Read First Beast Online

Authors: Faye Avalon

Tags: #panthers;shape-shifters;menage-a-trois;Cornwall;England;UK;shifter;journalist;small town

First Beast (12 page)

BOOK: First Beast
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Her pussy felt soaked with her own arousal and her fingers itched to touch Caleb's heated flesh. Before she could move, he slid his hands around her hips and caught hold of her backside, easing her against him so that the bulge of his cock pressed against her core.

Keeping her eyes on Caleb, she gasped as Joshua's hands slid up her sides to cup her breasts, his thumbs brushing lightly over her hardened peaks.

She raised her chin as Caleb's head lowered, offering herself up for his kiss. She felt as if she were floating outside her body somehow, as if this was happening in a dream, a peculiar yet pleasurable dream.

Caleb slanted his mouth over hers, and she closed her eyes. The kiss was surprisingly gentle. So gentle that some of her nerves disappeared. Lost in his kiss, she only vaguely felt Joshua brush aside her hair, his mouth pressing against her neck, tongue sliding up to flick at her earlobe.

Her pussy throbbed, her hands moving seemingly of their own accord to rest on Caleb's hips. She felt the slide of cloth against her palms, her fingers brushing the edge of his belt.

With adept ease, Caleb hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around him. She grabbed frantically for his neck, pressing her pussy hard against his erection. He kissed her again, turning with her in his arms and moving to the bed. She heard a sound to the side and knew it must be Joshua, although she was so lost in Caleb she couldn't bear to open her eyes and break the magic.

Somewhere inside her the little voice sounded off loud and clear. Her focus should be on her husband. Her
husband. Making sure Joshua was okay. She and Caleb had spent last night together. Alone. While Joshua had gotten into a fight. It was only fair that Joshua should take the lead now, that he be the one to carry her to the bed, that he be the one to drive this need in her.

Yet, for some reason, she couldn't give voice to the nagging of her conscience.

Caleb lowered her to the bed and still she felt reluctant to release her hold on his neck, to fall bereft of his kiss. As they stared at each other, Caleb straightened up and Joshua leaned over her.

His kiss wasn't as gentle as Caleb's. Instead, he took her mouth with a ferocity that usually thrilled her, but now only paled when compared to what she had experienced with Caleb.

Before she had time to reason it out, Joshua trailed his mouth down her neck, across her collarbone and farther down until he captured her breast.

As his tongue flicked across the hard bud, her gaze slid to Caleb. He stood rigid beside the bed, his eyes hard and uncompromising. A tick started along his jaw and she knew he was grinding his teeth together. Keeping his eyes on hers, he reached over his head and grabbed the back of his shirt. In one easy movement, he pulled it off, his muscled chest slick and heaving with each deep breath he took.

She imagined
mouth on her breast. The flick of
tongue across her nipple. The weight of
body above hers.

Beneath the deep green, his eyes glowed golden. She wondered if it was from lust or anger. Perhaps a little of both, her fevered mind decided, and she closed her eyes against Caleb's heated stare. This was his idea. It was because of his demands, his insistence that they share her. He'd simply have to get used to seeing Joshua make love to her.

She opened her eyes as Joshua moved farther down her body, his hot mouth grazing a languorous path to her pussy. She wouldn't think. She would only feel.

Emptying her mind, she opened her legs for Joshua, jolting as his mouth pressed to her core. A deep groan came to her as if in a dream. She didn't know if it belonged to Joshua or Caleb. Told herself she didn't care.

The pressure built fast, her pussy lips vibrating beneath her husband's mouth. She felt strangely distanced, as if what was happening was outside her, beyond some invisible barrier that helped form a distance between the physical sensations and the pull of an emotional connection.

The barrier shattered when Caleb's mouth closed over her breast, when his hand cupped the other and his thumb brushed determinedly across her tight nipple. His tongue lapped roughly across the hardened peak, pushing chills of desire through her body and down toward where Joshua's tongue pressed urgently.

She glanced down at Caleb. He worked his tongue roughly across her tight bud, before taking her nipple between his teeth and nipping lightly. She met his meaningful gaze, the possessive look in his eyes. He bit down harder, breaking the final thread of her control. She came on a startled cry.

Joshua's tongue pressed deep into her pussy. She arched, cried out. Her orgasm was relentless as the two men kept up their ruthless pace. Desperately, she tried to focus on Joshua, but it was Caleb who invaded her thoughts. It was Caleb's image that shone bright in her imagination. Caleb's arms she wanted around her. It was Caleb's touch her aching body needed as she shivered down from lusty heights.

She squeezed her eyes shut in the hope she could dismiss Caleb from her head.

Oh hell. What was happening to her?

The sensation of two strong arms lifting her cut off her thoughts. On her knees, she opened her eyes and found Caleb in front of her. At some stage while she'd been deep in her post-orgasmic stupor, he'd removed his trousers and now his erection pressed large and determined against her pussy.

From behind, Joshua wrapped his arms around her and tugged until she was lying in his arms against the pillows. Joshua's cock pressed against her ass and he shifted her slightly so that his length slid along her crease. Sliding his hands down her stomach, he settled his fingers against her inner thighs. Slowly, he drew her legs open, pulling up against her thighs and encouraging her to bend her knees. Fully exposed to Caleb's hot scrutiny, she tried to draw her legs together, but Joshua's hold tightened.

“He gets to go first, babe,” he whispered in her ear. “It's his right…as leader.”

Talia knew she should protest, or at the very least make it known that she should have a say in who got to go first. But right then, as Caleb wrapped his hand around his cock and pressed forward to guide it into her, she seemed to be struck dumb.

The dull press of his head against her heated entrance made her gasp. He met her gaze and, determined not to give in to the desire for his possession, Talia turned her head away.

“Look at me,” he demanded, his cock pressing forward another inch. “Damn it, you'll look at me.”

Determined to hold out against the intense desire for him that stormed through her, Talia refused to comply. Joshua still held her legs apart, although the pressure eased. Her pussy throbbed, fierce heat flooding her pelvis so badly that she positively ached for Caleb's penetration. For the release that he could give her.

Damn it to hell and back. Why, oh why, did she feel this way?

“You agreed to this.” It was Joshua's voice echoing in her ear. “It's too late to change your mind.”

She knew that, but it didn't stop her annoyance levels rising at Joshua's reasonable tone. What had happened to the man who had seemed so against this arrangement? The one who had gotten into a fight because he couldn't stand the thought of her with another man?

If he could behave as if this was suddenly acceptable and reasonable, then why shouldn't she? While part of her felt guilty that she could actually enjoy the physical side of their bargain, perhaps there was no real need to put up that barrier any longer.

That proverbial bed had been made, so why shouldn't she simply allow herself to enjoy lying on it? Literally.

She turned her head and met Caleb's gaze. Reaching down to where Joshua's hands lay on her thighs, she covered his hands with her own and widened her bent legs.

Only a hint of a smile softened Caleb's mouth. He brushed the head of his cock against her heat, and her belly tightened, her pulse escalated.

Joshua's hands slid around the back of her thighs. He raised her legs away from the bed, opening her up further.

Caleb pressed forward, his thick length filling her inch by inch. He took it slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. For want of something to grasp, Talia wrapped her fingers around Joshua's upper arms, squeezing hard as Caleb pushed deep. She arched, tried not to vocalize her pleasure, but the feeling was too intense. He filled her, his full length and girth stretching her to the limit, and she cried out. He began to pump, to thrust. Slowly at first, then harder, faster.

“Shit,” Joshua muttered, as his fingers dug into her thigh and his chest heaved. Against the crease of her backside, his hard cock throbbed. “Fucking…hell.”

Maybe Joshua's declaration should have pleased her, given her some reprieve from the layer of guilt that still hummed inside her. But in truth she couldn't allow herself that privilege. This had to be wrong. She had been brought up to believe in the concept of one man, one woman. A marriage between two people. That she not only had broken that human moral code, but was actually enjoying the consequences of breaking it, required that she continue to fight against these burgeoning feelings. She closed her eyes, as if to hold back the surge of desire, of wanton craving for a man she shouldn't want.

Seconds later Caleb tensed above her, and she felt herself being hurled over a precipice, into the abyss where she simply floated in a kaleidoscope of color and sensation as Caleb's seed pumped into her.

For long moments, they breathed heavily, each trying to get their heart rates down. Talia looked up at him, one hand braced on the outside of her hip, the other on her bent knee. She wished they were alone, that he would lie next to her, pull her into his arms the way he had the previous night. Instead, he remained on his knees and eased out of her. Turning away, he moved off the bed and went straight to the bathroom.

Talia tried to draw her legs together but Joshua held her thighs. “My turn.”

“I need to visit the bathroom.” She scrambled up, her whole body languid and heavy. She kept her eyes averted as Caleb came out of the bathroom and she went in. Needing a few moments to compose herself, she leaned against the counter and faced her reflection in the mirror.

Face flushed. Eyes shining. Nipples red and hard. She slid her hand down between her legs, to her tender pussy lips. From deep inside her came the realization that no man had ever touched her like Caleb did. That no man had ever made her feel so…complete.

Her earlier guilt about betraying Joshua, about marrying outside the normal cultural bounds of propriety, vanished like hot breath on cold air. Now, having psyched herself up to go back in there and have Joshua make love to her, she felt as if she were betraying Caleb.

Hell. What a mess.

Don't think. Don't feel
. That was the only way she would survive this.

With that realization in mind, she washed herself briefly, and returned to the bedroom.

Caleb sat on the edge of the bed, while Joshua was as she'd left him. Lounged on his back, with his erection at full mast.

Still, she refused to look at Caleb, but went onto the bed and straddled Joshua. He gave her a slow grin, settling his hands around her hips to shift her off him.

“Same deal, baby.”

She didn't have time to ask what he meant, as Caleb's arms came around her from behind and drew her back against him. Unlike Joshua, he sat up straight against the footboard and drew her into his lap. He draped her legs over his, and cupped her breasts.

“You okay?” His voice was only a murmur, so soft she knew he meant it only for her.

She nodded, her nipples pebbling beneath the slow slide of his thumbs. Against her ear, his lips nibbled and stroked.

She placed her hands over his, enjoyed the gentle kneading motion he set up. She wanted him again, but it was Joshua who came to kneel in front of her.

Against her back, she could feel the thump of Caleb's heart. Strangely, it settled her. After a few moments, Caleb widened his legs, stretching her open to Joshua's gaze.

Joshua placed his hands against her knees and pushed them up. “Hold her open,” he demanded irritably of Caleb. “Same fucking deal. We agreed.”

Tension-filled moments passed as Joshua glared over her shoulder at Caleb, until Caleb's hands came around the backs of her knees and he held her legs open and wide.

As if to mirror Caleb, Joshua held his cock and pressed it against her opening. He started to push forward, and Caleb kissed the side of her neck. She closed her eyes, intent on focusing on the soft mouth, the teasing tongue, the gentle nibble of teeth along her ear lobe.

Caleb continued to knead her breasts as Joshua grabbed her hips and yanked them high. He thrust hard, fast. His teeth clenched together, eyes squeezed closed. He continued to drag her hips until she came out of Caleb's arms and lay flat on the bed while Joshua pumped into her. He grabbed her ankles, pushing her knees higher and stretching her wide open. His cock pressed hard, his thrusts like pistons as his frenzied cries filled the room.

He came hard, filling her with a hard grunt and one last determined thrust before he emptied.

Talia lay dazed as Joshua slumped half across her. With his heavy weight, she could barely breathe and her lungs pumped desperately for air.

Then the pressure lifted and she hauled in oxygen, watching as Joshua was virtually hurled from the bed. She hiked up on her elbows to see Caleb and Joshua facing each other.

“That wasn't how it was supposed to work.”

Joshua shrugged off Caleb's grip on his arm. “She's my wife. I decide how to fuck her, not you.”

“What exactly is going on?” Talia's firm demand had both men turning to face her. “I've had just about enough of you two,” she said, pulling the duvet around her. “So why don't you start explaining, in full detail, exactly what's with all these agreements and decisions you seem to have made without my input. And what the hell this macho display is all about.”

BOOK: First Beast
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