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Authors: Lolah Lace

Full Court Press (9 page)

BOOK: Full Court Press
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“Ummmmm.” I wasn’t sure how to answer her question. He looked a bit different the first time I saw him but he looked fresh and clean just yesterday.

“What? What’s wrong?”

I had to ease her worries. “Mason he’s doing better. He looks fine.”

“What does that mean?”

“I don’t know. He looks like his old self.”

“What are you talking about? He looked terrible the last time I saw him. He had long hair and a beard. He was drunk off his ass and you could smell it all over him.”

“He cleaned
himself up.” I took a drink of water.


Shit, I might as well just tell her. “I saw him a few times. The first time he was drunk but then he cleaned up, shaved, got a haircut.”

“Wait, the first time he was drunk and then he just cleaned up?”

“Did you tell him to clean up and he just did it because you asked?”

“We talked. I told him he looked a mess and I guess he just decided to pull it together, clean himself up. I don’t know what goes through his mind.”

“Is he still drinking?”

, not around me. He wasn’t sober the first time I saw him but the other times he was fine.”

“Other times?” She raised her eyebrow just the way Mason does. “How many times have you seen him?”

“Only four times.” My eyes darted around the room.

She leaned in.
“Well Miss Kari when were you going to call me?”

“I forgot. I was busy.”

“Did you forget or were you busy?”

“Both.” Damn
, she asked a lot of F-ing questions. Shit this chick could have been a detective. She made me feel like she was Olivia Benson and I was a perp. 

“Oh so you forgot
to call me.” Her cerulean eyes started studying my face cautiously.

She held me in silence for a few seconds.

“You forgot to call me because you were busy banging my brother.” Karen barked the truth. She was daring me to deny it. We were in a stare down and I was losing big time. “Look, Miss Kari, I don’t care what you do with my brother. You can bang his brains out as long as he gets his head back on straight and stops drinking. I only care about my brother getting better.”

“Well I think he’s got his head on straight. I think he has stop
ped drinking.”

“I was told he was doing
well. I wasn’t sure I could believe my source.”

“Who’s your source?”
I was trying to move from the uneasy topic that Karen stumbled across during her interrogation. Me banging her brother.

“My son
told me Mason was cleaned up, but he’s been known to lie.”

Your son RJ?”

“You know my kid?”

“No, I don’t know him. I met him.”

“Huh, so he was telling the truth
for a change. Strange RJ didn’t mention you.”

“We only met briefly.
” I took another drink of water. I think I was losing my appetite. The waiter arrived with the pizza and we remained silent until he left the table. Karen and I took a few slices and put them on our plates. The pizza was much too hot to consume without a cooling off period. Huh, that’s what I need with Mason, a cooling off period.

Karen ended the
calm. “I know that it’s none of my business but you seem like an okay person. You can tell me to shut the fuck up but you and my brother, not a good idea.”

My eyes fell. I didn’t want to hear it but t
hen again I did. “There is no Mason and me. I have a boyfriend.”

“Mason is married. He has three kids.”

“Karen I know that.”

Do you? You’ve seen him four times.”

“Well I don’t really have an explanation but that’s my
personal business.”

“You’re right. It is.”

“Yes it is.” I was running a poor defense.

“Both you guys are grown-ups.
I hope you know what you’re doing. Miss Kari situations like this always lead to someone being hurt.”

“I did what you asked me
to do. I talked to him.”

“I know and I appreciate it.” She combed her hair back with the palm of her hand.

Now I can go back to my life.”

“Can you?”

I took a deep breath. Her question took me by surprise. A wave of emotion burst through my body along with the guilt I had been feeling. “I hope so.” I said in an uneven tone.

“I want my brother to go home. His kids miss him.
He abandoned them.”

“I want him to go back home. I’m sure that he will.”

“I’m sorry I got you involved in the mess. I was desperate.”

Mason knows you sent me to see him.”

“You ratted me out.”

“No he just figured it out.”

“Is he mad at me?” I could see the worry in her eyes.

“I don’t think so. He didn’t say.”

“I hope not.” Karen mumbled.

“I’m sure he’s not mad.”

“He shouldn’t be.
” I could see how much she craved Mason’s approval. “I was just trying to help him. Do you think he will see me?” There was desperation in her voice.

“Yeah, why not?”

“I said some mean hateful things to him when he was drinking. He was really mad at me. He told me he never wanted to see me again. He said the next time he sees me will be at my funeral.”

What an asshole thing to say to your sister.
“He was drinking when he said it. I’m sure he didn’t mean it.”

“Yeah but--”

“But nothing, I’m sure he didn’t mean it. It was the alcohol talking. Mason has said mean things to me too. You know he only does that to get under your skin.”

“Yeah, he does.” Karen smiled. “Did he talk about our mother?”

“No, I think he is still grieving. He didn’t want to talk about it. I didn’t press the issue.”

“That’s okay.”

“Why don’t you go over there and just talk to him.”


“Yeah, today.” It’s her brother. What’s the big deal?

, only if you come with me.”

“Sure, just for a minute.” I didn’t want to go but I felt bad about so many things. All my defenses were in the shop. I needed to pay the mechanic and pick them up so I could get back to my bitchy self.

We eat and talked about things other than Mason. I was glad to be off that hot topic. I was just coming to terms with the fact that Mason was back in my life. I missed him and I wasn’t capable of letting him go, not yet anyway. If Mason would just rebuff me, ignore me or just disappear from my life. That would be the only way I could move on. I’m weak for him and it seems he is just as weak for me.

Karen was cool. She was funny and she had a flip mouth. RJ was her oldest kid. He was twenty-two. She told me he was a man-whore. He had slept with the school nurse and two teachers while he was in high school.
She told me he was a handful. Karen has a daughter that was sixteen named Masonia pronounced May-Sonia, which sounds like an African-American name to me. She was named after Mason. I wondered if Karen’s husband was black but I was to chicken to ask.

Karen had RJ when she was eighteen. She told me she got knocked up by her high school boyfriend. They had a shotgun wedding and they have been together ever since.

After we finished up Karen was going to meet me over at Mason’s construction company. I listened to Elizaveta’s
and felt even guiltier about my recent behavior with Mason. Were me and Mason meant to be or was I lying to myself?






I pulled into a vacant parking spot in front of Rizza Construction. Karen was right behind me. She pulled into the spot right next to me. Mason’s black Maxima was parked out front. I had texted him before I left the restaurant to see if he was in the office or at one of his work sites. He was here at the office. I decided not to tell him I was coming or bringing his sister with me.

We stepped into the office together and Mike was sitting behind the desk. He looked up and seemed unsurprised to see me but when he noticed Karen he perked up.

“Karen.” Mike bucked his eyes. He stood for no apparent reason I could think of.

“Mikey, where’s Mason?”

“He’s in the lot. He looks good.” He assured Karen.

“I’m here to see for myself.”

“I would have called but we’ve been busy around here trying to play catch-up.”

“It’s okay.”

“So you used that address I gave you.” Mike glared at me and I glared right back. I still haven’t forgotten that motherfucker called me a black whore. He better pop those eyes back in his head.

“Whatever works for Mason, works for me.” Karen said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I half smiled. Why did I do that? “Hello, Mikey get on the fucking horn and call him in here.”
She snipped.

“Oh, okay.” Mike snapped out of the stupid trance he was in. He grabbed the walk
ie-talkie off the desk and put it to his mouth. “Mason, come in, Mason, you’re needed in the office.” Mike sat down in his chair and waited for a response.

A voice came over the walkie, it wasn’t Mason. “
Uncle Mike, he’s on a fork in the warehouse.” It was RJ’s voice.

“Tell him, he has a visitor.”

“Who?” RJ’s static voice bellowed out.

“You know who. Just tell him to get over here.”

“Sure thing, Uncle Mike. DeNiro!” RJ yelled out and the connection went dead. Did he say DeNiro?

Mike sat the walkie-talkie down on the desk.
Karen took a seat behind me. I decided to stay standing. I could see she was getting antsy. What they hell did they fight about to make her so worried? I mean they’re family so it couldn’t be that bad. I only have one brother and we’re close. We haven’t had a fight in our adult life. Not that I can remember.

It was seven minutes before Mason came through the backroom door. I expected him to come through the front door but that would be stupid to walk all the way around the building. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw me.
My eyes mimicked his. Damn, he’s gorgeous. His body made a beeline right toward me and it was like we were the only ones in the room.

His right hand raised and found the back of
my head. He pulled me to him and smashed his lips into mine parting them with skill and force. Oh he was kissing me and I am seeping into his mouth. Oh me oh my, this man makes me high.

gently pulled away and I opened my eyes to his curled up lips. “This is a surprise.” He muttered.

“I brought Karen with me.” I glanced over at Karen sitting in the chair behind me. Mason followed my eyes.

Karen stood. She was quiet as a church mouse. Mason looked at me and I swear my frown must have felt like a kick in the ass because he scouted pass me with speed and purpose. He wrapped his arms around Karen like someone jammed lightning up his ass.

I’m going to go now.” I said out loud.

“Woooooh! N
o not yet.” Mason ordered.

have to go pick up Trey.” Life doesn’t revolve around you Mr. Mason.

“Five minutes.” His eyes pleaded with me or maybe they were threatening me. With Mason, it’s hard to tell the difference.
“C’mon.” He grabbed my hand. “Karen, I will be right back.”

Karen was smiling ear to ear. She was happy with the family reunion. Mason had a way of making people happy. That’s why he was such a good lover. He didn’t just make you come. He made you glad
you came.

Mason pulled me into the back room and closed the door.

“Mason, I have to go.” I rolled my eyes.

“I know.

I was just here yesterday.” Damn, you just had me in that rehab house.

I know, two minutes. Turn around, pull your pants down. I’ll come quick.”


“Do it.” He gave me a ‘
you better do as I say’
look. Mason had unbuckled his belt and undid his pants zipper. He dropped his pants and his dick was pointing at me. Oh my. “Turn around.” He instructed, ordered, and demanded, all that extra shit.

I decided to comply. I turned my back on Mr. Bossy. I started unbuttoning and unzipping my pants. I pulled them down to the ground but didn’t step out of them. Hope I don’t fall on my face.

Mason’s hands glided up
my hips and rested on my waist. When will I get tired of his touch?

I bent over and I felt the air brush against my pussy. My nipples had hardened and were pressed against my bra. Mason rubbed my ass cheeks in a circle with one hand and then I felt him tapping his heavy dick on my ass. He was spanking me with his dick. Stop please! Stop teasing me! Please put it in me. I want you inside me! Now! My mind was screaming but my mouth was mute.

BOOK: Full Court Press
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