Read Her Fearful Symmetry Online

Authors: Audrey Niffenegger

Tags: #prose_contemporary

Her Fearful Symmetry (51 page)

BOOK: Her Fearful Symmetry
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Many thanks to Noah D. Frederick for his Latin translation and his help in translation-related matters. Thanks also to Ana Rita Pires for her Portuguese translation of Martin and Marijke’s fantasy taxi ride. Thank you to Daniel Mellis for his help in arranging that.
Love and special thanks to Bert Menco for his help with the Dutch language and all things
Thanks to John Padour for his indispensable drawing of the layout of the flats in my imaginary Vautravers, which saved me from many gaffes. Thanks to Janet Lefley for the long days of writing and chatting at Kopi’s; thanks to Jesse Thomas, Mary Drabik, Catalina Simon, Jesus Mendes and Jesus Reyes for all that Russian tea and sympathy.
Thank you for inspiration, advice, research assistance and/or reading the manuscript: Lyn Rosen, William Frederick, Jonelle Niffenegger, Riva Lehrer, Bert Menco, Danea Rush, Benjamin Chandler, Robert Vladova and Christopher Schneberger. Thanks to Patricia Niffenegger for help with sewing enquiries, and to Beth Niffenegger and Lawrence Niffenegger for their support.
Thank you to Sharon Britten-Dittmer for her friendship and for keeping chaos at bay.
And thank you to April Sheridan for her quiet strength and good sense, for her astonishing writing and art, and for helping me to make my art.


AT THE END of every tour at Highgate Cemetery, someone stands at the elaborate gate with a green plastic donations box, and visitors often put in their spare change as they leave. The money supports the upkeep and preservation of the cemetery, which in 2009 cost approximately £1,000 per day. Sumptuous old cemeteries are expensive to maintain, alas.
If you would like to help the Friends of Highgate Cemetery to carry on with their work, please consider making a donation. You can do this no matter where you live by logging on to Click on Send Money, and enter the cemetery’s PayPal address, [email protected].
Thank you,
Audrey Niffenegger




AUDREY NIFFENEGGER is a visual artist and a guide at Highgate Cemetery. In addition to her bestselling debut novel,
The Time Traveler’s Wife,
she is the author of two illustrated novels,
The Three Incestuous Sisters
The Adventuress
. She lives in Chicago.




BOOK: Her Fearful Symmetry
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