Read Hypnotic Hannah Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Tags: #Multiple Partners

Hypnotic Hannah (3 page)

BOOK: Hypnotic Hannah
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Bill did exactly that, working his teasing tongue along my inner folds. He pressed at my entrance and teased just inside. Meanwhile, his fingers rotated my clit until he found that spot that made my body shake. He rubbed it faster until I felt a flash of heat. My body contracted. The gush of fluid felt glorious as Bill swallowed.

My eyes locked with Grant’s in the wake of my first ejaculation of the night. That particular type of release didn’t always work for me. As Bill licked me clean, I watched Grant come in Marina’s mouth without so much as a smile. The intense need to see his body stuck with me. I wanted to suck Grant’s cock and fuck him. For some reason, he resisted the pleasure the rest of us indulged in happily.

Maybe I hadn’t succeeded in hypnotizing him, and he’d played along to torment me later. I refused to be embarrassed. The rest of us were enjoying ourselves. Roger had shifted to fuck Marina’s tight ass, and she groaned loudly now that her mouth wasn’t full.

“Bill, aren’t you going to fuck me?” I asked.

Without a word, Bill stood and led me over to Joel, who pulled me into his lap. He slid so we were on the very edge of the couch. I wrapped my legs around Bill’s waist, and he pulled me up. My clit rubbed the tip of his cock. Slowly Bill pressed into my pussy.

I held onto Joel and let Bill’s steady pace move me. I watched Roger and Marina for a few moments before reaching out a hand to toy with Grant’s spent cock. He pushed my hand away.

“Get naked. Join us,” I said to him.

“You’ve got plenty.” He looked away.

I caught a glimpse of his thoughts, and then they were gone. Grant wanted something dark and rough. More than he thought he could have here. I said, “I want you, too.”

“Some things you have to earn.” He ran his hand over Marina’s breasts as she screamed and fucked back frantically in an anal orgasm.

Her feelings washed over me as Bill ground in short, rotating thrusts. “Please, Bill. More like that. You and Joel are an amazing team.” I felt Joel getting hard. He rubbed my clit with his hand.

Bill braced his hands on the back of the couch and let his weight fall harder on Joel and me. I lay there, sandwiched between them. My hips had no room to move either way as my cunt became overstimulated. Bill’s grinding triggered a deep spasm in my pussy. I moaned into Bill’s shoulder as he continued to thrust and Joel fingered me. The buildup came fast as they worked in tandem.

The dual orgasm knocked the wind from me. I clung to them while my pussy milked Bill’s cock and he came in me. Suddenly Joel lifted his hips, throwing off our delicately balanced pyramid. The dampness on the small of my back told me that Joel had come again.

Catching my breath, I looked over at Marina, who watched back with a smile. Her thoughts already worked on the next fantasy she wanted to fulfill. Marina’s eyes took me in deeply. Joel flipped out from under me and turned me over. Bill licked the droplets off as Joel tried to eat Bill’s cum out of me.

Two men had proven as good as any fantasy. I could tell Marina felt the same way. Still, I knew exactly which fantasy I’d have to try next. It was something completely different.

* * * * *

Bill whispered something in Joel’s ear and got a nod in return. They wanted to be alone for a bit. I shook my head, trying to clear it of the thoughts, desires, and explicit fantasies of those around me.

A gift or a curs
? In truth, it was both. I could never be surprised or swept off my feet. When you know what’s coming, it’s never as good as what you imagined when you can’t know in advance. True, my skills made it easy to surprise others and give them exactly what they wanted, but when was my payback?

Bill and Joel got up and headed for the stairs. “I’m going to get a room ready upstairs for us,” he said to the group.

I grinned. “They just want to be alone.”

“There’s a room, and you’ll really love it,” Bill replied.

When the two men had gone upstairs, Marina scooted on the couch toward me. “They’re crazy about each other, aren’t they?”

“Hopelessly in love and have been for months now. They were just chicken to screw up their friendship.” I studied her full lips and beautiful breasts.

“They’re so perfect for each other, it’s cute. Though I’d like a chance between them, too.” She winked.

I reached out and ran my hand on the inside of her arm. The soft skin felt right after two rough men. This was the fantasy I needed to explore next. “I could actually use a little break from men. What about you?”

Her eyes grew larger and she licked her lips. “I’ve been dreaming of that for months and months.”

“Me too.” I knew that she’d wanted to experiment, and while I’d fantasized about dabbling with girls, I couldn’t imagine a real relationship like that. The emotional ups and downs of a woman would exhaust me in a relationship, but for one night it could work. The fantasy of trying it never went away. Marina fit my dreams perfectly.

“Now we’re getting to some real fun.” Roger clapped his hands and moved to a chair to watch.

“You stay back,” I warned him. “You wanted to watch. No participation, thank you. For all I care you can play with yourself.”

Marina giggled. “I want them to watch.”

Them. Grant was so quiet, verbally and in his thoughts, I’d forgotten he was there. I loved the idea of being watched with Marina, but I didn’t want either man hopping in and changing the dynamic. We could do that later, but now I needed one-on-one with a girl.

“You two can watch, but this is girls’ time only.” I sat up and kissed Marina gently at first. The sweet feel of her soft lips was such a contrast to men, it made me deepen the kiss faster than I’d planned. I coaxed her flirty tongue to coil with mine and let the warmth permeate my being.

Marina pulled me close until I felt her breasts brush my own. The woman appeared to be in a hurry. I knew I was in trouble. The kiss could go on for days, and part of me wanted to try it slow. More of me, however, wanted to explore her gorgeous body and sample it as fast as possible.

Breaking the kiss, I advanced so Marina leaned back until she was finally flat on her back lying along the length of the couch. Her trim body looked beautiful, openly on display for our audience and me.

I stretched out on top of her, kissing her again as I let my hands run through her hair and down to tease her neck. My mouth followed as I tongued her chin, down her throat to the delicious hollow.

Marina shivered and caressed me back. I slid down her further, dragging my nipples to her waist. Looking her in the eyes, I kissed the spot between her breasts and gently tongued it. She arched and licked her lips.

The woman was insatiable, and I wanted to draw it out of her. I ran my tongue along the underside of each breast until she whimpered. Then I swept up, licking her hard nipple and dark flesh surrounding it. Her breasts stood firm and rebounded against my efforts.

I gave the other breast the same treatment with an added blow of air to give her a little chill. She rewarded me with a moan. “More.” The word caught in her throat.

As if I could stop. I sucked her breast into my mouth. She was smaller, so I took nearly the entire pointy mass of flesh in and tongued her as I sucked. The beat of her heart and thump of her pulse made me feel connected to her in a new way. She lifted for more so I pulled back and bit her nipple.

Her hands dug into my hair and pulled my head toward her other breast. She wanted the same for this one, but I wanted to push her buttons. I bit and teased the nipple of her other breast relentlessly. Her gasps and groans sounded like no complaint, but her thoughts held out hope that I’d suck her tit.

When I felt Marina’s hips lifting against my body, I knew I needed to push farther. Slipping off the sofa and onto the floor, I turned her so her pretty pussy rested at the edge of the cushion, ready for fun.

Marina glanced past me to the two men watching. I could feel their pleasure and their focus on the show, but I had no interest in breaking my rhythm. I kissed the inside of her thigh all the way up and inhaled her personal scent. My own pussy moistened. This exploration had me wet, but first I needed to try to satisfy the woman in front of me.

I licked slowly over her bare outer lips, all the way down to her center. There I slid my tongue between her lips, and Marina shifted her legs wider, hooking one knee over the edge of the low couch arm.

Holding her open with my fingers, I sampled her juices and let them roll over my tongue like a fine wine. She tasted sweet despite all the saucy things I’d seen her do. I dropped my tongue into her hole and drew the wetness up through her inner folds and around her clit.

Her hips lifted slightly as Marina sucked in her breath. “Hannah, please.” Marina’s fingers tugged at my nipples.

I wanted her to come, but I also wanted to play with her. My fingers ventured in and massaged her inner folds, tested her entrance, and tormented her clit until she moaned a low and constant warning.

“Tell me what you want,” I said.

Her eyes stared down into mine. “Eat me, you tease. I need to come on your face.”

I smiled at her filthy mouth and did exactly what she wanted. I had little technique, but I ate her like a delicious dessert of never-ending cream. Licking at her pussy, I teased her entrance. That didn’t work for her, so she tipped her hips down. I followed her lead, or rather her need, and worked my way up to her clit.

For such a powerful nub, her clit was a slippery button when mixed with flexing hips. I held her and zeroed in on the target, sucking and nipping gently as she screamed my name. I refused to let up until her pussy squirted with ejaculate and her body shook. I kissed and licked her juices clean, then gave her swollen twat a caress before kissing my way up to her mouth.

Marina held me tight as she kissed me back. Within seconds, she rolled me onto my back, and I knew I was in for a real treat. Grant stared at me with a hard expression as Roger jerked his cock. I blinked and looked only at Marina, who knelt before me and spread my legs wide. I was a bit fleshier than her in thigh and breast, as well as my midsection.

She slid up me and kissed me hard before working her way down to suck my nipples. Already erect, they tingled under her attention. My arms flew over my head. I held onto the back of the couch. When she kissed the tender underside where my bra rubbed, it made me breathe deep.

In a hurry, Marina nuzzled quickly down my torso and lapped at my spread pussy. While her mind betrayed this was her first Sapphic adventure, her mouth sucked my outer pussy lips and toyed with them expertly. I wiggled for more, and she tugged the lips with her fingers.

“Marina!” I shouted as I got a mental flash of what she wanted to do to me.

She changed to suck and score my inner folds with her teeth. The sensitive flesh burned, yet I wanted more. I ground up to meet her, and pulled at her hair to drag her up to my clit. No man had ever played so rough while eating me. I never imagined I’d respond this way to it either.

“I’m going to make you come,” she said against my cunt.

That fact was never in doubt, but how fast…I had no idea. My body felt tight as she bit at my clit while her fingers pushed inside and up for better access. I felt the roll of an orgasm form. Teeth, tongue, and fingers worked until I begged for more as my hips thrust up.

The smack of orgasm hit me hard as the shock of pleasure thundered through my body. Juices rushed out of me. Marina didn’t lick my cunt, but left me soaking as she kissed my clit. In the stupor of release, she caught me off guard.

Marina rubbed her breast in my wet pussy until it was coated. Then she crawled on top of me and offered her slick tit. “You forgot to suck this one.”

I grinned up at her before I did exactly what she wanted. Marina would make some girl very happy. Many girls, in fact. I wouldn’t be one of her regulars, but she definitely knew how to get a girl off. I sucked her wet breast deep and tongued over the entire area, tasting myself on her skin.

When she was satisfied, Marina pulled back and kissed me playfully. “We’re going to do that again.”

I had no doubt we’d play more tonight, but from the look of it, Grant and Roger needed some female attention soon.

Chapter Three


Bill and Joel appeared at the entryway and took in the scene. I could read Bill’s excitement. The more we pushed the envelope, the further our limits stretched.

“Come on, you guys. I want to show you the play room.” Bill waved at us to follow.

“I thought upstairs was just your acupuncture suites?” Marina headed up the stairs.

I followed with Roger and Grant behind me. Bill made a great living doing full body acupuncture here and at his office across from mine. His lavish home displayed his success.

We entered the large room clearly laid out for sex.

“This room is for fun. I had some of the old acupuncture tables recovered. One is in leather and one in faux fur. The height is ideal for this sort of thing.” Bill grinned at Joel.

I didn’t need to observe that exchange to know that while the four of us had indulged on the first floor, Bill and Joel had had their fun up here. What caught my attention in the room was the four thick chains hanging from the ceiling, ending in a waist-high seat of black leather measuring three-by-three feet. “A sex swing?” I asked.

“Bill said I get to try it first. He wouldn’t let me before.” Joel lay back in it and swung gently.

“We all want to watch.” Marina hopped up on the fur-lined bed.

“You like watching men together as much as I like watching women?” Roger asked.

Marina shrugged. “Why not? Some girls might not, I guess. Just won’t admit it. I like a lot of things some call dirty.”

“What are we waiting for, Bill?” Joel turned over on his stomach in the swing and leaned forward for easy access.

Bill opened a box. “Condoms, lube, and small toys are in here.” He grabbed a tube of lube and applied it liberally before grabbing Joel’s ass.

We watched from various angles as Bill got the momentum going on the swing. Their fucking looked nearly effortless.

BOOK: Hypnotic Hannah
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