Read Forbidden Heat Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance

Forbidden Heat (14 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Heat
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His fingers hooked under the elastic and he dragged the small garment down her legs and tossed it aside. He lifted one of her legs again and kissed along the calf, then shifted to the other thigh. Her sex burned with need as his lips moved upward. He rested her legs over his shoulders again . . . then grinned at her. Or rather, at her . . . uh . . . pussy. His gaze, filled with intense male interest, burned through her. He continued his perusal, simply looking at her, and she squirmed a little.

He chuckled, then stroked her auburn curls with his fingertips in a gentle petting motion, then pressed his mouth to her and . . . The hot, sensual feel of his mouth kissing and nibbling her wet flesh sent dizzying sensations swirling through her. She curled her fingers through his short hair, needing to hang on to something. Her head dropped back on the couch and she moaned in desperate need as his tongue teased her throbbing clit. Her pulse pounded in her veins. He lapped, then sucked, and sparks flared inside her. He flicked his tongue, then sucked again, and intense heat swelled through her, sending her senses reeling. Pleasure rocketed through her and she moaned as release came fast and furious.

Still he sucked and licked.

She tugged on him. “I want you inside me, Trey.”

He prowled higher and rested his thick cock against her. She sighed as his hard flesh eased inside her, then she wrapped her legs around him and tried to pull him in further.

“Deeper,” she insisted.

He thrust forward and she moaned at the incredible invasion of hard flesh. She squeezed him, feeling his thick shaft inside her, gliding forward, then drawing back.

“Yes, Trey. Harder.”

He thrust and thrust again. His cock went impossibly deep as he drove forward, lifting her legs high and wide.

“Oh, God—!” An incredible orgasm blossomed through her and her limbs melted into useless flesh.

Trey kept on thrusting as wave after wave of pleasure flooded through her. He drove forward with a guttural groan and held, his cock pulsing, liquid heat filling her.

A moment later, he collapsed on top of her. She welcomed his weight, holding him tight to her. They stayed like that for quite a while. Danielle enjoyed the warmth and intimacy of their joined bodies . . . and the comfort of being in someone else’s arms.

In Trey’s arms.

Finally, Trey drew away. He smiled, then kissed her. As he slipped free of her body, she felt a sudden sense of loss. It was so comforting sharing that intimacy with him. Feeling so close to him.

Then suddenly she realized just how intimate this felt . . . with just the two of them here. Like two actual lovers. Two lovers in a relationship.

Heat drained from her face as she realized she’d been playing a dangerous game. She’d been having casual sex with her two friends, having fun and hoping to play matchmaker . . . but along the way, she was in danger of losing her own heart.

“What’s wrong, sweetheart? You just went white as a ghost.”

His charming smile along with the concern in his warm brown eyes made her feel loved. But she knew it wasn’t love. At least, not romantic love. It was the caring of one friend for another. Very intimate friends.

She enjoyed getting close to them, but she had to make sure she didn’t blow this whole thing out of proportion. She could have sex with Trey and Jake. It didn’t mean anything deeper than three close friends sharing some intimate time. The thought of being in some kind of long-term relationship with two men—two men with a long history together and a host of unresolved issues—was simply ludicrous.

“I’m fine. I was just wondering what happened to Jake.”


Danielle clung to sleep, despite the voice curling through her consciousness.

“Danielle? Wake up, sleepyhead.”

Warm lips caressing her neck sent tingles through her. She opened her eyes, murmuring soft sounds of approval.

Trey gazed at her and smiled. “Hey there. We need to get a move on if we’re going to go windsurfing today.”

She reached for him and drew him forward. He gave her a brief kiss, then stroked her hair behind her ears.

“Come on, sweetheart. It’s time to get up.”

“Mmm. Time to come back to bed.” She wanted to snuggle against his warm, masculine body again.

He grinned, but drew back, tugging on her hands. “Tempting, but you assured me last night that you wanted to try windsurfing again, and if we don’t get there soon, the boards will all be rented.”

She closed her eyes again. “Windsurfing is nice, but bed is nicer.”

Bright light shone on her face and she grumbled and opened her eyes again, shielding them with her hand. Trey had opened the blinds and allowed the sunshine to blaze in the window.

“It’s a beautiful day outside. It’s supposed to hit eighty degrees and the wind will be about seven knots. It’s the perfect day.”

“Okay, okay,” she grumbled as she pushed the bedclothes aside and sat up. Hickory grumbled from the end of the bed, then leapt to the floor and stalked off.

“You aren’t really a morning person, are you?” he teased, then wrapped his arms around her and kissed her silly.

“Well, when you start my morning with a kiss like that . . .” She stroked her fingers through his hair, then captured his mouth again for a lingering kiss.

He drew away and chuckled. “Oh no you don’t.” He took her hands and drew her forward. “We need to get going. How long will it take you to throw on a bathing suit and shorts?”

“All right already. You’re really worried about no boards?”

“If we’re not there in”—he glanced at his wristwatch— “say forty minutes, I’d say we lose.”

“Okay. Five minutes.”

Danielle unzipped her suitcase, sitting on the dresser, and rifled through it for her bathing suit. Seven minutes later, they stepped out into the bright sunshine. A warm breeze caressed her cheek. Trey opened the car door for her, then handed her a travel mug full of an aromatic vanilla coffee blend. As he got into the driver’s seat, she sipped then placed the mug in the cup holder beside her seat.

“What about Jake?” she asked. “He wanted to come, too, didn’t he? Do you think something happened to him last night that stopped him from showing up?”

“No, he knew when we’d planned to go so he’ll probably assume we’re still picking him up.” Trey handed her his cell phone. “Do you want to give him a call to let him know we’re on our way?”

She took the small sleek phone and pressed the On button, but nothing happened. She tried again. “I think your battery needs charging.”

“Damn. Well, we’ll be there in a couple of minutes.”

Ten minutes later, they pulled up in front of Jake’s charming brick two-story house. Trey opened her door and offered a hand to help her from the car, and they walked up the stone path through Jake’s bright-colored garden to his front door.

Trey rang the doorbell. The inside door opened, and Rico, naked except for a navy towel draped carelessly around his waist, glared at them through the glass of the storm door.


“Uh . . . is Jake in?” Danielle asked.

“Yes. He’s in the shower right now.” He grinned wickedly. “And I’m just about to join him. I’ll tell him you came by.” With that, he shoved the door closed in their faces.

Danielle blinked, then stared at Trey. His closed expression gave nothing away.

Jake had started up with Rico again? The guy certainly was good-looking but . . . with Rico’s jealousy . . . Jake must know that it would put an end to what she and Trey and Jake had going. An end to any hope of getting back with Trey . . . at least for now.

Well, what could she expect? She had pushed this whole thing on Jake. Maybe he hadn’t wanted to be a part of it from the beginning. Maybe he feared Trey would never want to continue the relationship. Maybe seeing Rico’s continued longing for him had boosted his spirits and made him want to be with someone who wanted him . . . not someone avoiding anything deeper, like Trey.

But she had seen the change in Trey. Surely Jake had, too. If only he’d given it a bit more time.

Sadness careened through her. If Jake was seeing Rico now . . . it meant the end of their relationship. But
still wanted to be with Jake.

She mentally shook herself. What the hell was she thinking? She was doing all this so that Trey and Jake could be together. Not for herself. Of course, she enjoyed the sex with them . . . the way they made her feel wanted . . .
the way they made her feel loved . . .

Oh God, had she really let this become about her? How could she expect to build a relationship when she was seeing two men at once . . . at the same time? Was she really doing this because she hoped something would develop between her and Jake? Or her and Trey?

Oh, damn, her feelings were so mixed up. Of course she’d love to be loved by either one of these special men . . . but they belonged together. She could just tell. Even if Trey denied it to himself . . .

She glanced at Trey, who had led her back to the car.

“Danielle, don’t let it bother you.”

“What?” She gazed up at him as he held her car door open.

“Jake and Rico. Don’t let it bother you. Even if he’s decided to start up with Rico again . . . which means he won’t be sharing with us . . .
still want you to keep coming around.”

He swept her into his arms and kissed her, deeply and passionately.

“I don’t want to lose you yet,” he murmured against her lips, then kissed her again.


Danielle drew her lips from Trey’s, getting the sense that his mind was far away.

“Trey, what about you? Does it bother you that Jake might be seeing Rico again?”

“No, of course not,” he said with a little too much conviction.

“Are you sure?”

He locked gazes with her. “Why should it? I mean, he can do whatever he wants. It’s not like I have any claim to him.”

Despite his words, she could see turmoil in his brown eyes.

“I just think that . . . maybe you still have feelings for Jake. You did have something special with him. At least I thought it was special.”

Trey sighed. “That’s true, but . . . it was a long time ago.”

“But if you still have feelings for him . . . why couldn’t you continue what you had before?”

His gaze sharpened. “Who said I still have feelings for him?”

She stroked his cheek. “I think there’s still something between you. I think the two of you could—”

He grasped her arms. “Look, Danielle. Jake and I did have something special back in college, but it didn’t work out. Okay?”

How could she argue with the denial in his eyes, even though she was sure in his heart, he felt differently?

Jake tied his robe and stepped into the living room. It was later than he’d thought. He and Trey and Danielle had plans today and damn Rico hadn’t left yet. He’d already caused Jake enough inconvenience. Jake didn’t intend to lose his Sunday with his friends.

Of course, the thought of Danielle’s soft body pressed against his, his cock buried inside her, Trey on the other side of her . . . sent blood flooding to his groin. More than friends. A relationship he didn’t want to lose anytime soon.

Rico stood at the window, staring out through the partially open horizontal blinds. “Ah, you should see your friends.”

“My friends?” If Trey and Danielle had arrived, they might misinterpret Rico’s being here. He glanced out the window and saw Danielle and Trey in a passionate embrace. The sight sent a confusing surge of jealousy through him.

“It seems they’re more interested in each other than in you,” Rico said.

As Jake watched, Trey opened the door and he and Danielle stood talking intently. A moment later, Danielle got into the car.

“What the hell? Why are they leaving?”

“I don’t know. I just told them you were in the shower.”

Jake’s gaze took in the towel loosely wrapped around Rico’s narrow waist, and could just imagine the conversation.

“You led them to believe we’re together again.”

Rico didn’t flinch, but Jake knew him well enough.

Damn, things were tenuous enough as it was with Trey. And Danielle . . . He did not want to lose her.

He glared at Rico. “Get the hell out of here. Now!”

He strode to the door and opened it, then yelled to Trey as he was getting in the car. “Trey! Wait!”

He slammed the door behind him and strode across his front lawn, wearing only his blue terry robe.

Danielle glanced around at Jake’s voice. She stepped out of the car, and she and Trey walked toward Jake.

“Sorry I’m not quite ready. I guess you’re wondering what Rico is doing here.”

“You don’t need to explain, Jake,” Danielle responded.

“I know. It’s just that it’s not what it appears. Rico moved recently, and when I went to drive him home last night, he wouldn’t tell me his new address. I couldn’t just dump him in the street, so I brought him back here. He slept in the guest room . . . and I’m not idiot enough to start up with him again. He’s just too . . . emotional.”

Relief swept through her. So she hadn’t lost Jake yet.

The garage door opened, and a moment later a sporty black car backed out of the driveway and sped away with a squeal of tires, Rico’s hand with a single-finger salute stuck out the window at them.

Trey grinned, and they all began to laugh.

Jake shook his head. “I’m not sure what I saw in him in the first place.”

“Well, a great physique and exotic good looks for one,” Trey answered.

Jake grinned. “Yeah, I guess. Great technique in bed and a nine-inch cock aren’t bad reasons, either.”

Danielle glanced from Jake to Trey and back again and grinned. “Certainly reasons I find quite convincing.”

Jake wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “You’re bad, sweetheart. Real bad.”

She slid her hand discreetly under his robe and stroked his free-wheeling cock. It rose at her touch. “Of course I am. That’s why you both love being with me so much.”

“Nine inches, eh?” Trey stroked her shoulders. “Does that mean you like Jake better than me?”

Danielle chuckled. “You may not have the same length, but you know what to do with it.” And, of course, he was thicker. Her hand itched to stroke him, too.

BOOK: Forbidden Heat
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