Read Fitness 4Play: One Night Stand (Novel 1) Online

Authors: Marcus Woods

Tags: #african amercian fiction, #contemporary adult romance, #romance africanamerican contemporary, #contemporary adult love stories, #fiction erotic romance, #african america erotic romance, #romance about a man, #contemporary adult books with sex, #erotica 2015

Fitness 4Play: One Night Stand (Novel 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Fitness 4Play: One Night Stand (Novel 1)
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"Yeah, she sure is." I got up and went back
outside with my dad. A million thoughts are running through my
head. The most prominent is if I am the father of Keisha's alleged
child, how will I break this unsettling news to Lucy? I have to
handle this Keisha-baby situation soon or it will damage my
relationship with Lucy long-term.

I'm proud of my dad for making a complete 180
with his life by conquering his personal issues. Now, it seems I
need to conquer a personal issue.

Chapter 13
Woe Is Me

(J-Shin "One Night Stand" playing
in the background)

What a way to begin a Saturday. My eyes
fixate on the bedroom ceiling since waking up. It's as if I'm
waiting on God to come down and tell me my next move. I can't
believe I could be a father from a one night stand. This shit isn't
right. My phone been ringing non-stop. I'm apprehensive to talk to
anybody, especially Lucy. What if she finds out before getting a
chance to tell her? There is no way I'm letting that happen. I need
to talk to someone ASAP about this matter because this "woe is me"
attitude does not fit me.

I proceed to dial Greg's number. The phone
rings a few times before he picks up.

"Hello," says Greg.

"Hey playa. What are you up too?" I ask,
trying to conceal the anxiety in my voice.

"Ah, nothing much,. My wife has gone to work
and I'm off today. What's up?"

"Ok cool. Well when you get a chance, stop by
today. I got something important to discuss with you."

"Hmm. Ok. Is everything alright?"

"Wellllll not really. That's what I need to
talk to you about."

"Ok. Well I will be over there in less than
an hour."

"Aight. I appreciate this G."

"No problem Dab. See you shortly."

"Aight." I hang up the phone.

I'm fortunate to have a supportive friend
like Greg with whom I can discuss personal issues. He's aware about
all the issues I ever encountered, especially with the opposite
sex. This Keisha issue is the biggest one of them all. Baby or not,
I refuse to let her delusional ass impede the progress I'm making
in life. I hope Greg brings some popcorn, because this mess only
happens in the movies.


"What? She said that? At your dad's party in
your mama's crib?" Greg asks. His pupils dilate through his
glasses. He arrived 30 minutes ago. I filled him in on every detail
I could think of regarding this ordeal between Keisha and I.

"Yes playa. It's crazy as hell ain't it? All
this drama is from a one-night stand. A fucking one night stand!" I
exclaim, shaking my head in disbelief.

"But wait a minute. Have you even seen the

"Not at all. That's why I said it is alleged
I have a son. I haven't even seen a pic or anything yet."

Greg strokes his chin. Suddenly, he blurts
out, "I know how to prove it! Does she have a Facebook page?"

The imaginary light bulb came on over my
head. I recognize where Greg was going with this. I have been so
distraught; it never crossed my mind to check her Facebook page to
verify her son's existence.

I grab my laptop and log into Facebook.
Surprisingly, we never were Facebook friends so I had to search for
her. Not knowing her last name, I scrolled through all the Keisha's
in the Memphis area. After 20 minutes of searching profiles, I
found her.

"Here she goes G. Keisha 'Missy' Johnson.
That's her crazy ass," I said. Greg starts laughing. She is by
herself in a profile picture. Most new mothers have a photo of
their child in the profile pic. So far, so good!

"Okay. Well let's do some investigating and
see what we can find," says Greg.

"Cool. Let's do that."

We began checking Keisha's photo album. Most
women have pictures of their kid(s) somewhere in their Facebook
photos. After scrolling through various pictures, we stumble upon
some of her holding an infant. My heart sunk like the Titanic. Greg
and I simultaneously glance at each other and said "Damn!" We probe
through the pictures in hopes of it being someone else's baby to no
avail. In some of her captions, she mentions the child was her
"Little Antwan." In some of her past statuses, she refers to
herself as "a single parent." All I could do is stare at the laptop
screen. Life sucks at this moment.

"Wow. Seems like Keisha was telling the
truth," I mutter.

"Yeah, it seems like she is but guess what?
Greg asks.


"That does not mean the child is yours."

"True. I just don't know G. I wish I wouldn't
have mess with this girl at all. But if Antwan is mine, I don't
want to be a deadbeat dad."

I examine pictures of the baby to determine
if we share any resemblance. To me, most babies don't favor their
parents until they get a few years older. Since Antwan is less than
a year old, I can't say if he does or doesn't favor me.

"Hmm. I don't know G. I can't tell if the
child looks like me."

"Well look. You can't do anything today since
it's the weekend. But soon, you should schedule to get a paternity
test. You don't want this situation to linger too long."

"Yeah, you are right. I can't sweep this
under the rug. I will get the paternity test soon. I just hate I
got to contact Keisha to do all of that."

"I know. But that's life Dab. Sometimes we
have do things we don't want to do in order to be in the place we
want to be."

"True. Well thanks for coming over and
helping me figure out my next move."

"No problem." One more question before I


He chuckles before asking, "How in the hell
you didn't know that wasn't Lucy on top of your face?"

"Mane, I'm still asking myself that too.
Keisha and Lucy isn't too far from weight and height. Again, I was
blindfolded. All I know was some pussy was in my face. I assume it
was my woman's." We both laugh.

"Only shit like this happens to you Dab."

I shook my head. We stand and exchange
friendly hugs. Greg exits my house.

I lay on my white sofa and recollect the
advice Greg gave me. He is right. The only way I'm going to get
Keisha out of my life is to prove Antwan isn't mine. I turn on the
TV in hopes of finding a good comedy movie. My phone rings. Lucy is
calling me again. This is her fourth time calling today. After
talking with Greg, I feel well enough to talk. I answer the

"Hey babe," I respond.

"Hey stranger. I've been trying to reach you
all day. Is everything alright?" asks Lucy. I hear the concern in
her voice. If she only knew. Now isn't the right time to

"I'm good. Just been catching up on some
rest. What's up?"

"Ok. I'm glad to hear you're alright. Anyway,
I miss you and would like to come see you."

Aw baby. I miss you too. Actually, I got the
perfect idea for a date."

"What's that?"

"Well that's for me to know and you to find

"Devin. You know I hate surprises."

I know but you will love this surprise. Just
meet me downtown by the river at 6pm."

"Ok. Is there anything particular you want me
to bring?"

"Just three things: You, yourself and Lucy."
Lucy giggles.

"Boy, you're crazy. Well I will definitely
see you then."

"Alright babe. I love you.

Aw. You said I love you first. I always say
it first."

"I know. Got to switch it up from time to
time." She laughs.

"Alright crazy. Well I love you too. Bye."
She blew a kiss in the phone.

"Ok. See you at 6pm." I blew a kiss back in
the phone before hanging up.

I refuse to let Keisha's baby allegations
affect my relationship with Lucy. This evening, I am getting back
to romantic times with my woman.

Chapter 14
Picnic on the River

(Rick James & Teena Marie
"Fire and Desire" playing in the background)

"Aw baby. So this was your plan? A picnic on
the river, that's so sweet," Lucy said excitedly.

I made sure to get there before 6pm so I
could surprise her with the picnic near the Mississippi River. A
blue and gray Memphis Tigers blanket lays over the grass with a
wooden picnic basket in the center. The basket contains an
assortment of fruits, vegetables, and small deli sandwiches. In
addition, because it is warm, I brought a bottle of OFF bug spray
because mosquitoes love dark meat.

In a few months, we celebrate the one-year
anniversary of the day we met. Yet, it feels like I have known her
longer. Our emotional connection is genuine. I can converse with
her for hours about literally anything… except sports. Before
meeting Lucy, I would have bet the Mackmobile that I would met
Bigfoot before meeting my so-called "soul mate." Hell, before Lucy,
I could not even fathom the thought of referring to some female as
my soul mate. But here I am enjoying a romantic picnic on a
splendid spring evening with my…soul mate.

Lucy lays her head on my chest as I wrap my
muscular arms around her. We both sit on the blanket while staring
at the sky. The sun is slowly fades out of view as nightfall
settles over the Mighty Mississippi River. The coolness of each
breeze whistles across the river. If I could make three wishes to a
genie, it would be unlimited opulence, to never meet Keisha, and to
preserve this weather wherever I travel.

I lean in towards Lucy. "So Ms. Jackson, how
are you enjoying your river picnic with moi?"

"I'm enjoying it. I must say you continue to
surprise me Mr. Banks," Lucy replies, gazing up at me. Her
sparkling light brown eyes illuminates through the nightfall.

"Oh really? So how do I continue to surprise
you?" She pauses to gather her thoughts.

"Well, you carry yourself in an unpretentious
manner and there is certain air about you that I do not expect from
men in their 20s." Lucy sits up until we are at eye level. She
grabs my hand.

"To be honest, that night we met at The
Premiere, I knew there was something about you. Your aura. Your
demeanor. I was feeling you. I could tell that you were younger
than I was but that didn't matter. And it's crazy because I always
dated older men.

"Oh I see. Let me guess. Because of their
maturity level right?"

She nods her head. "Yep, but you want to know
the crazy thing Devin?"

"What's that?"

"You are more mature than a lot of men who
are in their 30s and 40s."

"Really? That's interesting." I wasn't
surprised. Lucy was not the first woman to tell me such. Some
fellas never learn how to grow up. I see 50-year-old dudes wearing
cornrows like they're teenagers!

"Yes. It's unfortunate. But what's not
unfortunate is meeting you. You have changed my life for the
better. You made me dream again."

"Hmm. Dream again of what?" I sit up in
anticipation of her next statement.

"Dream of being in love! Dream of achieving
more in life. Dream of becoming the woman I've always wanted to

"Wow. I didn't know I had such a profound
effect on you. Well not like that," I utter, seductively. Lucy
laughs while shaking her head. She knows I can get sensual at any
given moment.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, sir." She
snuggles in my arms and I get a whiff of her perfume. This woman
always smells wonderful and that's a big turn-on.

"Negative. I can't do that unless you get
unsexy." She giggles.

"Unsexy? Dab, you are too crazy."

"I'm just saying. That's what it's gonna

"Ok. Well I guess I will have to put up with
your smooth butt, huh?"

"Yes ma'am." We lean towards each other and
French kiss. Another turn-on is the softness of Lucy's lips. This
woman must have a lifetime supply of lip balm because her lips are
always moist.

Afterwards, we cuddle while observing the
formation of stars in the night sky.

Downtown Memphis tends be a busy location but
it was tranquil this evening. Background noise of vehicles
whistling back and forward didn't matter. Lucy captivated my
attention. The night belongs to us. Two lovebirds nestled under the
watchful eye of the Mississippi River. The Keisha-baby situation
and all other of life issues ceased to exist. The first time I
shared a picnic on the river with Ms. Lucy Dangah Jackson is a
night I will never forget.

Chapter 15
Don't Run Away From Your Problems, Run Towards

(Usher "Yeah" playing in the

"C'mon Bridgette! Hit it! Hit it! Get that
shit girl!" I exclaim.

"Aww! Shit! Shit!" Bridgette retorts.

"C'mon girl! Keep going deep!"

"Damn it Devin! Damn you!"

"I know girl. You almost there."


"That's what the hell I'm talking about! Now
that's how you get it!"

I complete a personal training session. To
witness a female client push hard through one of my workouts is a
turn-on (if she is attractive). Lately, personal training serves as
a mental escape from this Keisha fiasco. Despite blocking her
number, Keisha calls me from unlisted numbers. I'm positive she is
stalking me too. The other night, when Lucy and I left this
restaurant, a car sped by us before we got to my vehicle. The car
resembled Keisha's red 2010 Nissan Altima. Lucy thought it was just
another crazy Memphis driver. She definitely got the crazy part

"Devin, you show know how to work a girl
over," Bridgette says, wiping sweat off of her forehead.

"Hey. What can I say? That's why you hired me
for," I say, smiling.

My coffee-brown eyes take delight to
Bridgette's curvy shape. She wants to lose about 10 pounds to look
good for the summer. A small stomach pudge didn't affect her
gorgeousness. She stood 5 foot 2, 145lb, dark brown skin
complexion, long dreads, and thick thighs that could probably crush
my neck if I were in-between them. Oh boy. Let me get my mind out
of the gutter.

BOOK: Fitness 4Play: One Night Stand (Novel 1)
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