Read Groomless - Part 3 Online

Authors: Sierra Rose

Tags: #Billionaire Romance

Groomless - Part 3 (14 page)

BOOK: Groomless - Part 3
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“Then why not play?”

“Maybe we can wager something besides money.”

“Hmm. That sounds like a bet I’d like to make,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

“Calm down, Luke. I’m only talking about a dinner date,” I said. “If I lose, I’ll cook you dinner. If I win, you cook for me.”

He smirked.

“What?” I asked.

“Remember that pie you made for me, when you used salt instead of sugar.”

I laughed. “Who could ever forget?”

“You were working in a restaurant for a while. Did they teach you to cook?”

“Nope. Only to count,” I admitted.

“That’s okay. I’ll just have your famous scrambled eggs!”

We both burst out in laughter.

“Smart answer,” I retorted.

“I’d like to up the ante though,” he said.

“Of course,” I said. “You’re always a hustler.”

“Hustler, huh. Imagine what I might have learned if I read that instead of

“Shut up, Luke,” I said, rolling my eyes at him.

“Anyway, if I win, you have to spend next weekend with me—no work, no friends, no interruptions and just the two of us.”

“And if…no,
I win?”

“I’ll pay your rent for the next three months. That will help you out, and it will free up some of your roomie’s money so she can support her loser boyfriend and buy all the horrible pink and green nail polish she wants, right?”

“Conceited much?”

“I’m not conceited, baby. I’m just convinced,” he said, with his eyes sparkling. “Besides, I can’t possibly win against you, right?”

“Hmm. Well, I do like a confident man, but you’re right. I never lose.”

“Neither do I.”

“Challenge accepted.”

We played a game of pool, shared several more beers, and laughed the night away.


Morning came way too fast, and I opened my weary eyes. I had a monstrous hangover and could not even remember how many beers I’d gulped down during our heated and flirtatious game of billiards. I did slightly recall Luke making obscene gestures with the pool cue and saying something immature about chalking his stick, but beyond that, I had little recollection of it.

I looked around and found myself somewhere other than my own apartment. The curtains were closed, and it was dark. I stumbled through the dimness, with my head throbbing, but I eventually found the light switch. When I glanced around at the room, it took my breath away. I’d been lying in a strange bed, curled up in silk sheets, wearing nothing but my red bra and underwear.

“Shit!” I said aloud, hurrying over to wrap a sheet around myself like some sort of toga.
Where am I? What stranger took me home? I’m not a one-night stand kind of girl!
“Where the hell are my clothes?” I asked, but there was no one around to answer me. “What the hell was I thinking, coming home with some stranger?”

My mind felt like Jell-O, and I was in desperate need of Motrin. I felt nauseous, sleepy, and slutty as I glanced around the impossibly extravagant room.
Did we use protection? I wondered. Gosh, I hope so. The last thing I need is a bad case of When Harry Met Syphilis. Okay. Don’t panic, Julia. Just get yourself together. Step one, locate my clothes.

I found my dress crumpled by the bed and quickly slipped into it, followed by my heels. I looked in the mirror above the dresser and was appalled by my reflection. I was a hot mess, with my makeup smeared all over the place. “Gosh, I look like a stripper gone bad,” I muttered. I couldn’t get home fast enough to shower and brush my teeth, so I tiptoed out of the bedroom and down the hallway. I bit my lip hard, scared of who I might meet.

I rushed down the spiraling staircase, hoping to get out of there as fast as I could. I had just enough money to catch a cab home.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I froze, and my jaw literally dropped. I instantly recognized the place as one I’d been in before, and I was stricken with an odd sense of déjà vu. It was all glitz and glamour at its finest, towering ceilings, white walls, spectacular architecture, and the most amazing chandelier I’d ever seen in my lifetime. It was bright and sunny but warm and inviting, and even though I’d seen it before on a sleepy morning, I was completely mesmerized.

All the memories of the night before suddenly rushed back to me. Luke had brought me back to his place after all, but nothing had happened. Just as I always felt with him, I was completely safe all along. When I spotted the familiar cashmere throw on his couch, the couch where I’d sipped whiskey with him, I let out a long sigh of relief.

I then saw the perfect profile of a familiar face. Luke was beside the window, painting. He dipped his brush into a shade of orange, then applied some to the huge canvas on the easel in front of him. As I looked at his handiwork, I saw a beautiful landscape, a perfect depiction of a familiar beach, one I recognized as our old hangout back in Missouri. I had no idea he had such an artistic flair about him, but he’d captured the scene perfectly, and I was deeply moved. I loved watching him work. He caught me staring and shot me a sexy smile.

“Luke,” I said.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning. Gosh, I know I was here once before, but this place just blows my mind every time I see it. I’ve never seen anything so gorgeous in all my life.”

“Thanks. It’s just home sweet home.”

“Sweet is an understatement, if you ask me. What’s it like to have a stunning view straight from your couch? What’s it like to be greeted by the sunrise and tucked in at night by the stars?”

“It’s a dream-come-true,” he said.

“You worked hard for it, and I’m so proud of you.”

He smiled. “Thanks. Did you sleep okay?”

“Like a log.”

“How about some coffee and toast?”

“I don’t wanna put you out, and I’ve got to get to work,” I said.

“On a Saturday?”

“Yeah. I have a photo shoot with a dozen lingerie models in a couple hours. Thanks anyway though.”

“Hmm. Lingerie models, huh? Do you need an escort?”

“Very funny.”

“How are you feeling?” he asked. “You were…a little tipsy last night.”

I rubbed my temples and squinted at him, trying to stave off the severe headache that was throbbing in my skull. “I’m a little hungover, and my sides hurt.”

“Your sides?”

“Yeah. You were so freaking funny at that bar last night. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time.”

“Me neither. Just like old times, huh? Can I get you some Tylenol?  And you really should at least have some coffee.”

“No, it’s okay. I’ll survive. I’ve got to get home though. I need a shower and to get ready for work.”

“You can shower here if you want,” he suggested. “You seemed pretty impressed by that steam shower last time.”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “I forgot about that. Thanks, but all my equipment is at home, and I have to change.”

“All right. Need a lift, or would you prefer me to call a cab?”

“A cab would be great,” I said, my throat as dry as the Sahara. “Can I please get a glass of water though?”

He walked into the kitchen and returned with a bottle of water.

I thanked him and took a drink, quenching my parched throat. “What about you? You had a lot to drink too. How are you feeling?”

“I’ve just got a little headache, but I blame you.”


“You encouraged me to drink too much Jack.”

I smiled. “Oh yeah. I think we both spent a little too much time with Mr. Daniels.”

I looked at him quizzically, and I found him irresistible once again. He kept looking at me with those dangerously intoxicating blue eyes of his. Luke was a magnetic force in my life, and I was undeniably drawn to him like a moth to flame. He was so intoxicating, so provocative, so sensual that even a real headache was not enough to make me stop wanting him.

“Is everything okay, JJ?”

“This has all been…just two old friends hanging out, right?” I said. “It’s not like we’re talking about marriage or picking out baby names.”

“Daniel for a boy, Amber for a girl.”

I smiled. “You remember?”

He grinned. “We used to talk about our future all the time.”

“Well, anyway, I had a great time.”

“Good. Are you sure you don’t want any eggs, toast, anything?”

“No. I can whip something up when I get home.”

“I love your eggs.”

“Everyone does. It’s the one thing I’m awesome at. Ask me for anything else, and it will come out looking like a chunk of asphalt.”

He laughed.

“Hey, I lost our bet last night, right?”

“’Fraid so.”

“I thought so. The last thing I remember is you saying, ‘Eight ball, corner pocket.’”

“I told you I could handle my stick,” he said, grinning, “and I always know what to do with my, uh…balls.”

“Shut up, Luke.”

“Anyway, I won fair and square, so you’re spending all of next weekend with me.”

I smiled. “A bet’s a bet,” I said.


Kate was watching television when I walked in. She smiled when she realized I was wearing the same outfit I’d been wearing the night before. “You did it, didn’t you?” she asked. “You called me drunk and said you were staying at Luke’s. Did you guys bathe in the glow of drunken sex this morning?”

“No,” I said, not about to tell her what had gone on between us when he returned from Indonesia. I was just glad she was over at her boyfriend’s place that night, or I never would have heard the end of it.

“What’s going on between you two?” she asked. “I just don’t get it.”

“Like I told you, we’re just friends.”

“So when are you seeing your

“I’m spending next weekend with him at his penthouse. We had a bet, and he beat me at pool.”

She laughed. “Yeah. You told me on the phone. You were so wasted. Luke kept grabbing the phone, and you guys were laughing so damn hard, like a bunch of school kids. He said he was crushing on you bad. And you said he kissed like an angel. You guys are friends all right.”

“I lost a bet. We’re staying in separate bedrooms.”

“You told me that last night! And then told me you were going to sneak into his bedroom and ravage him.”

“Everything is kind of cloudy.”

“Yeah, because you were drunk. You can cancel if you want. He’s not gonna hold you to some stupid bet in a bar.”

“I figure we’ll just work out the last details for the reception. I’ve got to plan a few more things, and I could really use his help. I bet we can knock out the rest, and then we’re golden until the reception.”

“So what are your plans for this billionaire after the wedding reception, JJ? Surely you’re not just gonna cut him off cold turkey. That’d be kind of rude after all he’s doing for you.”

“We’ll remain friends.”

“So you’ve had a change of heart, huh?”

“I have to admit, at first I didn’t want that. I didn’t think I could deal with it, but Luke is really a sweetheart, and he’s a great friend to have. He knows me better than anyone, from way back, and he makes me laugh so much. We laughed and laughed last night. It felt good. I miss laughing like that.”

“Not only that, but he’s the first guy you banged, right. You never forget your first.”

“I guess.”

She scrunched up her brow. “I’d like to forget mine though.”

“Aw. I’m sorry, Kate.”

“Is there still chemistry between you two? He looks at you like he wants to smear peanut butter all over you and—”

“Peanut butter? Gosh, Kate. What kind of freak are you? Wait. I don’t wanna know.”

“I’m just hungry, I guess. Want a sandwich?”

I laughed and shook my head. “I guess there is still chemistry. I mean, it’s hard not to touch him or look into his eyes without getting excited.”

“Well, he’ll look good on your arm at the wedding reception. He makes the best eye candy, for sure. Where can I rent a gorgeous billionaire to be on my arm for your big day? Does he have any rich, amazingly sexy friends? And don’t say Mr. Trump. He’s too busy running for president.”

I laughed. “Luke is just the same old guy I’ve always known. He’s not really any different. He’s just…richer and more grown up.”

She winked. “Just owns a fancy pad and rides around in limos, right? And he has a body to die for. Mmm-mmm-mmm, what I’d do to that boy.”

“He’s not a boy,” I said, winking. “Besides his newfound success, and underneath those designer suits, though, he’s still really the same guy I knew back then.”

“You’re softening up. Maybe it’s all this wedding planning.”

“Nah. My fake groom is just pretty damn amazing.”

“That’s why the fake part is such a shame.”


BOOK: Groomless - Part 3
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