Hagen, Lynn - Murphy's Madness [Brac Pack 15] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (12 page)

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Murphy's Madness [Brac Pack 15] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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A henchman.

The chuckle that should have come was lost in the sea of turbulent emotions. He didn’t know if he would ever laugh again.

He thought of his mate standing behind that counter with such bravery, asking to be beat down before his soaps. Ludo thought of the way his baby gave himself freely as he made sweet love to him, or the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled up at Ludo.

He lifted his shoulder as he turned his head and wiped the tears away that were free-falling from his eyes.

“I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t,” Murphy chanted in his loopy state.

. I’m here.” Ludo soothed his mate and kissed his forehead. How would their lives play out? Would Murphy need constant watch? Ludo knew that whatever it took to see to his mate’s health he would make sure it was done.

“He’s going to sleep for a while. Why don’t you do the same?” Nicholas patted Ludo’s shoulder and gave him a sad smile.

“I can’t. I just…can’t.” Ludo stayed with Murphy, watched over him as Nicholas put him back together as best he could. No one would be able to put his mate’s mind back together. That was something Ludo was going to have to learn to live with.

“With the proper medication, he can lead a fairly normal life,” Nicholas informed him as he continued to work on Murphy.

Fairly normal?
Ludo soaked up the words, digested them, and wanted to vomit them back out. It was so damn unfair to Murphy.

“We can talk about it later, doc.”

“Sure. I’m going to stay here instead of going to the tunnel in case Murphy needs further care.”

In other words, in case his mate flipped out again. Ludo turned his back on the other two in the room. He concentrated on the angelic face with the slightly parted lips, sleeping peacefully.

He gently traced his fingertips along the red and purple bruise circling around Murphy’s neck. Would that be a permanent scar? Ludo swallowed a few times around the large lump lodged in his throat. The white bandages covering his mate’s shoulder from the wound the vampire had inflicted reminded him of George. Would he have a constant thirst now? Crave his meat bloodier? George was that way now, having been viscously attacked by those bloodthirsty bastards.

Ludo thanked Nicholas when the doctor scooted a chair over to him. He sat down, watching his
finally get some peace.


* * * *

There were nine Timber wolf warriors—including Maverick—that tracked little Melonee to a farmhouse in the surrounding urban area. Each one was weary from the earlier battle, sleep deprived, and ready to take their aggression out on whoever had taken the Den’s princess.

Micah had driven the SUV as the others tracked her down. Once they found the farmhouse she was being held in, they shifted back to human form, quickly and quietly grabbing their clothes from the back of the vehicle, dressing in a rush.

Micah had parked the SUV behind a clump of trees, driving the last mile in total darkness to hide the fact that they had arrived.

They crept along in complete silence until they reached the house. Hawk signaled for them to get in place, to form a tight circle around the house, preventing anyone from escaping.

All plans blew to hell when Maverick walked with a predator gait to the front door and tore it from its hinges. He stormed in, attacking with no discrimination. His claws shot out of his fingers as he took down the first fool who charged at him.

The warriors filtered into the house, checking every room as Maverick made an example to anyone else who may think of taking the princess.

There were ten men in all, all human, and all trying to hold back the warriors to keep what was not theirs. None of the warriors shifted, they took down the humans as humans, with their bare hands.

Guns fired and warriors fought as they one by one eliminated the enemy.

“Found her!” Evan shouted from a backroom.

Maverick bowled all of them over as he entered the small room and knelt by the bed, pulling little Melonee from Evan’s arms and cradling her to his chest. “We need to get her to Nicholas.” Maverick said as he looked down at her tiny angelic face.

He knew that being a fey, she was special. The Elvin creatures hadn’t been seen for many centuries, and she was very valuable. He had called his father and asked him for the ancient scrolls, studying them with vehemence when they arrived the following morning.

He hadn’t learned much, the feys, or Elvin creatures as they are referred to, stayed to themselves, so not much was recorded. But it did mention that they had some kind of special power. Maverick was willing to bet that whatever it was, that was the reason enemies were being drawn to their small town.

Now the question was, how did she disappear in a house with window sensors and cameras?

Maverick walked back through the house and out onto the front porch. “Burn it to the ground.”

The Santiago brothers nodded.

“Who took her?” Storm asked as he opened the back of the SUV for Maverick to climb in.

“I don’t know, but as soon as I find out, they’ll be breathing through their asshole.”

“It might have helped to question them before you killed them.” Storm threw his hands up when Maverick glared at him. “I’m just saying.”

“They didn’t deserve to take another breath.” Maverick reached out and pulled the door out of Storm’s hand and slammed it closed.

He ran his hands over Melonee’s soft tresses as they drove back to the Den.

Once they arrived, Maverick climbed out of the backseat and took Melonee to Nicholas, making sure everything was secure before posting one of the warriors at the exam room door.

Maverick sought out his mate. He found Cecil with the others as they gathered in his office. He walked right over to his mate and pulled Cecil into his arms, just standing there holding him as he thanked whoever would listen that his mate and his princess were safe and back at home where they belonged.

“I’m sorry, but Murphy needed us,” Cecil cried.

“I know.” How could he punish his mate when he was only helping another out? “Tell me, that’s all I ask. Let me know what’s going on. You are the beat in my heart, if anything ever happened to you, baby.” Maverick pulled him tighter, praying that fate would never be so cruel as to take Cecil from him for his kind heart.

“Come on, we have to see to our princess.”

Cecil wiped his eyes. “Is she okay?”

“She’s with Nicholas right now.” Maverick stood, carrying his baby up the stairs. He walked into the exam room.

“How is she?” Cecil asked.

“No worse for the wear. I didn’t find anything.” Nicholas pulled Melonee up from the table and handed her over to Cecil.

“Come on, princess, time for a bedtime story.” Cecil held her hand as the three walked to her room.

* * * *

Murphy lay in Ludo’s arms in his bed. He ran his hand around his neck and growled inwardly when he felt the gauze that was taped over his shoulder. He was warned that he may become thirstier, but so far it hadn’t happened.

He traced his fingers over the pain surrounding his neck and wanted to scream at the top of his lungs as he remembered what Maribel had tried to do to him.

Fucking bitch.

If it was the last thing he did, she would pay. It was one thing to hammer him, quite another to hang him and make everyone else think he had done it to himself.

In his backwards way of thinking, he could understand how everyone might think he had done it all one his own. Cindernightmare was good. She had set it all up to look like he had tried to hang his skinny ass from the light fixture in his office.

.” Ludo opened his eyes and smiled. God, the man could stop Murphy’s heart with that smile. He had forgotten that fast what he was thinking about.

“How are you feeling?”

Murphy snuggled closer. “Horny and hungry. With a cock like yours, I can take care of both of them at the same time.”

.” Ludo moaned. “We shouldn’t.”

“Fine, you talk about whatever, and I’m gonna scoot down and lick the Polish boy sausage between your legs.” Murphy pushed away from Ludo, tossing all his worries out of the window as he licked his lips. Damn, what a fine piece of meat his mate had.
my ass. Ludo was hard as a rock.

Murphy wasn’t going to think about what had happened. He got his wolf back. The last wish he had made was now coming true. He could live in denial of the rest.

He didn’t want to think about everything that happened. All Murphy wanted was to lose himself in Ludo.

He grabbed the pretty Polish boy sausage and wrapped his lips around it, eliciting a hiss from his mate.

Murphy moaned.

The pre-cum tasted heavenly on his tongue, a taste he was going to thoroughly enjoy. He normally hated giving blow jobs. Whoever his partner was at the time would push his head down toward the cock.

Like he wasn’t there already
The dumbasses.

But Ludo?

He caressed Murphy’s hair, his moans echoing in the room. Fuck, if that sound wasn’t an ego rub.

Murphy circled his tongue around the hot shaft, lapping up any pre-cum that welled up at the tiny slit. He got to his knees, pushing the cock further down his throat. Murphy had to take a moment. He wasn’t an expert at this after all. Taking a deep breath through his nose, Murphy took Ludo all the way down his throat.

,” Ludo called out as his hips swayed from side to side.

Murphy massaged and rolled Ludo’s balls in his hand, pulling up then sliding the shaft back down his throat. He pulled his cheeks in, trying his best to give his dark and lovely wolf a good head job.

“Come.” Ludo tried to pull Murphy up, but Murphy pulled back, shaking his head. He picked up the pace, bobbing his head up and down as his tongue explored the veins and silky skin in his mouth. He panicked when he felt his canines emerging. Before he could release Ludo’s cock, his canines sank in.

“Fuck!” Ludo shouted as he hitched his hips and came down Murphy’s throat. Ludo planted his hands on Murphy’s head, but it didn’t feel like the other times. Murphy welcomed it.

“Come,” Ludo growled this time.

Murphy licked Ludo clean and crawled up his mate’s body. He lay across Ludo’s chest, resting his chin on his hands. “Hi.”

Ludo chuckled as his fingers brushed back Murphy’s stray locks. “Hello, beautiful.” He ran his hands over Murphy’s hair as he stared into his eyes. Murphy leaned into Ludo’s hand. It felt so right, so why did everything have to be so wrong around him?

“I love you.” Ludo held Murphy’s chin, refusing to allow him the privilege of hiding his face at the declaration. Murphy placed his hand over Ludo’s, smiling up at him.

“Craziness and all?” He was joking, but he could see the sadness enter his mate’s eyes.

“Everything. There is nothing about you that would make me turn away from you.” Ludo smiled weakly at him, rubbing his thumb over his bottom lip. “That was a very good suck-off.”

“Well, geez, I was going for the gold, but I think I only got the silver.”

Ludo chuckled. “You got all three.”

BOOK: Hagen, Lynn - Murphy's Madness [Brac Pack 15] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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