Read HazardsDare Online

Authors: Frances Stockton

HazardsDare (30 page)

BOOK: HazardsDare
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Crawling into bed was nice, but she really missed having
Hazard lying next to her, holding her and keeping her warm with his intense
body heat. Hearing his voice in her ear made her miss him less though, letting
her reminisce about Dare while they talked for two hours.

Only after they talked and reconnected did they get to the
sex. And the phone sex was good, but real was so much better. Longing to touch
Hazard for real, Avery closed her eyes and mentally returned to their hotel bed
where they’d discovered how deeply they could love.

The last thing she heard before she climaxed was, “I love
you, baby,” and a satisfied groan as he came. Soon after, he sang, his sexy
baritone inducing sexier dreams as she slept.

Chapter Thirteen


By the time Saturday arrived, Avery was super excited to see
Hazard again, albeit on television.

Alexander and Ryan had made all the arrangements for a
playoff party celebrating the Griffins’ big day. Even though they were
celebrating a football team from Virginia, party guests were already swarming
into Druid Creek Castle.

The nationally televised divisional playoff game started at
one o’clock and the Alexandria Griffins were set to play the New Jersey Wolves.
Having arrived at the castle an hour ago, Avery assisted in the game-time
preparations as much as she was allowed.

Her ankle had improved substantially since she’d come home.
The swelling was down and the discoloration had faded to a dull yellowish

She did still favor it when walking and wore the brace as a
precaution, but she’d abandoned the crutches and got around much easier without
them. She was able to drive her Honda CR-V because it was an automatic and made
her way to the grocery store the other day to stock up her near-empty fridge
and pantry.

Thankfully, she had an excellent orthopedic doctor to keep
an eye on her progress and she was a trained physical therapist who knew how to
rehab strains and sprains. She’d returned to work, although she paced herself
to avoid damaging the healing process of her strained ankle.

But working was good. It kept her busy and she loved working
for Dr. Ryan Hathaway.

Looking around the room, Avery saw that Ryan, Alexander and
the Maddox brothers were busy putting up a big screen the likes of which could
fit in a movie theater. Avery decided to let the men handle the job and joined
the ladies in the pub kitchen to lend a hand there.

Morgan Maddox currently worked to chop vegetables and set
them meticulously on a serving tray. She’d made a special vegetarian dip and a
dish of humus at home.

She was looking incredibly happy and had begun wearing
maternity tops and skirts. Her dark-auburn hair was swept back off her face
into a cute French braid and she wore comfortable Ugg boots with her
multicolored skirt and matching blouse.

Samantha Riley came through the back door, walking a bit
gingerly as she clutched grocery bags in both arms. Immediately concerned,
Avery went over to help take a bag and placed it on the countertop.

“Thanks, Avery,” Sam said, stepping back to take off her
leather bomber jacket and wincing painfully.

“Sam? Are you all right?” Avery asked, concerned.

“Tough workout this morning,” Sam answered a little too

“Do you need a massage? I’d be glad to do it or I could get
Taran for you?”

Sam shook her head, smiling softly as she hung her coat from
a rack on the wall nearby. “Completely not necessary, but thank you. How are
you feeling? I haven’t seen you since you were laid up at Doc’s clinic.”

“I’m fine. Swelling’s all gone in my ankle and I’m able to
walk without much pain at all.”

“No soreness?”

“Minutely. I can manage. I was finally able to get my things
to the dry cleaners and washed all my clothes from vacation in the basement
laundry room at my apartment complex.”

“That’s excellent news.”

Together, they unpacked the grocery bags, laying out bags of
dough, mozzarella, cheddar, Monterey Jack and provolone, mushrooms, thinly
sliced vegetables and pepperoni and cooked sausage.

As she worked, Sam pushed the long sleeves of her sweater up
to her elbows, exposing a nasty bruise that went from her wrist to her elbow.

“Sam, your arm, what happened?”

“Ran into something,” Sam answered as if the bruise was no
big deal at all.

“Why do I think it’s more than serious than that?”

“I don’t know. Really, Avery, don’t freak out on me. It’s

“If Taran sees that, he’s going to demand answers.”

“He has no right to demand anything,” Sam replied
emphatically, yet she quickly unrolled her sleeves and covered the bruise.

“Promise me that bruise didn’t come from a man, please,”
Avery said.

She knew Sam was a badass detective, but her friend was
still recovering from having to shoot someone to save Detective Ethan Maddox’s
life. If she had turned to a man other than Taran for comfort, it was her
decision. But if that person was dangerous, Avery wasn’t going to sit back and
do nothing.

“I’ve not been on a real date in too many years to count,
Avery. Men see me as their buddy or pal or a cold fish.”

“Taran doesn’t see you that way. He looks at you like he
wants to devour you.”

Sam shook her head. “I’m not doing anything that would get
Taran’s boxers in a twist, swear on my badge.”

“What if he prefers tighty whities…or nothing at all?”

“That’s none of my business. He’s free to wear whatever he
wants, do whatever he wants and fuck whoever he wants.”

“If he went out with another woman, you’d be hurt.”

Sam looked Avery square in the eye. She might have tried to
deny it, yet she didn’t.

“It’d kill me,” she whispered in confidence.

“If that’s the case, tell him. Don’t wait until it’s too

“It already is. Taran’s backed off. He hasn’t called me in
weeks. The only time I see him is when I stop by the brownstone to work after
hours on a case with Ethan. Morgan and Taran tend to vacate the room and play
pool or cards in the man cave.”

“Why do you think he’s backed off?”

“My fault entirely,” she admitted. “At Ethan and Morgan’s
wedding, he asked me to dance. I accepted.”

“There’s nothing wrong with dancing.”

“Dancing with Taran was magic. And tempting…it was there…our
chance…and I blew it. I was too afraid that I wanted sex for the wrong

“Which were?”

“To forget that I’m a cop with a reputation at the precinct
as a ball-buster and feel like a woman for at least one night,” Sam admitted
openly, surprising Avery.

“You thought Taran wanted a one-night stand?”

“I wasn’t sure I could trust him with more. I asked him to
back off for a little while. I simply couldn’t handle him and the guilt of
having to use deadly force against someone who was suicidal.”

“You were left with no choice. If you hadn’t acted when you
did, others could have been shot or Ethan might not be here today.”

“In all my years on the force, I’ve never had to shoot to
kill. My captain ordered me to talk to a therapist and he was right. I have and
with her help I found a way to channel the guilt I felt…hell, still feel, but
I’m better. I’m feeling like me again.”

“Do tell,” Avery insisted.

“Will you trust me as your friend and wait until I’m ready
to reveal what I’m doing? I haven’t even told Ethan yet and he’s my partner.”

“As long as it means no asshole is hurting you, I’m good. Be
careful, okay?”

Sam smiled genuinely. Whatever she was doing in her spare
time, it made her happy and for that Avery wouldn’t object.

“I’ll be careful,” Sam said. “When I’m ready, I’ll tell

“Including Taran?”

“What about me?” Taran asked, coming up behind them and
reaching around to steal a package of pepperoni.

“Nothing. You can’t eat that. It’s for guests,” Sam
answered, snatching the package back.

Taran grabbed the package and a tug-of-war ensued between
them. Avery felt distinctly uncomfortable witnessing the look in the youngest
Maddox’s eyes.

Intent was the best she could describe, not intense, intent.
Taran intended to do something about the attraction that everyone knew was
going on between him and Sam Riley.

“Last time I checked, I was on the guest list for this
shindig,” Taran stated.

“That does not give you the right to steal the pepperoni,”
Sam rebuked. “Hands off or I’ll get my cuffs.”

“Please, baby doll, try to handcuff me. Make my day,” Taran
invited, his eyes never once leaving Sam’s face.

“Okay, that’s enough, you two. Taran Maddox, unhand the
food,” Avery ordered. “Sam, maybe you could find a way to give him one slice if
he asks nicely?”

Taran let go and Sam stumbled a little. “Samantha, may I
have some?”

There was a bucket-load of meaning and charm in that
request. Avery wasn’t going to ask him to elaborate and Sam shook her head,
zipped open the package and gave him a slice of pepperoni.

“There you go, big boy,” Sam said, setting it in Taran’s

“Thank you,” Taran replied, popping the treat into his mouth
and chewing with satisfaction.

He didn’t try to press his advantage by asking for more. He
offered to help assemble the pizzas instead.

Avery expected Sam to send him away. She didn’t. She
encouraged him to stay.

Quietly extricating herself from the scene, she went in
search of Eve, who’d arrived with Remy Sinclair a few minutes ago. Remy was as
hot as any red-blooded man currently within the walls of Druid Creek Castle.

She took an instant liking to the charismatic ghost hunter.
He was dedicated to his chosen career and wasn’t afraid to debunk the myths and
stereotypes regarding ghost hunting.

“Hi, Avery,” Remy greeted her pleasantly. “I heard you were
hurt. How are you doing?”

“Much better, thanks for asking,” Avery answered. “Hi, Eve.”

She hugged her best friend and glanced up at Remy, who was
busy staring at Eve’s ass. Eve tended to wear business suits or slacks when
working. Today she wore faded blue jeans, gold sneakers on her feet and a green
sweater in honor of the Griffins’ colors.

Her hair wasn’t wrapped up in a bun. It fell long and loose
and down to Eve’s hips. Her makeup was different, more casual and free.

“You must be excited for the game,” Eve said, stepping back
and almost into Remy.

For his part, Remy had swept his black and red-streaked hair
into a simple ponytail and dressed all in black. His combat boots looked heavy.
But he was a tall guy, almost as tall as Phalen and Ethan, so he rocked the bad
boy shit-kickers easily.

“I can’t wait,” Avery admitted. “I talked to Hazard this
morning and the team’s all set to go. He arrived at Griffins Nest Stadium at
nine o’clock.”

“When the Griffins win, we’ll have to have champagne,” Eve

“I like your positive attitude,” Avery responded.

Along with Eve and Remy, Avery went to help Cassie, who was
heating up a mammoth pot of New England clam chowder, or chowdah, as any Maddox
brother would say.

Pizza, chowder and an ample supply of veggies and dip were
the perfect complements to football. The only thing they needed was beer. There
was plenty already being iced down in coolers in the back party room where the
party would take place.

“Cassie, do you need any help?” Avery offered.

“No, I’m good.”

“Okay, I’m heading to the party room to see if I can be of
help there.” Avery nodded to Eve and Remy and headed off.

In the party room, the nationally televised pregame coverage
was on the gigantic screen. Phalen had a remote and turned up the volume.
Griffins Nest Stadium was already filled to capacity and players from both
teams were on the field.

Easily picking out Hazard among a group of defensive lineman
working out mid-field, Avery couldn’t look away. He wasn’t even in full
football gear yet, but his shoulder pads were on and his green uniform pants
fitted him like a second skin.

“Whoa,” she said, getting hot just watching Hazard on
television. “I think I need a cold beer.”

“What’s that, darlin’?” Phalen asked with a devilish grin.
“Caught sight of your man, hmm?”

“He looks good to me, Phalen.”

“Well, you know I don’t go that way, but I liked Osbourne
the minute we met. He’s a straight-up kind of guy. You just make sure he treats
you right. If he doesn’t, let me know.”

“What will you do if something goes wrong?”

“Make him rue the day he stepped out of line with my sister.
Your ex-boyfriend was a selfish prick. There’s no way in hell I’d let another
man cheat on you or treat you badly.”

He walked over to one of the beer coolers, grabbed a long
neck and brought it back to her. For a big guy with broad shoulders, Phalen
moved with the grace of a tiger and swiftness of a cheetah. The beer was in her
hand in the matter of seconds.

Touched by Phalen’s words, Avery caught him up in a hug.
“Thanks, Phalen. Always knew you were a softie,” she said, kissing his chin.

“Shh, don’t tell. Wouldn’t want anyone but Cassie knowing
the truth.”

“Can I get one of those hugs?” Ryan asked Avery from close

“You bet,” Avery said, engulfing Ryan and nearly bonking him
with the beer bottle. “You and Alexander were kind to open this place up for a
football party.”

Ryan didn’t seem to mind the near mishap with the bottle.
“Given the fact that your boyfriend is a Griffin and Alex represents him, Kyran
Black and two other current players on that team, I’d say we’d be remiss if we
didn’t have a playoff party.”

“What will you guys do if the Griffins move on?” Phalen

“Have another party,” Alexander answered, coming to join
them with two beers in his hands, offering one to Ryan.

“And the big show?” Avery questioned.

“If that happens, I’m chartering a plane for the New England
contingent of Griffins fans and taking them to Houston where the championship
is being held.”

“Seriously?” she asked.

“Yes. Wouldn’t you want to be there, Avery?”

“You bet I would,” she confirmed, hugging her brother before
taking a long cool sip of beer.

A few more guests arrived at the castle, primarily staff who
worked for Alexander and Ryan and also from Cassie’s diner. Game time neared
and everyone claimed seats before kickoff.

Guinness, Ethan and Morgan’s huge mixed-breed dog, became an
instant hit among guests, going from person to person to greet them and inspect
the goodies they had on their plates. No one gave him anything that might make
him sick, but he clearly loved being the center of attention.

BOOK: HazardsDare
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