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Authors: Julia Sykes

Hero (19 page)

BOOK: Hero
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My gut twisted at the memory. Even now, my eyes were drawn to the diamond sparkling on her finger, to the collar that encircled her pale throat: the signs that she belonged to

“It’s been a while,” I agreed stiffly.

I’d been a fool to think I could come to Dusk without facing the consequences. Even though I’d known there was a chance she’d be here, I’d decided to come. I had been so wrapped up in Chloe that I hadn’t paused to think about the pain I’d expose myself to.

Reed’s hand closed around Katie’s shoulder, and he firmly guided her back toward him. She released my arms and looked up at him with a beatific smile.

“I’m so glad we’re all here,” she sighed happily. Her emerald eyes turned back to me. “How long are you staying in Chicago?”

“I’m not sure.” I should have gotten the hell out before making the stupid decision to come to Dusk.

“Dex is staying with me,” Chloe interjected abruptly, her voice oddly fierce. Her hand closed around mine, squeezing tightly. She gave Katie a red-lipped smile. “He’s helping me with my research.”

Katie’s smile faltered as she focused on Chloe. “Right,” she said breezily. “Reed mentioned you’ve been shadowing Jason at work for your Latin Kings story.”

“Dex is also helping me with my research for my next novel,” Chloe replied, saccharine sweet.

“Oh.” Katie blinked, then beamed. “I’m really glad to hear it.” Her green eyes pierced right through me. “That’s great, Dex.”

“If you’ll excuse us, my
was about to show me one of the private rooms,” Chloe said, still all cordiality, but she placed special emphasis on my title.

Katie’s smile widened. “Of course,” she allowed brightly. “I’ll see you two later. I’m really happy for you, Dex.”

I nodded, the lump in my throat preventing a verbal answer. Too many emotions roiled within me. Reflexive pain knifed through my chest at the sight of Katie, radiant at Reed’s side. Chloe was clearly getting possessive. It made my heart squeeze at the same time as guilt threaded through my gut. I couldn’t fall apart in front of her, especially not at Dusk. I was her Dom, and her needs were more important than my heartbreak.

“Come on, Dex,” Chloe urged, tugging at my hand as her fingernails curved into my palm.

The light twinge of pain kept me tethered to her, and I followed where she led, leaving Katie without another word.

We moved through the crowd, skirting the dance floor to head back to the private rooms. I walked in a daze, so caught up in my conflicted feelings that I didn’t even notice we were alone until Chloe shut the door behind us. She released my hand and crossed to the huge iron four-poster bed, falling down onto it with a heavy sigh. When her chocolate eyes met mine, they were shining with tears.

“I never had a chance, did I?” she asked quietly.

A new emotion rose up to blot out the rest: fear. I realized in that moment that my obsession with Katie might cause me to lose Chloe.

Well, fuck that.

I closed the distance between us. She stiffened when I sat down beside her, but I boldly took her hand in mine. I stared into her gorgeous eyes, willing her to understand.

“I want to be with you,” I said fervently, my decision already made.

She huffed out a disbelieving scoff. “I saw you. She’s the one, isn’t she? The one who hurt you? I wondered, when you said you were worried Reed would steal me. But I didn’t realize exactly what I was up against. You’re still in love with her.”

A single tear spilled down her cheek. She swiped it away.

“I’m not,” I said quietly. “I was for a long time. Too long. Then a sassy little writer came into my life and kicked me out of my depression.”

“I’m glad I could be your upper,” she seethed, her voice wavering somewhere between anger and anguish.

I captured her face in my hands, gently wiping her tears away with my thumbs. “It hurts to be around her,” I admitted. “I lost my best friend the day Reed walked into our lives. I might still feel love for her, but I’m not
in love
with her. I can’t be, because I love someone else.” I took a deep breath, and did something I’d sworn I’d never do again: I put my heart on the line. “I love you, Chloe.”

I braced myself for rejection. I wasn’t sure I could live through it again. It would be so much worse this time, because Chloe was mine in a way Katie never had been. She trusted me; she’d let me into her soul.

Her fingertips traced the line of my jaw, and the anguish in her eyes transformed into longing. “I want to say it, too,” she whispered.

“Then say it,” I almost begged.

“But what if you can’t let her go? What if you change your mind? I can’t risk my heart again. Not after everything I’ve been through.”

“I’m not going to change my mind,” I promised. “I love you. You can trust me.”

“Can I? I thought I could, but I don’t know now. Seeing you with her…”

“It was a reflex reaction,” I said, more sure of my words that I would have thought possible. “I’ve spent years mourning her. And I am sad that I lost her friendship. But what I felt for her isn’t like what I feel for you. I loved the idea of her. I put her on a pedestal because I thought she was my perfect sub. I was wrong.”

“What made her so perfect?”

“She needed me,” I said, fully realizing the truth as I spoke. “And I wanted to be needed. She was fragile, broken inside. She was living a life she didn’t want, allowing other people’s expectations to rule her. In the end, she suffered for it. Our boss, Franklin Dawes, was a serial rapist known as The Mentor. He tried to shape her into what he wanted her to be. And he almost succeeded. He tried to take her for himself. I wanted so badly to rescue her from her inner pain and from the madman who was stalking her. But I couldn’t. Reed could. He saved her, not me. For years, I couldn’t get over the fact that I’d failed her and that I’d lost her. All I wanted was to save her, but I wasn’t the right man to do it.”

“But didn’t you want the same thing from me?” she asked, pained. “Ever since you met me, you’ve been trying to save me. Do you only want me because I remind you of her?”

“No,” I swore. “Because despite everything your bastard ex put you through, you weren’t broken. You’re strong and independent; more beautiful than any woman I’ve ever met, inside and out. You didn’t need me to save you. You chose to let me help you heal. You chose me. And I choose you. Let me prove it to you.”

“How?” she asked on a whisper.

I drew in a deep breath. “I want to submit for you.”



?” I asked, breathless. Surely I hadn’t heard him correctly.

“I want you to Top me,” he reiterated. “I’ll put everything on the line for you. I love you.”

There it was again:
“I love you.”

The mirrored words teased on the tip of my tongue. I wanted so badly to let them out.

“But this is so fast,” I protested weakly. “How can you know you love me?”

His flame blue eyes burned into me. “I know it the same way you know it. I know it because I wasted years of my life on what I thought was love. But it wasn’t anything like what I feel for you. You’ve gifted me with your trust. You’ve let me into your heart, and you’ve worked your way into mine, even though I didn’t think I had one anymore. Take a chance on us, Chloe. I want to be with you, more than I’ve ever wanted anything.”

“But I don’t understand how you submitting to me will help.”

“I want to prove to you that you can trust me, just like I trust you. We’re both taking a risk here. Neither of us wants to get hurt again. Well, I can’t think of a better way to show you that I’m ready.”

“But you’re a Dom.” I couldn’t stop coming up with reasons to stall. He might be ready to take the risk, but I wasn’t sure I was. Not after seeing how he was around Katie. The pain that had been etched into his features had made my heart ache.

“I am,” he agreed. “I’m you Master. But right now, I’m asking you to take control. I want you to. I think I need it as much as you do.”

“What do you mean?”

He sighed. “I’ve submitted once before—with a friend. It took me to a vulnerable place, and I was too fucked up inside to deal with it. I’ve been scared to open up to anyone for years. But I know I can trust you. I can be vulnerable around you. Let me prove it, to both of us.”

“What…” I licked my lips. “What would you want me to do to you?”

One corner of his lips ticked up in a crooked smile. “That’s for you to decide, princess. You’re the Top.”

I stared at him, amazed. “You really want to do this?”

He stroked my hair back from my brow. “I really do. I want to be with you.”

“I want to be with you, too,” I admitted. I might not be ready to say
“I love you,”
quite yet, but I was getting closer. I couldn’t believe he was willing to go against his nature to prove to me how much he cared.

His smile widened. “Then let’s get started, Mistress. I’m yours.”

I eyed him, dubious. “But this is just for tonight, right? I like having you as my Master.”

“I’ll always be your Master. And I’ll always be yours. Does that make sense?”

“I… Yes.” I lifted my chin, confidence flooding my system. I looked around the room, studying my options. I’d never Topped anyone before, and while I’d studied the techniques involved in impact play, I didn’t know how to wield a flogger or crop with the proper care.

I gave him a wicked grin.

I could do that. An image of his powerful body strapped down, spread out just for me, flashed across my mind. My core pulsed with the beginnings of sexual excitement.

I grasped his shoulders, applying gentle pressure to urge him onto his back. If he tried to struggle against me, I wouldn’t have a hope of moving his bulk. But he went down with easy compliance, eager to give me what I wanted.

Sensing where I was taking this, he scooted back so his head rested on the pillows in front of the wrought iron headboard. Supple leather cuffs were attached to the metal bedposts by short lengths of silvery chain. Straddling his hips, I took his wrists and guided them wide apart above his head, stretching his corded arms toward the cuffs. As I buckled the first one closed, I felt his cock begin to swell between us, straining against his leathers.

“You really are turned on by giving up control,” I marveled as I secured his other hand.

His pale blue stare was intense, his masculine features drawn with hunger. “I’m turned on by

I pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Your safe word is
,” I murmured against his mouth. “But I don’t intend to cause you any pain. Do you trust me?”


Keeping my eyes locked on his, I reached for the tie on his leathers, pulling it slowly. His hard cock sprang free; the head already purple with his desire. A bead of moisture glistened at the tip. I leaned down and kissed it, lightly catching the salty substance on my tongue. He groaned and shifted his hips up toward me. I pulled away with a saucy grin. Power began to flood my mind, humming through my veins and sending me flying high.

“Is this what it feels like for you all the time?” I asked, thrilled.

“Is this what it feels like for you?” he ground out. “Because I’m extremely frustrated. I don’t think I like being tortured.”

I laughed. “This is hardly torture. Think of all the times you’ve teased and tormented my poor pussy.”

His eyes narrowed. “Oh, I am. And I’m making plans for the future.”

I tugged down his leathers and slapped his inner thigh. He grunted.

“Well, you can stop making those plans right now,” I told him. “Stay here with me.”

He gave me a sudden, proud smile. “Yes, Mistress.” There wasn’t a hint of mocking in his tone.

“That’s better.” My smile was wide and silly. I was enjoying this new game.

Shifting off him, I continued slowly peeling off his pants until they came free. I tossed them aside and sat back on my heels, taking long seconds to admire him. His muscles rippled and flexed as he struggled to control himself.

Well, I didn’t want him to control himself. I wanted him to let go, to trust me. He’d said he wanted to be vulnerable with me.

In that moment, I understood that there was another form of vulnerability in being a Top. Dex was my responsibility, his wellbeing and pleasure in my hands. I didn’t want to let him down. I wouldn’t.

Gathering my resolve, I climbed on top of him again, planting my knees on either side of his thighs so his erect cock nearly touched my clit. He lifted his hips, but I let my weight fall on him, holding him down as best I could.

He stopped struggling, and I gave him a sly grin. Slowly, I reached for the hem of my tight lace dress and drew it up my body, revealing myself to him inch by inch. His nostrils flared, and his eyes heated impossibly further when the material slipped up over my breasts, revealing my peaked nipples.

I threw my dress to the side and leaned down over him. He hissed as his cock pressed into my belly, but I didn’t stimulate him further. Instead, I moved my breasts close to his mouth, cupping them in one hand as the other braced against the mattress to support my weight.

“Suck on my nipples,” I ordered, the sense of power intoxicating me.

He complied immediately, opening his mouth to capture one between his lips, swirling his tongue around the hard peak. I moaned and shifted so he could do the same to the other, rocking my clit against his cock simultaneously. He growled and bit down, giving me a little flare of pain.

As soon as his teeth released me, I drew away and sat back up so I could swat his thigh again. “Naughty,” I accused.

He grinned. “Sorry, Mistress,” he said, not at all contrite.

“No, you’re not. But you will be.”

I shifted so my knees were between his thighs, spreading his legs wide and giving me better access to his cock. Keeping him locked in my gaze, I slowly lowered my mouth to his erection. Cupping his balls, I traced the circumference of his cockhead with my tongue before licking my way down his shaft, tasting him like my favorite candy.

“Don’t tease me,” he commanded, his voice tight. The chains rattled as he pulled against them, his muscles straining.

“You don’t get to give the orders this time,” I reminded him.

A wicked idea came to mind. I trailed my forefinger away from his balls, pressing against the small patch of skin near his asshole.

“Chloe,” he growled in warning.

“You taught me the best way to tame a willful sub,” I told him sweetly. I sucked my finger into my mouth, getting it nice and wet before touching him again, slowly drawing nearer to his most vulnerable area.

“Chloe.” The chains clattered as he yanked against them, straining.

“Growling my name isn’t a safe word,” I informed him before bringing my mouth down on his cock again. I took him all the way in a slow slide. At the same time, I applied pressure against his ass. My fingertip slipped inside.

“Chloe…” This time, my name left him on a long groan. I stared up at him to find him watching me intently, his blue eyes searing into me.

Emboldened, I explored further. His head dropped back on a curse as I eased into him, pumping his shaft at the same time, sucking him and working my tongue along the underside of his cock. He pulsed in my mouth, and I knew he was close to orgasm.

Suddenly, a snapping sound reverberated throughout the room, followed by the clanking of chain against metal. Shocked, I took my mouth and hand away from him to see what was going on.

Dex had literally broken free; the thin chains no match for his brute strength.

He stared down at me as he ripped the cuffs from his wrists. “That was very naughty, princess,” he said, his voice low and rough with lust.

“Dex,” I gasped out.

,” he corrected me.

I sat back, moving to scramble away from the raw power that pulsed off him. He was on me before I could suck in a breath, flipping me onto my back and settling his weight on top of me.

To my surprise, I wasn’t at all afraid of the feel of him pinning me down. I trusted him completely. He’d made himself vulnerable to me, and I would give the same to him.

“I love you,” I said, the words heavy with conviction.

He crushed a possessive kiss against my lips. “I love you, too.”

His mouth left mine briefly as he reached for a condom from the bowl on the table beside the bed. He ripped the wrapper open with his teeth and sheathed himself. Not waiting another instant, he shoved my thong aside and drove into me in one harsh thrust. I cried out, and he caught the sound on his lips, tasting my pleasure on his tongue as he took up a fast, punishing rhythm. Each thrust branded me with heat, marking me as his.

But he was mine, too. He’d given himself to me, just as I’d given myself to him.

I reached around him, one hand sinking into his muscular ass as the other found his asshole again. I brushed my fingertips over it, giving him another taste of dark pleasure.

He threw back his head with a roar, his cock pulsing within me as he came undone. My bliss followed, triggered by his. I came apart with a scream, ecstasy bubbling through my veins, making my toes curl. I held him close for several minutes, maintaining my grip on his ass to keep him inside me as he softened. We exchanged hard, fast breaths in between hungry kisses.

Finally, he eased out of me and arranged my body so I was draped over his chest. We lay there for a long time, floating in residual bliss.

“I love you, Master,” I declared, my voice hoarse from screaming out my pleasure. “I love you, Dex.”

He stroked my hair and gave me a lust-drunk grin. “I love you, too, my sweet sub.”

BOOK: Hero
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