Read Forbidden Blood Online

Authors: R.L. Kenderson

Forbidden Blood (11 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Blood
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’d had one serious relationship in her past, and it had been with the only other male she was ever sexually intimate. She’d met him at a vampire-only social gathering she’d attended with her parents, and they’d dated for a couple of months. She’d left the relationship with the impression that sex was so-so, and they certainly never fed from one another. When the relationship ended, there had been no real disappointment on either side, except maybe by her parents. Looking back, she realized she had probably only dated him because her parents liked him.

Naya forced herself to get out of bed. Maybe it would be best if she never saw Vaughn again. She suspected
that seeing him on a regular basis and pretending like they had a casual relationship would be hard. She could pretend watching him with other females wouldn’t bother her, but if she were honest with herself, she knew she’d be hurt.

Naya’s future mate could make could make her feel a fraction of what Vaughn had, she would be content. Maybe she wouldn’t be happy, but she’d settle for content. Her parents and the whole vampire species were counting on her to make the right decision. Unfortunately, mating with a human did not come into play.

At least she had the rest of the day to spend with Kenzie to
keep her mind off Vaughn. They would probably watch TV shows or movies and order take-out. It would be nice to hang out with her best friend and relax all day. Most nights, after Kenzie and she went out, she would usually go home before the sun came up. They normally didn’t have many chances to spend the day doing nothing together, and today provided a nice excuse to do so.

Naya made her bed, knowing she was lucky to have Kenzie. They
had known each other since college. They’d met when they were nineteen, before Naya had gone through her conversion.

Naya had developed an increased sensitivity to UV rays and could no longer survive on food alone, she had been forced to either withdraw from their friendship or take a chance to see if Kenzie would accept her being a vampire. Kenzie being Kenzie had thought it was the coolest thing, and they’d become even closer since then.

After showering, they ordered lunch, and Kenzie remarked on the silly grin Naya
was wearing on her face. She flushed red, but she couldn’t deny that Vaughn and their night together had definitely been good for her. Or maybe she’d just needed to do something a little crazy and impulsive. Maybe she needed to find her own identity, like Vaughn had said, before settling down.

er way, she hoped this content state would last because once she was mated, she couldn’t do anything like this again.



AYA come home and hurried up the stairs to wait for her. Aunt Celeste and Uncle Marek were in their bedroom getting ready for the night, and Arianna wanted a chance to talk to Naya before they did.

Arianna waited outside her room until Naya came around the corner.

“Oh,” Naya said, stopping short, momentarily surprised by Arianna’s presence outside her bedroom. “Hi, Arianna.” Despite Arianna’s unexpected visit, Naya smiled sincerely, and her posture appeared relaxed for the first time in weeks.

Arianna tried to return the look, but she dreaded the upcoming conversation. “Naya, I must speak with you right away.”

“Okay. Come on in while I put my stuff away.”

Arianna followed her in
to the room, and Naya set her things down. She turned around and glanced at Arianna’s wringing hands.

Naya wrinkled her forehead and met
Arianna’s eyes. “What’s going on?” she asked.

Arianna immediately dropped her arms and felt the blood rush
ing back into her fingers. “Would you mind if we sit?”

.” Naya gestured toward the sofa.

Once seated, Arianna grabbed Naya’s hands. “You know of Emerson Vanderbilt?”

“Yes, his parents own Vanderbilt Hotels, and his mother is on the Council. I have seen him at vampire functions, but I do not really know him well.” Naya paused and tilted her head to the side. “Arianna, why are you asking me about Emerson Vanderbilt?”

“Did you know your parents invited him over for first dinner last night? They want you to spend time
with him. They are hoping that you two will be mated.”

Naya released Arianna’s hands and collapsed back against the sofa. “I knew this day would come. I really did. In fact, I was just
thinking about it earlier. I guess a part of me thought I would have more time. I thought I was prepared. After last night…”

Last night
? “Did something happen?”

Naya gave a weak smile. “It doesn’t matter, especially in light of this news. It’s just…I thought I was actually
prepared for an arranged betrothal. But at this moment, knowing it has started, I almost feel…“ She shook her head, took a deep breath, and squared her shoulders. “It’s not important. My family and people are counting on me.”

Naya’s bottom lip quivered, and
Arianna was worried Naya might cry. Naya held her pose for several seconds before her shoulders slumped and tears streamed down her face. Tipping her head back, Naya took a few deep breaths as if trying to calm herself.

Arianna clasped her hand and sque
ezed. “Naya, it’s okay to cry.”

At first glance, A
rianna had thought Naya should be grateful for all she had. While Arianna envied her, she now realized Naya had a right to be upset. Arianna would not want a mate forced upon her for political reasons either. With this turn of events, Arianna wanted to cry along with Naya. However, Arianna could not let Naya know how she felt about Emerson.

Arianna continued to hold Naya’s hand and waited until she composed herself.

She gave Arianna a shaky smile. “Thank you.”

Naya hugged her.

Arianna noticed a hint of something beneath Naya’s normal vanilla smell. She couldn’t quite place it, but she concluded that now was not the time to worry about it.

“So, what is Emerson like?”

“Emerson is a very handsome male. He has brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He is built nicely.”

Naya’s eyebrows shot up, and Arianna flushed.

As if she had not spoken her thoughts out loud, she continued on, “He seems very pleasant. He told your parents he wanted to meet you and get to know you before accepting a betrothal. Some males would accept immediately, and I found this very kind.”

Naya looked away,
seemingly lost in thought. “Well, I’d better prepare myself. I wonder how Mother and Father expect us to get to know each other.” She turned back to Arianna and said, “Let’s go downstairs and find them, and we’ll see what they say. Thank you for the notice, Arianna.”

She offered Naya a supportive smile. “You are welcome.”

Arianna followed Naya downstairs to where Uncle Marek and Aunt Celeste were sitting in the parlor, waiting for first dinner to be served. They rose and watched the two of them enter. When Naya and her parents were together, it was obvious they were a family. Uncle Marek had blond hair, and he’d passed on the Kensington amethyst eyes to Naya. Naya had inherited her brown hair from Aunt Celeste, whose eyes were grayish-blue. Arianna’s red hair signaled her as an outsider.

“Hello, Mother.
Hello, Father.” Naya kissed each parent on the cheek.

Arianna did the same.

“Anaya, dear, we are happy to see you this evening. You didn’t come home before sunrise.”

“Yes, Mother, I’m sorry, but I’m home now. Did you have a pleasant night?” Naya smiled politely
, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“We met with Emerson Vanderbilt. You do know Emerson, don’t you, dear?”

“Yes, I’ve seen him at most of our social functions, but we’re merely polite acquaintances.”

“Well, your father and I are hoping that will change.” Aunt Celeste beamed
with happiness. “We’re considering him for your future mate, and we would like for you to get to know him better before announcing a betrothal.”

Naya gave a slight nod. “I understand.”

It astonished Arianna how well Naya could hide her displeasure from her parents. Arianna was pleased she had prepared Naya for the news.

“What do you have planned?” Naya asked.

“Your mother and I arranged for you and Emerson to have first dinner together two nights from now,” Uncle Marek said. “We know you have your…
tomorrow night. As you recall, we leave for Australia before sunrise this evening.”

Every year the King and Queen would spend two-and-a-
half months visiting the large vampire populations in Australia and New Zealand. Summer here meant winter there, providing longer nights and less sunlight to avoid.

“We will not be here to supervise
. Therefore, you will have a chaperone. We’ve asked—”

“Excuse me, Father, but why would you insist on a chaperone? You’ve never required one before, not even when I
was dating Andrew.”

“Yes, but you two rarely saw one another. The relationship
was never serious, so there was no need to supervise your harmless activities. However, Emerson could be your mate and future king. We must ensure there is no hint of impropriety. The vampire species must not be given any reason to object to this union, and your purity cannot be called into question.”

Naya paled slightly.

“As I was about to say, we have asked Arianna to be your chaperone.”

Naya turned to her. “Arianna, are you okay with this?”

Arianna did not understand Naya’s concern. “Of course. You are my cousin, and I enjoy spending time with you. Why would I mind?”

Naya studied her for a moment. “Never mind.” She turned back to her parents. “Very well, Father. I will meet with Emerson.”

He clapped his hands together. “Wonderful. You will have over two months to court before your mother and I return, and then we’ll have a big celebration. The Council will be pleased.”

Uncle Marek grinned so broadly
that his fangs, which were usually hidden by his lips, showed. Aunt Celeste put her hands to her mouth with a look of pure happiness. It was as if Naya had already told them she accepted the betrothal.

Vaughn was stepping out of the shower when Saxon, one of his roommates and co-workers, poked his head into
the bathroom. “We gotta go. Your dad said crazy old Maurice is drunk again.”

BOOK: Forbidden Blood
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