Read Flickering Light (Return To Avalore Book 0) Online

Authors: Elianne Adams

Tags: #paranormal erotic romance

Flickering Light (Return To Avalore Book 0) (2 page)

BOOK: Flickering Light (Return To Avalore Book 0)
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Clay took her mouth again in a wild mating of tongues, leaving them both breathless. He nipped at her lips, easing the sting with his tongue before plundering her mouth again and again. By the time he’d moved them from the entry to his room, his clothes were gone, left scattered along the way.

“Are you certain this is what you want? Goddess help me, if it’s not, I will find a way to stop.” And he would. He didn’t know how, but he would not take what she wasn’t willing to give. His body shook with restraint as he brought her down to the bed, holding his weight on his elbows on either side of her. She’d never hinted at wanting the Elders to name her mate. Hadn’t alluded to wanting more, and he hadn’t pushed her. He’d never pressed for more than chaste kisses and light touches, but by the Goddess if he didn’t want more. He wanted it all.

“I’m certain.” She brought a finger up to his chest, then slid it down his abdomen and lower still. When she reached the soft springy curls at the base of his shaft, he closed his eyes and held his breath, yet he kept himself still. If she wanted to explore his body, so be it. He intended to do the same to her.

“Now, Clay, please. I need you.” She wrapped her fingers around his rigid flesh.

The air rushed out of his lungs, ruffling her hair as she brought a leg up to circle his hips, urging him closer, guiding him where she wanted. His moan rumbled in his throat as he lowered himself, allowing his weight to press her deeper into the mattress. For a moment he couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. Her energy slid against him like a warm tongue, lapping at his skin. Passion ignited her bright blue eyes, and he was powerless to deny her anything. The freckles peppering her nose and cheeks drew him. He wanted to kiss every single one, but she hated them, and so he resisted the urge.

Her need, borne of desperation, tore through his resistance. He couldn’t see the pain shining in her eyes and do nothing to remove it. She might hate him come morning, but damned if he wasn’t too weak to say no. With one final sigh, and one long thrust, he plunged deep.

Her nails bit into his back. Her tight channel, slick with need, encased him in moist heat. It was all he could do to keep from taking her as his gryphon demanded. She gripped him so tight, any movement would be his downfall, and he wasn’t ready for it to end. Only once her body released its stranglehold on him did he move again. He pulled back until the head of his cock remained within her, and then plunged deep again. She arched her back off the bed, her breasts jutting up in a silent offering he couldn’t resist.

He hovered over one peaked nipple, blowing against the puckered flesh, making it strain before circling it with his tongue. Her sheath contracted around him, threatening his control, but he kept the pace slow and steady, building her fire with every stroke and every lick. He kneaded the other breast, the soft weight of it fitting his hand to perfection.

Her energy merged with his, stroking every part of him as her hands raked up and down his back. He had waited, and wanted her for too long. If she kept making those soft little mewling sounds, he’d never last. On his next downward stroke, she lifted her other leg to wrap around him, pulling him in deeper, harder. Searing heat pulsed through him, the pleasure making him groan and grind against her.

“We have all night, love. No need to rush.”
He sent the soft words whispering into her mind. There was no need, but Goddess above, how he wanted to.

Her eyes grew wide as he rotated his pelvis against her, before fluttering shut again.
“Next time… we can… go slower.”
Her breathy voice slid into his mind, inflaming him further. Her fingers tangled in his hair, drawing his mouth to her breast again, tugging at the roots when he sucked her nipple into his mouth.

Her energy swirled around and through him, igniting pleasure in every cell until he couldn’t stop moving. Her body quivered around his shaft, tightening and releasing, as he drove into her harder and harder. He let go of her nipple, only to take her mouth, consuming her.

Fire raced up and down his spine, tightening his balls as he took her energy inside him. He couldn’t help it. He’d thought he could stop with the physical act alone, but something inside him snapped, demanding he take all she gave and keep it for himself. The beast within took her essence, branding it as its own with a ferocious roar. She wasn’t his to have, but it didn’t matter. In that moment, he couldn’t stop. Her light shone through him, brightening every dark place in his soul as his body rose higher and higher. His cock pulsed in time with her power. Her sheath quivered around him, milking his cock in its tight, fiery grip. The pain of her nails digging into his shoulders had him pounding into her harder and faster until all he could see were their combined energies merging in a brilliant cocoon around them. She broke the kiss, moaning and pleading for more. Her entire body stiffened in his arms. Her breath caught in her throat, and her eyes grew wide. With one long moan, she climaxed, squeezing his cock almost to the point of pain, milking it until he could no longer hold back and fell apart with her.

Clay didn't budge long after he'd gathered his wits and was able to move. He couldn’t bear the thought of looking into her eyes and seeing regret. He couldn’t stand the idea of her hating him, yet it was what he deserved. When she’d needed his strength and his restraint most, he’d not been able to provide it.

Barbara’s heart raced. Her body ached from Clay’s weight upon her, but she didn’t want him to move. She would lay there beneath him forever if she could, but they didn’t have forever. She of all people knew how little time the people of Avalore had left, and she wasn’t going to waste another minute on anything but living in the moment. The man she loved held her in his arms, and for the first time in a very long time, the pain in her heart eased so she could breathe a little, or at least she could if his chest hadn’t pinned her so snugly to the bed.

She brought her hand to the nape of his neck, running her fingernails through the hair curling there. It was so much softer than she’d expected. With a long, deep sigh, she kissed his damp temple.

His body stiffened at her delicate touch.

“I wish we could stay like this forever.” She hadn’t meant to say it aloud.

Clay turned onto his side, taking her with him. “You don’t regret what we’ve done?” His eyes clouded as he waited her response.

Shaking her head, she couldn’t help but smile. Her body had never been more alive, her spirit so overjoyed. “No, not in the least. You?”

The muscles in his back relaxed beneath her hands. “I don’t, though by rights, we both should. Our mates-”

“Our mates have not been determined.” She wouldn’t allow him to cheapen their time together. “You know as well as I do how dire the situation has become. I shall not call upon the Elders to have my mate named. My time is all but gone.” She brought a finger to his lips, silencing his protest. “This can’t come as a surprise to you, Clayton. The darkness eats at my soul. Each new dawn is more difficult than the last.” Her vision blurred. “I cannot feel anything but joy at what we’ve shared. Don’t take it away from me, please.”

He pulled her close, his breath tickling at her skin, a deep sadness dulling his eyes. “Promise me you’ll come to me before…” His voice strangled on the words.

Unwilling to cause him such grief, Barbara pressed her lips to his. She couldn’t make that promise when she wasn’t certain she’d be able to keep it again.

With a soft groan, he returned her kisses. He took his time, stroking every part of her, first with his hands, then his lips and tongue. He delved into her mind, whispering words of love as he worshiped her body. Finally spent, she fell asleep to the sounds of his deep breaths and the rise and fall of his chest beneath her cheek.

Long tendrils of muted sunlight filtered through the open window, teasing her awake. She had hoped for a new sense of purpose, a new will to go on, but even with Clay’s arm draped over her waist and the sweet tenderness lingering in her body, the whisper of darkness called to her, enticing her to give up and find rest.

The hardest thing Barbara had ever done was slip from his bed. Maybe she would be fortunate enough in the next life to be a part of his again. He’d been more than a friend, more than the lover he had just become; he had been a part of her, the best part. He’d made her laugh when she wanted to cry and dried her tears when even his best efforts hadn’t been enough to stop them from falling. Perhaps someday, he would forgive her.

Her nightgown and cape did nothing to cut the biting chill in the air. Wrapping it tight around her, she crossed the city. The castle, still standing proud after more than two decades of emptiness, loomed over Avalore like a tombstone. Few people were out at this time of the morning, and those who were didn’t bother to acknowledge her, which suited her mood fine.

She had almost made it home when Clay woke to find her gone.

“Barbara, where are you?”
Panic laced the words echoing in her mind.

“I’m nearing my home. Did you sleep well?”
She tried to shove the despair deep into her soul.

“Please, come back. We’ll talk. We can spend the day together.”

Even now, when all was bleak, his plea warmed her heart.
“Do not be afraid. I shall not perish today.”
Even to her, the reassurance was weak and empty.

“Fine, I’ll come to you.”
The little bit of grogginess he had started with was gone.
“Wait for me. I’ll be there soon.”

The moment she rounded the corner, the Erikson’s home came into view. Had she not seen the dear woman mourning the loss of her child hours before, she could almost pretend nothing had changed, and happiness still filled their home. She could fool herself into thinking the darkness threatening them all wasn’t hovering just below the surface in her own mind, swallowing her will to live with each breath she took. But she had seen, and it was there.

“Barbara.” Her neighbor, Sasha, called out to her, hurrying up the street, waving to get her attention.

“Sasha, what’s wrong?” She rushed to meet her halfway.

“Nothing, at least, nothing more than…” She shook her head, and nodded toward the Erikson’s house. “It’s the Council of Elders. They’ve come for you. They’ve been waiting hours for your return. You must hurry.”

“Why on earth are they looking for me?” Barbara couldn’t remember the last time she had heard of The Elders paying anyone a social call, least of all her.

The woman ushered her toward her front yard. “Look, there they are.”

One tall, white haired woman stood ahead of the others, waiting for Barbara to approach. Her iceberg eyes, clear and sharp, didn’t just see her, but saw through her, sending a chill down her spine.

“Miss Morgan, we’ve come with important news.” The woman’s voice carried along the breeze.

“I apologize, I wasn’t aware you were looking for me. I hope you haven’t waited long.” She nodded to the others who gathered behind their leader.

“It matters not, child. What matters is what we’ve come to discuss with you.”

“Of course. I’d be honored to welcome you into my home.” At that moment, Clay arrived. He had made the trip from his home to hers in remarkable time. He stood next to her, his eyebrows raised, lending her strength in the face of the Elders. They would never dream of harming anyone, but their presence made her edgy, and she was glad for Clay’s soothing energy.

He bowed his head, acknowledging the revered group before them.

“The Elders have come to me with news. Shall we go inside?” Without thinking twice, she included Clay as part of the group.

“There is no time to lose, child. We cannot wait another moment.” The Elder woman threw a pointed stare at Sasha who hovered nearby, sending her hustling to her own yard.

“Then by all means, please share the news you feel necessary for me to hear at such an early hour.” She drew her shoulders back.

“As you well know, we, the Council of Elders, participate in daily meditation. Yesterday, or rather in the wee hours this morning, our meditation took a most unexpected turn.” A small spark of excitement shone in the woman’s eyes. “For the first time in years, we’ve been blessed with a vision. Each of us,” she gestured to the other elders with the wave of her hand, “saw the same event.”

Unable to stay still, Barbara shuffled her feet, taking her a little closer to Clay. “What is it you saw?”

The woman took a deep breath before smiling.

Barbara’s jaw dropped and she forced it closed again. The Elders, always solemn, never smiled. Whatever the woman had come to say had brought a sparkle to her eye.

“We saw
return, child. Our Queen will return. She is lost in a faraway land, but she lives. She lives!”

“Queen Angelique lives? You’re certain?” Her gaze shot to Clay and back to the woman.

“You misunderstand; Queen Angelique is lost to us. She’s found her way into her next life, but her daughter, the child she bore when she was killed still lives.” The Elder woman’s words came out in a rush.

“How is it possible? You’re positive you’re not mistaken?” She shouldn’t question the Elders as she was, but it was so unexpected, so far from the reality they’d endured since Angelique’s death, she couldn’t keep the words from spilling out.

“Quite so, though we didn’t see the details of her departure, she is alive and will return to us. The vision was twofold, which brings us to the reason for this visit, child. Though it is not the way of our people, we must make this request of you, and ask that you please consider it.” The look the woman gave made it clear what she expected Barbara’s answer to be.

BOOK: Flickering Light (Return To Avalore Book 0)
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