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Authors: Alyssa Brooks

Hide and Seek (13 page)

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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Spreading her folds, he opened her cunt wide, this time placing a kiss to her clit, then another on her slit.

“As expected, most delectable.” He licked the salty desire that swamped her pussy. “Indeed, a gourmet meal.”

“Probably the best one you'll get in this house.” Her words were strained as she reached for his head and attempted to return his face to her intimate regions. Her legs tightened around him, preventing escape. “Better than the salad I'll feed you later.”

“Indeed.” He chuckled, again savoring a lick of the creamy, thick liquid. “I better enjoy.”

She thrust against his mouth. “Eat your fill.”

It would be his pleasure…but doubly hers.

His thumbs keeping her spread wide, Maxim slipped his tongue along her labia, slowly, thoroughly, stroking the length of her cunt.

He licked her from top to bottom, and back again, lapping at the sticky liquid flowing from her inner depths. Rotating his movements, from fast to slow, to nibbles and wide, hungry licks, he consumed her pussy.

Elisa moaned for more, her pleas desperate and weak with passion. What
he'd give her, she'd get slowly. So slowly, it hurt him, but that was the way of it.

Aiming to keep her teetering on the brink, he claimed her clit, drawing the tiny bud from its hood and flicking it with his tongue. Pulling on the bundle of nerves with his teeth, he drove her to scream out.

Elisa slammed her fist into the bearskin rug beneath her. “Oh God!”

Ah, satisfaction.

He sucked and teased harder. Only when she was panting and thrashing beneath him did he release her clit and move his attention to her entrance, spearing her with three fingers. He licked around them as he thrust in and out of her vigorously, purposefully driving her to a climax.

He couldn't believe she'd lasted this long, but he was going to force her over the edge. Make her orgasm.

And when she finished, he was going to push her to the brink all over again.

He pulled his hand free and rammed into her again, this time with four fingers. She cried out and her loins constricted around him, growing tight as he searched out her G-spot.

Reaching deep within her, Maxim curled his fingers and rubbed the sensitive spot in circles. Her whole body shook, her pussy convulsing as she screamed out, coming in a whole-body experience.

yes, oh yes, oh yes, OH YES!

Maxim maintained steady hand movements as she exploded in a violent orgasm, her whole body lurching with the release. Her pussy shook, her cum spilling over his fingers as she gasped for air, her fingers holding the fur tight.

After several moments, the sheer, blinding, almost paralyzing ecstasy began to clear. Elisa collapsed, glorious vibrations humming through her body as her world whirled from the powerful climax.

So good…



Sighing, still half-delirious, Elisa murmured something unintelligible. Even without his dick being involved, it had to have been the most intense sex she'd ever experienced. Maxim touched something in her no one else had, ever since the moment their professor had paired them together all those years ago. This…this was too good to be true…

Maxim slid his fingers free, slipping them under her ass and cupping her cheeks. He tilted her pelvis, jolting her to awareness as he plunged his cock inside her without warning.

His wide shaft demanded entry to her body, forcing her sheath to expand and accept him. Without preamble, he thrusted into her hard and fast. Her relaxed state was literally
back into a heady, need-charged whirlwind as she scrambled to meet his physical demands.

“Maxim! Oh yeah, I need this!” she cried. “I need you!” She matched his passionate fucking and wildly bucked her hips against his, taking every inch Maxim had to give. They mated violently, nothing soft or sweet about the experience.

Elisa quickly found herself on the verge of yet another orgasm, her mind unable to stifle her body's burning need to climax again. She clutched his shoulders, hanging on for dear life as her pussy spasmed around his shaft, her body jerking from ecstasy. Her muscles contracted and released so many times, she battled to remain conscious.

Totally blown, she fell into a pile of useless mush as he continued to fuck her like a caveman. He drove into her even harder, abruptly jerking as he climaxed.

When he finished, he rested his hands on his knees, taking deep breaths. “Fuck.”

“No kidding.” With a groan, Elisa pulled free of him and curled in a ball.

“I wanted you to come again,” he gasped, shaking his head. “But I couldn't hold out.”

She chuckled, unable to hide her amusement, even as her world blurred around her. “A third orgasm? Maybe later.” Her heavy eyelids curtained, sleep claiming her and erasing all possibility of any more physical activity.


after a full night of rest, Elisa could still feel the aftereffects of the powerful orgasms Maxim had driven her to.

Damn, the man was good. Too good. So good, it was scary.

Cleaning the steam from the mirror, she stared at her reflection. How long had it been since she'd seen her eyes dance with such excitement? Since she hadn't been able to wipe the smile from her face with self-enforced negative thoughts?

Stick her in a loony bin and label her crazy, but she couldn't wait to make love to Maxim again.

Her pussy screamed in keen agreement.

So much for vowing off men. Even secluded in the middle of the woods, she'd fallen prey to the worst of the worst and was currently
about it.

Her hands shook as she attempted to comb her dripping wet hair, starting at the bottom of the knotty mess and working her way upward. Within seconds, she dropped the comb. Forget it. Her heart was fluttering like a hummingbird's. She couldn't function correctly to save her life.

She was lucky to even be clean. She'd barely soaped herself up and rinsed off before she'd hopped from the shower, eager to return to Maxim and their bearskin rug.

Seriously, she had to get a grip.

The chase was officially over. Chances were, Maxim would soon get bored. Leave.

. He'd stuck around this long and there
a reason. Plus, she didn't want him to go, at least not yet.

She just couldn't allow that to happen.

If she played him correctly, surely she could manage to keep his attention, at least a while longer.

Elisa squared her shoulders. She had to get it together. Stop acting like some lust-struck teenager and start acting like a woman.

If there was any hope of him staying around, she needed to regain control. Be the queen he called her.

And she knew just how.

If Maxim wanted to fuck her again, he needed to earn it. Earn

Hair a mess, without a stitch of clothing to cover her body, Elisa marched from the bathroom, resolved to take control of the situation.

they deliver pizza on skis? Hell, Chinese would be better.

He had a serious craving for anchovies.

Wholly disappointed at the empty space next to him, Maxim stretched his limbs, his mind on nothing but his empty belly and ready dick.

He'd woken with the worst morning erection ever, and Jesus, he was famished. This time, fruit wouldn't do. It was either more hot sex or fattening, unhealthy, oh-so-delicious take out.

Where was Elisa anyway?

He swore, she better not be toying with him again. He was getting
tired of waking with worries and a hollow stomach.

Leaping to his feet, Maxim stretched again, commanding his hard-on to chill out. As typical these days, his cock didn't listen.

On to the kitchen. Not bothering to dress and barely able to walk, Maxim headed toward food, surprised to find a naked Elisa silently stalking down the hall, her arms crossed, her hair soaked and in knots. She carried the air of a lunatic on a binge—he could only hope it was sex she was crazy for.

“Morning, baby.” He walked toward her, meeting her mid-hallway. Taking her by the shoulders, he swung her around, pressing her against the rough-wood, oak-paneled wall.

morning.” She gazed up at him, a hint of amusement curling her lips, a twinkle in her eyes. The merry madwoman look punched him in the chest, knocking him breathless. How could she look so sexy and so dangerous at the same time?

He tangled his fingers in her wet knots, bringing the locks to his nose. “Mmmm…vanilla…cinnamon…so exotic…what is that scent? I could eat you up.”

She retrieved her hair, patting the tangled strands neatly back to their mess. “It's my favorite shampoo. Cinnamon buns.”

“Mmmmm…” He was practically drooling. Weak at the knees. “Breastfast…”

“Did you say

He chuckled at his mistake, grabbing her by the bottom and hauling her closer, so that his erection pressed against her pussy. “My mind is being controlled by my smaller head.”

“I see. Hard again?”

“I was dreaming of you,” he murmured. “I have, every night since college, you know.”

She rolled her eyes and gave him a hearty shove backward. “Oh, bullshit.” Free of him, she walked gracefully down the hallway, her sweet ass swaying as she laughed under her breath.

“It's true. Most days, this goes away once I rouse. But with you around, I think my cock is sticking it out for the duration.” He panted after her, moving as fast as he could with his still ragingly aroused cock.

Damn, she did it for him like no other woman could. Even tired and hungry, he couldn't stop.

Elisa flicked on the kitchen light. “Well, I hope you slept well. It's going to be a busy day.”

“Sounds good, angel.” After the vast amount of time he'd waited to have her, an all-day sex affair sounded damn good to him.

“I don't mean having sex.” Going to the fridge, Elisa swung the door open, showing no sign of any desire to hop back into bed. “Let's get you something to eat.”

He could settle for that.

He stopped angling for more sex, allowing his fantasies to dissipate, along with his softening cock. Leaning against the breakfast bar, he tapped his fingers on the marble top. “Please say you have something real to eat.”

“Hmmm…how about scrambled eggs and cheese? Sausage?”

“You have sausage?”

“It's soy, but yes.” She took some items from the fridge, tossing them on the counter. Maxim eyed the products—they weren't anything close to what he longed for. Resting his head in his hands, he groaned with despair. “Soy sausage? And the eggs are in a milk carton? Have mercy.”

“The eggs are still eggs. They're just yolk-free. And the sausage is good, trust me.”

Damn it. She was really sexy—really, really sexy. And cute. And endearing. And smart.

But she was not a large supreme pizza complete with a beer.

Damn it, one couldn't live off lust alone. His stomach growled in protest, his mind roared. “I am a man, you know. If you don't start feeding me, I'm going to lose consciousness. Then the only sex we'll be having will be in my dreams.”

She laughed at him as she poured the ingredients together and placed the pan over a flame, shaking it around. “Don't worry. I'm going into Aspen tonight to meet my sister and I'll pick up some groceries.”

He breathed a sigh of relief.
Thank God

He grabbed a stool and sat at the breakfast bar, resolved to eat whatever she had to offer.
For now
. “Great. That sounds like fun. I'll get some of my clothes while we're there.”

And meat. And wine. And a television.

Elisa was silent as she scraped the food onto their plates. After a moment, she said, “I didn't say
. I said I.”


“Trust me, you don't want to hang out with Lizzy. She doesn't like men.” She handed him his plate and sat down. “Besides, you're going to be way too busy today to have the energy to ski tonight.”

Busy? Well, hell, if sex was involved, then he'd forgo the protests. “Sounds like fun, my queen. Will you tie me up?” He winked at her, but she didn't even smile.

“And as for clothes…” She sighed, looking him dead in the eye…and all too serious for his taste. “I think it's high time you learned to live without frivolities.”

“Clothes are frivolous? You're tough.”

What was Elisa up to? To say the least, she was acting weird. Not angry and indifferent, like a couple of days ago, but changed. Combined with the fact that she wanted to do something
him…he didn't like it. After sex, women usually followed him around like puppy dogs.

Oh yeah, he was worried. And tonight, he was following her into town, whether she knew it or not.

“If you want to be with me, Maxim, you're going to have to work for it. Dance to my tune.” She took a bite of the white eggs and pointed the fork at him. “You know what I think? Your outdoorsman skills are pathetic. I want a man who can take care of me.”

Really weird

He cleared his throat. “Hey, we aren't getting married.”

She shrugged and continued to eat, like their conversation was normal. “Of course not. Why buy the cow?”

Maxim practically choked on the sausage—which really wasn't that bad—and stared at her. “What?”

Really, really, really weird

Elisa pushed aside her plate and laid her hands flat on the breakfast bar. “I'm not angling for marriage. But if you want to stay here, you're going to earn your place…and me.” Biting her lower lip, she contemplated a moment. She pointed to the left rear of the cabin. “In fact, there's a tree fallen out back. It isn't large. My father cut it up last time he was here, but he never got around to chopping it. You will, and stack it too.”


Forget weird. That was mean.

He'd never chopped wood in all his life. He wasn't about to now. “And if I don't?”

“No nookie for you.”

“Yeah. Right.” Maxim chuckled. Elisa was bluffing. Even if she thought she could resist him, she couldn't. They'd already proven that.

Did she really think she'd get away with making him do manual labor for sex? It wasn't his style. With the money his family had, he'd never been forced to do menial chores and he wouldn't start now. If Elisa wanted wood, he'd buy her a truckload. But lift an axe? No way.

“Go ahead. Try.” She slipped off the stool and opened her arms, the motion lifting her bare breasts as she welcomed a sexual attack. Damn, her naked body looked so much tastier than his breakfast.

He stared into her steely eyes. She glared back, unyielding. Maxim studied her—the set of her jaw, the way she didn't move, didn't shake—shocked to realize she
it. She wasn't budging. He could sweet talk until his throat hurt and kiss her senseless—she wouldn't open her legs. Not this time.

wanted him to chop wood.

Why was she doing this? Was she was trying to piss him off? Push him away?

He wasn't ready to go.

Nor was he prepared to let Elisa Cross get to him. He shrugged, acting unimpressed. “I'll chop the damn wood. It's nothing.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Piece of cake.”

He'd never been a good liar, at least according to his mother, who ended more of his escapades than he could ever start. And based on the glimmer in Elisa's smile, he wasn't pulling off his nonchalance very well.

Damn it.

Funny, but it was said that a man falls for a woman just like his mother. As far as strength and resolve and seeing right through him went, she and Elisa could be twins.

Maxim pressed his lips shut, deciding to play it cool and calm, and not give Elisa any more fuel for her fire.

Her smile broadened as she dropped her arms. “I also feel like going for a ski. So after you finish your chore, you can come find me.”


“I'll be hiding, of course. That's part of the game, remember?”

“You've got to be kidding me!” A natural reflex, Maxim slammed his hand into the counter, knocking his stool off balance. Before he could steady himself, he tumbled backward, landing on the floor with a big bruising blow to his left side.

Freaking crazy crap!

Holding his shoulder, which screamed in pain, he moaned and rolled over, looking up at his drill sergeant. “Are you enjoying this? You really want me to do all that just for sex with you?”

“Yup.” Bending, she planted a kiss on his shoulder. “But I'll tell you what. We'll up the reward with a new rule. Once you find me, you'll also get to use your choice from my toy box.” With that, she stood and walked from the kitchen, leaving him lying there, injured and frustrated. “Provided you chop the wood.”

“Infuriating woman,” he muttered to himself, nonetheless resolved. As far as his dick was concerned, he wasn't about to allow some wood and snow to stand between him and scoring with Elisa Cross again and again and again—especially not when toys were involved.

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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