Read Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance Online

Authors: Donna Kauffman

Tags: #Romance, #General, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women

Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance (20 page)

BOOK: Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance
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Nick rubbed her back and lightly traced a finger down her arm. “It’s hard for me to be
forgiving, I hate what he did to you. I’m sorry, baby, I know he was like family.”

“I’ve lost all respect for him, but I can’t hate him. Part of me will always love him for what he once was to me.”

Nick gently tipped up her chin. “And what about me?”

Willa’s voice trembled, she wanted so badly to erase the uncertainty she saw in his eyes. He really did love her!

“Nick, I—” Her voice broke, but she had to ask. “That afternoon, in your house, when Sky was searching mine …”

“My God,” Nick whispered. He pulled her around to face him. “Is that what you’ve been thinking all this time? Do you really think so little of me?”

“Nick, I’m sorry if that hurt. But look at it from my point of view. Everyone I loved, or thought I loved, either lied to me or used me for some self-serving purpose. You had better reason than most, given what you suspected. Then, after the arrest, you didn’t need me. You never called me. I couldn’t find you. Or Sky. I didn’t know what to think.”

Nick heaved a huge sigh, wishing now he hadn’t been so stubborn about wanting to find her himself and had let Sky track her down immediately
It would have saved them both so much heartache. “Willa, listen to me, because I’m only going to say this once. That day was”—he looked at the ceiling for a moment—“mind-blowing, life changing, more than that. But I certainly didn’t need to take you to bed to keep you out of your house for a few hours.”

“Nick—” She didn’t get a chance to finish. Nick pulled her to him and kissed her with a ferocity that would have been frightening had she not felt the exact same way. She responded fully, with her heart and her soul.

When he pulled away, they were both breathing hard. “The night Eric was arrested, I had no idea he was there. I was coming to see you because I couldn’t sleep in my bed—
bed—without you. I was coming to tell you that I loved you. Even finding you with Miller didn’t stop me from trusting you. If you’d stuck around instead of running, you’d have known that weeks ago.”

Willa lightly touched his face, tracing over every line and crease. “I love you, Nick Logan, even when I thought I was being a world-class fool, I couldn’t stop loving you.”

Nick kissed her again. Happiness stole through him. Their noses touching, he said, “My ban has been lifted and I’m back in everyone’s good graces again. Eight months ago that’s all I
wanted. Right now that means nothing if I don’t have your trust.”

Willa’s eyes sparkled as she flashed him a dazzling grin. “I trust you, Nick. I’ll never doubt it again.”

Nick trapped her head between his hands, brushing his nose across hers. “Ah, Princess, I love you, but if I don’t get your delectable little trusting body upstairs very shortly, we may shock a few of the guests with a very public display of affection.”

“There are no guests. Except you.” When Nick wiggled his brows, she added, “The owners are friends, but they’re out of town at a wedding. So it’s just you and me.”

“Any more questions?” She shook her head. “Good, because your ten minutes are up.”

He scooped her up and headed for the stairs. Willa struggled briefly. “Nick, your knee …”

“You’re right. I couldn’t have waited that long anyway.” He placed her gently back on the couch and slowly started to unbutton her blouse. “We’ll have plenty of time later to explore the upper realms of your present castle.”

Several hours later all was well in Willa’s castle. She snuggled next to the hard-muscled length of Nick’s warm body. She was drifting off to sleep, thinking that she hadn’t embellished on reality one bit—in fact, her memory hadn’t done
him justice—when Nick nuzzled her awake by pressing light kisses to her hair.

“I wonder if the horse is still there.”

“Oh my goodness! I completely forgot.” She started to get up, but Nick tightened his hold on her, and she snuggled back down with little resistance. None, actually. “Where did you get the horse and that armor anyway?”

“You’d be amazed what you can rent these days.” His voice was still husky from their strenuous afternoon. He was idly twirling her hair around his finger, thinking he was the luckiest man alive. “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’s fine.”

“It must have cost you a fortune.”

“Is that a polite way of asking how I’m going to support you?”

“I don’t need supporting,” was her indignant reply. “I know I’ve taken a leave of absence, but even if I lose my job, I’m sure I can get another one. My training center will just take a little longer to achieve, that’s all.”

“Well, I won’t have my wife worrying her pretty, not to mention very educated, little head over finances.”

Willa smacked him playfully. “Is that your way of asking me to marry you?”

“Well, I’d get down on bended knee, but then I’d have to wait. I can’t wait, Willa.” He pulled
her hard against his body. “I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know everything about you. Will you be my wife?”

“I love you, Nick Logan. I’d be honored.”

Nick rolled over and drew her on top of him, dropping kisses onto her shoulder. Willa wriggled on top of him and he groaned, pushing her away a bit.

Willa stilled. “Did I hurt you? Oh, your knee!”

Nick chuckled. “My surgeon’s probably out right now putting a down payment on a small island.” When Willa started to get up, he tightened his grip. “It hurts, but that’s not why I groaned. I just wanted to talk to you before we, uh …”

Willa grinned devilishly. “Well, you’d better talk fast.”

“While I was trying to find you I did a lot of thinking about our future.” Willa raised an eyebrow, but Nick gave her a cocky grin. “My knee is shot, so football is out.” He placed a finger across her lips. “It’s okay, Willa. Besides, I’m thinking of investing all that money I earned letting people pummel my body in a new venture. What would you think about turning your farm into the training facility you’ve been wanting to start? We can live at my place—correction, our place.”

Willa was dazed by his offer. “Nick, that’s wonderful! But it will take up a lot of time. It’s a big project.”

“Well, I’m not so generous that I’m willing to give my time with you away. You make all the decisions about how the place should be set up. I have only two wishes.”

“Anything, sire.”

“Oooh, sire, I could get to like that—ouch! Just kidding.”

“You better ask quick, buster.”

Nick heaved a mock sigh. “Not even married yet and I’ve already been ousted from my throne.” He raised her chin with his finger and kissed her long and hard. “I want to work with you. Got any use for a beat-up ex-jock?”

“Several come to mind.” She gave him a sassy wink, then added, “I’d like nothing better than for this to be a team effort all the way.”

“Team efforts happen to be my specialty.” He pressed his aroused body against her in case she didn’t fully comprehend his meaning.

She gasped in helpless desire, but managed to push at his chest. “You said two things, what’s the other?”

“I want to save a week or two each summer for the kids to use the facilities. Maybe we can get
some of the other pros, both active and retired, to lend their support.”

“Nick Logan, have I told you in the last two minutes how much I love you?”

“No. But does that mean yes?”

Willa nodded and Nick’s blue eyes turned dark and passionate and he pulled her to him.

“Wait a minute, it’s my turn. I have a wish of my own. Remember at your house that day when you mentioned something about showering together?”

Nick’s smile turned downright wicked, but he didn’t answer. He just got out of bed and disappeared into the bathroom, emerging several long minutes later. In a swirl of jasmine-scented steam, he stood next to the bed. Leaning on his cane, he gave a formal bow and drew Willa’s hand into his. “Princess, your bath awaits.”

She accepted and they strolled naked into the fog, hands held in the formal court fashion of centuries ago. Their laughter quickly faded into moans of delight, while outside, a very large white horse munched on the hedges.


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The Devil’s Thief

London, June 5, 1817

Chapter One

The faint, metallic screech sounded as loud as thunder in the oppressive silence of the dark bedroom. Julianna froze, silhouetted by the moonlight against the back wall, the sudden noise stealing her breath away.

“Unless you care to be shot this evening, I wouldn’t move from where you’re standing.” The deep voice was quiet but firm and it came from the shadows of the big bed.

Julianna remained still as a statue, her mind awhirl. For a moment all was silent, but then she heard the bedsheets rustle and the mattress groan. She cast her eyes toward the bed, afraid to move even an inch. She could see from the man’s outline that he was now leaning against the headboard. His arm appeared to be resting on his upraised knee, but it was too dark to tell whether or not he was actually holding a gun.

“You’re probably wondering if I do indeed have a gun,” he said nonchalantly, and Julianna had to suppress a gasp.
How did he know?
She closed her eyes and pursed her lips in annoyance at herself. Of course he knew. It’s what any halfway intelligent person would be thinking if they were discovered in her position.

“Let me reassure you that the answer is yes.”

His reassurance was hardly necessary, since she had already concluded that to be the case. In her experience, gentlemen were alarmingly odd, at least in most respects, so it was no surprise that this one apparently slept with a gun. Given his wild and reckless reputation, it would perhaps be more surprising if he did not.

He snorted inelegantly from the bed, which amused Julianna in spite of the dangerous situation she was in. In that moment he didn’t sound at all like the Honorable
Mr. Alasdair Sharp to whom she’d recently been introduced, but very much like an annoyed schoolmaster.

“Stand up, for God’s sake,” Mr. Sharp ordered from the bed. “You look like a caricature of a thief, hunched over and creeping along the wall.”

Julianna started to straighten and she heard another rustle from the bed.

“Slowly,” Mr. Sharp admonished, and she froze again for a moment before straightening very, very slowly.

“And now you must tell me what you found so irresistible in my bedroom in the middle of the night.”

Julianna heard the amusement in his voice and it irritated her. So he found her amusing, did he?

The slight weight in the secret pocket of her shirt burned into her side like a brand as she faced him. “Let me reassure you that it was the Stewart Pearl I found irresistible,” she retorted, “and nothing else.”

BOOK: Illegal Motion: A Loveswept Classic Romance
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