Read (Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Science Fiction & Fantasy

(Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips (25 page)

BOOK: (Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips
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“You can’t just leave him there. Then what will the poor girls do?” I brushed back my hair, out of control from the gale force winds which were finally dying down.

“You are right, Gloriana. I will have to find another sorcerer to take over his duties. Clearly Waldo was untrustworthy. Cornelius has a son. He has been his apprentice for some time now. Surely he will be able to handle this. It will be a rise in standing for that family as well.” Zeus smiled. “See? I am not unreasonable. The handmaidens and my kingdom should not be burdened with unwanted children. I will take care of it.”

“But the handmaidens will still be subjected to the whims of your gods and their urges, I assume.”

“It is our way. The gods are lusty. And taking slaves from conquered lands is a time-honored tradition. Surely you don’t expect me to deny my men their rights to spoils.”

“Women aren’t spoils, they’re people.” I stood which I obviously shouldn’t have done because thunder shook the ground so hard that I fell back onto the bench. “Please, Grandfather, reconsider slavery. Where I live on Earth it was abolished centuries ago.”

“Enough, child. I cannot and will not remake Olympus just because you don’t like the way things are done here. You would do well to hold your tongue. I’m already getting an earful from your grandmother about this fight between your lover and Kratos.” He shrugged. “I’m not cancelling it.”

“Are you afraid changing your mind will make you seem weak to your subjects?” I fell back as the world went dark and more wind whipped my hair around my head. Cold made me shiver then heat seemed to burn me from the outside in. I tried to speak but had lost my voice. I had an impression of Zeus rising from his throne but couldn’t focus. I’d said too much. Again. That was my last thought before the world went dark.


I woke up in my own bed. My mother stood over me.

“I hope you’re happy. My father wants you gone from Olympus. As soon as this fight is over. And he’s rescheduled it. Ready or not, your lover fights Kratos tomorrow. If Kratos wins, he’ll be banished with you, for a time at least. You can imagine how that complicates things.”

I sat up and the room swung around me. I gasped and leaned over. Alesha was suddenly there with a basin and I threw up in it. The handmaiden bathed my face with a cloth and cool water then backed away from the bed.

“Go away, Mother. I have nothing to say to you.”

“Don’t you? Your handmaiden has confessed that you found out about the birth control. I feel sure you wish to speak your mind about my subterfuge.” Mother sat in a chair Alesha pulled up next to the bed.

“My mind. Very well.” I sat up. “I hate you. You don’t care what I want, only what you want
me. You are a horrible mother. I realized that you were smart to make sure I didn’t pass on these genes we share because I would probably screw up a child. Look at my role model.” I gestured toward her then collapsed back against my pillows. “Satisfied?”

“Gloriana, you are being ridiculous. I would love for you to have a child. Just not with that blood sucker. Marry Kratos and I will count the months until you present him with an heir. Once you’ve done that, I’m sure Zeus will allow you to come back here. I don’t doubt you will be a wonderful mother to Kratos’ children.”

“That will never happen, Mother. Now get out. I can’t stand the sight of you.” I turned my face away. The fight was tomorrow? Was Jerry ready? Did it matter? The fix was in and he was doomed. A tear slipped down my cheek.

“Lady Gloriana, she’s gone.”

“Good.” I turned my head and saw that Alesha had a glass of water in her hand. “Thanks, I’m so thirsty.” I took the glass and sat up to drink. I guess being electrocuted, if that was what Zeus had done to me, had dried me out. “You’ll be glad to know Waldo will no longer charge the handmaidens for birth control. He’s in the cells.”

“I heard. And that you managed it.” Alesha straightened the coverlet. “Thank you.” She took my empty glass. “Word has come down from Lady Hera that handmaidens may refuse a god if they wish. No consequences will be allowed.”

“Really?” I had a feeling Hera and Zeus didn’t agree on that decision. Not my problem. At least the handmaidens had the right of refusal for now. “What do the handmaidens think of that?”

“Some of them like the gifts they get when they lie with a god. Others don’t care for men at all and prefer,” she flushed, “the company of other women. So they will be happy to refuse a god.”

“I get that. What do you think?” I was interested in her answer.

“Mistress, I heard your mother. That you might be leaving Olympus soon and going back to your home.” Alesha touched the back of my hand. “It would be my greatest wish to go with you. To serve you there. Where there are no gods to tell yay or nay.”

“But don’t you belong to someone here?” I hated it, but she had to be somebody’s slave.

“I am yours, mistress. I have a paper that shows you are my owner now, a gift from Lady Hebe.”

“My mother gave you to me?” I swallowed.

“When she set up your rooms here. She knew you’d need a loyal servant. There’s no better way to inspire loyalty than by binding us together with ownership.” Alesha bowed her head. “I am yours to dispose of as you wish. Of course she still gave me orders and I didn’t dare disobey her. She is too highly placed and too powerful.”

“Yes, I understand. You were too scared to refuse her when she told you to doctor my food and drink.” I kept a leash on my temper. It wouldn’t do any good to blame a slave whose mindset was obedience. And my mother was a holy terror, only a step or two under Zeus himself.

“Thank you, mistress.” Alesha was almost groveling and I was getting impatient with it. Where was her pride? Her backbone? Probably beaten out of her long ago. “I told your mother you read my mind about the birth control. She was furious but decided the time was right for the truth to come out. So she spared my life. Here on Olympus if she’d killed me there would have been some restitution required since she would have been destroying your property.”

“My property.” I shook my head. “No. I don’t own people. Where are your papers? How can I set you free?”

“Does that mean you won’t take me with you?” Alesha didn’t look happy. I was shocked. Surely her freedom meant more to her than a trip to Earth.

“If I actually do get to go home and can figure out how to get you there too, you can come. But only if you’re free. I don’t own people. I mean it. You must be released from slavery. The idea of it makes me sick.” I waved my hand. “Bring the basin and hurry.” I held my hand over my mouth. I wasn’t kidding. When she got close enough I leaned over and threw up again. There wasn’t much in my stomach and I ended up with dry heaves.

“Thank you, mistress.” Alesha wiped my forehead again. “Of course I’ll bring you my papers. But please don’t release me until we are away from here. You are very highly placed as a member of the hierarchy. Your family is powerful and that gives me respect among the other slaves. If you free me, then I am nothing. Just another woman without ties. It is not good to be such here in Olympus.”

“Well. Okay then. I won’t leave you hanging. We’ll manage somehow.” I dragged my legs over the side of the bed. “I’m going to get up now. This has been a crazy day and I want a long, soaking bath. Help me walk into the bathroom?”

“Certainly, mistress.” Alesha put her arm around me and helped me into the dressing area. Weak and not a little dizzy, I sat in front of my vanity while she ran a bath.

Crazy indeed. I’d been zapped by Zeus, betrayed by my mother and now I owned a slave. Next on my agenda? Telling Jerry that he was fighting tomorrow, thanks to me and my interference. I would be excited about going home if I knew he’d be by my side alive and not in a coffin. Somehow I was going to have to make things turn out right.

I was back in bed and dozing when Jerry staggered into the bedroom. He’d clearly had a hard day training.

“What’s wrong, Gloriana? Alesha said you were in bed recovering.” He set his sword on the carved chest where the vase used to be. If he noticed it was missing, he didn’t say anything. “Recovering from what exactly?”

“A meeting with Grandfather.” I sat up and noticed he had several cuts and bruises. The room whirled around me before it finally settled again. “You don’t look so good yourself. How was practice?”

“Don’t ask. I’m going to jump in the shower. Then we can talk.” He pulled off his belt and sandals then dropped his short toga before he walked into the bathroom. I couldn’t help admiring the flex of his muscles as he strode naked across the marble floor. He looked fit and should have been able to take any man in a fight. Too bad he wasn’t fighting a mere man. I heard the shower go on and the glass door slide shut.

I lay back and closed my eyes. This might be our last night together. I’d have to tell him about the fight. Even if I had a way for us to escape Olympus together right now, I knew Jerry had never and would never run from a confrontation. He’d do his best to win tomorrow and go down swinging. I jumped when I realized Alesha had crept into the room.

“Mistress. Cornelius the sorcerer is here. Would you see him?”

“Yes, just a moment. Hand me a robe.” I got out of bed. For a goddess, I wasn’t bouncing back from my meeting with Zeus like I should have. Maybe that was because I really hadn’t eaten all day. I would order dinner as soon as Cornelius left. Jerry needed to eat no matter what. Too bad the thought of food made me queasy again. I leaned on Alesha as I walked into the sitting room.

“Lady Gloriana.” Cornelius bowed when he saw me. “I hope I didn’t disturb you.”

hope you bring me some good news. Something to help Jerry win tomorrow. Or news that your granddaughter has talked Kratos into calling off the fight.”

“He cannot do that, my lady, even if he wished to do it.” Cornelius sat at my gesture. We faced each other from matching chairs. “Zeus wants the fight to go on and so it will.”

“Grandfather is determined to show who is in charge, isn’t he?” I sagged back against the brocade cushion. “I tried to talk to him and all I got for my trouble was a shot of lightning.”

“You are very brave, my lady.” Cornelius shook his head. “I have an elixir here that should put your lover in top form. It is the best I can do.” He pulled a vial out of his pocket and set it on a table. “I am also here to thank you. By calling attention to Waldo’s greed, you made it possible for my son, Calista’s father, to rise to a powerful position among the sorcerers.”

“I was trying to help the handmaidens.” I sighed and rubbed my aching head. “I really wanted to gain their freedom but Zeus wouldn’t hear of that, of course.”

“No, he wouldn’t. But now more will be able to eventually buy their freedom. It is a good start.” He smiled. “If your friend Blade could win tomorrow, Kratos would be happy to wed Calista now. With her father in a position of power, it would be a good match for him. But I’m afraid Kratos will prevail.” Cornelius studied the vial on the table. “Kratos is a god and, even if Zeus takes away his powers, he has advantages here that a mere mortal can’t hope to match.”

“You aren’t making me feel better, sorcerer.” I bit back the urge to cry on his shoulder. He had an air about him, solid, inspiring trust. One of the few people I’d met here that I did think I could confide in.

“I’m sorry. You know I want the same outcome you do.” He leaned closer. “Are you all right? You are very pale.”

“No, of course I’m not all right!” I gestured him even closer and forced myself to whisper. “There’s something I want to ask you. If Jerry loses,” I heard my voice break and put my hand over my mouth until I knew I could continue without sobbing, “dies,” Okay, so I couldn’t keep going. I materialized a handkerchief and wiped my eyes.

“Can, can I bring him back to life?” I looked up at the ceiling so I wouldn’t see the pity in Cornelius’s strange orange eyes. Alesha had left us alone and it was just the two of us. He took my hand. I rushed on before I broke down completely. “I saw Mars do it. My mother showed me when Jerry fell during a practice match. Do I have that power?” I finally looked at him. “What do you think?”

“Mars can do it but few other gods can.” Cornelius shook his head. “I don’t know if you could, my lady.”

“Can you test me somehow?”

He squeezed my fingers. “There is no test unless we killed someone now and tried it.” He looked deep into my eyes. “Some would say bring in a slave and do just that.”

“God no!” I jerked my hand from his. “This place is barbaric. I can’t wait to get away from here.”

“Yes, I can see that.” He stood. “Get your man to drink the elixir right before the fight. It will give him added strength. I am giving Kratos something too but not as potent. He has paid me for it but I owe it to my granddaughter to try to fix this fight in your lover’s favor.” He helped me to my feet. “I asked you before. Are you well?”

I sighed. “As well as can be expected after Zeus gave me a dose of his anger.” I rubbed my forehead again. “I have a headache and haven’t been able to eat today. It’s nothing.”

“Perhaps. Let me see your bedchamber if you don’t mind.” He followed me to the bedroom, taking my arm when I staggered. “You are showing symptoms that trouble me.”

“I’m not pregnant.” I frowned when I said it then sank into a chair.

He stopped beside the bed and gave me a searching look. “No, I don’t think so. But there’s something here…” He picked up my pillow and sniffed it. “Where’s your handmaiden?”

“Alesha.” I actually called for her, forgetting that I could just gesture.

Jerry strode into the room from the bathroom, a towel around his lean middle. “What’s going on here? Cornelius, I told you I don’t want any more of your shit in my system.”

“I’m here to help Lady Gloriana. Does she look well to you?” Cornelius had thrown all of our pillows onto the floor.

“Yes, mistress, what is it?” Alesha ran into the room.

“Girl, who brought these pillows into this bedchamber?” Cornelius picked one up, pulled out a knife and ripped open the pillow. A mixture of goose feathers and green leaves poured out. The scent made my eyes water and I suddenly ran to the bathroom and leaned over the sink. I splashed water in my face to keep from throwing up again. I saw Jerry in the mirror, right behind me and felt his arms go around me, holding me up.

BOOK: (Glory St Clair 11) Real Vampires Say Read My Hips
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