Read Going Deep Online

Authors: Roz Lee

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Sports, #Romance, #Contemporary

Going Deep (7 page)

BOOK: Going Deep
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She knew she was
on display, that he was using this time to assess her. How did she feel about
that? How would she respond to being put on display for others? He wasn’t wild
about the idea—what was his, was his. But if it achieved the right result, if
it could serve a purpose beyond simply arousing her, then he would consider it.

Watching her was
a classic study in psychology, and he loved every minute of it. Though she did
an excellent job of remaining still, emotions played across her face like
storms across the prairie, fast and furious, one after another. Fear. Anger.
Pain. Resignation. And, at last, the one he’d been waiting for. Desire.

She was so much
more than he’d ever hoped for. Screwing up was not an option. He was asking a lot
from her by denying her sight. She hadn’t made a peep, and the silence coming
through the intercom was deafening. She’d been on her knees for ten minutes,
but it must seem like a lifetime to her. He closed his eyes and shut everything
out, much the way he did on the field when the roar of the crowds threatened
his ability to think. His job demanded total concentration, total focus on the
ball, no matter whether he was crouched behind home plate or standing in the
batter’s box.

He took a
moment, grounding himself in what she must be experiencing—well, as much as he
could considering all manner of erotic sounds filtered from the common areas
like a cheer through a megaphone, amplified and battering at his psyche.
Amazing how much more difficult it was to tune this type of noise out. He
sought and found an artificial silence. His thoughts turned inward to his
needs, his desires, his doubts.

While standing
in the hallway, he could acknowledge his uncertainties, but once he walked
inside the room, he couldn’t let any of them show. This woman needed his
strength, his decisiveness, his command. He wanted to give it to her. He wanted
to give her everything he was, and take everything she had to give. He wanted
to possess her, to own her, and more importantly, he wanted to know her.

Any woman strong
enough to place herself in such a position had to be special. He wondered what
she did in her outside life, but he wouldn’t go there—not yet, anyway. It wasn’t
fair to ask her to share information if he wasn’t willing to reciprocate. Maybe
one day, but not until there was a solid commitment between them. Only then
could he expose himself up to the risk involved.

Someone opened a
door nearby. He snapped his attention back to the exquisite creature waiting
for him. It was time to see if he could forge some sort of bond between them.
See if her need matched his. He took a deep, centering breath, like he did
before stepping into the batter’s box. With a slow exhale, he put his hand on
the doorknob.
Batter up


 * * *


She instinctively
turned toward the sound of the opening door. A shiver ran down her spine.
God. He’s here
. She’d passed the first test. He’d liked what he saw enough
to take the next step. She quickly corrected her posture, hoping he hadn’t
noticed the breach of conduct.

The door clicked
shut, sealing out the sudden burst of music that had accompanied his entrance.
Her pussy throbbed in tandem with her racing pulse. The mind fuck had worked.
She was horny and desperate, and with a little luck, he would be, too.
Adrenaline kicked in, and giddiness was close on its heels, along with an
insane desire to beg him to put her out of her misery.

Heavy footsteps
crossed the room toward her… but not quite. What was he doing? She recognized
the scrape of curtain rings sliding on the rod. Relief flashed through her. At
least no one else would be watching. Perhaps he had a modicum of compassion
after all. She licked her dry lips and focused her remaining senses on the man
in the room. Goosebumps rose on her flesh as his footsteps made a slow circle
around her, pausing directly in front.

He stood close
enough she could feel heat radiating from his body. One hot fingertip touched
her chin, lifting her face. She gasped at the first contact.

Another digit, perhaps
his thumb, stroked her jaw line, sending a bolt of heat to her pussy. So very
tender. Did he like what he saw? Did he want her?

beautiful, girl.”

Oh God. That
voice, like black velvet, smooth and warm with an edge.
Brooke hadn’t come
close to describing the sensual nature of his tone. His thumb stroked over her
cheekbone, back along her jaw, and over her lips.

“I like seeing
you on your knees.” He backed away, and she dropped her chin back to her chest.
“Ahh, so you do know something about being a sub. I’m impressed.”

She tracked the
sound of his footsteps, though she could barely hear them over the blood
rushing past her ears. He stopped behind her, fingering her hair then moving
lower over the curve of her ass. She shivered at his light touch.

 “So responsive,”
he said in a low, seductive voice that lured her in, made her pussy gush with
need. “I like that.”

One large hand
squeezed her butt cheek. She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out. It was
all she could do not to press her ass into his hand in invitation. A heartbeat
later, he jerked her dress up, baring her to his gaze.

“You have a
lovely ass, girl. I want to see more. Put your hands over your head.”

She raised her
arms, and in an instant, her dress was off. Heat prickled beneath her skin, and
she knew from experience she’d gone into a full body blush. Mortifying. What
would he think of a sub blushing from her toes to her ears?

“Lace your
fingers behind your head. I’ll want to see all of you.”

She followed his
orders, grateful to have something to do with her trembling hands.

“You’re a
particularly delicate shade of pink, my dear.” There was a hint of amusement in
his voice. “I like it. Do you blush often?”

Carrie licked
her lips, struggling to form words.

“Do that again,
and I’ll give your tongue something much more interesting to lick. Now, answer
me. Do you blush often?” No amusement, just his deep voice stroking her skin to
a deeper shade of need. Any doubt about her effect on him was gone. He desired
her. An insane burst of pride warmed her from the inside out.

“Yes, Sir. I do.”

He’d moved close
enough his unique scent wafted to her nostrils. He smelled of summer afternoons
outdoors and beneath that, raw, elemental male. The combination called to
everything feminine within her. Chemistry. People talked about it, but only in
vague terms, and now she knew why. There were no words to describe how her body
responded to his. It was primal. Essential. Somehow, she knew seeing him wouldn’t
change anything between them.

“I’m pleased to
hear it. I’ll make it my mission to bring this about as often as possible if
you choose to engage in this relationship.”

engage in the relationship? There was no choice. Her body had already made the

Blunt fingers
brushed across both nipples at once, and she whimpered. It was all she could do
to remain still then his fingertips closed tightly over the twin nubs, pinching
hard. She hissed in a sharp breath, absorbing the bite of pain. He gave a rough
tug and desire flooded her pussy.

“Your body
pleases me very much.” He released her nipples, pressing warm palms against
them, massaging her breasts with strong fingers. “Tell me, are your knees

“Yes, Sir.”
I’ll stay here forever as long as you continue touching me

“I’m going to
help you stand. Keep your hands behind your head.” He wrapped his hands around
her waist from behind and lifted her. “Spread you feet wide.”

She shuffled her
feet, only to have him kick them farther apart while still supporting her at
her waist. One hand remained there, while the other trailed across her hip. She
held her breath as one finger slid toward the cleft of her buttocks.

“Relax.” He
paused in his exploration until her shoulders dropped and she let out her
breath. “Breathe, girl. Your body is mine, or it will be soon. I’ll know all of
it in much more intimate detail than this.”

His finger
parted her, pausing to test the tight ring of muscles hidden there. She
struggled to breathe.

“Has anyone had
you here?” he asked.

“No, Sir.”


“Never, Sir.”

“Your choice, or

She shrugged her
shoulders. “I don’t have much experience, Sir.” That was an understatement if
she ever heard one.

His finger
massaged her anus, making it almost impossible to think. “Tell me. How many
lovers have you had?”

She swallowed
hard. Oh God. If she told the truth, he would probably send her home right now.
His hand left her ass, only to return a second later. This time, he pressed his
wet finger harder against her. As he breached the tight ring, she gasped. Her
knees buckled.

The hand at her
waist wrapped around her, securing her hip against his groin, and all the
while, his fingertip remained imbedded inside her. His erection ground against
her hipbone, and desire swirled low in her belly.

 “The truth,
girl. Never lie to me. Ever,” he growled in her ear. “I don’t care if it’s one
lover or one hundred. You’re mine now, and I need the information in order to
plan our time together.”

Her inexperience
must be obvious to him, so no use lying. “Only two, Sir. But I haven’t had a
lover in over a year if you don’t count the few times I’ve played with Brooke
and her master.”

“Thank you for
your honesty.” His calm voice put her at ease. He extricated his finger from
her ass, taking care to soothe her with a gentle caress afterwards. “Can you
stand on your own now?”

Her knees were
shaky, and she wasn’t overly steady in the best of times in high heels, but
sensing he expected her to be strong, she focused on regaining her balance. “Yes,
Sir. Thank you, Sir, for your support.”

He set her away
from him, though one palm remained on the curve of her hip. “I’ll always take
care of you. I can and will push your limits, but I’ll always have your safety
and pleasure in mind.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

“I can smell
your arousal, girl.” His hand moved between her legs, cupping her sex. As his
hand met her swollen flesh, she gasped. “Lovely. You’re wet for me.” His
fingers flickered through her folds, found her opening, and tunneled inside. “Tight.
Excellent.” He wiggled his fingers, discovering the spot inside she knew from
self-exploration would bring her to orgasm with a minimum of attention. “You
want to come, don’t you?” he asked, his breath hot against her ear.

“Yes, Sir.” She
barely got the words out on a whisper.

His fingers
abruptly left her and she cried out.

“Not today.”

He switched
hands—the one between her legs replacing the one on her hip, which slipped
across her stomach to the small patch of trimmed hair on her mound. She bit her
bottom lip as he explored until he found her clit, pinching it hard. She
groaned at the delicious bite of pain that was gone too soon.

“On your knees.”
He helped her to the floor, and when she was situated, the scrape of a chair
filled the air, and she sensed he sat facing her.

“I’m very
pleased, girl,” he said, his voice coming from directly in front—not from above
as before but more in line with her diminished height. “I realize I have an
unfair advantage in that I can see every inch of your lovely body while you’re
deprived of assessing me in the same way. Physical attraction is a powerful and
meaningful part of any successful relationship. I know you don’t understand the
reason I’ve forbidden you to look at me, but one day I’ll explain. If you would
like to hear the rest of my terms, then I’ll continue. Afterwards, if you still
wish to establish this relationship, I’ll strip and allow you to explore my
body with your hands. That should put to rest any questions you have regarding
my fitness. Would you like to hear the terms of our relationship?”

Her hands itched
to touch this man, whoever he was. She no longer cared she couldn’t see him. He’d
demonstrated his ability to master her in a few short minutes, and if he asked
her right now to lie back and spread her legs so he could fuck her, she would
gladly do it. Talk about a blind date. This was beyond fucked-up, but she loved

“Yes, Sir. I
would like to hear the terms under which I might serve you.”

These are my terms, in a nutshell. You’ll find them all spelled out on a
document waiting for you at the front desk. Pick it up on your way out tonight,
and read it over carefully. If you have questions, there’s an email address you
may use to contact me. Feel free to ask me anything. It’s my job to see that
you understand what you’re agreeing to. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Okay, then. Rule
number one, our outside lives will not be discussed until such time as I deem
it prudent to do so. You may of course contact me if you’re going out of town
or have obligations that prevent you from fulfilling my instructions. My job
takes me out of town frequently, for up to two weeks at a time. I’ll make sure you
know my schedule, but only as it pertains to our relationship.

 “Rule number
two, I’ll email you with instructions on what you’re to wear and at what time
you’re to meet me here. You’ll follow my instructions to the letter, and when I
arrive, you’ll be as you are now, waiting for me.

“Rule number
three, You’ll address me as Master or Sir.

 “Rule number
four, You’ll provide me with a safe word, and if you use it during a scene, all
play will stop immediately. We’ll discuss at that time whatever caused you to
safe word out. I promise to respect your hard limits, but I will push your soft
limits every chance I get. I would never discourage you from using your safe
word, but I do urge you to think very hard before you use it.

BOOK: Going Deep
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