Force of Nature (18 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #paranormal;Romance

BOOK: Force of Nature
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The weather was really warm but dry. She felt the cooling air conditioning as soon as they entered. When she let go of Austin’s hand and started forward, his hand touched the bare of her back. The shirt she had on today wasn’t near as skimpy as the one from last night, but just as cool. She felt her nipples pucker and pulled the fabric away when she noticed Austin looking.

“I can’t help it. It’s cooler in here. You want me to go around in fur coats and baggy pants?”

“If I thought it would make you less sexy then I’d say yes. But even if you donned a gunny sack and a bag over your head, I’d still want you. Just stay close to me. I don’t think you’ll be able to come back here if I have to kill anyone.”

She felt his compliment all the way to her toes. Trying to ignore him trying to block her from other men, she enjoyed finding presents for everyone. When she was trying to decide on which blanket to get, she turned to ask him and noticed someone staring at them.

“He’s a wolf. He recognizes my scent and yours. Don’t pay any attention to him unless he approaches,” Austin told her when she pointed him out. “He’s trying to decide if he can take you from me.”

She looked up at him to see if he was kidding and realized he wasn’t. She looked back over at the…boy really, and decided there was no contest. She nearly said as much to Austin when the boy came closer.

CJ wasn’t sure what she had expected. Fur to sprout all over them both? A bloody fight to the death? But she was disappointed when all Austin did was pull her closer and growl at the kid.

He moved away from them so quickly she thought it was sad.

“Well, that was quick. Do you think your sister will like the blue one or the brown one?”

She looked up at him when he still held her and he hadn’t answered. “What is it?”

“I want you to finish up and go to the rig. This isn’t over. Do as I say, CJ. I won’t have you hurt because some young pup thinks he can kick my ass.” She looked back at the door and saw the boy and two others standing just outside. “He won’t leave until it’s done.”

“You mean you’ll kill him.” She looked up at him and saw the determined look on his face.

“Christ, you do mean to kill him. He’s just a boy.”

CJ shoved the things they’d picked out into his arms. She walked straight to the boy and his friends and smacked him across the mouth. She could hear Austin cussing right behind her. The kid looked at her while he rubbed his mouth.

“What the fuck was that for?” the kid next to him snarled with a step toward her. She drew back and slapped him too.

“You’ll watch your mouth, young man.” She looked at the kid she’d slapped first. “Did that hurt?”

“Yeah, you want me to show you?” She drew back her hand again and he took a step back.

“Are you nuts?”

“So it hurt. Good. Now tell me, what do you think that the man behind me would have done to you? Less? More?” She knew Austin was right behind her, but he didn’t say anything. “I want you to take a good look at him and tell me truthfully what you think would have happened.”

The boy looked over her shoulder and then took a step back. “He probably would have killed me.”

“Austin?” She hoped he’d be honest with her and do what she wanted.

“Oh yeah, he’d be a dead pup. Might still be if he doesn’t show my mate more respect.” CJ

nearly burst out laughing at both boys’ faces. “You got a name, kid?” She held her breath. She was afraid from the resentful look on his face they would be smart-alecky. But with a quick glance over at the other boy, the first one answered.

“I’m Reid Atkins and that’s my brother Randy. We…we didn’t mean no harm, ma’am.” He looked over her shoulder again and moved forward slowly, putting out his hand. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to mess up your day.”

When he walked closer to her, she could see that he was too thin. She could also see that his clothes were ill-fitting and that he needed a bath. She looked at the other boy and saw the same thing. Before she could say anything, Austin did.

“You hungry?” Reid looked over at his brother before nodding. “Come inside with us and help me carry my mate’s purchases to the truck. When we’re done, we’ll get some lunch and talk.”

She didn’t speak as she went around all three of them. She didn’t know what Austin had done with her things until she saw them piled up on the counter. CJ smiled at the clerk and asked her if she could continue shopping and leave this here. Of course, the woman was thrilled to help out.

Austin came up behind her when she was looking at some western shirts. When he wrapped his arm around her waist, she leaned back on him. She could feel his laughter.

“I’m not sure if I should kiss you or beat your ass. Christ, don’t ever do anything like that again. They could have hurt you.” He stepped back when she heard someone clear his or her throat. “You boys are to find you some clothes. Three shirts each and two pair of jeans. Don’t be stupid and try and tell me you don’t need them.”

While they went to the men’s department, CJ looked up at Austin. “Do they have somewhere to go, you think? They look like they haven’t eaten in weeks.”

“No. They don’t. And you’re probably right.” He looked at her before he spoke. “You probably saved their lives, you know that right?”

She hugged him to her. “You wouldn’t have hurt them.”

When they made it to the restaurant, CJ had only one bag. The rest was being shipped home.

The boys had several pairs of jeans each and three shirt. They ended up getting them jackets and some other things as well. By the time they were seated, an extra hour later than she wanted, the boys and Austin were getting along well. She knew he was making arrangements with his brother to pick them up at the airport tomorrow afternoon.

“You piss my brother off and you piss me off. If you can’t follow rules then I’ll punish you in ways you can’t imagine. Understand me?” Austin seemed pleased that he’d increased his pack by two and the boys were thrilled to have someone helping them. She only hoped the pack could afford to feed them. She’d never seen anyone pack away the food the way they did.

The cab that picked them up and took them to the hotel met them near the rig. Austin gave them each fifty dollars to eat tonight and breakfast in the morning. The hotel would make sure they had a way to the airport. They were being met by Dallas in Ohio and set up in a new pack.

The boys had taken on more than they could chew, she thought, and had come out the winners.

Austin went to the back of the rig and she followed him. She wanted to show him what she’d bought, but he had other things in mind. He told her that she was going to be punished for running head long into a situation that could have gotten her hurt.

~Chapter Eighteen~

“You most certainly are not going to spank me. I’m a grown woman and I won’t do it.” CJ

hadn’t moved from where she had stood since he’d told her he was going to spank her.

Austin started taking off his belt. He wasn’t going to use it on her, but the look in her eyes made him think she might use it on him. When he unbuttoned his jeans, she licked her lips.

“I said take off your pants. You’re not making this any easier on yourself by delaying the inevitable. You walked foolhardily into something that lucky for them, turned out well. But I won’t have you doing that again.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “CJ, I’m not playing around here.”

“Well that’s good because neither am I. You are not, and I repeat not, going to spank me.”

She tried to dodge his hand when he grabbed for her, but he was quicker. She fought like a hell cat or a pissed off bitch. He held her until she calmed.

“You could have been hurt today. You can’t scare me like that.” He kissed her neck. “I have to make you realize that you can’t do that again.”

“Please don’t do this. I’ll make you regret it if you do.” She backed her ass up against his hardening erection as she continued. “For a very, very long time.”

He reached up, cupped her breast in his palm, and pinched her nipple. “Then what do you suggest I do? I can’t let you get by with this sort of behavior.”

The need to punish her was fast becoming a need to fuck her. He rocked into her ass again when she didn’t answer right away. He could smell her need and wondered fleetingly if he’d ever tire of her. Never, he decided quickly. Never would he not need her.

“I’ll do…you name it and I’ll do it. Just don’t spank me and I’ll do whatever you want me to, no questions asked.”

Austin paused. “Anything?”

“Yes. I promise you. You ask me and it’s as good as done.” She turned in his arms. “Deal?”

“Marry me. Tomorrow you will go to Vegas with me and marry me.” Her face paled and he thought she would say no, but she nodded once and pulled away.

He climbed into the passenger seat as she put the keys in the ignition. He reached over, took them out, and held them. She didn’t move.

“I need those,” she said quietly. “Please give them to me. We’re running behind now. I can’t—”

“My family is already there. So is Phil. I planned this yesterday when I found out that we’d only be two hours from there.” She looked at him then. “My mom is bringing the ring I want you to wear and that has been in my family for generations. Reid and Randy aren’t going back to Ohio. They’re taking a plane to Vegas too and Dallas and Phil are meeting them at the airport. I have us the honeymoon suite lined up and champagne in the room when we arrive.”

She turned back to the steering wheel and looked out the front. She was very still, very quiet for a long while and he knew she was thinking. He let her. He didn’t want her to think the only reason he was going to marry her was because she didn’t want to get a spanking.

“Your mom, what does she think about you marrying me? She can’t be thrilled.” He could hear the doubt in her voice and wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her he loved her, but knew that she needed this right now.

“No she’s not thrilled. But not about you marrying me. She’s upset because we’re not having a wedding at home where she can plan it. She likes you. And so does Holly. Dallas thinks you’re getting a bum deal and my brothers are looking forward to kissing the bride.”

Austin saw the tear run down her cheek and he said her name softly. “I love you very much, CJ. More than I thought possible. I never meant to hurt you. But you scared me. Also, when you did that, all I could think of was how proud I was of you, how wonderful of an alpha bitch you’re—”

“Bitch? I don’t think so. You’ll have to come up with another name or I will be a bitch.” His heart pounded at her words. “Another thing, if you think this will get you out of your trying to spank me in the future, you’re nuts. Now give me the keys. We have to make five hours tonight.”

He called his brother first. He’d been talking to him since the boys had told him that they were on their own. He wanted to make sure the boys were picked up at the airport and that they were cleaned up when he and CJ got to Vegas tonight.

Reid said that the last pack they had belonged to had shunned them because their mother was barren. They seemed to think that the boys, a product of a rape from the alpha, would be as well. They had been on their own for over four years. Attacking Austin was just a way to lift his wallet. CJ had been correct in assuming they hadn’t eaten in some time.

“I have a room set up for them and a guy is coming in to fit them with suits.” Dallas hesitated before continuing. “Are you sure about this? What if they just trade in their tickets and take your money?”

Austin had thought of that too. “They might, but if they do then they’ll be stupider than I thought. They have money to eat on the way there. The pilot said he’d make sure there was food and drink on board for them and he’d make sure to call me if they didn’t show. But I don’t think they’ll skip out. They reminded me of us when we were growing up. All legs and arms.”

Dallas snorted. “Sure, and when they get here what’s to stop them from murdering us in the night? For all you know they could be a couple of con artists and you fell for it.”

“If they give you any shit, tell them CJ will hurt them.” Austin told his brother what happened at the shop. “I think they’re terrified of her.”

Dallas roared with laughter. “Christ, she’s going to be a hell of an alpha bitch. I can’t wait to see her in action at the next lunar gathering. She will have them in line in no time.”

“Yeah, probably. But you might want to not call her a bitch. She gets a might pissy about it.

She told me that she wants us to come up with another name. I think I’ll work on that.” Austin changed the subject when he looked over at CJ. “That guy called us last night. I had CJ tell him to meet us at the warehouse because she didn’t know anyone in the company. He’s going to meet us there. I was wondering if you could come along? Maybe for just a ride and nothing more.”

“I’d be glad to. You never know what might happen and I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to CJ.” Dallas laughed again. “Seriously, I want to be there and was going to ask. Phil wants to be there as well. We were actually thinking we’d leave tonight and be there when you guys arrive.”

Austin told CJ and she agreed. He wouldn’t normally ask anyone for advice on things, but she was his mate and he wanted her beside him, not trying to protect him like she had today. He hung up with his brother after a few more minutes and leaned back in the chair. She really had scared him today.

When she’d shoved the things into his arms, he thought she was going to go straight to the rig and wondered how he was going to get the things to her before he kicked some ass. When he saw her slap the first one then the second, he’d nearly shifted and went after them. By the time he got to them after throwing everything on the counter and told the woman to stay, he realized she not only had things under control, but she also had the boys eating out of her hand.

“How does one convert?” Her question brought him out of his thoughts. “I mean to a wolf?”

“I would have to bite you. Deep and hard and I’d hold my teeth into you so that my essences would go into your blood stream.” He didn’t want to think about having to hurt her like that, but he wanted her as his true mate.

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