Read His For Christmas Online

Authors: Kinsley Gibb

Tags: #southern, #holiday, #christmas, #small town, #wedding, #alpha male, #male and female romance

His For Christmas (10 page)

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He couldn’t make out panty lines, which
meant one of two things, either Anabelle had a preference for
thongs or she was going commando.

Have mercy.

It was a bonus Anabelle didn’t wear short
skirts. He’d yet to see her in one for which he was glad, he wasn’t
sure his heart could take the strain.

He tugged his plaid shirt away from his
body, fanning it slightly. His nieces had given it to him for his
birthday, but now it was wet with sweat. “Would you ladies be
offended if I took off my shirt?”

Two wide pairs of eyes snapped to him. “Of
course not, Derek,” Charlie said while Anabelle looked

He shrugged. “Okay…maybe not then.”

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Charlie
elbow Anabelle and winced when she winced. Their sibling like
bickering made him smile.

“Go ahead, we don’t mind,” Anabelle said a
few minutes later although she didn’t sound certain.

He met her hazel eyes. Today they were more
green than brown. She had trouble meeting his eyes and kept
glancing away. “Are you sure?”


He didn’t think so but between the labor and
his lusting after Anabelle, he was hot. Still watching her, he
unbuttoned his shirt while her gaze followed his progress. He
sucked in a breath and caught her apple lemon scent. He slowed his
movements liking how she watched him. Her breathing sounded
shallow. Too soon she realized he’d caught her watching him and
averted her gaze.


The sight of his chest affected her. He
smiled, pleased at the thought and filed away that bit of


Anabelle thumbed through Elle Décor, tore
out pages of inspiration to use for her presentation. Later, she’d
scan them to create a digital board. A rep had left a perfect
sample earlier and she pulled it from her library and admired the
iridescent glass mosaic. It would be a perfect complement to the
capiz shell chevron pattern she’d selected earlier. For the next
few minutes, she played with the arrangement, tweaking the finishes
and keeping her hands busy so her eyes wouldn’t stray back to

But as if a magnetic force compelled her,
her gaze honed in on Derek’s body as he lifted and screwed. His
strong shoulders were well defined but not the scary kind of
muscles found on the cover of weight lifting magazines. He twisted,
reaching for his drill and she caught a glimpse of his abs. A bead
of sweat worked its way down the happy trails of his lower stomach
until it disappeared down the front of his jeans, drawing attention
to his heft.


He looked up and caught the direction of her
gaze. She jerked her eyes up and closed her mouth, surreptitiously
she checked for unwanted drool.


She could only hope he hadn’t caught the
open-mouthed guppy look Charlie had warned her about. A weird
energy filled her and Anabelle couldn’t stay still. She stacked her
samples, cleared away clutter and straightened her sample bins.
“It’s hot in here.”

“Is it?” Charlie glanced between Anabelle
and Derek as he worked on the install. She remained in front of the
computer where Anabelle presumed she was still on the hunt for a

“I think I have a fan in the storage room.
I’ll go check,” she said over her shoulders and hurried off.

The storage room was filled with seasonal
boxes, client files and miscellaneous crap she couldn’t part with.
Most days she avoided the room because it served as a reminder of
her failure to fully complete her ‘things to do’ list.

Today, the stuffy room was sanctuary, her
hideaway hole from the embarrassment of being caught acting like a
hungry cougar.

Anabelle banged her forehead against the
wood shelving. Dust motes and the scent of pine filled the air. She
palmed her hot cheeks, hating the itchy sensation this fixation
with Derek had brought about. To continue with it was madness, her
professional mode of operation was in jeopardy and she couldn’t
allow it.

She took a deep breath, trying to clear her
head. She refused to allow her little crush control over her life.
It was time to take charge once more. A strategic maneuvering of
boxes and magazine holders revealed a familiar cord.

“Success at last,” she muttered. For a
moment she considered staying put and plugging in the fan to cool
off so she would no longer resemble a chili pepper.

Maybe it was time for a Cupid’s Match coffee
date. KayakLover looked normal or at least relatively normal in
that his photos showed a man smiling rather than one with a
constipated death glare. The photos were of assorted outdoor
activities with friends, which meant he wasn’t an antisocial
hermit. A definite possibility and maybe he’d be partial to
progressing at a slower pace. She wanted to get laid but she didn’t
think her heart could handle an experienced Casanova.

Her phone buzzed.

I have details on your blind date with the
doctor. Call me. You’re not getting any younger. Mother.

Good grief.

If she didn’t get on with Cupid’s Match, her
mother would pimp her out. She shuddered at the scary thought.


She started, she’d been lost in thought and
hadn’t heard his entrance.

“Hey there, Derek. What can I do for

She turned and faced him grateful he’d put
his shirt back on. The room had shrunk in the span of a moment and
he stood close. There wasn’t room to step back since her old
drafting table was behind her, her bottom rested against the edge.
He moved closer and her temperature soared.

“Wanted to check on you. Thought you might
have fallen into a rabbit hole, you’ve been gone for so long. Need
any help?”

“I’m ok. I found the fan but got distracted
with this mess.”

“Let me help.”

She shook her head. No way did she want to
be stuck in here with him. If she didn’t get him out, she couldn’t
guarantee his safety. The combined scent of Irish Spring and the
essence of Derek hung heavy in the confined quarters. It was too
tempting. If he knew he was on the verge of being tackled, he might
not be so relaxed.

“Nope. I’m good.” The close distance invited
intimacy so she avoided eye contact, choosing instead to stare
straight ahead. If she made eye contact, the connection might
hypnotize her into doing something idiotic. She could imagine his
embarrassment if she gave in to temptation and licked his neck.
Poor Derek. He was a nice guy so he’d be embarrassed for her.

The exotic wood carved necklace provided a
welcome excuse so she pretended fascination like the big chicken
she was. He noticed the direction of her gaze and touched it. “I
got this in Thailand last summer after a scuba diving trip with

“It’s beautiful.”

“Thanks. I like their craftsmanship.”

“I hear Thailand is beautiful. I've always
wanted to ride an elephant.”

He grinned. “We should go one day. They have
great food, friendly people and lots of elephants for you to

“I couldn't.” She stepped back and bumped
her hip against the drafting table. “Ouch.” She’d forgot it was
behind her and rubbed the sore spot.

Derek pushed her hand aside and rubbed the
spot for her. “You okay?”

She nodded absently because instead of
soothing her, he created all sorts of non-relaxing thoughts inside
of her.
What was wrong with him?
She was trying to protect
him from being mauled by a cougar.

“Why not? It would be a perfect buying
excursion for you.”

“I’m too busy.”

“Too busy for Thailand?” He chuckled. “Come
on Anabelle, where's your sense of adventure?”

“Missing in action?”

They stood in silence. His eyes searched her
face as if she was a puzzle he didn’t quite understand.

Her phone buzzed and broke the connection.
Anabelle grabbed it and saw an alert form Cupid’s Match. Someone
had winked at her.

“I didn’t know you were on Cupid’s Match.”
His smile dripped boyish charm, not apologizing for his

She stuck out her chin. “Yes. I opened an
account this morning.” It wasn’t how she envisioned meeting the man
of her dreams, but it had worked for others, so why not her?

“So you’re ready to date now?”

“Business kept me busy but I think I’m ready

“So when are
going out?” He
grinned down at her and she gave a nervous laugh.

“Never,” she said, rubbing her neck.

“Why not?” His grin disappeared and a frown
appeared in its place.

“It wouldn’t be proper. We work

“You’re assuming it wouldn’t work but what
if it did?” He crossed his arms across his chest.

“You’re sweet but I’m older.” She looked
away, her face felt hot at that admission.

He tilted her chin back to meet his gaze.
“Not by much.”

“By enough.”

He narrowed his eyes as if he wanted to
argue but Charlie stuck her head in the room and saved her.

“Good news! You’ve been winked at!”

“I saw,” she said without turning because
Derek’s gaze wouldn’t release her. They continued their stare

“Yep. Looks like archi439 is interested.”
Charlie went on, oblivious to the tension. “I answered for you
because he wants to meet!”

“Great,” she said and forced her gaze away
from Derek.

“I know, right?” Charlie squealed and did a
victory dance, ignoring Anabelle’s lack of enthusiasm. “We’re going
to break your dry spell, baby.”

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Derek
stiffen while Charlie vibrated with excitement. “So when will I sit
with a perfect stranger and struggle through an hour long


Derek remained silent since Charlie’s
interruption and Charlie punched his shoulder lightly. “Derek,
Anabelle might get lucky tonight!”

Derek gaze hardened. Anabelle had never seen
him look so fierce.

“Charlie…” She warned with a subtle shake of
her head.

“Never mind all that. I have a feeling this
guy has some of those qualities we discussed from your checklist.
Wink. Wink.”

Anabelle groaned and palmed her burning
face. Charlie had the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

“Stop that. Derek knows the importance of an
active sex life and he’s happy for you, aren’t you Derek?”

Without waiting for a confirmation from him,
she breezed on, “And you, missy, you can thank me later. Eight
o’clock at Sushiman.”

She grimaced, and tried to apologize for
Charlie’s stint into insanity but Derek’s jaw was tight and he no
longer looked laid back, so she let it go.


It took serious effort, but after a five
mile run and a beer, he was finally able to unclench his jaw. When
he thought of the storage room scene, he wanted to bend something.
That Anabelle would rather date a stranger instead of him was

“What’s with the grumpy face?” Dani met him
on the walkway in front of their sister’s farmhouse.

“Did you know Anabelle was on Cupid’s
Match?” He wanted to kick the dirt but he knew his sister would use
the childish action against him.

“No. Why should I? Anabelle is your
obsession, not mine.”

He shook his head at her imitation of a
goggle eyed, drooling maniac. There was no denying it so he didn’t

“What happened?” she asked after she’d had
her fun.

“I found out she’s going on a date tonight
with a match.”

“That’s kind of scary.”

“Exactly. Why would she go out with a
stranger, instead of me?”

“Did you ask?” Dani’s eyes were big behind
the brainiac glasses she wore when she had problems with her


“I take it from the grumpy face, you were
shot down?”

He glared at his kid sister rather than
answer her.

“Impressive. Go Anabelle.”

“Shut up.” Two sisters he had. It was a good
thing his best friend, Joe, was always around although that braying
ass liked to give him a hard time too.

“Women throw themselves at you and you can’t
be bothered, but Anabelle treats you like you have leprosy and you
can’t get enough.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“Oh really? She barely makes eye contact
when I’m in meetings with the two of you.”

He shrugged, that was the reason he’d
started sending Dani on errands when he knew Anabelle was scheduled
to come in.

“You should check on her though. Make sure
she’s safe.”

“I promised Dylan I would take the kids
shopping tonight for Halloween costumes, since you have a tutoring
session tonight.”

“Right.” She nodded and adjusted her
backpack. “After that then.”


“You’re never going to rest until you

He shrugged. “Drive safely,” he said,
ruffling her shiny brown hair.

“I will. Bye brother. Have fun with the

He laughed and walked up the steps to
Monster Headquarters, aka his sister’s home.

Frilly tutus and colorful tights filled
Derek’s vision.

“Uncle Derek, can you reach that tiara for
me, please?”

His youngest niece, Esme, indicated the
light blue sparkly crown on the top row of dazzling crowns.

“Here you go, little monster.”

“Thank you!” She squealed and danced her
happy dance, hugging the crown like she was never letting it go.
Her eyes sparkled and he was glad he’d volunteered for shopping
duty. His nieces always made him smile.

“You sure you don’t want to be batman,

She gave him a look of pure exasperation he
figured she’d copied from her older sister who was on the cusp of
crossing into the dangerous land of hormones and boys. On Janie,
the look dripped condescension of the highest order and was a
little bit scary, but on preschooler, Esme, it was adorable.

“Ok, little monster.” He said and tugged on
her brown pigtails.

“Uncle Derek, what do you think about

Speak of the devil. He took in the sexy
pirate outfit complete with a ruffled off the shoulder top, short
skirt and fishnet stockings his oldest niece held in front of

“That’s a big fat…NO.” His sister would tear
him apart if he bought that.

“No?” An eyebrow arched high over
incredulous eyes. A storm brewed, he could sense it.

“No,” he replied, crossing his arms over his
chest. There was no way he would capitulate in the face of his
niece’s brand of warfare. She did preteen pout like nobody’s
business but his sister’s would torture him for the rest of his
life if he brought that costume home. He’d be sixty and still be
harassed by his sisters for the
one time
he was sent out for
Halloween costumes and bought a glorified hooker outfit

He shuddered. No fucking way.

“Okay then, how about this one?” Jane’s
unrepentant grin let him know she’d been joking and had thoroughly
enjoyed his panic. She held out a hippie costume with a temporary
flower and peace tattoo along with a beaded headband and fringed

“Perfect.” He sighed, relieved his niece
wasn’t serious about dressing like a tramp and he could hold off on
discussing the dangers of exposing herself to hormonal boys.
Although the fact she’d inherited his warped sense of humor was
worrisome. She’d give him gray hairs in the next few years. “Now,
what about Alex?”

“She’s coming.”

A crash sounded at the end of the aisle and
plastic pumpkins scattered everywhere. He winced when he heard his
niece breath out, “Oopsie.”

Derek sighed. “You were supposed to watch

“What? I was. She was right behind me. I
can’t help she’s a walking disaster.”

He shook his head, already heading down the
aisle. He picked up an armful of pumpkins while a harassed looking
attendant restacked the pumpkins and his niece attempted to assist.
Attempted was the key word, in that more pumpkins fell than were
successfully stacked and the attendant looked pained.

“Sorry, Uncle Derek, I didn’t see it,” Alex
said when she saw him. She shoved her glasses up her nose and
clutched her loot under one arm. With the other she reached for
more pumpkins.

“That’s okay sweetie.” To the attendant he
mouthed an apology to which she smiled and gave him an appreciative
look before glancing down at his ring finger. Her smile grew when
she noted it was bare. He wished he felt an answering interest but
a certain brunette dominated his thoughts, a certain luscious and
completely stubborn brunette, he reminded himself.

“I found
perfect costume, Uncle
Derek. Check it out.”

His middle niece held up a ghoulish doctor’s
outfit and waggled her eyebrows. “Well? Huh? Huh?” She bounced up
and down. “What do you think? It’s perfect right? I even found face
paint so I can be

She looked so pleased, he laughed. He
couldn’t help it. No matter what thoughts filled his mind, the
girls brought him joy and he was glad he’d moved here.

“I love it.”

“Good, because I have the perfect costume
for you too, Uncle Derek.” She nodded her head up and down, aquiver
in her excitement. Sometimes his eight-year-old niece reminded him
of a golden retriever, it made him want to pet her shiny golden
brown hair.

“Yeah, Uncle Derek, you’re gonna love it,”
Janie said with a slightly evil smirk that made him a little
nervous. Since his sister paid in food, today’s excursion was going
to cost her some homemade strawberry shortcake, for sure.

He checked his watch, the timeline was tight
but he estimated he could finish the shopping, drop the kids off,
and have enough time to get ready before he crashed a date tonight.
He grinned and ignored the strange looks his nieces gave him.

He had his own evil plan to set in place

It was time Anabelle saw the possibilities
of dating a younger man.

BOOK: His For Christmas
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