and the one woman I’d ever truly loved.

It might be difficult, but I could survive without the club. I knew for a fact, I didn’t want to even try surviving without Olympia and my boys.

“Son, you might not believe it, but I want you to be happy, but I gotta do what’s best for this MC. We’ll try to make it work, but one more Olympia-centered crisis and she’s gone, with or without you. That’s your choice to make.”

I’d already made my choice. I intended to tell Olympia the truth. Tonight.


I watched as Boone hugged JV and Joey goodnight. It was glaringly apparent his positive attention impacted them like nothing else could. They needed their father. While we’d been hiding out at the cabin, he had made time to talk with both boys on the phone every night, listening to their stories and offering advice. That was the side of Boone I’d fallen for; the amazing sex didn’t hurt either.

His eyes met mine over JV’s head. He winked; something he’d been doing a lot of before Ringo’s assault.

I had to smile. Every wink, smile, playful smirk and heated glance acted like an illicit drug to my system, sending shockwaves that radiated through my entire body. I wondered how he would make good on his promise to
my pussy. He never failed to deliver, but I suspected this time would be unique, putting me in the position to control our encounter.

He looked exhausted, even following three nights of drug-induced sleep. His injuries were significant, but they could have been so much worse.

My thoughts flipped to the cause of Boone’s suffering. I wished the bullet that had stopped Ringo’s knife would have lodged in his heart rather than his shoulder. I hated the man, and I’d only just meant him.

Boone had, without doubt, been an unapologetic womanizer, using women for his personal pleasure and discarding them like trash…but Ringo, he was something altogether different, something deadly.

From what I’d gathered, Boone hadn’t held women in very high regard, but Ringo, he downright hated anyone without a dick, considering women inferior and to be used to satisfy his every whim. I was certain my name had landed at the top of his most-hated list. He would surely blame me for everything that had transpired, starting with the now infamous beer-pouring incident and ending with his thwarted knife attack.

“Mom, are you okay?” JV stared at me with wide, worried eyes.

“Oh, sweetie. I’m just tired, as I’m sure your dad is. I’ll walk you downstairs…”

Joey interrupted me, “No, I can do it. Grinch is waiting for us anyway.”

I glanced at Boone. He gave a barely visible nod.

“I’m sorry. I forget how grown up you are,” I directed my comment at Joey and then kissed them both on their heads. “Sweet dreams.”

“You too, mom.” JV grinned. “Dad, hurry up and get better.”

“I’ll be all right, bud, don’t worry. And, Joey, your mom’s right. I appreciate you taking more responsibility for your brother.”

“No problem,” Joey said, his face virtually glowing in response to his dad’s compliment.

JV followed Joey to the door and turned back to wave. I mimicked my best parade wave and blew him a kiss.

How would I ever get even with Boone now?
I loved all three Richards ‘men.’

I’d tried multiple times to convince myself I was acting, performing a role; when in truth, I was simply living life, and actually enjoying it for the first time since my mom’s murder.

I needed to tell Boone about my memories. No more games.

If I was serious about making this relationship work, it was time for some serious decisions. Hopefully, my big reveal would be the catalyst he needed to share the reasons for what he’d done. Once everything was out in the open, we could start fresh and move forward with our life together.

Dealing with Conner and my father wouldn’t be easy, but I’d do it. I’d played the spoiled rich bitch long enough. A four year pouting session that I blamed on my mom’s death was coming to an end. She would have been appalled by my behavior and treatment of others, where my dad’s guilt had kept him from confronting me. Meaning he and I had some long overdue conversations to look forward to. As for Conner, he would have no trouble finding a replacement wife, once news of our breakup got out.

I was curious about Boone’s conversation with his own father, but decided to wait on asking him for details. It could wait. I had a sexy man to seduce, on my terms.

“What are you plotting, Mrs. Richards?” Boone asked, sounding tired but definitely curious.

I loved it when he referred to me as ‘Mrs. Richards.’ Maybe that would be my last name someday.
One could hope.

Mr. Richards
, we have a dilemma. I have some things I want to talk over with you, but I’d also like to make you forget your pain for awhile. I’m not sure in what order to proceed.”

He chuckled. “Let me make that decision for you. My pain meds just aren’t cutting it. So, if you’ve got something to make me forget my cracked ribs and the ten inch gash in my leg, bring it on.”

The IPod dock on the dresser caught my attention. Considering he couldn’t punish me in his current condition, I would have some fun tormenting him for a change. I was a pretty good dancer, or so I’d been told. Entertaining Boone with a striptease seemed like a good start to what I had in mind.

I cued up Def Leppard’s classic,
Pour Some Sugar on Me.

Hey, hey, hey

Love is like a bomb baby c'mon get it on
Livin' like a lover with a radar phone
Lookin' like a tramp, like a video vamp
Demolition woman, can I be your man?

Razzle 'n' a dazzle 'n' a flash a little light
Television lover, baby, go all night
Sometime, anytime, sugar me sweet
Little miss ah innocent sugar me, yeah, yeah
So c'mon, take a bottle, shake it up
Break the bubble, break it up…


After the first verse, I was just feeling the beat and focusing on Boone’s expression rather than the song’s words. I swayed my hips, tossed my hair, and pivoted until my back was to him, giving him my most sultry stare as I looked over my shoulder.

Removing my top and jeans, I spun back around to face him, palming my breasts, still covered in a lacy black bra. I pinched my nipples over the sheer fabric and grinded my pelvis, keeping my gaze locked on his.

He groaned, and the sheet covering his lower body, tented with his arousal.
Thank God that impressive organ was undamaged.

With practiced precision, I reached back and released the clasp on my bra, letting it drop to the floor. My nipples hardened even more under Boone’s hungry gaze. I approached slowly, and he reached out his hand to touch me.

“No, no, no, no…” I scolded, dancing out of reach and bending forward.

I touched my toes and provided him with a picture-perfect shot of my ass.

Shimmying out of my panties, I grabbed my ass cheeks and spread myself open for his viewing pleasure.

“Holy Fuck, Sally. I need you to ride my face,” he growled.

“I suppose that can be arranged, but only if I can suck your fat cock at the same time.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my ol’ lady?”

Not bothering to answer, I mounted him, careful to avoid his injuries. I planted my pussy on his mouth and pushed off the covers, unveiling his massive erection. Wrapping my hand around its base I prepared to taste. Before my mouth reached the prize, my back bowed automatically as his tongue flicked and sucked my clit. His massive hands gripped my bottom, parting my cheeks like I’d done a minute before.

I mewled as he ran his tongue through my folds, plunging it into my cunt, using it to fuck me. By default, his nose rubbed against my puckered hole, creating a combustible sensation.

Feeling his cock thicken in my fist, prompted me into action. Matching his intensity, I devoured him like I was starving, taking him deep into my throat. He tried to lift his hips, but groaned, this time in pain. Deciding to remedy his frustration, I pulled away from his mouth right at the brink of my orgasm and moved my pussy over his shaft, still facing his feet.

I’d heard stories about reverse cowgirl from my sexually active friends, and I wanted to see what they’d been raving about. It didn’t take long to figure out they hadn’t been exaggerating.

With Boone’s hands squeezing my ass, I circled my hips, undulating against him, controlling our pace.

“Oh babe, your ass looks so fucking sweet. When I get better, I’m going to fuck that tight hole all over again.”

Just the thought of him pounding me facedown, against the bed at the cabin, increased my pleasure, ripping a ragged moan from my throat.

I rose up, until only the head of his cock remained inside me, and then slid back down. Kneading my breasts, I repeated the move, slow and steady, until I was ready to explode.

“I’m going to come, Boone. Fucking come inside me,” I hissed, arching back and rubbing my clit while I continued to grind against him.

“That’s right, play with your pussy. I’m gonna fucking come in your tight cunt. I’m gonna fill you full of me.”

His dirty talk sent me over the edge. My womb clutched, releasing wave after wave of penetrating, mind-shattering pulses.

“Now! Take it!” Boone commanded, before flooding me with his hot cum, his fingers digging into my hips. “My pussy, this is my fucking pussy.”

“Yours,” I whispered, another orgasm spiraling through me. This time I screamed, my words incoherent.

Rather than collapsing on him, like I wanted, I moved carefully to his side, covering his mouth with mine. I tasted myself on his tongue and moaned, kissing him like a first and last kiss rolled into one, the last kiss as Sally and the first as Olympia.

When we finally parted, he gave me a sheepish grin. “Don’t think this you-in-control sex is the norm. I only let you take charge because I am a tad incapacitated at the moment.”

I giggled and kissed his chin, the few days of stubble making him even sexier. “I can name one thing in perfect working order.” I let my gaze travel to the source of my compliment.

“Thank God for that.” He kissed me again. “I want us to talk, but what I have to say is serious and important, and I’m ready to pass out. Tomorrow? I know you had something to share too, right?”

“It can wait. Tomorrow is good. You need your sleep.” As much as I wanted to blurt out the truth, the timing needed to be right. His eyelids were already drooping.

“Goodnight, Boone.” I snuggled into his shoulder.

“Night, babe.”


Half asleep and still groggy from the pain medication, warm lips around my cock pulled me slowly to the edge of consciousness. I could get used to this vanilla sex, at least with Olympia.

I hadn’t lived as a Dom with a true sub for awhile now; even so, sex without restraints and toys was a new thing, and I liked it…a lot more than I ever expected to.

That didn’t mean I didn’t want to see Olympia bound and gagged on The Dungeon’s main stage, accepting my punishing pain. In fact, as soon as I shared my secrets and was well enough to command her body, we’d make a trip to my old stomping grounds so I could show her off.

With that picture in mind, I slipped my hands into her hair and hissed, “That feels so fucking good, babe.”

Why shouldn’t I enjoy vanilla? The flavor wasn’t as ordinary as I’d originally thought.

Her hand cupped my balls and her tongue pressed harder against the underside of my cock, effectively shutting down any rogue thoughts. My focus tunneled to one thing only – what her wet, warm mouth was capable of. And
, I was going to explode if she kept it up.

Squeezing my balls harder, she took my cock all the way to the back of her throat and didn’t even gag. 
Holy Fuck.
Olympia had become a cock sucking queen.

“Can’t wait. Gonna fucking come.” I erupted a second later, shooting off deep inside her throat.

She gulped down every drop like it was a fucking delicacy.

“That’s it. Swallow it, babe. Taste what you do to me.”

“What the hell is going on in here?” Olympia’s voice shrilled from across the room.

I opened my eyes, confused.
How is she yelling at me and sucking my dick at the same time?

She wasn’t sucking my dick.

Twila was.

Her shirt was off, exposing her fake tits. She smiled up at me and licked her lips.

“Get the fuck off me!” I shouted, shoving her away.

“Some appreciation…”

“Get out!” I repeated.

BOOK: Firefight: The Soul Scorchers MC (The Scorched Souls Serial-series Book 2)
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