Read Forever You Online

Authors: Sandi Lynn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult

Forever You (23 page)

BOOK: Forever You
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Within seconds, another man came through the door and stared at me. I was beginning to feel a bit

uncomfortable. The manager, Mason, introduced himself to me and then introduced his partner,

Landon, as well. I thought to myself that they must know Ellery. I asked them again if they knew

Ellery, and Mason started jumping up and clapping his hands while saying yes. I breathed a sigh of

relief. I’d finally found her. I asked them which apartment she was staying in, and they told me how

she had gone to the store, but she’d be back soon. They both went on and on about how much they

love Ellery. I smiled at them because it was impossible not to love her. I thanked them and walked

outside to wait for her. I leaned up against the black Porsche I rented and waited for her to come


Just as I checked my watch for the time, I saw her coming up the street. She was looking down, and

it looked like she was taking the wrap off a candy bar. I smiled, because not only was she beautiful

walking up the street, but also because she loved her chocolate. She looked up and came to a

complete standstill when she saw me.

“You’re a hard woman to find, Miss Lane,” I smiled at her.

She dropped her bags on the sidewalk and ran to me as fast she could. She jumped up and wrapped

her arms and legs around me as tight as she could. I closed my eyes as I held her, taking in the

familiar scent that I’ve missed so much. I could tell she was crying as she buried her face into my


“I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered in her ear.

“I’ve missed you too, and I’m so sorry,” she cried.

Ellery lifted her head up, cupped my face in her hands, and kissed me passionately. Our tongues

met with excitement and exhilaration as our long-lost kiss left us both breathless. Tears were running

down her face as I put her down and softly wiped her cheeks with my thumb.

“Let me look at you,” I said while I spun her around. I grabbed her and held her tight. “You look

just as beautiful as when you left.”

Mason and Landon emerged from their apartment, clapping. I explained to Ellery how the three of

us already met and what great friends they were. Ellery took me to her apartment. I closed the door as

she turned around and stared at me. I ran my finger softly down her jaw line and over her lips.

“You have a lot of explaining to do, but first, I’m going to make love to you,” I spoke softly. I

brushed my lips against hers and heard her gasp as my tongue trailed down her neck. It felt like

forever since I tasted her. I wanted her more than anything else. I craved her and now it was time to

satisfy my need. “You taste so good. It’s been too long, Ellery; I need you. I need to be inside you.”

I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, my lips never leaving hers. I set her down in front

of the bed, lifted her shirt over her head, and tossed it to the side. My hands ran up and down her

sides and over her hips as I unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. I cupped her warm breasts

and fingered her nipples as my tongue explored her navel. I unbuttoned her shorts and made my way

up to her breasts with my mouth, lightly nipping her hardened nipples. My body was on fire as was

hers. She brought my face to her and kissed me, letting me know how much she needed and wanted

me. I groaned as her hands took off my shirt, and her nails lightly dug into my back. I broke our

embrace, kicked off my shoes, and tossed my jeans on the floor. I gently laid her down on the bed and

hovered over her fiery body as I stared into her eyes. “You make me feel alive like no one ever has.”

I moved my hands from her breasts downwards until I reached the edge of her thong. I pushed it to the

side and felt the warmth of her skin. She let out a moan as I slowly inserted one finger and felt her

excitement. Her moan grew louder as I inserted another finger. “Ellery, you’re so wet,” I whispered

in her ear.

“This is what you do to me, Connor. Feel every bit of it,” she said. I slid in my fingers in and out of

her slowly as she arched her back, forcing them to go as deep as they could. I circled her clit with my

thumb and felt it swell with pleasure. My mouth found their way to her lips as our tongues joined each

other and danced. “I want you to come now, while my fingers are inside you and pleasuring you,” I

whispered as I softly kissed her neck. Her body started to shake as she let out a scream of pleasure. I

smiled as I softly kissed her lips, “That’s my girl.” She reached down and firmly grabbed my hard

cock in her hand, moving her fist up and down the shaft in a slow and steady motion. The feeling was

amazing as every nerve in my body was tingling. “Oh god,” I moaned as she moved her thumb over

the tip in circular motions. She started to sit up, and before I knew it, I was lying flat on my back. She

smiled as she straddled me and my cock slid in her with ease. I titled my head back as I felt her form

around me. She was taut and warm as she slowly moved up and down, taking in every inch of me. I

fondled her breasts and grasped her hard nipples between my fingers, tugging and rubbing them. We

stared at each other as she swiftly moved her hips. I grabbed her hips as she rocked herself in slow

circles. She was amazing and she felt so good. I could feel her swell around me, and that she was

getting ready to come. She started moving up and down at a faster pace. She had me so close that I

could barely stand it. Our breathing became rapid as she moaned when I placed my thumb on her clit

and rubbed it as she fucked me. “Ellery, come with me, baby,” I panted. “I want us to come together,

and I want to hear what I do to you.” She screamed my name as she released her orgasm all over my

cock, and I filled her body with my come; never taking our eyes off each other. She collapsed on my

chest, and I held her tight, letting our heart rates slow down. I kissed the side of her head, and she

turned and smiled at me. She rolled off me and laid herself on her side, running her finger across my

chin as I tucked her hair behind her ear. I asked her what she was thinking, and she told me how

happy she was that I found her. I slowly leaned in and softly kissed her lips.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get something to eat; I’m starving,” I smiled.

I climbed out of bed and put on my jeans. I followed Ellery out of the bedroom. I walked in the

kitchen to grab a bottle of water and stopped when I saw several brown containers lined up against

the back of the counter. I quickly counted them; there was fifteen total. I got nervous and a fear crept

up inside me.

“Care to explain what these are?” I asked.

“I’m in a clinical trial study, that’s why I came out here.” I started to interrupt her, but she put her

finger over my mouth, “Let me finish.” I smiled as I took her finger in my mouth and sucked on it. She

giggled and continued, “I have to take these pills every day. Once a month, I go to the hospital and get

a set of three injections. It’s called some type of ‘Immunotherapy’. I have to do this for a period of

three months. Once I complete the three months, the doctor will test my blood to see if the cancer is

gone; if not, then I will continue for another three months. I don’t even know if it’s going to work,”

she said as she looked down. I saw the anguish on her face and heard the sorrow in her voice. I lifted

her chin so she was looking at me, “It will work; It has to work.”

“It’s only a trial, Connor; it’s the first time it’s been done on humans, so right now, I don’t know

what to think,” she said distressed.

“You’re strong, Elle. You’re the strongest and most stubborn person I’ve ever met in my life, and if

anybody can pull through this, it’s you, but you have to stop running away from me,” I told her as I

stroked her cheek. She told me she was scared. I took her hands, turned them over, and lightly kissed

both her tattoos.

“Don’t be scared. I’m here, and I’m going to help you through this. Even if this trial doesn’t work,

it doesn’t matter because I will fly you around the world and find you the treatment that will work

because…” I took in a deep breath, “I love you, Ellery Lane, and I will protect you.” The feeling that

crept inside me as I spoke those three words was amazing. Tears streamed down her face as she

hugged me tight and whispered, “I love you too.” I closed my eyes and nuzzled my face in her hair. I

kissed her head and held her face in my hands. I brought my lips to hers and kissed her passionately. I

curled my fingers under her shirt and slowly brought it up over her head, taking it off and tossing it on

the floor. We smiled at each other as she led me to the couch where we made love.

Chapter 19

It was a beautiful, sunny day in Los Angeles. The first half of the day was spent in bed, and the

second half was spent at the beach. After a picnic lunch, great sex in the lighthouse, and long talks, we

headed for home. As we entered the apartment, I walked over to the easel that held a beautiful

painting. I stood there and stared at the Cape Cod style house with an archway, a boat, and a

lighthouse. The painting was stunning, and it made me smile to see such talent, especially from the

woman I love.

“I have to say, Ellery, you are a very talented artist; this painting is stunning.”

She walked over to me, slipped her hands in my back pockets, and put her chin on my shoulder.

“Thank you. This is a glimpse of my future; it looks so peaceful there.”

“It’s very beautiful. I suggest you keep this, and don’t sell it,” I said.

She kissed me on the cheek. “Maybe I will.”

“I was going to tell you, you know,” she said.

I reached for her hands and brought her arms around my waist. “Tell me what?”

She took in a sharp breath, “About coming here and seeing Dr. Murphy. I wanted to talk to you

about it that day, but you were so angry; I heard you on the phone, in your office, with Ashlyn.”

I looked down, “I’m sorry, Ellery. I never should have said those things to you; I was…”

“You need to tell me about her, Connor. We can never move forward if you don’t, and I think I

have a right to know,” she pleaded.

I turned around and pressed my forehead against hers, “I know, and I will; just not tonight.” I just

found her, and we shared a perfect day. There was no way I going to ruin it by discussing Ashlyn. I

could see the disappointment in her eyes when I told her not tonight. I hated doing this to her, and I

know it’s wrong not to come clean about Ashlyn, but I don’t know if there will ever be a right time to

tell her. I picked her up and smiled as I kissed her soft beautiful lips.

“I think we need to go to bed,” I said.

“But I’m not tired,” she devilishly smiled.

“Sleeping isn’t what I had in mind. We won’t be doing that for at least another three hours,” I

smiled as I carried her to the bedroom.


I woke up early to get things ready for Ellery’s birthday. I was going to make sure this birthday is

the best one she’s ever had. I carefully moved her arm from me and slid out of bed. I was pretty sure

she wouldn’t wake up, because after last night, I knew she was exhausted. I threw on a pair of jeans

and a navy blue t-shirt. I walked into the living room and over at the easel, looking at Ellery’s

painting once more. She mentioned last night how she’d envisioned this painting as her future, and I

am going to make sure she gets it. I just need to make sure she doesn’t sell this painting before my

plans are complete.

I carefully opened the door and quietly shut it behind me. As I was walking down the stairs, I saw

Mason coming out of his apartment.

“Morning, Mason,” I smiled.

“You’re up awful early. Where are you sneaking off to?” he asked.

“I was just heading down the street to that café to pick up some breakfast for Elle. Today’s her


“I know, and it’s so exciting! Did she mention going to the club tonight?” he asked.

“Yeah, she told me last night; it sounds like fun,” I said as we both walked out the side door.

“Have a good day with Miss Elle. Please tell her happy birthday from us and to get her dancing

shoes on, because tonight, we’re going to bring down the house!” he excitedly said.

I laughed when we parted ways on the sidewalk. I reached the café and placed a takeout order. It

didn’t take too long, but I was nervous Ellery was going to be up before I got back and wonder where

I was. When I arrived back at the apartment, I quietly opened the door and set the bag on the counter. I

walked into the bedroom, and she was sleeping peacefully. I took off my jeans and shirt and put on my

grey pajama bottoms. I walked back to the kitchen and searched her cupboards for a tray. She didn’t

have one, so I ran downstairs to Mason’s apartment and borrowed one. I came back and arranged

Ellery’s breakfast on the tray. On the way back from the café, I bought her a single red rose from a

BOOK: Forever You
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