Read Four Hard SWATs Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

Four Hard SWATs (4 page)

BOOK: Four Hard SWATs
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 “There.” Sebastian finally stood from where he had rubbed the salve into her inner thigh, seeming unbothered by her nakedness. “I think we got it all. “ He gave Niko a look that said, “Now what?” but said nothing.

Niko simply looked at her for long moments.
couldn’t hold his gaze for long. The humiliation was just too great. “You going to tell me everything that happened tonight?”

Not in this lifetime.

Nostrils flaring, Niko ground his teeth, obviously not pleased but not pushing her any farther. Yet.
knew he’d get the whole thing out of her sooner or later, but she was really hoping for later.

Without another word, he scooped her up again and headed back to the big bed. Again. God! Why was it that the very place she needed to be more than anyplace else in the world was the last place she wanted to be right now? The feeling was made doubly bad when Niko climbed in beside her, pulling her against him so she lay partially on her stomach, draped over his chest. Why did he have to smell so damned

Warm man… Was there any better scent in the whole world? He smelled of warm cinnamon and pine, the aroma both soothing and relaxing. At least until the bed dipped behind her and Sebastian cuddled into her other side, draping his arm lightly over her waist, his hand flat against her belly.

For several moments, she could barely breathe. Both men were exceedingly careful of her, not touching her injuries any more than they could help. Not that
minded. The stuff Sebastian had smoothed over her skin eased the pain, and she desperately needed the contact with them.

When Sebastian settled in and they were both still, she sighed and let the tears come. Why fight it? The sooner she got it out, the better she’d be able to control everything raging inside her.

Chapter Four


Lying there with
nestled against him felt more right than anything Sebastian had felt in a long time. True, Nicholas was with them and she was snuggled against him as tightly as she was against Sebastian, but it still felt like it was meant to be. Sebastian did everything he could to keep from hurting
while still touching her. Giving up the contact with her smooth, soft skin was unacceptable unless she wished it. So far, she hadn’t done more than offer token protests. Mostly because Sebastian was sure she was embarrassed.

No one spoke while she cried silently. No one moved. It broke Sebastian’s heart to hear it, but he knew she needed to get it out. At length, she sniffled several times but stopped crying. Shortly after that,
stilled. She hadn’t fallen asleep, but seemed to have calmed, resting in their arms. It felt so good, Sebastian began to drift, awash in
sweet, honeyed scent. Just as Sebastian was about to fall sleep,

“Why this? Why are the two of you in this bed with me?”

“You want us gone?” Niko’s question had Sebastian wanting to rail in protest. He didn’t want to leave. Was the man nuts?

“I didn’t say that,”
answered. “I just…don’t you think this is rather…intimate?”

“It is,” Niko agreed. “I suggest you get used to it, because you will be with one or more of us each night. The only reason Wyatt and Grayson aren’t here is because I need them keeping an eye out for your”—he cleared his throat before finishing—“Dom.”

“Are you going to hurt him?”

“In ways even he can’t imagine. But that will come later. Right now, I just want you to rest. Once Sebastian deems your injuries have healed sufficiently, we have plans for you.”

Sebastian felt her body quiver at Niko’s words. Hell, his own body stirred. He’d been in a state of semi-arousal for hours, but the mention of what would come later had him rock hard in an instant.

“Oh, God,”
whispered, sweat erupting over her skin in a light sheen. It was nearly Sebastian’s undoing.

“I think she likes that idea, Niko. Care to elaborate so she knows exactly what she’s in for?”

“Oh, I think she knows,” Niko rumbled. “She’s got her thigh against one of the things I intend to use on her. I’m guessing her hip is mashed against something you plan to use. And there are two more team members who wouldn’t want to be left out.”

“Good point,” Sebastian mused, flexing his hips so he rubbed against
, letting her feel his need for her. Even through his jeans, the heat of her skin seemed to burn him. “I wonder if she’s as turned on as we

Sebastian let his hand slid back to her hip, caressing the silky flesh there. His hand wandered up her side to just below her breast and back, never straying into forbidden territory, yet staking his claim all the same. Niko rubbed his face against her forehead, skimming his lips over her skin until she turned her face up to his.

“Do you want me to kiss you,
?” Niko’s voice was a seductive, husky whisper against
lips. So this is how it would be. Sebastian could live with this. Surprisingly, he was relieved at the way Niko had taken over this situation. It couldn’t be more perfect. If
was willing, she’d have four strong, capable men ready and willing to protect and love her.

nodded her head, Niko shook his. “Oh, no. You have to say it. Tell me what you want.”

There was a beat of silence. Sebastian could hear her swallow. There was no doubt she realized as well as Sebastian did the significance of this moment. If she did this, it would change the relationship of the entire team.

“Yes, Nicholas. I want you to kiss me.” When he moved to close the gap, she stayed him with a hand on his chest, her head moving away from him slightly. “But understand something. I’ll never beg for anything again.” Her voice shook, as did her body, her breaths coming in short pants. “I’m done begging for things I want or don’t want.”

“No one asked you to beg, sweet. Never. I just want you to go into this with your eyes open. I never want to push you into anything. This is all your choice. All you have to do is tell me—tell
—what you want.”

“Then kiss me, Nicholas. I need it so much!”

Her sigh as Niko took her mouth was as much a relieved breath as it was a needy one. Could she have been needing this as much as they all had? Fingers gripping Niko’s hair,
clung to him, moaning into his mouth and opening for him. Sebastian didn’t waste time envying his friend; he kissed the side of her neck gently, needing to remind her he was there as well.

“What about me,
?” he asked softly. “Do you want me too?”

Between kisses, she breathed, “Yes, Bastian. Oh, yes!”

lay mostly on top of Niko, her leg bent, hugging Niko’s thigh, opening herself up no matter how unintentional. Yes. This woman needed them. Maybe she just wanted to feel safe. Maybe she instinctively knew they’d care for her the way she needed. Whatever her subconscious was telling her, Sebastian wanted to prove himself worthy of such a gift.

Sebastian trailed his fingers lightly over her curves, savoring the feel of her. He didn’t want to irritate any of her damaged skin, but he just knew he’d die if he couldn’t touch her. Gently, Sebastian skimmed the backs of his fingers over the curve of one buttock, and
arched into his touch. Thankfully, her bottom wasn’t in as bad a shape as her back, but he still wanted to be careful.

“Does this feel good? Do you still hurt?”

“No. Yes!”
took a breath. “No, it doesn’t hurt. The salve you used has taken all but a slight sting away. Yes, it feels so very good! Don’t stop!”

His fingers wandered lower over her thigh, around toward her sex yet never touching where he hadn’t received permission. “And if I were to want to touch you here?”

“Oh, God!” Bowing her back to press her lower body against Sebastian’s fingers, she was the one who made first contact. Once his fingers skimmed her dewy sex, however, there was no way Sebastian could hold himself back. He didn’t penetrate her, but burrowed his finger between her lips, gathering the moisture on his fingers to bring to his tongue.

“You taste delicious,
,” he breathed, offering her his fingers to sample if she desired. Without hesitation,
took the digits between her lips and sucked as if they were his cock. Sebastian’s cock pulsed behind his jeans. If that weren’t bad enough, Niko gripped her chin, turning her back to his kiss. Both of them groaned, tasting her.

“How the fuck am I supposed to wait for this?” Sebastian muttered. “Niko, we can’t do this tonight. She’s not ready.”

squeaked. “I can’t wait! I need this

“Make her come, Bastian,” Niko commanded. “Show her what she’ll be getting once she’s healed.”

little clit took no effort at all. It
take effort not to pull his cock out and slide it into her moist heat. Especially when she screamed his name almost the same instant he first stroked her clit. Small circles twice, and Sebastian was rewarded by her bucking against his hand and a hot gush of fluid from her pussy as she came with a shuddering cry.

Niko dipped his head to taste her nipple as she arched her back, giving Sebastian the opportunity to taste her sweet lips. Kissing her gently, Sebastian continued to stroke her until the spasms lessened, then died altogether. Once her body was relaxed once more, he ended the kiss, looking into those dark golden eyes.


She only nodded, looking a little shell-shocked. In that moment, Sebastian knew he’d do whatever he could to keep that look of utter bemusement and sleepy satisfaction on her face forever.

Pulling the comforter over them all, Sebastian snuggled in beside
, letting her get comfortable, before silently watching as she drifted off to sleep in his and Niko’s arms.

The two men locked gazes over her head. This was a new dynamic to their relationship. For all of them. Wyatt and Gray still had to make their peace with how they’d share
, but Sebastian knew that, with Niko’s guidance, the other two would fall right into step with her. A few hours ago, Sebastian would have sworn there was no way he could ever stand to have another man touching
. Now, he understood the rightness of it. She would have not one, but four strong warriors to protect her. To make sure that what had happened with her Dom tonight never happened again.

At least, not without someone dying in the process.


was sound asleep, Niko disengaged himself from her warm body with a reluctant sigh. Lord knew he didn’t want to be anywhere else other than in his bed with her wrapped around him, but there were things that needed to be discussed.

With a jerk of his chin, he motioned for Sebastian to follow. They needed to get the rest of the crew together, tell the captain they weren’t available this weekend, and figure out what their best course of action was.

“Get the others here. We’ll meet in an hour,” he ordered Sebastian. “I want everyone ready to discuss this with an open mind and heart because I’m not making
choose, and I have a feeling she needs something from each of us. We’d be doing her a disservice by making her choose one.”

“I’m on it. Do I need to have someone from the department keep an eye on
ex Dom?”

“No. We’ll deal with him when the time comes. And it

Niko couldn’t think about that fuck right now. He had
to consider. She was more important than any sick bastard. If it came down to it, he and the rest of the team would take care of him, but Niko had a feeling the prick was like every other man of similar character he’d ever met. A coward who loved to prey on women because he saw them as weaker than he was. Well, that man hadn’t met his
in all her glory. And he certainly hadn’t met her protectors. Because the bastard was still, you know,

While Niko waited for the others to arrive, he sat in his favorite chair thinking. They’d all been protective of
before, but now, there would be no holds barred. The trick, as he saw it, was to prove to the others that, not only was she capable of handling herself, but they were capable of letting her handle herself. It would take time, but Niko knew everyone under his command intimately. He knew exactly how much they could handle, exactly where the breaking point was. No matter what he’d told
before, he knew where to draw the line with her. When to pull her back. He’d just been afraid to trust his own instincts. Well, all that was about to change. It had to if they were going to make their off the job relationship work.

When the other three men arrived, the only thing that had changed was a glass of scotch on the table beside Niko.

“She okay?” Wyatt asked anxiously. The big man was definitely smitten. Of all of them, Wyatt was the least adept at hiding his feelings.

“Maybe she needs a little mouth-to-mouth recreation.” Gray waggled his eyebrows, trying to lighten the mood. Niko saw the tight lines around his mouth as he did his best to keep from frowning, the stress showing in minute ways.

resuscitation, you ass.” Sebastian elbowed Grayson none too gently, taking his job as team medic very seriously. “Besides, she’s fine.” And the big blond wasn’t good at hiding his feelings, either. Even now, his neck turned red, the flush creeping to his face so that he had to look away,
gaze landing on Niko’s whisky glass.

BOOK: Four Hard SWATs
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