His Purrfect Mate (28 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

BOOK: His Purrfect Mate
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He didn’t argue that fact. “Let’s go.”

They moved as close as they could and began
the climb up. The loose shale made it hard to get up to the
projection. At least for her. He moved up it with a feline grace,
which made her long to throw something at him just to see if he
could actually stumble. She snorted with quiet amusement. When they
reached the top along with the dogs, she found the location would
work. Aida stood and stared out over the landscape, dropping her
pack beside her along with the rifle. Dane’s presence appeared
close behind her.

You okay?” he asked in a
low tone.

Yes. Just don’t like
having to kill. I mean, we are the ones who encroached on them.
Taking away their territory then wanting to kill them when they get
in our way.”

These ones smell sick.”
Her body stiffened when he slid his arms around her. “I just want
to hold you, Aida.”

She relaxed against him. “And now?”

Will you stay

Where are you

Hunting.” He kissed her
cheek and stepped away.

Aida crossed her arms and glared at him.
“And I have to wait here, why?”

Because I move much
faster on my own.” He leapt with little effort to land a fair
distance away.
I mean it, Aida. Don’t
leave. I will be very unhappy if I have to go looking for

Aye, aye, captain.

She stared after him until she could no
longer see him. Pacing the rock, she sat at the edge and stared out
over the thick grass. The day had cooled a bit and she felt rather
comfortable with the breeze blowing over her.

A low rumble reached her,
and Aida rose immediately and retrieved her rifle. Ruger and Kamau
stood on either side of her, noses to the wind with hackles raised.
She stared but couldn’t see anything. Nothing definite, anyway. But
she knew, she
something was out there. Her dogs weren’t wrong.

Where are you, Dane?

Looking at a cave. Why?

The dogs are growling out over the flat into
the wind. I’d wondered if maybe you were out there.

Do you see anything?


I’m on my way.

Those words made her feel one hundred
percent better. “Stand steady, boys.”

The sounds stopped, but neither relaxed
their guard. It didn’t take long for Dane to return. His large hand
rested familiarly against her back. She released a breath she was
unaware she’d been holding.

Can you see

Dane was silent for a
moment. “Yes. Two big males.” A loud roar filled the air. “Get your
gun ready,
, you’re going to have to kill

How do you know for

Trust me on this, Aida.”
His tone was full of regret.

The grass parted, and she saw the two
roaring lions pacing toward the base of the hill they were partway
up. Ruger and Kamau snarled just as ferociously but true to their
training never moved. Aida stared and saw the uncontrollable rage
in the eyes of the felines.

The lighter one,” she
said resigned. “That’s the one I have to kill.”

I’m sorry,

What about the other
one?” The cats were taking up positions on either side of the
outcropping as if trying to decide how to get up to them the
fastest way.

I hope I can save

She cocked her rifle and sighted down the
barrel. “Send it straight, send it pure.” Aida waited for the right
moment and squeezed the trigger. Even before it hit her mark, she
chambered another, just in case. A garbled roar left the lighter
lion as he fell to his side. The other screamed in anger.

Help him, Dane.

He leapt with grace and fluidity to the
ground, and Aida’s breath caught when the feline jumped at him. The
ease with which he dodged the attack blew her away. A quick peek at
the other cat told her it was dead. Aida looked back at Dane who
kneeled over the other lion. She couldn’t hear him, but before too
long, he stood, the lion following suit before padding off into the
grass and disappearing from view.

Dane bounded up after looking at her.
Exhaustion sat all over his face. Aida walked into his arms without
hesitation and held him tightly. His strong limbs circled around
her, and she inhaled sharply, letting the smell of pure Dane seep
into her.

You okay?” she asked,
opening her eyes in time to see the sun begin to sink below the

Just a bit tired. I’m out
of practice with all my gifts. I need to bury the cat and I think
we should stay here for the night, still.”

Thank you for saving
him.” Aida stepped back, having deciding not to ask how he did it
for she was merely grateful he had accomplished it, and Dane
vanished from sight. In the remaining light of day, she built a
small fire toward the end of the rock. She also unrolled her
bedroll and sat on it while she pulled two packets from the
interior of her canvas pack.


Aida jumped, his deep voice surprising her.
“Damn it! You scared me. You need a bell or something.” She threw
the packet at him, snarling softly when he snatched it cleanly out
of the air before lowering his strong body next to hers. “Yes,
MRE’s. It’s what I eat when I track.”

Dane opened the envelope. “Tabbies wear
bells,” he muttered, sending her a reproachful look.

She ran her tongue over her teeth, fighting
the smile which threatened. “Still mad about that, huh?”

Insulted would be a
better word.” Dane nudged her with his shoulder. “A tabby?

Aida fought to hold back her laughter. “I
did what I had to in order to get you up.”

You’re lucky he didn’t
eat you for that comment.” A small sexy grin lifted his lips. “And,
trust me, Aida, you have
to worry about when it comes to getting me

Unable to help herself, Aida’s stomach
clenched in reaction to his statement. She swallowed hard then
reached out and scratched behind his ear. “Are you sure? I think
you purred when I scratched here.”

His teeth flashed dangerously. “I have an
itch you can scratch, and I promise I won’t be the only one

Longing flared up within her. Ignoring it,
Aida dropped her hand and focused on her meal. “Sorry, I’m more of
a dog lover.”

Low blow,
solnyshko moyo
. And
definitely sounding like a challenge.” His timbre dropped at least
an octave and got all husky and raspy.

Her breasts felt swollen,
the tips hardening painfully. She shifted on the bedroll, forcing
herself to continue to eat the food before her. Calmly. And ignore
the Nile which seemed to be flowing from her because of just his
Just the sound of his

Not a challenge. Stating
fact.” She stored her empty container.

Dane held some food before her mouth, and
without thought, she opened and let him feed her. Her teeth and
tongue scraped along his finger and thumb. Out of the corner of her
eye, she watched his gaze darken. Aida swallowed without tasting
and turned away from him.

Aida,” he

I can’t.”

You hurt yourself by
denying this as well. I don’t like that.”

Sex doesn’t make the
world go ‘round, Dane.”

No, but it makes the ride

Snapping her head around,
she glared at him. “Then, go find someone who wants a
fun ride
.” Her words
were short and sharp.

I will
be with another

She was bitchy. Extremely so and it made no
sense. This emotional roller coaster was going to send her over the
edge. “Damn, I want chocolate,” she groused. With a deep breath,
she looked at Dane and gasped at the chocolate array he had on a
plate in his hands. Milk, dark, and fruit dipped.

Ohhh,” she sighed,
scooting closer. She licked her lips and reached for one when he
moved the plate back. Aida growled warningly. “Don’t mess with a
woman and her chocolate, Dane. It’s a good way to get

He tsked but couldn’t hide the flinch. “Be
nice, Aida. I just want a kiss, and I’ll give you the whole

Aida damn near jumped him. She kissed him
hard and fast before turning her attention back to the plate and
snatched it from him. A throaty groan left her when she popped a
chocolate-covered banana chunk in her mouth.

Damn, that’s good,” she

Dane felt like he was about to come in his
pants. Watching her eat the chocolate was one of the most arousing
things he’d experienced. All her moans, groans, and purrs were
close to setting him off. Her eyes were hazy with the look of one
who’d been pleasured. Extremely, thoroughly.

Had I known chocolate did
that to you, Aida, I’d have delivered it sooner. Jesus, woman,
you’re going to kill me.”

His cock hammered against his pants as she
sucked her fingers clean and looked at him with a lopsided smile on
her face.

kind of mystical crap is more than welcome in my country.
Thank you for the chocolate, Dane. It hit the spot.”

She crawled toward him and pressed him back
to the bedroll. Wrapping her body around his, she sighed and
burrowed her face in his neck. Only to fall asleep in no time.

Fuck me,” he muttered.
His cock felt harder than the rock beneath them. “She’s going to
kill me.”

But what a way to go.

They spent the night in each other’s arms,
and he had his nose pressed into her hair. It was by far one of the
most restful nights he’d had. Despite his wanting her, it was the
solace he found in her embrace that soothed him.

By the time they made it back to Kees’, his
body still ached for her. He waited by her Scout as she said
goodbye to everyone, snarling softly when the other men touched
her. He was more than ready to have her to himself by the time they

You’re not doing a very
good job of resting, you know.”

Dane looked at her and smiled over her
concern. She seemed to think he needed a lot of time to heal. “I’m

I know. Doesn’t mean I
won’t worry.” She grinned and focused back on the road.

What, Aida?”

I’ve been meaning to ask
you something, but other things have been popping up.”

Dane touched her face, bringing her gaze
back to him. “Stop the vehicle.”

She did with a slight frown. “What?”

Shut off the

Aida looked at him. “Is something wrong?”
Even as she asked, she did as he’d said.

Yes.” Dane got out and
waved her back to the tailgate which he lowered.

What’s wrong?” Her eyes
darted around; her hand hovered close to the butt of the gun
strapped to her side.

Dane lifted her onto the tailgate and stood
between her legs. “Ask me your question, Aida. There is nothing out
here to disturb us.”

She sighed heavily. “You had me stop for

This must be an important
question to you,
solnyshko moyo,
if you’ve been trying to ask. I told you
what’s important. So ask me your question.”

Aida worried her lower lip then glanced
around. Dane followed her eye movements with his but waited and
held his tongue.

What’s an

Out of all the questions he expected, that
one was nowhere near the list. How in the hell had she even found

How do you know about

I hear it in your mind.
You’re worried about it, why I’m not sure.” She blinked and laid
her palms across his chest. “I want to know what it is.”

His heart skipped a few beats. “It’s pretty
much what it sounds like.” Her eyes narrowed. “I enforce laws.”

Like a cop?”

He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t lie to her.
“No. Cops bring people in. When I go out…”

You go to enforce the

Yes.” He could feel her
withdrawing from him even though she didn’t actually

I see.” Her fingers
plucked at the fabric of his shirt. “Thank you for telling me, and
for telling me the truth, not lying. We…we should get going.” Aida
got up and walked through the back to the driver’s seat.

Before long, they were heading back across
the vast wilderness. He let Aida shower alone, despite his desire
to be in there with her. When Dane finished his own shower, he
found Aida cooking dinner. The sound of a helicopter reached him,
and he scowled. Aida stood beside him at the door when the sleek
black bird landed.

Friend of yours?” she

That’s the

The one who

Dane grinned at the anger in her voice. It
was wonderful how protective she was of him. “That’s been cleared

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