INDISPENSABLE: Part 1: A Billionaire Romance (3 page)

BOOK: INDISPENSABLE: Part 1: A Billionaire Romance
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Chapter Five

Brock Devlin gave a loud, punctuated sigh and leaned forward to push a button on the wall behind the front seats. “Fine.”

The privacy panel slowly came down and the driver spoke. “Yes, sir?”

“We’re to take Miss Beaumont to her home, Harry.”

“Very well, sir. Might I have an address, sir?”

Brock turned his gaze on Sarah. “Address?”

“Just drop me off on the corner of Charles St. and Hanover, at the edge of Averswood, please. I’ll walk from there.”

Brock wondered what the hell Sarah was doing living in one the lowest socio-economic areas in the city. It brought back childhood memories he’d rather forget.

“That’ll be about an hour’s drive, Miss. The traffic is thick this evening,” Harry replied.

“That’s fine. Thank you.”

The privacy panel went back up.

“Averswood? Which street?”


“A little.”

“Just drop me off. I’m not sure a limousine pulling up in my actual street would be a good thing.”

“I’m not sure letting you walk alone is a good thing either. Now it’s getting onto dusk.”

“I’ll be fine. I walk from the bus stop all the time.”

“You use public transport?”

“I’m certainly not buying a car when there’s no safe garage facilities. It wouldn’t last a night.”

“Good point. How long have you lived there?”

“Five years.”

“That’s a long time. You can’t enjoy living like that.”

“I have a lot of friends there.” She sounded defensive.

“Do you live alone?”

“If you are asking if I have a boyfriend. No, I don’t.” Sarah watched him look amused.

“I know you don’t. I just wondered if you shared with anyone.”

“How do you know I don’t have a boyfriend?”

“No rings. The hours you keep at work. Never joining in the office drinks. Seems you avoid close personal relationships very successfully.”

Sarah gave a suspicious lift of one eyebrow. “Seems a little more observant than normal.”

“Definitely bordering on obsession. I can’t seem to stop wondering what you are doing at night…if you’re alone…It has become very distracting.”

“Did you give me the job to get me into your bed?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“It’s a fair question given your tabloid adventures.”

“When has my being with an employee ever been in the news since you seemed so well schooled on my press adventures?”

“I don’t read everything about you, so I wouldn’t know if it was.”

“Let me enlighten you then. I never pursue employees. Business and pleasure do not mix.”

“Why kiss me and try and take me home then?”

“It’s not like I was going to take you hostage until you submitted to my will. Although that’s a
arousing idea.” He looked at her deep-pink lips, full and begging for his kiss. He imagined her generous perfectly-shaped rear end glowing pink from his spanks.

“You shouldn’t have. I’m an employee.”

“I wanted to kiss you. That trumped the work thing at the time. Shall we report me to the boss?” He wanted her blindfolded, restrained, and begging him for more. That he understood. “Tonight, I merely wanted to offer my appreciation with a drink.”

“I see. Well, the offer is kindly declined. That still doesn’t explain the kiss, but I can put that down to the heat of the moment.”

He chuckled, as if humoring her. “I’m not impulsive, Sarah. I choose my moments carefully. Timing is everything, you see.” He gave her a half-lidded gaze. “I’d like to teach you a great many things about the perfect timing of ecstasy, Sarah.”

“This is not an appropriate conversation.”

“Teach you the many ways to give and receive pleasure.”

Her wide eyes broke eye contact and looked down at her clenched hands in her lap. He could set her free from the fear. If she’d just trust him. But if she did, what then? She was a woman who needed love, deserved love, the one thing that frightened him.

It was the fantasy of her that got him off, every time. That confused him. He always got off on the act rather than who he did it with, but now that satisfaction eluded him until he added Sarah into his imagination. “I do find you irresistible, Sarah. But I will stand by your request and keep this business only. Also, don’t believe everything you read about me. I’m no saint, but I don’t ravish every female that makes the offer. That I can assure you. I choose my women very deliberately.”

“It’s none of my business.”

“Yet you are interested. Perhaps you are lonelier than you want to admit?”

“I don’t need a man to make me complete.”

He laughed, very low, and cupped her chin in his hand. “You may not
a man, but you do want what only I can give you physically and mentally.” He squeezed slightly, and her mouth opened a little.

He nipped at her lips, sucking the bottom one into his hot mouth. Kissing at her mouth. Taking his tongue inside a little to toy with hers. He held both her wrists tight behind her back with one hand and lightly gripped just under her chin with the other.

“You see, Sarah. I want to make you feel all those feelings you have deep inside. To bring out the worst, and then the best in you.” Another soft, sultry kiss. He let go of her wrists and his hand cupped her breast, squeezing as he added a little more pressure around her throat.

The pad of his thumb pressing against her hardened nipple. “I want you trussed to the bed, blindfolded, while I show you the delights of submitting to those wicked, wicked feelings. To being mine, Sarah. Allowing me rule over your body. To give me whatever I demand without question. To set you free from the worries of the world.” He whispered close into her ear.

Her deep breathing and tense body belied her arousal. He looked back at her. Her eyes sparked. She’d moistened her lips with the tip of her pink tongue, and the shine of her freshly-licked lips drove him mad. He wet his own lips and grabbed her plump bottom lip with his teeth and drew back.

Then, he took her soft plumpness into his mouth, sucking gently on her bottom lip, savoring her sweetness, and her body trembled. She was so ripe and ready for him he couldn’t believe it. But then his cock was harder than ever, and the desire to plunge within her grew strong.

He never did that. His pleasure was extracted from the pain and discomfort of others. The humiliation and the subservience was all he needed. It had been many, many years since he’d penetrated a woman with his cock. He could shatter them to tears, and his emotions all stayed safely in check.

“You need a man who will free your desire while holding your body captive.” He moved his hand from under her chin around to fist in her hair and pulled her head back. Her gorgeous mouth was his for the taking. Not too harsh, so as not to spook her. But enough so that she gave a small, delightful whimper. He slid his lips over hers, and she opened her mouth to him, letting him take the kiss deeper and more urgent.

Brock’s control slipped, and he kissed harder, using his teeth to nip at her lips. Then, he sucked her tongue—hard—into his mouth. His moved his hand inside her stiff jacket and deftly unhooked a button of her shirt, and then another.

He slid his hand inside her tight bra and growled his pleasure when he pinched a generous nipple severely restrained by a minimizer bra. God, he needed her naked now.  He needed to release them from their confines and capture each one in a gold and diamond nipple clamp. He wanted her to have a matching collar to wear in the bedroom.

Her body shuddered, as he tweaked her nipple, and he roughly used both hands to undo more buttons and push her restricting bra up over her magnificent breasts. He sucked in a breath when he saw them. Honey-colored breasts with swollen areolas served up her thick darker brown nipples for him to feast upon. Sarah gasped, and he sensed she was close to stopping him.

Brock moved quickly to the feast then. Drawing a nipple into his mouth, he sucked hard, trying to fit as much of the breast inside his mouth as he could. He squeezed his hand around her breast hard, thrusting her nipple out for him to suck on.

This was a smorgasbord to a starving animal. Brock worked over both breasts, and Sarah writhed under his hard sucking, biting, and squeezing. Her hand had gone to the back of his head, and she pulled him onto her more. He took each delicious nipple in turn, and her hips had slid along the seat a little since he was on top of her.

Brock just wanted to fuck her right here, right now. He moved his other hand up her silken thigh. The skirt was tight, but her legs parted ever so slightly, giving him room to stroke her through her sodden panties with his fingertips. She was wet. So wet for him. How could she deny herself what she obviously needed so badly?

His hand went up under her skirt, just enough to let his fingertips to caress her. He leaned in and sucked a nipple hard into his mouth. Then, he withdrew his hand from her bra and covered her hand with his, bringing it to the throbbing need of his cock straining at his suit pants. He guided her hand to rub over him, and she gave a soft squeeze. Sarah’s short breaths told him she felt this connection, this urge, just as he did.

He was as close to coming in his underwear, as any virgin lad with his first Playboy magazine. “Feel me, Sarah. Feel how I need you.
is what you do to me.”

Her hand moved on his cock, and Brock swore he’d explode right there. “Sarah.” His voice a ragged whisper. “Touch me, Sarah. Please. I beg you. Take my cock in your hand. I need you to touch me.” Even Brock could hear the note of desperation in his voice, but he didn’t care. It had been so long since he’d allowed himself to be pleasured by a woman.

Years of dominating but never connecting emotionally was built up inside, and Sarah’s fingers slowly unzipped his trousers and softly slid inside where his boxers must’ve been gaping at the front. Lord her soft fingers were smooth silk wrapped around him. His body jerked uncontrollably. He rubbed her clit through her panties. “So wet for me, Sarah. So, so wet.”

He kissed her neck and up under her chin, all the way to those delectable lips. Sarah kissed him back, clearly as hungry for him as he was for her. The kiss became explosive in seconds, but somehow still remained slow and sensual. Her lips and tongue sought his, and Brock thought if this was heaven he wanted to die right now.

His senses swam with her touching him so intimately. Her thighs had widened a little more, and he deftly moved her tight panties aside and massaged her swollen nub. She opened her mouth wide to him then and leaned back.

Brock couldn’t get enough of kissing that surrendered mouth, and now two fingers could fit inside her panties. He worked her clit as fast as he could, his fingers slick with her arousal. He lifted his body over hers, as she reclined underneath him on the leather car seat. His cock was jutting out of the front of his pants now, and she’d opened her legs enough so he could slide two grateful fingers inside her tight, hot pussy.

Sarah groaned and pushed her hips up. The grip she had on him increased, and she began to jerk his cock ever so slowly to the rhythm of his fingers sinking inside her and back out. She’d tightened beneath him; he knew she was close, so he slid out of her and worked over her clit again. His fingers drowned in her juices, making the action easy. Brock worked in firm circles on the very center of her.

She whimpered and gripped him tighter. Holy fuck, he was going to explode! As soon as that thought hit his mind, he crushed his mouth to hers and pressed his fingers harder to her clit. Then, it happened.

Her beautiful body arched up to him, and her jerks and shudders became more pronounced. Whimpers and moans came from the back of her throat into his mouth, and Brock could hold back no longer. He climaxed so hard he was frozen for a second, and when he came, she kissed his mouth, as he’d done hers, like she wanted every drop from him forever. He had nothing to give anyone else.

Then, the reality hit him of what had just happened. “God, Sarah. You’re incredible.” He kissed her again, and she let him. He slid his fingers down to feel how much she’d come for him. How he longed to lick her clean.

He should’ve stopped, but there was no part of him left with the strength to do that. He needed to touch her in a way he’d never needed any woman. He wanted her with a powerful force that was bigger than himself, yet deep down he knew he shouldn’t even be thinking this could ever work.

“Brock. I…fuck…that shouldn’t have happened.” Sarah was thrusting them back into reality. But she kissed him lightly, as if she’d wanted it to happen as much as he did. “I’m a mess. My clothes.”

The vehicle stopped, and suddenly, he realized just how far he taken this. His self-control had gone AWOL. Now, this woman he revered was beside him with his residue all over her skirt. The moment was broken. “Jesus, Sarah. I’m sorry.” He grabbed a small, clean hand towel from where he kept them and removed all he could. “I’ll pay for a new outfit.”

She smiled a little. “It’s okay. It’ll wash out.” She straightened herself up. “No harm done. I’ll see you Sunday.” He sensed her embarrassment and didn’t want to make her feel worse by laboring over the fact that he shouldn’t have let it get that far. So, he let it go. But he didn’t want to let her get out of the car and walk.

BOOK: INDISPENSABLE: Part 1: A Billionaire Romance
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