Read If I Told You Online

Authors: Jennifer Domenico

Tags: #Romance

If I Told You (3 page)

BOOK: If I Told You
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I think for a second. “No. I mean, there’s a lot of countries in the world, but generally speaking, I’ve covered most races.”

“What’s your favorite type of guy?”

“That’s a weird question. I just like whoever I’m attracted to in the moment. Just like you.”

“Yeah, but I’d sure like to get my hands on a redhead. A legit one with freckles and pink skin and a flaming red bush.

Nearly spitting out my coffee, I catch it with my napkin. “You’re a nut.”

“I know, but I just want one of those girls. They’re hard to find.”

“Maybe you should take a trip to the homeland of Ireland.”

“Scotland, and that’s not a bad idea, Brooks.” He takes a bite of his croissant, winking. “There’s no one type that you’re just dying to try?”

I stare down at my croissant.


When I hear my name again, I realize I wasn’t paying attention, imagining Flynn wearing a kilt. “As a matter of fact, I want someone ungettable.”


“Yeah, someone that seems out of reach. A challenge, if you will.”

“Like a married guy?”

“Oh, come on, Flynn, you know me better than that. Definitely
a married guy.

“Well then what do you mean? Any guy is gettable for you. Any guy you want.”

I shake my head, picking at the flaking pastry. “I don’t know that’s true. Maybe there’s a celebrity or something that I’d go after just to say I did.”

“That’s dumb. You’ve dated celebs.”

“Not big ones.”

“Is that what you want? Your name in papers?”

“No.” I sip my coffee. “I’m just saying, men tend to be easy for me. If I see one I’m interested in, it’s just a matter of a few words before he’s mine. It’s nice, but it’s also boring.”

Flynn grins. “It’s so hard being beautiful.”

“You would know.”

“I like it. I don’t have time to chase some girl around. If she wants me, I’m in. If she doesn’t, I move on. I don’t need the headache.”

“I know, but someday you might meet someone who makes you work for her affection. Wouldn’t that be kind of cool? Instead of just knowing you can fuck her whenever you want?”

“I don’t know. I guess I’d have to meet her first. It’s not something I even relate to. My life has always been this way. Most chicks are easy to get.”

“I know. I am one.”

Flynn reaches out and takes my hand in his. “I don’t think you’re easy. I think you’re very selective. When I say easy, I mean the kind of woman that gives it up to whoever. That’s not you. You have standards.”

I nod. “I guess so.”

“I think you’re empowered and just go for what you want. I like it.” He lightly pinches my cheek. “You’re like the female version of me.”

“Yeah, I am.” I smile, deciding to change the subject. “You excited about Friday?”

“Nervous and excited. I know my food’s worthy, but I’m just worried about the things I can’t control.”

“I can only imagine.” I squeeze his hand. “But I know it’s gonna be awesome. It’s going to change your life.”

“I hope so. For the better.”

“Definitely. All those nights we sat on our tiny little balcony dreaming about you hitting it big, having your name in food magazines, a waitlist to get a table, you’re on the brink of it.”

“And you’ll be right by my side for all of it. When I’m famous, you can tell people you knew me when I was just a lowly sous chef.”

I laugh. “Yes, I’ll tell everyone I’m your personal fitness trainer.”

“You are.” He chuckles. “Hey, once the money really starts rolling in, maybe I’ll buy us a nice big apartment.”

“We’ll be roommates forever, huh?”

“I see no reason to change. I love our situation.”

“Me too, Flynn.”

He looks down at his watch. “I better get going. We’re cleaning the kitchen today. From the looks of this place, maybe I should invite Jill.”

I laugh. “She’d take you up on it just to look at you.”


“See you later.” I stand and walk over to give him a hug.

He squeezes me tightly, then looks down at me. “If I haven’t told you lately, I appreciate your support.”

“I know you do.” Rising up on my toes, I plant a soft kiss on his lips. “You got this though. I can feel it.”

Flynn smiles. “I need to remember that. See ya, Brooks.”

I watch him leave, then return to my seat to get back to work. This is exactly the break Flynn needs, and I’m happy to be by his side for all of it.


Friday night. It’s finally here, and I can barely breathe. In just over an hour, the most successful, influential food critic in New York City will be sitting in my little restaurant. All the hours I’ve slaved over my menu, my design, my food, perfecting every aspect comes down to this moment. This is what I’ve been working for. I run my fingers through my hair as I look over tonight’s menu. This is what I want. Need. In a city packed with restaurants, something needs to make you stand out. I know my food is good. Better than good. I just need Rhys Camden to let the world know.

Leaning back in my chair, I look down at my watch wondering when Brooklyn’s getting here. I need her by my side. I need her calming presence to keep me from boiling over. As it is, there’s so much tension among my staff. Everyone knows if one thing goes wrong, I will lose my shit.

“Hey,” Brooklyn says, popping in my office. “How ya holding up, Chef?”

“God, I’m glad to see you.” Standing, I walk to the other side of the desk and give her a big hug. “I’m nervous as fuck, but I’m so excited this is happening.”

Brooklyn smiles and her honey brown eyes seem to dance. “You got this, Flynn. You’re absolutely amazing. Your restaurant is beautiful, your food is sexy, and you are charming, accomplished, and on point. Rhys Camden will be putty in your hands.”

I laugh. “I appreciate the pep talk. I’m just freaking out about the unknown. Anything could happen.”

“Exactly. Anything wonderful could happen.”

Gazing down at my gorgeous best friend, I rub her cheek. “I couldn’t do this without you.”

“You could, but it’s way better that I’m here.”

I nod, grinning. “It is.”

She straightens the collar on my chef’s jacket and brushes her fingers over my embroidered name. “Just be yourself. You’ll impress him enough just being you.”

Rising up on her toes, she kisses me softly like she does, the kiss I crave, not having any idea how crazy it makes me since she started doing it years ago. I remember the first time like it happened a minute ago. Sitting on the couch, after we just finished a few beers. Just before we went to our separate rooms, she smiled, kissed me, and stood up like nothing happened. I thought it was the beer, but she kept it up, and I never questioned it. Why the fuck would I?

“I’m so proud of you,” she continues, bringing me back to the moment.

“Thanks, Brooks. That means everything to me.”

“I know.”

“You look amazing.” I step back to take her all in. Her wavy blonde hair is tamed into a demure bun, but she kept her edge with spiky, black heels. “Busted out the little black dress for me?”

“I had to look the part to be here, even though I plan on sneaking out as soon as I lay eyes on the guy.”

“Well, you look stunning.” As she usually does.

“Thanks.” She smiles big. “Ready? He’ll be here soon.”

I take a deep breath and slowly exhale. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

We walk out to the main dining room together, and as soon as I see three of my servers standing around shooting the shit, I feel my blood pressure rise.

“What the fuck are you guys doing?” They look over at me in shock. “How many times have I said if you’re out here where people can see you, you’d better be doing something. I swear to God if something goes wrong tonight, heads are gonna fucking roll. You hear me? Roll!”

My team disperses, suddenly finding plenty to do. When I look back at Brooklyn, she’s got that disapproving pursed lip look on her face she gets every time I yell. “What, Brooks?”

“Take a deep breath, Flynn. They’re excited and nervous, too.” She puts her hands on my shoulders, squeezing gently. “Just enjoy this. I know it’s a lot of pressure, but you’re more likely to screw up if you’re too stressed out.”

I exhale slowly, nodding at my friend. “You’re right.” I rub my temples. “It’s just a lot to worry about. My entire career depends upon tonight.”

“Trust your staff. They know what to do. Trust yourself.”

Looking down at her, I smile. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Now go apologize.”


“Flynn? Fill them with positive energy.”

I groan softly. “You and your Namaste shit.”

“Do it.”

“Fine.” I walk over to the group I just yelled at. They look cautiously at me. “Hey, uh, sorry for losing my cool. I’m obviously wound up about tonight, and I didn’t mean to lose my temper.”

Steve puts the napkin down that he’s folding. “It was our bad, Chef. Everything’s under control though.”

“I know.” I glance at Brooklyn who nods. “I was reminded that you guys know what to do. I trust you, and I appreciate all of you being here and working as hard as you do.”

“You got it, Chef,” Jamie says.

I nod and walk back to where I was. Melissa’s poised and ready at the hostess desk. The restaurant looks fantastic. Glancing back at the front door, I take Brooklyn’s hand in mine, offering a tight smile.

“Now we wait.”


BOOK: If I Told You
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