Read Her Little Black Book Online

Authors: Brenda Jackson

Her Little Black Book (13 page)

BOOK: Her Little Black Book
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“Good evening, Courtney. You look great.”
Courtney could barely pay attention to Lake's compliment, too busy thinking of one she could give him. Standing in her doorway, he looked even more handsome than before, oozing sexiness from every angle. She quickly remembered how she had struggled through the evening the last time they were together, trying to keep her mind off him and all the ways he was making her feel. But just from looking at him now, she knew she would have another fight on her hands tonight. Her gaze immediately latched on to his mouth and saw the fullness of his lips curve into a smile. It was a smile that was already doing things to her. A smile that had her pulse jumping erratically.
She drew in a deep breath and forced herself to say,
“Thank you, and you look nice, too.” And that, she thought, was putting it mildly. “Would you like to come in and have a drink before we leave?”
“Yes, thanks.”
She stepped back as Lake moved forward. When he reached the middle of the room, he stopped and glanced around, and she couldn't help wondering what he was thinking.
The thought that was running through Lake's mind at that moment was that instead of them going out, he would much prefer if they stayed in and got to know each other up close and as personal as a couple can get. He wished he would have suggested that but knew it would not have been a good idea for a second date. He had to work his way up to reaching that goal, only after proving his worthiness. And he would.
“Like you, your home is beautiful,” he said, meaning every word. He once described her as colorful, vibrant, and beautiful, and he felt the same would extend to everything she owned. This particular room was no exception. He had been in advertising long enough to know top quality when he saw it. And it was here, surrounding him, in the richness of her mahogany furniture. Her taste, it appeared, leaned more on the modern and traditional, with a couple of Queen Anne pieces thrown into the mix to provide a different style. One of grace and elegance.
“Thanks for the compliment. What would you like to drink?” she asked, coming to stand in front of him.
“A glass of wine would be nice,” he said, as his gaze drifted over her black printed skirt, off-white colored blouse, and sandals. She looked hot. Sexy. Today her hair was up, away from her face, which only gave him more of her beautiful features to look at.
“Then a glass of wine is what you'll get,” she said, smiling. “Excuse me for a moment. Feel free to take a tour if you'd like. This place is small but is perfect for my needs.”
And then she walked off and he watched, feeling a fiery tingle stirring in his gut with every step she took. Her back view was astounding. The shape of her rear end almost had his hands getting clammy. And then there were those long shapely legs, her small waist, and those nice sensuous curves.
Damn. The explosive chemistry between them was back. In truth, it had never left. He was getting aroused and thought the best thing to do was to move. She had invited him to take a tour of her home, and now was the time to do it. He needed something other than taking Courtney to bed to weigh on his mind.
He moved around her condo, going from room to room, and the more he saw, the more he liked. He could tell that she wasn't a person who liked clutter. Neither was he. He liked order. Even in his life. Especially in his life. He didn't like chaos. Detested drama and preferred staying away from it.
He headed back toward her living room, thinking that his hardest moment had been when he'd walked into her bedroom, seen her huge bed, and pictured her sleeping in
it alone. And then he had imagined her sleeping in it with him. His body had ignited, as if lit by a torch, at the mere thought of tangling with her between the sheets, making love to her in a way a man made love to the woman who he considered his soul mate. The flowers he'd sent were in her bedroom on a table not far from her bed. She had mentioned earlier that she had moved them from the dining room to take full advantage of the sun coming through a bedroom window. Did she think of him whenever she saw them? He hoped so.
He had made it back to the living room when she reappeared carrying two glasses of wine. “Sorry I got detained. My mom called on my cell phone to let me know she and my father had made it to California.”
He accepted the glass she handed him. “They went out of town on a trip?”
She smiled. “Yes. They're spending two weeks on vacation in Hawaii.”
“I know, and I'm hoping that they enjoy themselves.”
“In Hawaii? I'm sure they will. There's a lot to see and do.”
She nodded, taking a sip, too. “I take it that you've been there.”
A smile touched his lips. “Yes, several times. I have a couple of clients there.”
“Umm, tell me about the advertising business. Tell me about you,” she said, moving toward the sofa.
He wondered if that was her cue to let him know she wanted to find out more about him before dinner and not
during. That was fine with him. He much preferred being here alone with her than in a public place surrounded by others.
He decided to take a seat in one of her Queen Anne chairs and not give in to temptation and sit beside her on the sofa. If he were to pull such a move, they would never get any talking done. Already he was champing at the bit to taste her mouth again. The need to kiss her was overwhelming. But then there was a deep need for her to get to know him as the man who would be a part of her life.
So, while the two of them sipped their wine, they talked, mainly about him. He told her everything she needed to know and then some. He mentioned his family and how close he was to them, especially to his siblings. He even told her that he would be a new uncle soon, when his older brother Shane and his wife, Faith, had their first baby.
Then they talked about the advertising business. He had good people working for him. Employees he knew he could count on to make things happen, but in some ways he was still a hands-on guy.
A painting on her wall caught his eye. It had from the first moment he'd walked into the room. It was beautiful, and he doubted he'd seen anything like it before. Like her, it was colorful, and it was filled with eye-catching abstract shapes. It had been hand-painted on canvas and would be the centerpiece of whatever room it was in. Courtney had chosen this room for it, smartly so. It blended well.
“That's a beautiful painting,” he said, trying to make
out the signature on it from where he sat. “I'm familiar with a number of artists, but not that one.”
She glanced over her shoulder at the painting. “Isn't it gorgeous? Jetrica gave that to me as a gift.”
He racked his brain, trying to remember the name. Apparently the person was someone she had mentioned to him previously. He then remembered. “Jetrica? Is that the teenage girl you mentioned that you mentor? The one whose mother is serving time. She's being raised by her twenty-year-old sister?”
Courtney nodded. “Yes, that's the one.”
“She has an extraordinary degree of talent.”
“I've tried telling her that. Others have, too. But I think she actually thinks we're full of it. She sees her work as something she engages in when she wants to get out of doing real work, mainly her schoolwork. And she's an excellent student once she applies herself. I think her problem is that she sees herself as a burden on her sister. Her sister gave up a chance to go off to college on a scholarship to stay back and raise Jetrica so she wouldn't be put into the system, and possibly have to go to a foster home.”
Then Courtney's house phone rang and she stood. “Excuse me for a moment. Few people have my home number, so it's probably Vickie.”
He watched her cross the room and decided to take that time to get a closer view of the painting. It was hard to believe it had been done by a fourteen-year-old. This Jetrica was definitely way advanced for her age.
“Excuse me, something has come up, Lake, and I have to go.”
He spun around and saw the worried look on her face. “What's wrong?” he asked, as if it was his right to know.
“That was Bethany, Jetrica's sister. The two of them had an argument earlier, a pretty bad one, and Jetrica left. Bethany is worried.”
Lake frowned, wondering what this Bethany thought Courtney could do about it.
As if reading his thoughts, she said, “I've got to find her. Usually I'm the only one who can talk some sense into her when she gets like this.”
He nodded. “So in other words, your relationship with her goes beyond just mentoring.”
“Yes, I'm also her friend, or at least I try to be. Jetrica has a way of putting her guard up at times, like she's afraid to let anyone get too close. She's afraid to get too attached.”
He picked up on Courtney's frustration when she said, “I'm sorry our evening has to end like this, and I was looking forward to it. We haven't even made it to dinner yet.”
“And we will. I was looking forward to dinner, too.”
“I would invite you to stay here until I get back, but I don't know when that will be. I have to try and help find Jetrica.”
He crossed the room to her. Took her hand in his. They were trembling, which meant she was worried. “Thanks for the invite, but how about if I go with you? Let's go find her together.”
She looked up at him with grateful eyes. “Are you sure?”
“Positive. And we can take my car so I can drive.”
“Thanks. Just let me grab my purse.” And then he watched her take off toward her bedroom. He shook his head. Hadn't he just moments earlier inwardly proclaimed that he preferred not to indulge in drama of any kind?
Courtney tried to think of things other than what she wanted to do to Jetrica once she found her. Wringing her little neck wasn't legal, neither was slapping some sense into her, but she was tempted. Bethany was worried that Jetrica had gone off to meet some boy. For some reason Courtney didn't think that was the case, but Bethany was seriously worried that Jetrica might do something stupid just for spite.
She glanced over at Lake and saw how he was calmly and expertly maneuvering his SUV in traffic, which was another reason to wring Jetrica's neck. Courtney hated traffic, and Orlando was full of it. She studied Lake's profile. He was quiet and had been since she'd given him directions to where they were going. It was a section of Orlando people tended to forget and definitely tried to avoid. You say
and people everywhere immediately thought of Disney World. But every city had its less-than-desirable section, and that's where they were headed.
“Do you meet with her here often?”
She glanced up at Lake's face. Traffic was at a standstill. She knew why he was asking. The area where they
were headed wasn't one a person should go too often alone. Bethany was working to change that. She had put in for a new apartment through the city's housing department. But things were going slow. “No, usually we meet at her high school, but I've met with her here before.”
Traffic was moving again, and his attention was back on his driving. This afforded her the opportunity to study him some more. While at her place, she had deliberately jumped from topic to topic to make sure he didn't feel like he was under interrogation. It worked. He had revealed a lot of personal information about himself. It wasn't hard to conclude that he was a confident man. He loved family. He loved his job and was very successful.
And he was getting to her like nobody's business.
In a way, she should be grateful to Jetrica for causing this stir. At least it had gotten her and Lake out of the house. Had they stayed, they would have sipped more wine, started feeling a little loose, probably too comfy, and ended up doing something they might later have regretted. Umm, then maybe not. She certainly wouldn't feel apologetic if she'd suddenly found herself in his arms with his lips devouring hers again. And then there were his hands, especially those sexy fingers. She could just imagine them touching her all over, especially her breasts. She had a weakness when it came to her breasts. A tongue on them could drive her over the edge in a flash. The problem she'd encountered was that most men didn't enjoy foreplay. They much preferred to cut to the chase, go right between the legs. Another problem was that she was selective with the men she slept with. Usually it was a right
they had to earn, work hard to get. Some cut the mustard. Some didn't. She wasn't about to lower her standards by any means, but Lake was a temptation she wasn't sure she could resist for much longer. Just sharing car space with him was causing an ache that was only intensifying with every mile they drove. They were sexually attracted to each other. That was a gimme. And if they continued to see each other, they would share a bed. That was a gimme, as well. What she wasn't clear on was when they would do so. If the throbbing between her legs kept up or got any more intense, it would be sooner than later. That thought didn't bother her. In fact, it sort of calmed her.
BOOK: Her Little Black Book
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