Read Gay for Pay Online

Authors: Kim Dare

Tags: #erotic MM, #Romance MM

Gay for Pay (6 page)

BOOK: Gay for Pay
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He glanced up at Smith and then back down at the cushion. It seemed like a strange position in which to discuss his new security provisions, but God help him, he’d take whatever he could get.

Nate knelt.

“Look at me.”

Nate stared back at him, knowing everything must be visible in his eyes. “I’m sorry, sir.”


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“For what?”

“I do know how to maintain a professional relationship. I won’t bother you.”

Smith tucked his fingertips under Nate’s chin and made him look up. His lips twitched into a small smile as he seemed to realise something for the first time. “I’m taking over your security because I’ll be damned if I’d let another man look after you. That’s my place now, no one else’s.”


Smith stroked his cheek. “Unless you’re telling me that you’re not interested in more than a professional relationship with me?”

Nate shook his head. Then he realised that might be taken to mean the opposite of what he intended. “I mean I’m not telling you that I’m not, sir. I mean—”

Smith covered his lips with a fingertip. “I want you to belong to me,” he said, very simply, before he took his fingers away, letting Nate speak.

“It would be just like last night?” he asked.

Smith thought before he answered. “An instinct towards dominance can be tempered—it can be modified so it matches in neatly with another man’s submission if it needs to be. But it can’t be repressed entirely. I’d be lying if I said I’d be anything other than a master to you.”

Nate bit his lip. “Exactly like last night. Please?”

Smith stared down at him for a moment. “There’s one more thing that has to be cleared up first,” he announced. “There’s a brief case in my car—fetch it, please.”

A few minutes later, Nate came back with the briefcase to find Smith had migrated into his study. Smith pulled out the chair behind his desk. “Sit down.”

The moment his backside hit the chair, Smith dropped two documents on the desk in front of him. “Sign.”

Nate glanced up at him. Flicking over the pages, he found the places that required a signature and signed. When he was done, he offered the pages back to Smith.

Smith took the papers and stared down at them. He didn’t seem pleased. “Did it occur to you to read them?”

Nate looked down, telling himself it didn’t matter what he’d just signed away, it would be worth it if it made Smith happy, if it meant Smith would stay.


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Smith tapped him under the chin and made him look up. “Don’t try to work out what I want to hear—tell me your first thought when I asked the question.

“You said I belong to you, sir.”

“Yes, I did.” Smith crouched down in front of him. “What do you think that means, Nate?”

“It means I belong to you, sir.” Nate swallowed. “That everything belongs to you. So it doesn’t matter if I—”

Smith covered his lips with is fingertips. “No.”

For a few moments, Smith was perfectly still, as if deep in thought. Then, without any warning, Smith jerked him out of the chair and onto his feet. His lips covered Nate’s, just like they had the night before. One of his hands slid into his hair and tilted his head back, making Nate adopt the angle that would make the kiss perfect for Smith. One of Smith’s legs nudged his apart as his other hand settled low on his back, his thigh rubbed against Nate’s crotch and he instantly started to harden for his master.

He whimpered into the kiss as Smith thrust his tongue into his mouth and took complete possession of him. He tried to keep up, but this kiss was nothing like the sweet brushes of lips Smith had favoured him with the night before. It wasn’t even like the silencing kiss. It felt like a simple statement of ownership.

“You belong to me,” Smith growled, the moment he broke the kiss.

Panting for breath, unable to catch a full lungful of air, Nate just stared up at him.

“You.” Smith repeated. “Just you. I have no interest in your money, your business, or anything else. If you ever imply otherwise again, I promise you that you won’t sit for a month—and that spanking won’t be anything like the nice little tap on the backside you got last night.”

Nate swallowed.

“I am not one of your whores, Nate. Don’t forget that.”

“I never said—”

“What did you think you were signing?” Smith asked. “Did you think they were to do with us or with your job?”

Nate looked down.

“Answer,” Smith demanded.


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“I don’t know!”

“Well now you do,” Smith told him. “You belong to me. You have no vote when it comes to the orders I give you to keep you safe. And in our private life, unless you say your safe word, you will follow your master’s orders or accept the consequences. But if your father’s business comes crashing down around your ears, none of that will change.
are mine. Just you.”

“Yes, sir.” Nate glanced up at his master. “Yours.”

Smith kissed him again, rough and demanding, pushing Nate to give him complete access to his mouth and let him do as he pleased. Smith’s hips rocked against his, letting him know he wasn’t the only one hard.

When Smith broke the kiss he stared down at him. “Do you how fascinating you are when you sit behind a desk?” Smith whispered in his ear.

Nate frowned. “You said…”

“I’ve been imagining you spread out on a desk for me for months,” Smith whispered in his ear as he nipped at the lobe. “That’s the only thing that happens on your desk that will ever be of interest to me.”

Before Nate knew what was happening, he found himself sitting on the desk with Smith standing between his spread legs.

Smith made him look up at him, he studied him for a long time. “Tell your master what you want,” he ordered.

“This, please,” Nate begged, as every cheque he’d signed on that desk flashed through his head, as every lover who’d thought of nothing but those cheques when they were with him paraded through his mind.

“Naked. You have one minute.”

Nate scrambled at his clothes, trying to take everything off at the same time. He tossed his clothes on the floor in his hurry to follow the order. Smith stood there, watching until Nate ran out of things to take off.

“Whenever we’re alone together you’ll be naked,” Smith told him.

“Yes, sir.”


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Stepping forward Smith placed his hand on the centre of Nate’s chest and pushed him back to lay across the desk. “No expensive suits. No designer baggage. I want you accessible to your master at all times.”

Nate nodded.

“Would you like that, darling? To spend every moment at your master’s side knowing that he can reach out and touch you however he wants to, that he could do whatever he wants with you?”

Speechless, Nate nodded again.

Smith wrapped his hand around Nate’s shaft, his grip tight and possessive and perfect.

Nate bit his lip in a desperate effort to keep his pleasure silent.

Smith’s other hand reached out and took his lip from between his teeth. “All you have to do if you want me to stop, is say your safe word.”

Nate shook his head. Smith’s finger covered his lips before he could try to put into words just how essential it was that Smith never stop what he was doing.

“But if you want me to keep going, you’re going to have to do a lot more than that.”

“Whatever you want,” Nate offered against Smith’s fingertip.

“If you want this, you need to let your master know you’re not just going along with everything just to please him. No hiding your reactions, no biting your lip. Let me hear you.”

“This. You. Please, sir.” It was all Nate could manage right then.

Smith took his hand away from his cock. Nate scrambled to catch hold of his arm, but the older man ignored that and reached for his back pocket. Nate dropped his hand and watched, fascinated as Smith took out a tube of lube and slicked his fingers.

When Smith looked back to him, Nate’s throat closed up, he couldn’t speak. He spread his legs a little further apart on the edge of the desk in offering.

Smith seemed to find that an acceptable alternative to words.

When slicked fingers brushed against his hole, instinct made him pull back, no matter how desperate he was for exactly what Smith offered. Smith placed his other hand low on Nate’s stomach, just resting his palm there. “Hush. Look at me.”


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Nate blinked up at him as he felt his master’s fingers start to make slow circles against his hole, not trying to enter, just stroking him and stoking his desperation for more. He tentatively pushed back against them.

“Do you like that, darling?” Smith asked.

Nate nodded very quickly.

A finger slid into him. Nate’s eyes fell closed as he fought to keep his brain working, but the finger thrust in and out of him, making it impossible for him to do anything but try and rock his hips in response.

The finger slid away. Before he could protest, two slid back in its place, filling him, stretching him open further. A second later, the fingers crooked and pure pleasure shot through him. His hands clutched at the papers on the desk, balling them in his fists.

He flung open his eyes, to see Smith staring down at him. His fingers deliberately rubbed back and forth over that spot again and again.

“Please,” Nate whispered.

Smith made no response as he continued to work his fingers inside him, adding a third a few minutes later. Nate rolled his hips in encouragement as so much excess pleasure built up in his body, it began to feel like pain.

Suddenly his master’s fingers were gone. By the time Nate found the co-ordination to look at his master, he was sliding on a condom and slicking it with extra lube. A second later, the tip of Smith’s erection pressed against his hole. Smith made Nate meet his eyes as he held his hips still and refused to let Nate wriggle his way onto his erection.

Nate stared back up at his master until he realised what Smith was waiting for.

“Yes,” he whispered, so desperate he couldn’t even manage a ‘sir’ right then.

As easily as that, Smith began to push forward. Nate’s hands clutched at the papers again.

“Hush. Just give it time,” Smith whispered to him as he leant forward. He took Nate’s wrists, one in each grip and pinned them against the desk as he stilled inside him letting him adjust to the unfamiliar sensations coursing through him. “Its fine, love. Just wait—it will start to feel good again.”

Nate nodded. Even as Smith spoke, the burning pain was fading into a glorious ache that just made him desperate to feel Smith move inside him. He wriggled in his grip enjoying GAY FOR PAY

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the reassuring way Smith’s hold on his wrists tightened in response. Eventually, Smith began to rock his hips, setting that spot inside him on fire with each thrust. In what felt like moments, Nate was on the edge of coming.

Panic rushed through him as his brain chose that moment to remind him of certain things—of something that might even be more essential than coming right then.

“Stop. Please. You have to stop.”

Smith stilled as the gasps of pleasure tumbling from Nate’s mouth changed. It took a second for his brain to catch up.


“You have to stop,” Nate gasped.

Smith blinked down at him, trying to work out what had suddenly gone wrong. “It’s okay. Nothing’s going to happen if you don’t want it to,” he managed to say.

“I do want,” Nate protested, as he pushed back against Smith’s cock, trying to make him move inside him despite his words.

“Tell me what’s wrong,” Smith ordered.

“If you don’t stop I’ll come.”

Smith bit his lip, trying to stay still inside him while his body demanded to thrust.

“That’s the general idea, love.”

“The bed,” Nate reminded him.

Smith stared down at him and then at the table he lay on.

“Last night, you said I could either—“

“Both,” Smith cut in quickly as he remembered the choice he’d given Nate the night before—either you may come or you may sleep in the bed with your master. “You can have both.”

Nate didn’t seem entirely convinced for a few seconds. Then the words seemed to sink in. “Both,” he whispered back.

Smith rocked slightly. Nate tipped his hips back, welcoming him deeper into his body.

He gasped as Smith rubbed against his prostate.

“If this is what you want, say it,” Smith said.

“Yes. Please, don’t stop, I—“


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“You are not just allowed to come,” Smith informed him. “You’re commanded to.

Right now.”

No matter how much permission to sleep in his master’s arms meant to him, Nate hadn’t said stop until it was absolutely essential. One more thrust was all it took. Nate threw back as head, a shout tearing from his throat as he came across his stomach, completely untouched.

As Nate clenched around his cock, Smith held back, forcing himself to ride through the younger man’s orgasm without coming. Nate collapsed back on the desk, a whimper escaping from his throat as every bit of tension drained out of his body.

Smith rocked his hips, bringing Nate gently back to reality, reminding him his master was still there inside him.

Nate blinked his eyes open as he seemed to realise only one of them was done. “I…”

Smith rocked his hips and Nate broke off into a pleasure filled gasp.

“This is the only thing you’ll do at this desk that will ever be of interest to me.” It was essential that Nate understand that. Smith was still bloody impressed with himself for getting the words out in the right order right then.

He saw the start of understanding in Nate’s eyes. It was worth the frustration.

“You haven’t…” Nate blurted out.

Smith rocked his hips again. “I will,” he said.

Nate nodded quickly.

Smith stared down at him, watching Nate stare back as if he mesmerised the younger man. Fuzzy with afterglow, so peaceful, so relaxed, Nate welcomed every movement, murmuring his pleasure in a slow, sleepy way he’d been too frantic for earlier.

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