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Authors: A.P. Hallmark

I'll Be Seeing You (10 page)

BOOK: I'll Be Seeing You
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“J … Joy,” I stutter, before fitting one delicate nipple into my mouth, tugging it between my teeth. Playfully, I flick my tongue over the hardened tips and moan as I fill my mouth with her.

"Oh, god, Matthew," she moans sensually, wetting her lips. Her head falls back and her long hair spills over the counter. I growl at the sight and return to devouring her breasts. Judging by her body’s reaction and her sighs of pleasure, I’m almost certain I can make her come this way.

After pleasuring her breasts, I can smell her feminine aroma and I need to taste her.

"May I take these off?” I whisper, anchoring my fingertip under the thin band of her lace panties. She nods in acquiescence.

“Tell me to stop,” I say against her mouth as my fingers begin to tug the scant material over her hips.

“I … I don’t want you to stop.”

As I pull on the lace, she lifts her body so I can remove them completely. I need to say it again.

“Joy, tell me to stop. If you don’t —”

“Don’t … stop. Please.” I feel her body shudder and her heart pound.

Gently and slowly, I remove her matching blue thong panties down her thighs, over her knees and finally along her boots, I toss them onto the counter. Wanting to rid her of her skirt, I undo the six brass buttons holding the material closed and open it, exposing her.

Stepping back, I drink in the vision before me. Nude except for her black leather boots, I nearly come before I even get started. Slipping my hands behind her knees, I gently pull her to the edge of the counter and part her thighs. Feeling the velvet smoothness of her skin, her hips instinctively move to my touch.

She needs release.

"Are you okay, baby?" I ask, kissing the flat surface of her stomach.

"Very okay," she replies in a shaky voice.

Feasting my eyes on her sex, I barely touch the softness when she leans back onto her elbows for support. Sliding a finger inside her wet lips, I circle over her clitoris and she whimpers, widening her legs. I love that she's bare below, with a light cover on top.

I've wanted this for four long months, and now that I have her, my hands are shaking like a teenage boy.

Gently, I lay her back onto the counter, placing her booted feet flat on the counter, and lay her open before me. Licking my lips in anticipation, I fist and squeeze my cock for the simple purpose of relieving some of the built-up pressure

"Are you okay, baby?" I ask one last time before touching my mouth to her.

"Yes, Matthew, yes," she nearly cries out.

Finally, I taste her for the first time knowing no one else has been here. No one has had her like this, and my god, she is as sweet as a ripened peach.

Sensing her orgasm building already, I tease her by kissing and teasing all around her except for the swollen bud. I want her to thoroughly enjoy her first climax given her by a man … by me.

Unable to stay away from her for long, I part her lips, running my tongue up and over the length of her sex, drinking her, feeling her pleasure build.

Gently, inserting a finger inside her, I’m not surprised at how tight she is. I shudder at how wonderful it will feel when I enter her for the first time. Stroking inside her as I firmly caress her with the flat of my tongue, makes her body nearly lift from the counter.

“Oh, Matthew, what are you doing to me?” she pants, reaching out to me. I give her my hand she grabs it as if it’s her lifeline.

When I use my lips to tug on her clitoris, she swells with want against my mouth and her hips begin to move up and down, following the movement of my tongue. Feeling and tasting her release, she twists her body on the counter, and I hold on to her out of fear of her slipping off.

"Oh, god, Matthew," she whimpers. Then, "Oh. My. God," she cries, as her hips move, trying to get closer to me. Next time, I want to see her face when she comes like this. I bet it’s a sight to behold.

"Are you all right?" When she doesn't answer, I look up and find that she has covered her face and is crying into the fold of her arm.

"Oh, shit, Joy?” I jump up and lay my body over hers. “Talk to me, baby. I’m so sorry. I thought this was what you wanted," I say, bringing her up to me, holding her tight in my arms. She quickly holds me, locking her arms and legs around me.

"Oh, Matthew," she cries into my neck. "That was the most wonderful thing I have ever felt in my life. I have never experienced anything like that before." Holding her tighter against me, I want to make love to her more than I've wanted anything before.

I smile into her hair knowing she liked it.

"Here, baby, let me help you."

Helping her with her bra, we slip it over her arms and I hook the back. After lowering her sweater over her head, I pull her hair from inside it, finger combing her wayward curls.

Then, seeing that her panties have slipped off the counter and onto the floor, I bring them to my face and inhale. They smell like her.

I hold them against her hand so she knows what I want.

“These are mine," I say firmly, putting them in my pocket.

Holding her to me again, I rock her in my arms.

"No one but me ever gets to do that to you, Joy," I say, kissing her deeply.

"You promise you’ll do that again?" she asks, sounding hopeful.

"Oh, yes. That and so much more," I promise, lifting her up by her thighs, I wrap her legs around my waist again. I grin, knowing her bare center is rubbing against my shirt.

"So much more," I repeat, before she lowers her mouth to mine, tasting herself on my tongue.



When he touches me, my senses heighten and burn with yearning. Between fear and desire, a want that I never knew existed is born. I don’t think there is anything to satisfy this need. His touch is gentle, yet firm, and I’m frightened out of my mind, but in the end, I trust him completely. I will give him anything and everything because I know he won't hurt me. I also know that I can’t say no to him. My heart says 'yes … yes … yes'. With every touch, my body screams YES!

As soon as he lifts me onto the kitchen counter and slowly opens my legs, I know something wonderful is about to happen. His warm, experienced mouth on my breasts makes me feel things I've never felt before. The way he gently nips and teases them, makes me want to scream in pleasure My whole body reacts. Even my toes curl inside my boots from the effect he has on me.

When he says he wants to try something, I swallow my fear and just allow myself to feel.

Feeling his hands on my body as they slip under my skirt, tugging at my panties, my nervousness is ten-fold. Matthew is on a mission, and I can't wait to find out what it is.

As soon as he touches me where no one has ever touched me before, a gasp escapes me, filling my lungs to capacity. Pleasure builds inside me when his warm, firm tongue circles over me and my shameless hips move against him.

I've become noticeably greedy and want more. But more of what? More of his amazing tongue? A need fills my soul and it’s a need that only he can give.

Then I begin to feel something extraordinary.

What is this? What is happening? Lying back on the counter, I give over to the sensation of free falling into a deep, dark abyss.

The center of my world focuses where his mouth is caressing me. Is this magic? A sweet torture? What is turning this sweet pleasure into a raging inferno?

It’s then that I experience a sensation more intense than I can put into words. Suddenly, yet languorously, there’s an explosion and bolts of fire rip through my entire body, threatening to burst through my fingertips. It is so powerful and intense that a need to cry is overwhelming.

Barely coherent, Matthew brings me back to this world when he rests his head on my stomach, holding me. His concern and fear that he hurt me is sweet, but unwarranted. Trust me, Matthew, what I felt was definitely not pain.

I know there’s a fine line between want and need, and I don't know which one I feel. What I do know, is that I have to have more of this.


"This ice cream is excellent," Matthew manages to say through a full mouth.

"Thanks. I wasn't sure what you'd like for dessert, other than pie of course, but it was easy enough to make," I explain. "Coffee?"

"Sure. Let me make it since you made dinner, all right?” he offers. “You stay right there.”

Hearing him moving around my kitchen, I absentmindedly trace my finger over my lips, recalling the feel of his mouth on mine. I can still feel his touch.

I can’t help but snicker at the naughty thoughts I’m having. Laura would be proud.

"What's on your mind, Joy?" Matthew asks close to my ear, before setting our mugs on the coffee table.

"Don't tease me, Matthew. You know very well what’s on my mind."

Sitting down next to me, he places one leg over his lap, removing my boot, the repeats with the other leg.

"Did you enjoy it?" he asks quietly, running his thumb across my bottom lip.

“Yes. Very much," I reply quietly, touching my forehead to his, wanting that closeness with him again.

"I'm glad. I did too. I want more of you, Joy. I just don't want to push or overwhelm you," he adds, his fingertip grazing my thigh, higher under my skirt.

"I want more of you, too," I say, my voice coming out in a raspy whisper.

"Soon, okay?" he suggests, placing sweet kisses on my face.

Laying my head on his shoulder, I feel his gentle touch on my arm as his finger circles my skin while we talk about everything and anything.

Matthew discloses a lot about himself tonight. I discover that he enjoys baseball, football and music. His mother taught him to play the piano and he taught himself to play the guitar. Most importantly, I learn of his road to Harvard. I'm amazed when he tells me about the many competitions and awards he's won while he was there.

"Oh," he says as an afterthought. "I wanted to tell you that I’m going to New York in a few weeks."

"Really? That's exciting. I've never been to New York. I've never been outside of Seattle, really,” I mutter. "Why do you need to go to there? A medical convention or something?"

"No. I’ve been asked to give a presentation at the Center for Global Research and Education for a medical procedure that I've developed,” he explains. "It's the first step to acquire funding and approval by the FDA."

"Wow, Matthew, that’s a big deal. How long have you been working on it to get to this level?" I ask, impressed by what he’s accomplished.

"Since I was in college … almost fourteen years now. My thesis was on Stem Cell Therapy: The Pros and The Cons. It morphed from there. It has consumed the last ten years of my life. I'm actually quite excited about it. My work is focused on Stem Cell Enhanced Implantation."

Curious by how complex it all sounds, and will ask more about this when he returns, but for now, I’m selfish and want him here with me.

"How long will you be gone?" I ask, already feeling lonely that we won’t be in the same city, or not meeting me for our coffee dates.

"I’ll miss you,” I whisper, laying my head on his shoulder, not liking the idea of the separation.

"I already miss you," he confesses, hugging me tight to him. "I’ll only be gone four days." That's four days too many as far as I'm concerned.

"It will go quickly. I'm meeting my parents for dinner on one of the days I'm there and Jessie’s coming along with me too so we can check out some of the sights."

"By sights, do you mean women?"

"Huh? No. Well I can’t speak for Jessie,” he says uneasily.

“I’m just concerned for Laura.”

“I don't know if he will ever change. I know that he does care for her, though. Jessie is a grown man, and if he can't, or won't settle down, there's nothing I can do about it, you know? I understand your need to protect her, but I won’t get in the middle of any of that. It has nothing to do with me, or us for that matter. He may surprise us all."

Burying his face in my hair, he takes a deep breath. I get goose bumps when he exhales and moans into my ear.

"I need to go. You look tired, and it's been a long day," he whispers, his lips against my temple.

"So soon?" I whine.

Not wanting him to leave, I hold onto his arm and lay my head against his chest.

"I guess you won't be at the café tomorrow, huh? You and Scott have your meeting?" he asks with a hint of sarcasm. It makes me grin.

"Yes, we’re meeting here to go over the details of the first book. Apparently the male character has an air about him, and Scott wants to make sure he gets him down correctly," I explain. Matthew's arm tightens around me, and when he brings my chin up, I feel his warm breath on my face. His soft warm lips touch mine and toy with them, tickling me with the tip of his tongue.

"What kind of 'air' does this male character have?" he asks, kissing my nose.

"Well, he has a sexual dominance-type of air, sexy, self-assured, or at least that's what the write-up of the story indicated."

"You tell Mr. Wood that your kitty is mine, Joy," he orders.

"But I don't have a kitten," I reply, and he smiles against my lips.

"Oh, yes, you do, and I tasted her tonight and no one," he says, pinching my chin firmly between his finger and thumb, "No one will taste her but me."

"Yes, Doctor.” I kiss him in agreement after realizing what he meant.

"Okay, walk me to the door," he says, getting up and pulling me with him. We walk arm-in-arm to the front door and I refuse to release him.

"I'll walk down with you; I need to take Conrad out." I don't need to put a full halter on him since we’re just going downstairs.

"Come on, boy." His dog tags chink as he runs over to me, dancing around the living room. Once we make it through the door, he takes off in a dead run, circling the courtyard. Matthew pulls me into his arms and simply holds me. He's pensively quiet.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his trim waist.

"No. Something is perfect," he replies, swaying me back and forth, as if we are dancing. My cell phone disrupts our quiet time and the voice activator says that it’s Scott. I don't want to answer, and I should press ignore and call him later, but he never calls and I fear it may be important.

"Hello," I answer.

"Oh, hello, Scott," I say and feel Matthew's arms fall slightly away from me. I squeeze his waist tighter with my free arm.

"Yes, I am busy, actually. Matthew is here for dinner, remember? I asked him over while we were at Julia's?" I wanted to let him know that I wasn't happy with what he did to Matthew today.

"Yes, I know we’re meeting tomorrow.” He is calling to deliberately interrupt my date with Matthew, to remind me of something I already knew.

"Yes, Scott, I will see you in the morning. Goodbye."

I’m kind of angry that he did this. He knows very well that I had plans this evening.

"You know, don't you?"

I can feel Matthew’s tension and annoyance since Scott called.

"Know what?" he asks.

"You know what Scott is trying to do, don't you? That he intentionally interrupted us. He’s flirting with me, knowing that you and I are … you know." I stumble over my words because I don't know exactly what we are. He did say I was his, but our situation is still so new and young, I have no idea what we have going on here.

"Yes, I know what he's doing. Just be careful, okay?" he says, holding me tighter into him.

"I will. I promise. I just want you to know that I know what he’s doing as well. I’m safe around him. I just need to talk to him and tell him to back off." I explain, turning away from him. "Come on, Conrad, let's go inside." As soon as I call his name, I hear his paws thumping on the ground, running toward me from across the yard.

"You go ahead, Matthew. Conrad and I are safe to go up alone. He’ll take care of me, won't you, boy?" I say, patting Conrad's side while holding onto Matthew's hand.

"Okay, beautiful. Thank you for dinner and thank you for … you know … earlier. I’ll be dreaming about tonight," he says wistfully, kissing me long and deep. I feel my body respond, wanting him.

"I enjoyed it, too. It’s not something I will forget in a hurry, I promise you that," I admit, leaning into him.

"Good night, Matthew." I can feel his eyes watching me, making sure I'm safely inside. Once I close and lock the door, I nearly pee my pants in excitement and run to my phone to call Laura.


Turning around to see her close the door behind her, I get a sinking feeling. I hate walking away from her. My hands cling tightly to the steering wheel as I drive away from the curb. What is this need to be near her and this overwhelming want of her?

Arriving home, I open the door to an empty, silent house, and it suddenly hits me that it’s just too big for just one person. I should sell it and get a condo in a high-rise that overlooks Seattle. This house was designed for a family and I try to envision kids running through the kitchen into the family room and notice the fireplace. I will need to block that off.

Does Joy want children? The blind have kids all the time. I think about her and her medical history and really want to know, but I notice that every time the topic gets too close to her and her medical history, she quickly changes the subject. She never seems to want to discuss it, and I think it's time. If my new procedure could help her, why the hell not?

Changing out of my jeans and into a pair of sleep pants, I get myself a glass of juice and climb into bed with my research file and computer. If I want to get this recognized, I need to look into setting up medical trials. After sending an email to Krista to set up a meeting with my research team to start organizing the clinical trials, I also send an email to the IT department to do a dress rehearsal for the presentation. I know it's ready, but I won't take any chances.

After my eyes start to burn, I look at the time and nearly fall out of bed … twelve-thirty. Hurriedly, I close my laptop and put it on the bedside table and crawl under the blankets. It's getting cooler at night, and I like a cold room and an even warmer bed, preferably a warm body next to me. Her body. One day soon, she will be in my bed.

Does she sleep in the nude? Closing my eyes, I think of her groomed sex and the downy softness of her trimmed upper area. The soft bare skin of her sweet lips and oh, God, the way she spread her thighs, welcoming me. Lifting her hips and wanting more. I want every bit of it, every bit of her.




I'm in a nervous funk this morning. So much is riding on this trip to New York tomorrow, and I wish I could meet Joy this morning, but she has yet another meeting with Scott. After entering the café and, even though I know she's not there, I glance at her table anyway. It's empty.

BOOK: I'll Be Seeing You
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