Heartsville 03 - Another Shot (J.H. Knight) (6 page)

BOOK: Heartsville 03 - Another Shot (J.H. Knight)
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“Basically, yes.” No point in denying it. Brad could probably feel the little tremors running through him.

“Are you afraid of heights?”

Aaron leaned over and looked down. “I don’t think so. I’m just not a fan of things that look like they’ll fall apart under me.”

“If the bolts don’t hold, I’ll do my best to break your fall before we hit the ground.”

“You’re not very helpful.”

After the fourth pass and no major catastrophes, Aaron relaxed against Brad and enjoyed the ride. He stayed close—not that he had any choice given the size of the seat—and watched the twinkling lights of the fair blur past him.

Before he knew it, they were stopped at the top, letting someone off down below.

“We didn’t go crashing to our doom,” Brad said softly, the words incongruous with the tone, sounding almost seductive.

Aaron looked at him for a beat and whispered, “Good thing.” He leaned in, and then Brad closed the small space between them. He threaded his fingers into Aaron’s hair, tilted his head slightly, and took Aaron’s mouth in a long, deep kiss. It should’ve been sweet, almost innocent, but it set off a cascade of desire in Aaron, fueled a fire that had been sparking since the first time he’d set eyes on Brad. He ran his hand down Brad’s chest and moaned softly when Brad slid his tongue over Aaron’s lips.

When the ride started to move again, Aaron had to remind himself they were still in public. His growing erection didn’t seem to care. He couldn’t help but laugh as they pulled back from one another.




The drive back to Aaron’s apartment seemed to take hours, despite being less than twenty-five minutes long. Brad would glance at him with a wicked smile, and at stoplights he’d lean over and kiss Aaron again.

They parked on the street only a few feet from Aaron’s apartment. He laced his fingers with Brad’s and tugged him hurriedly through the crisp night air, pausing to kiss him again when they reached Aaron’s stoop.

“If we don’t want to put on a show for the neighbors, you should get your door unlocked,” Brad whispered, grinning into another kiss.

Aaron laughed breathlessly and dug his key out of his pocket. “My neighbors would probably be fine with that.”

Brad pressed closer as Aaron worked his key into the lock, running his strong, warm hand over Aaron’s side. “Maybe next time,” he whispered against the back of Aaron’s neck before biting down gently.

A rumble of heat ran through Aaron then, distracting and nearly immobilizing. And how stupid was it that he was excited over the idea of
next time
? They hadn’t even finished
this time



Chapter Seven



Once inside the apartment, Aaron turned and wrapped his arms around Brad’s shoulders, kissing him again before kicking the door shut. As they made their way down the hall that led to his bedroom, Aaron tripped and they both stumbled. Brad tightened his hold on him even as he laughed against Aaron’s mouth.

“Ignore the boxes. I’m not actually a hoarder.” He’d only put away about half of the stuff from his parents’ house. The rest was still strewn across his apartment, waiting to be unpacked.

“That’s okay,” Brad whispered, letting Aaron pull him toward the bedroom. “I’m still living out of boxes too.”

“I have no excuse,” Aaron tried to explain as he slid his hand between them, tugging at Brad’s jeans. “I’ve lived here for years.”

“You can tell me all about it in the morning.” Brad let out a deep breath as Aaron dipped his fingers inside his shorts, brushing against Brad’s cock.

“Deal,” Aaron whispered, not bothering to flip the light on as he pulled Brad into his bedroom.

They did their clumsy dance with clothes and shoes, kicking everything off in a trail as they made their way to the bed. As Aaron lifted Brad’s undershirt over his head, he paused and ran his hand down Brad’s broad chest, sliding his fingers through the dark hair over his pecs. “James Purefoy has nothing on you,” he muttered, thinking aloud.

“What?” Brad laughed, amusement and something close to confusion clear in the sound.

“Nothing.” Aaron grinned before leaning in closer to dust kisses over Brad’s chest. He trailed lower and caught a nipple with his teeth before swiping his tongue across it.

He was rewarded with a small curse from Brad as he tangled his fingers into Aaron’s hair.

Aaron gave Brad a little push when they reached the bed, and Brad fell back on the mattress, groaning when Aaron dropped to his knees in front of him.

He ran his palms up Brad’s muscled thighs, over his sides, and then traced his thumbs along the edges of Brad’s hipbones. Brad spread his legs wider and reached for Aaron, trying to pull him closer, but Aaron didn’t move. Instead he dipped his head and brushed his lips against Brad’s cock, almost a kiss. He actually got a whimper for that.

“I hadn’t pegged you for a tease,” Brad muttered, another soft laugh lacing the words together.

“I’m not a tease,” Aaron said softly, playfully, before trailing the tip of his tongue over Brad’s shaft. “Just wanted to taste you,” he added as he wrapped his fingers around the base of Brad’s erection, stroking him once before parting his lips over the head of Brad’s cock.

,” Brad hissed, rocking his hips and then stilling.

Aaron moaned in response, taking the first few drops of Brad’s precome with his tongue before pulling him in deeper, starting a slow rhythm without even meaning to. He hadn’t planned on blowing Brad. He really had just wanted to sample the important bits before moving on, but now that he was here…. Aaron doubled down on his efforts and picked up the pace as he slid his free hand between Brad’s thighs, cupping his balls as he tightened his grip on Brad’s cock. Suddenly, all he wanted was to bring Brad off like this, wanted to feel Brad come in his mouth.

After a few more hurried strokes, though, Brad let out a sharp sound—a curse or a protest, Aaron wasn’t sure. But he felt Brad tug at his hair, felt the tremble in Brad’s muscles, and finally he paused and looked up. “Yes?”

Brad shook his head and panted a laugh. “I’m not
anymore,” he said as he dropped back on the bed. “You get me off like that and I’ll be asleep before you can get in bed.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Aaron’s body protested, though, insisting that it
a bad thing, so he rose higher and crawled up next to Brad.

Brad reached for him and pulled him in for a deep, lingering kiss. “I’m not normally one to turn down a blow job,” he whispered as he pulled back. “But that’s not all I’m looking for tonight.”

So many ways Aaron could take that. “What
you looking for tonight?”

Brad twitched a smile, part teasing and part concealing. “Let’s start with more than a blow job,” he said finally before kissing Aaron again.

They wiggled and shifted together until they made it to the top of the bed, and then the urgency from earlier seemed to ease. In its place was a tender affection, a curiosity as they explored each other’s bodies.

Aaron pulled back and wrapped his arm around Brad’s shoulder, moving until Brad was over him, sheltering Aaron’s body with his own. Their bare erections grazed together as Brad settled himself between Aaron’s legs and kissed him again.

In the back of his mind, Aaron was vaguely aware of the fact that he could come just like this, with nothing more than the press of Brad’s body against him. It was silly and almost embarrassing, but he liked it. They fit together in a lot of ways already, and this? This was just one more way they seemed to work.

“Condoms?” Brad asked, his voice rough, maybe even a little desperate, as if he’d been running in the desert all night and had just found water.

Aaron could barely think, but he managed to point to his nightstand. Brad took the cue and reached across, grinding his hips in a way that made Aaron gasp.

Brad surprised him with a laugh. “We’ll see what we can do with this later,” he said, pulling out a dildo and dropping it on the bed before he reached into the drawer again.

Aaron hid his face, embarrassed, but he laughed too.

Thankfully, Brad’s second exploration of the nightstand proved more fruitful and he pulled back with condoms and lube.

It took a few moments—Brad slicking his fingers, pushing in slowly—to get Aaron ready for him. It was sloppy and awkward and perfect all at the same time, broken up with kisses and breathy laughs and then sighs and groans of pleasure.

Brad pushed Aaron’s legs back until Aaron understood and draped them over Brad’s strong shoulders. “Your yoga is paying off,” Brad whispered. The joke, the chuckle, died in his throat as he stroked his cock against Aaron’s entrance, pushing in painfully slow.

“I’ll be sure and—” Aaron didn’t even know what he’d meant to say. The words were gone, disappearing into the night with a sharp inhale as his body tensed. He had to force himself to relax, had to remember how to breathe through the burn, the overwhelming sensations as Brad buried himself deeper into Aaron’s body. They both stilled for countless seconds. Aaron rested his hands on Brad’s arms, felt the shuddering restraint surging through him, tension in every muscle.

“Yeah?” Brad whispered, a plea for permission.

Aaron couldn’t answer, his mouth suddenly dry, his voice caught in his throat. Instead he nodded, pressed down against the invasion, and rocked his hips just slightly.

That was all Brad needed. He drew back and thrust in, slow, but powerful. Once, twice… and then they were off, racing each other as their bodies demanded more.

Brad leaned in and planted a hot, wet kiss against Aaron’s mouth, bit down and groaned when Aaron threaded his fingers into Brad’s hair and pulled sharply. One drop of sweat dripped down from Brad’s brow and left a cool trail against Aaron’s heated skin.

“Stroke yourself,” Brad growled.

The sound of his voice alone sent an electric shock through Aaron, but he managed to do as he was told, slipping his hand between them and wrapping his fingers around his cock.

He tried to match Brad’s rhythm, but it was pointless. Brad rocked into him, driving faster and harder with each heavy thrust, and all Aaron could do was try to keep up. He slicked his fingers over the head of his own cock before he trailed his thumb against the crown in a rough, dizzying motion, and when Brad cried out, stilled as if he’d been struck by lightning, Aaron was there with him, coming hard and breathless, painting them both in wet heat.




After a few minutes and some basic cleanup, Brad settled back against Aaron’s pillows and pulled him close. “I’m really glad I ignored my strict no-blind-dates policy.”

Aaron laughed softly as he tangled his legs with Brad’s and rested his head against Brad’s chest. “You were my first—blind date, I mean—so I might not be a good judge, but I’m pretty happy with the results.” He could already see the look of smug satisfaction on Mandy’s face.

Brad stroked his hand up and down Aaron’s spine in tender sweeps as Aaron caught his breath. “What’re your plans for the rest of the weekend?” Brad asked.

“Does this count as a plan?”

Arron could hear Brad’s soft laugh in the darkness as he said, “It does now.”

“I have to work a few hours tomorrow, but I’m free after closing.”

“Free for a few hours in the morning too?”

Aaron nodded, smiling.

Brad slid a fingertip against Aaron’s jaw until Aaron looked up, barely able to see Brad’s face in the dim shadows. He brushed their lips together in a soft, wanting kiss full of promise, but it was late and Aaron was done for the time being.

“How do you like your eggs?”

If Brad answered him, Aaron was already asleep before the words left Brad’s mouth.



Chapter Eight



Aaron blinked his eyes open and tried to stretch. Pleasant pains shot through his muscles, and he couldn’t help but smile as he remembered how he got each ache. He reached out and found the other side of his bed empty, the sheets cool.

Curious, he sat up and glanced around. The gray morning light sifted through the curtains and bathed the room in silver. As he got to his feet, Aaron nearly stumbled over another one of the boxes from his parents’ garage. Even his stubbed toe wasn’t enough to annoy him, though.

Expecting to find Brad in the bathroom, Aaron knocked on the door. When he didn’t get a response, he walked in. The light was off, the tiles cool, no damp towel on the floor or any hint of another person in the apartment.

Mephistopheles greeted him as he made his way into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.

Even with the sinking weight in his stomach—the recognition that he’d had a pretty great time with a guy who had decided to sneak out in the middle of the night—Aaron went ahead and checked his phone.

BOOK: Heartsville 03 - Another Shot (J.H. Knight)
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