Read His Reluctant Lover Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

His Reluctant Lover (11 page)

BOOK: His Reluctant Lover
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Georgette hadn’t ever experienced anything so intense, so magical.  Dylan was truly an amazing lover.  She just wished it wasn’t over so quickly.  She would have liked for that to go on a little longer.  “Thank you,” she said again, then laughed at his raised eyebrows.

“We’re not done yet,” he told her and tore open the foil packet, sheathing himself in protection. 

She felt the gentle probing down lower and her eyes widened.  “That wasn’t…” she stopped when he threw back his head and laughed. 

“No.  That wasn’t.”  One hand moved down lower, lifting her leg so that her knee was bent even while he pressed into her. 

Georgette’s eyes widened as this new sensation invaded.  It felt…incredible!  “That’s bigger!” she said and shifted her hips, trying to help him and help herself.  “Much!”  She held her breath as he pressed into her heat, then moved out again but she didn’t like that.  Her hands grabbed his hips, pressing him back into her.  Deeper and deeper he went and each time, she felt just a little bit more perfect. 

But then he came to the barrier and pushed through, causing a gasp of pain.  “Stop,” she whispered.  Georgette closed her eyes, breathing deeply as she held Dylan still. 

But then Dylan moved.  Despite her hands on his hips, or perhaps because of it, he moved ever so slightly and she stiffened, her eyes widening in surprise. 

“Are you okay?” he asked, gritting his teeth in an effort to hold still.  She had to get used to his invasion, to his size and he tried very hard to give her the time to do that, but her body was clenching him and she felt so damn good! 

“Do it again,” she begged with her eyes closed. 

But she moved her body before he could and he knew she was going to be okay.  Hell, she looked like she was about to climax again and he shifted in and out of her, ever so slightly.  When she arched her body, he moved deeper, feeling her tight clench and watching her face. 

“Open your eyes, Georgette,” he told her.  When she bit her lower lip but kept her eyes closed, he stilled and she shook her head slightly, opening her eyes to beg him.  “What?” she demanded. 

“I want to watch you climax this time,” he told her.  He gave her a ragged laugh and started moving again, slowly at first, but building up speed as she looked up at him.  When he knew she was about to come, he bent down and kissed her, absorbing her screams in his mouth while his own body exploded. 

Georgette couldn’t believe what was happening to her.  It was like he had complete control of her body and he drove into her, giving her the most amazing pleasure.  Before this moment, she never would have believed something like this was possible.  The feelings throbbed around her, pulsating and driving.  It was…amazing and shocking and deliciously sinful. 

She felt him tumble onto the bed but his arm wrapped around her, pulling her close.  She tried very hard to get her breathing back under control but it was hard. 

Pressing her face into the middle of his chest, she tried to come to terms with what had just happened. 

Dylan listened to her breathing while he tried to calm down his own.  A part of him couldn’t believe how incredible that had been but the other part of his brain had known all along that it would be that good with Georgette. 

“You okay?” he asked, his hand sliding up her back.  He then grinned at how her body stiffened.  He even heard her surprise that her body was ready for round two.  He wasn’t shocked.  Hell, just give him another minute and he’d be ready. 

Well, not even a minute, he realized. 

“I’ll be right back,” he told her, kissing her naked shoulder.

Georgette watched him walk to the bathroom, heard the water running.  The entire time, she just watched the back of him, impressed with the muscles rippling along his back and shoulders, his tight butt and the long legs.  When he came back out of the bathroom, she quickly tried to pull the covers over her naked body, embarrassed that she’d just been watching him instead of gaining some modesty.  She needed a bit of modesty after that last round.  She’d screamed at him!  She’d begged and pleaded with him!  Good grief, she’d almost cried out with the beauty of what they’d just shared. 

“Don’t bother,” he told her with a growl as he came back to the bed.  He snapped the sheet away from her, then took her in his arms, pulling her close as he laid down on the bed again. 

Georgette blushed as he slid his leg between hers and rolled over.  “So?” he asked, his eyes looking down at the pink tipped breasts. 

“So what?” she asked, but laughed at his lecherous expression. 


“Did I enjoy myself?” she asked, anticipating his question and trying to come up with a smart reply.  Something that would break the tension she was feeling right now.

He shook his head.  “No.  I know you enjoyed it,” he told her and bit her bare shoulder.  “So are you ready to do it again?”

Georgette thought about her promise to only make love with Dylan once, to get him out of her system.  But as his mouth moved to her neck, she knew that one time wasn’t going to accomplish her goal.  Nope, she wanted so much more of him.  Maybe twice, she promised herself as she lifted her chin, giving him better access to her neck. 

“Only if you’ll let me touch you this time,” she said, letting her hand move along his muscular arm, amazed at how many muscles had been hidden by that tame suit. 

He lifted his head, looking down at her breasts before bending lower, taking one ripe bud in his mouth.  “I don’t know,” he told her.  “You might have held me off too long.  I don’t know if I am ready for you to touch me yet.”

She smiled, feeling powerful and feminine.  Her hand slid lower, moving to that area that had fascinated her on his walk back from the bathroom.  “Are you sure I can’t touch you?” she said, her hand tentatively touching.  When he shook his head and whipped her hand back up, he laughed and groaned at the same time.  “I love that, Georgette, but no.  I’ll lose control with your hands.”

But he moved down her body, kissing his way lower.  “Besides, there are so many things I still get to do.  You climaxed too soon the last time.  I didn’t get to…” and his mouth closed over her heat and Georgette, not sure of his intent, arched and screamed at the same time.  His fingers came into play and then his hot tongue flicked against her core.  She almost jackknifed upwards but he hadn’t released her hips.  She immediately fell backwards against the already rumpled sheets, her fingers clenching at the sheets while his mouth worked her body like it was his own personal pleasure. 

Dylan inhaled her scent, feeling his body harden to unbelievable pleasure while he explored her body, learned what turned her on and how to slow down her orgasms so he could enjoy her longer while still making them more powerful for her own benefit.  He learned how much teasing she could take before she screamed out her demands for release and he loved every moment of his education. 

Over and over that night, he brought her to the pinnacle of pleasure.  They had no concept of time, only of one way to pleasure one another or the next.  He encouraged her to explore his body, showed her what to do but enjoyed her novice attempts as well.  Everything she did, every movement against him, only increased their pleasure.  They fell asleep in each other’s arms when the sun was finally starting to come up over the horizon and he didn’t even care.  This was nirvana, he thought as he drifted to sleep, Georgette’s red curls spilled over his chest and her soft, lush body curled up next to his. 

Chapter 6


“Come to Scotland with me,” he said as they sipped coffee on the balcony of his penthouse suite the following morning.  She was wearing his shirt and nothing else while he’d only taken the time to pull on a pair of jeans.  They’d showered and made love again in the warm water, exhausted but still unable to keep their hands from touching.  And touching always led to one thing.  That one thing kept getting more and more intense each time they made love. 

Georgette looked at him over the rim of her coffee cup.  “Excuse me?” she asked.  She’d heard him, but not sure she really understood what he was asking of her. 

“Come to Scotland with me.  I have to head up to Edinburgh…” he looked at his watch and grimaced, “well, six hours ago,” he told her with a wink.  “But we’ll fly up tonight, grab some dinner and then…” He left the rest of that sentence hanging. 

“I was heading to Bath tomorrow.”

“So go tonight.  I’ll come with you.  You can get your business done then we’ll head up to Scotland the next day.

She started to say no but then stopped herself.  Why not?  “Will you have cream tea with me?” she asked. 

He chuckled, his eyes lighting up with ideas.  “Have you ever had cream tea before?”

She shook her head, enjoying the way his eyes followed her still wet hair.  “No.  Have you?” she asked. 

He nodded his head.  “Yes.  I’ll show you how it’s done.”

She grinned, but suspected that his version of cream tea might be dramatically different from the rest of the world’s idea.  And she might like it a whole lot more.

Two hours later, she sat next to Dylan as he navigated the busy highways of London, taking them further out of the city.  The powerful, grey Mercedes he’d rented hummed along, his hands confident on the wheel.  The London highways weren’t much different from those in the United States except that they drove on the left instead of the right side of the road.  They were breezing down the M3 highway, talking about their work or just whatever popped to their mind. 

It felt like only a half hour had passed before they turned the corner and the most amazing sight greeted them.  Dylan pulled over so she could look out over the hillside at the city of Bath down below.  “It’s beautiful,” she sighed. 

“I agree,” Dylan said, but he was looking at her hair as the afternoon sunshine set it on fire.  From the first moment he’d met this woman, she’d dazzled him.  Now she was his and he couldn’t wait to get her to the hotel so he could make love to her until she was writhing in his arms again, but he also wanted to speed out of town so they could just continue this road trip together.  He’d always known she would be a sensuous lover but he actually enjoyed her company as well.  He liked just being with her and talking with her.  She was smart and intelligent, witty and sarcastic when something struck her.  He’d laughed more in the past twenty-four hours with her than he had with any other woman of his acquaintance.  Including his sister, which was saying a lot. 

“It’s even prettier when you get down into the town,” he told her, starting up the engine again.  They worked their way down the hillside into the town and he easily found the hotel.  It was in the old part of the city, right down next to the Avon River.  This hotel was still old, but the décor was completely different from their London hotel.  The Francis Hotel was actually several restored townhomes that were now connected.  The lobby was more artsy but still retained an old fashioned flair, although with modern accents that added to the creative ambiance. 

He checked in and handed her a key to their room.  “Why don’t you go work on your stuff while I make some phone calls?  That way I won’t get in your way?”

She appreciated that more than she could express but gave him a huge grin.  Then, on impulse, she walked over and kissed him.  She’d meant to just give him a quick peck on the cheek but he didn’t agree with that plan.  By the time she pulled away, she was breathless and contemplating foregoing work for another day.

He must have seen her intent in her eyes because he chuckled and pushed her gently out the door.  “Get your work done now because you’re not getting much sleep tonight,” he promised. 

With another grin, she grabbed her bag and sauntered out the door, giving him one last longing glance before she closed the door.  She saw the surprised look in his eyes as she teased him and it gave her a huge sense of power.  She also knew exactly when he changed his mind and she hurried further out of his reach. 

She laughed and almost skipped down the street, happiness welling up inside of her.  Goodness, if she’d known having an affair was this much fun, she might have found a lover a long time ago. 

She eyed the Italian looking town and the various men walking around and had to revise her thought.  She didn’t think that the other men would be nearly as amazing a lover as Dylan.  He had something special about him, something that sparked her imagination and made her more open and confident with hm.  She honestly couldn’t imagine making love with another man. 

She walked happily down to the river, watching the way the water flowed over the ancient walls.  The bridge was lovely but it was the way the water moved that caught her attention.  The strong current was barely noticeable on one side of the main bridge in the tourist section.  But on the other side of that beautiful bridge, it flowed quickly over stone walls, cascading down layer after layer.  She watched the water for several minutes, then grabbed one of her pencils, drawing the flow of the water.  When she looked at her drawing, then at the river, she felt like she’d captured the essence fairly well.  She then turned the page over and drew a dress, using the lines of the water to create the flow of the dress.  She wasn’t sure what kind of fabric she’d use, but somehow, she was going to get this image right.  She also liked the way the water was green but the flow was white.  She wasn’t going to make a green wedding dress, but the idea of adding tinges of pink or a soft yellow occurred to her as she sketched the dress in her mind.                

Once she’d finished that design, she went into Bath Abbey, an enormous, beautiful church constructed centuries ago had built up the rest of the city.  Once again, she used the lines of the ceiling, the arches and the stonework to create the dress design while the bodice was made up from the intricate iron work on one of the chapels. 

The roman baths were next and she hurried through the museum area, taking note of the dresses on the pictures as well as the old stone work.  This was more difficult because the stone was so old, the decoration had been worn away over time.  So instead, she sat on the stone steps of the older section, watching one of the “living history” docents who was dressed up like a wealthy roman citizen.  This dress, not coming from nature, looked more structured but completely different from the others she’d drawn over the past few days.  Those had large, flowing skirts that billowed out from the body.  This one was closer to the body, hugging the female lines with delicate material, draping across the breasts and waist.  It looked very Greek instead of Roman, but she still liked it. 

By the time she stepped back into the suite she would be sharing with Dylan, she was shy and wondering what would happen.  She was used to coming back to her own tiny house or visiting her mother’s beautiful Georgian mansion.  She’d never come home from work to find a man waiting for her.  So when she closed the door, she looked around, her leather bag still on her shoulder anxiously but her eyes eagerly searching for Dylan.  She’d only been gone for four hours, but she’d accomplished a lot in that time. 

As soon as the door clicked shut, another door opened up and she gasped when she caught Dylan walking towards her, a drink in his hand.  “Here,” he said, handing the glass of something dark and creamy to her.  “Drink,” he told her. 

Taking her hand, he led her over to the balcony.  “What’s this?” she asked, taking the cordial glass from him and taking a sip.  “Oh, this is delicious!”

“We’re having cream tea.  Just like you asked.”

She looked at the tray filled with various items suspiciously.  “I don’t think this is the English version of cream tea,” she told him warily.  She took another sip of the sweet liquid.  “What is this?” she asked.

“Coffee liqueur with chocolate liqueur mixed in.”  He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed the palm.  “I couldn’t find tea liqueur.”

She laughed but took another sip.  “Okay, so what’s all that stuff on the tray?”

He didn’t respond immediately, but started unbuttoning her shirt.  When he was finished, he slipped it off of her shoulders.  “Cream tea is all about desserts,” he said, his eyes pretending to examine her breasts clinically, but the heat in those blue depths gave him away.  She couldn’t quite get hold of her breathing all of a sudden.  Her shorts came off easily, sliding down her legs.  “Sit,” he told her.  “Wait!”  A moment later, he removed her underwear, admiring his work as he ran his fingertips along her skin, tracing the line of her bra delicately.  “I think you’re now perfectly dressed for cream tea.”

He took her hand and led her to one of the balcony chairs.  “Now you may sit down.”  He placed her in one of the chairs with a soft blanket over it, keeping her from sitting down on the cold iron of the balcony furniture.  When she was seated in the chair, he took the seat next to her.  “Tell me what you created today,” he told her. 

She looked around, feeling very exposed but she realized that the balcony was higher than all the other buildings so it was very private here.  That realization changed her anxiety into something completely different.  With him sitting there, casually staring at her in just a lacy bra, she felt….decadent! 

Looking over at him, she smiled, unaware of the sexual power behind that expression.  But Dylan saw it and his whole body reacted.  He almost lifted her out of that chair and made love to her on the table, but he stopped himself.  He wanted this.  He wanted to show her another side and she looked like she was loving it.

“I came up with several new designs. I just need to find the fabric for them.”

“Is that going to be a challenge?”

She shrugged, feeling only slightly self-conscious of the fact that she was basically naked.  “Sometimes.  I need to find a fabric that drapes in a certain way but that still has structure.”

While she discussed her adventures through Bath, he leaned over and slid the strap of her bra off of her shoulder.  He liked that look.  A few moments later, he did the other strap, causing her breathing to increase even more. 

He tried very hard to keep the conversation going, but in the end, she just looked too lovely.  After only a few minutes, he stood up, took his shirt off and lifted her into his arms.  But instead of carrying her to the bedroom, he laid her out on the table.  “Cream tea is a dessert tea,” he told her, running his hands down her stomach.  He lifted the jar of honey from the tray and drizzled the warm liquid delicately across her skin.  “I have a horrible sweet tooth,” and his head dipped, licking up the sweet mess. 

He did the same with the whipped cream but on her breasts, licking and teasing, driving Georgette insane with need.  He was excellent at teasing her sensitive skin normally but with the added sweet to lick up, it was a completely different sensation. 

And when he drizzled the warm honey between her legs, she thought she might just die of the pleasure.  Over and over again, he pretended like she was the cake and Georgette loved it.  By the time he finally entered her, filled her up, she almost exploded with his first thrust.  But he was learning her body quite well and he shifted so that he was still teasing her.  Each thrust brought her closer, but he wouldn’t let her go over that delicious precipice.  Not until he was ready did he let her fall, screaming out over the balcony where the birds were her only witness as the pleasure ripped through her.  

Afterwards, he carried her into the bathroom and started the whole process over again but with warm water and a peach scented shower gel to help tease and tingle.  By the time he carried her into the bedroom, she was exhausted but fully satisfied.  She curled up by his side and sighed with happiness. 

BOOK: His Reluctant Lover
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