Read In the Zone Online

Authors: Sierra Cartwright

Tags: #BDSM Contemporary

In the Zone (22 page)

BOOK: In the Zone
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There were worse things than submitting to him.

Unbelievably the earlier orgasm hadn’t left her satiated. She slumped when she realized only Master Nathaniel gave her the satisfaction she craved.

She stayed under the spray until the water ran cold. She touched herself and imagined Master Nathaniel was playing with her.

She had never been this obsessed with a man. It was unhealthy. It wasn’t her, and she couldn’t permit it.

With only a towel wrapped around her, she went into the guest bedroom and selected an outfit, a lacy camisole with spaghetti straps, a PVC bolero jacket, a scandalously short skirt, thigh-high stockings, and a bright red garter belt. She skipped underwear; let Master Nathaniel get a peek at what he was missing.

She drove to work and was disappointed when she didn’t see his SUV there. Then she saw Master Marcus’s sedan in the parking lot. She thought he wasn’t due back from Mexico for a few days.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Was he back because Master Nathaniel had left? Without a word?

Jaron, the club’s head of security, opened the door for her.

“Master Marcus would like to see you right away.”

“Oh?” The last time Master Marcus sent for her, it hadn’t been good. “Thanks.”

He tipped an imaginary hat in her direction.

She entered the club with a sense of trepidation. Willow was behind the reception desk.

“What have I missed?” Alani asked, feeling as if she’d been gone forever instead of just a couple of days.

Willow glanced around quickly before answering. “Master Marcus is back early from Mexico. Karyn is still there.”

“Seriously?” The two had been committed for years. She’d had no idea anything was wrong.

“It shocked us all,” Willow said. “Including, I think, Master Marcus.”

Before Alani could ask about Master Nathaniel, Master Marcus exited the office area. He spread his legs and folded his arms across his chest. “I’ve been waiting for you, Alani.”

“Yes, Sir. Jaron said so. I was headed directly to see you.”

“Instead you two are gossiping on my time?”

Alani swallowed. She’d forgotten about his computer access to the club’s security cameras.

Willow grabbed the reservations book. “Sorry, Sir,” she said.

Master Marcus turned and headed back to his office. Alani and Willow exchanged a quick glance, and then Alani followed him.

He was already seated in front of his desk, the same desk where Master Nathaniel had blistered her ass. Had it only been a few days ago?

“Close the door,” he said.

She wasn’t sure whether or not to remove her coat. Nerves skittered up her spine. What the hell was going on here?

“I wanted to check in with you. Before I went on vacation, you had the choice of a write-up or a leave of absence. You agreed to retraining, and Master Nathaniel was to have assisted in that.”

“Yes, Sir.” She shifted in her seat, suddenly wishing she’d worn panties. She’d dressed to taunt Master Nathaniel, not realizing she’d be called into the owner’s office.

Despite the fact he’d been on holiday, he looked pale. He was an extraordinarily good-looking man, and she’d never seen him look this way, his eyes narrowed as if battling a headache. “I have spoken with Master Nathaniel, but I want to hear from you. I understand you participated in a public demonstration last week, and you did well.”

“Thank you.”

“I also understand you had a few scenes with club doms and that you were fully engaged.”

She nodded.

“I want to know, Alani, what you want out of Zones?”


“You were hired as a professional sub. You know I question whether or not that’s what you really want.”

A cold sweat drenched her back. Despite everything, was she being fired?

“You’re an asset to the management team,” he continued. “I plan to restructure some things around here. I’m no longer willing to work the kind of hours I’ve been working. I think it’s important for at least one of the owners to always be on-site, at least on the weekends. Master AJ is agreeable to being here more often.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.” She drew in a steadying breath. “I’m not quite sure what you’re saying.”

He ran a hand through his hair. She noticed the shadows around his eyes.

“Willow is certainly able to handle more responsibility, and so are you.”

“I see,” she said, even though she still wasn’t sure where he was going.

“We’d like to put a management team in place to handle more of the day-to-day operations. You, Willow, Jaron. Even if you agree, I will ask you to fill in when needed, in scenes, in demos. It’s strictly your choice. If you wish to have a small participation in management and remain as a sub, I’m completely happy to accommodate you.”

She sat back. Could things be any more perfect?

“Do you need more time to think about it?”

“I’m afraid you’ve caught me completely unaware.”

“Yeah.” He picked up a pencil and snapped it in two. “Sometimes the unexpected happens.”

“Like you and Karyn.” Quietly, she added, “I’m sorry.”

He didn’t respond.

“May I ask, Sir, where is Master Nathaniel?”

“He’ll be leaving the country soon, and, well, now that I’m back, he doesn’t need to be here.”

She gnawed on her lower lip. How long until she saw him again? Damn him. He’d said he wanted to dominate her; she’d submitted, then he’d left her? What the hell was wrong with him? She’d been right all along to avoid emotional entanglements. They caused nothing but heartache.

She straightened her back. She’d respond to Master Nathaniel’s desertion like she did everything else, by taking charge of her life. “I’ll accept the management position,” she said.

He nodded. “Initially it won’t be a big raise, but we’ll work on a performance program so that you can earn bonuses. As you take on more responsibility, including projections and budgeting, you’ll see larger increases.”

“That’s fair.”

“If you have extra hours available, I’d like you to spend some time with Master AJ and help Willow get someone hired to replace you. We’ll need you as a professional sub until we get everyone in place. It’s a lot of extra work in the short-term.”

“I’ll do it,” she said.

“We have our regular management meetings on Thursday. I’d like to have one tomorrow, also, so everyone is up to speed. Is it possible for you to come in early, say two o’clock?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“One more thing, I tore up your warning. Your behavior has been impeccable. We’ll consider what happened with Master Richard to have been a momentary lapse. I’m sure you won’t let it happen again.”

“I won’t, Sir. And, ah, what about the retraining?”

“Not necessary.”

They both stood. He offered his hand, and she shook it.

As she exited the room, she glanced back at him. He was sitting in his chair, and his shoulders were uncustomarily slumped. She resisted the impulse to join him in his misery. She had enough of her own.

Willow met her in the foyer. “Big changes,” Willow said. “Guess we’ll both have a bigger role in running the place.”

“How long have you known?”

“Just an hour or so. Master Marcus got back late last night; he and Master Nathaniel spent several hours in the office. Then they went to the bar. I heard Master AJ joined them, and they all stayed past closing time. Jaron drove them all home. To tell you the truth”—she glanced again toward the offices—“Master Marcus and Master Nathaniel both looked as if they were feeling sorry for themselves.”

“Both of them?”

“I hoped you’d dish about Master Nathaniel. I know he took you home the other night.”

“It was all part of my retraining,” she fibbed. She liked Willow, but this was too fresh and too personal.

Willow flipped her hair back. “Uh-huh.”



” Alani said.

“I’ll buy you a drink tomorrow. Then you can tell me.”

“You’re impossible.”

“Honey, a man doesn’t take a woman home, then stay late after work one night to get drunk with his buddies unless something happened. Well, maybe some men would, but Master Nathaniel?” She shook her head. Her long earrings jingled.

A man and a woman entered the front door.

Willow went from a skeptical frown to a beaming welcoming smile in less than two seconds.

While Willow checked in the dom and her sub, Alani looked at her booking schedule. She wrinkled her nose when she saw Master Richard on the list.

“I almost forgot. Master Nathaniel left this for you,” Willow said, handing Alani a large manila envelope.

“Thanks.” At least he’d thought of her.

“Open it,” Willow whispered.

“Not on your life.” Envelope in hand, she headed for the dressing room. After opening her locker, she sat on a wooden bench, tore open the envelope, and shook out the contents.

Prints from the pictures he’d taken that night at his house fell into her lap.

There were several of her ass, all red and swollen.

The final picture was of her blindfolded, tied up in his playroom. He’d moved aside her hair to expose the collar. Since her eyes had been covered, she didn’t remember him taking the close-up. Her mouth was slightly parted, and her head was slightly back, showing off her neck with the leather fastened around it.

A note fluttered to the floor. She picked it up.

My collar looks good on you. Admit it.

All or nothing.

Her hand shook. She turned the paper over, but he’d written nothing else.

She leaned forward.

The room seemed to spin. Tears stung her eyes.

Damn him. Damn him.
Damn him.

Why did he have to ruin something so wonderful? Who the hell did he think he was, issuing ultimatums? She’d told him she wasn’t a submissive. And he should know she hated being backed into a corner.

She shoved the pictures and note back into the envelope and tossed the packet into her locker. She grabbed a thong from her extra set of clothes. If Master Nathaniel wasn’t going to be at the club, she wasn’t going to be exposing her pussy. Angrier, more frustrated than ever, she slammed the locker door shut.

Resolved to put the man and his outrageous demands behind her, she slipped on the thong, straightened her skirt, tucked in her camisole, and straightened one of the straps on her garter belt. She had an appointment with Master Richard, and she wouldn’t disappoint him.

She made it as far as the long vanity of sinks.

She dampened a paper towel and wiped her forehead. Her makeup would be wrecked, but what the hell?

How could she work now that Master Nathaniel had fired that shot?

He was leaving the country soon, and God help her, she wanted to see him. But could she be a permanent submissive?

He’d behaved calculatingly. He’d left her alone to think about him, about them, about what they’d shared. He’d known she hated being left alone, so that’s what he’d do. Give her room, give her space, and let her fill it with memories.

She tossed the paper towel into the trash. Refusing meant she’d never feel his belt, kneel in his kitchen, or crawl in front of him. It meant he wouldn’t rub salve in her welts, cool her heated pussy, or cradle her in his arms while she slept.

A woman, clearly a sub, walked into the dressing room. She wore a pink leather collar with a cheesy metal heart affixed to a D ring. She smiled politely at Alani. The woman had a serene air about her that Alani envied.

How long had it been since she’d looked like that?

She flashed back to the last picture in the set that Master Nathaniel had sent her.

Alani had looked that content when he’d beaten her.

Since then, she’d been aggravated, agitated, and anxious. She’d barely slept, and every fantasy had been of him.

Before walking away, the woman straightened her hair and touched the metal heart again.

Alani told herself she wasn’t jealous that the woman had the courage to commit.

Willow entered the dressing room. “You okay? Do you need me to get someone else to cover? Your client is waiting.”

Alani exhaled. Showtime. She had to pull it together. “I’m fine. Thanks.”

Willow frowned. “Are you sure?”

How the heck was she so perceptive? Or was Alani just transparent? “Do you know when Master Nathaniel leaves the country?”

Willow worried her lower lip.

“What?” Alani demanded.


“Spill it.”

“He said I can’t give you any information.”

“What?” She felt as if she’d been smacked.

“He said if you asked about him, I was supposed to tell you that you know his phone number.”

“He pisses me off.”

Willow smiled, looking more than happy. “He said the same thing about you.”

“I could strangle him.”

“I think he was hoping you’d feel that way.” She took Alani’s hand. “I didn’t tell you this, but he’s in town at least through tomorrow. But I know he wants to hear from you.”

She wasn’t sure she could let him go, knowing she might not see him for weeks or months, if at all.

“Anyway, I said too much, and Master Marcus will write me up if he knows I breathed a word to you. You know how he hates gossip.”

“I promise to keep your secret. Thank you.”

Willow gave Alani’s hand a quick squeeze before letting it go. “Master Richard is in the bar. It’s your lucky night.”

Alani grimaced.

Willow laughed and moved away.

Alani straightened her shoulders and went to greet Master Richard.

The dom was weak-wristed as usual, but she got into the scene. By pretending she was with Master Nathaniel, she gave Master Richard what he wanted, if the hundred-dollar tip was anything to judge by.

Several weeks ago, the scene with the second dom would have satisfied her. He’d asked her to dress in a maid’s outfit. He’d walked into the private room, taken the requisite feather duster from her, and paddled her hard for failing to live up to his expectations.

The pain had caught her off guard. The man was clearly adept at spanking. And since he’d asked for nothing more, she recognized him as a sadist. The masochist in her should have responded, but she was sexually unaroused, despite him blistering her bottom.

BOOK: In the Zone
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