Insatiable - Devil's Stepbrothers MC (7 page)

BOOK: Insatiable - Devil's Stepbrothers MC
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Aiden had gotten the message from Lorna and had heeded her every word. It wasn’t every day a woman he was dating went to a family dinner with her mafia boss father and sent him a text that people were coming to kill him.


He ended up in a cheap hotel on the outskirts of the city, and he waited until he got a call from Lorna. He told her where he was, but he wondered how smart that was. She could be followed or she could just be turning him in. Blood is thicker than water; he grew up knowing that, and since he’d never had any blood to test that theory, he was going to have to just take for granted that it was true.


The knock on the door had him drawing his gun although he shouldn’t have. The type of people who were supposed to be looking for him wouldn’t be knocking on the door. They’d just bust in, do what they wanted, and then leave, but not before taking some piece of him for proof that he was killed. He knew the procedure. Hell, that was his procedure.


He opened the door and found Lorna looking like a shaking leaf. Pulling her inside, he scanned the parking lot briefly to see if anyone was out there.


“No one followed me because I doubt they know I’m gone. I threw my phone away before I got here because you never know who’s tracking my phone.” She held on to him so tight that he could feel her shivering like he himself was shivering.


“It’s okay, honey. What happened?” He tried to wrap her in a hug to warm her up.


“I’m so sorry,” she said as she pulled him down to kiss her. Whatever he’d been expecting it hadn’t been this.


“Sorry about what?” he asked as he watched what she was doing to him.


She was pulling his shirt out of his pants and unbuckling his jeans. It didn’t appear that she was even trying to answer him and that surprised him. Sex with them was always great, but it felt like she was using it as an apology, and she had nothing to apologize for. He stopped her flurry of hands and kisses and looked into her eyes.


“I’ve had a shitty night, and I just want to feel good. It’s getting late so I’ll spend the night here. We can talk about whatever you want to talk about when we’re done. I just need… I need you, now.”


He could tell that it took a lot for her to get those words out of her mouth, so he knew her desires were strong and real. Doing what was best for her was his top priority if for no other reason than if it weren’t for her he’d probably be dead at this moment.


“Alright, Lorna. Whatever you need, if I’m able, I’ll give it to you.”


“Thank you,” she said as he let her have her way with him.


He wanted to help her with her clothes, but she seemed not to want his help and shooed him away each time he tried. Eventually she had both of their clothes off, and she’d done it with such speed and passion she was almost out of breath. He didn’t know what this was about, but what he did know was his cock was standing at attention, waiting to find out what she wanted to do next.


She pulled him by his hand over to the bed as she lay back on the bed with her legs spread.


This wasn’t what he thought she was gearing up for, but he was more than ready to service her if that’s what she wanted right now. “Do you want me to kiss your pussy?” He wanted her to tell him what she wanted because she was acting so different than she normally did.


“Yes,” she said as she rolled her hips like it wouldn’t take much for her to go over the top. This was one of the sexiest situations he’d ever witnessed. It could have been just that his mortality has been threatened or that his heart beat hadn’t gone down in a few hours, but he wanted to make this night last for as long as it could. The daylight would bring its own problems.


He leaned down on the bed and slid his hands under her body taking a butt cheek in each hand so he could spread her wide and devour her. She was whimpering before he’d even got his mouth on her, and she was so wet her pussy glistened. Her sweet aroma was always so faint but not now. Her smell tickled his nose and made his mouth water with the need to taste her. Was she in the mood to be teased and cajoled? Not really, but maybe that’s what she really needed. A quick release was always pleasurable, but you could get those by yourself. He wanted to thank her, please her, and feel what he really wanted to say through his mouth.


She placed her hand on the back of his head and brought him to her. He grazed her sex softly with his lips and moved his head from side to side opening her up to him so he could get to the needy flesh that needed soothed.


“Don’t tease me, Aiden,” she whispered.


“Just lay back and let me enjoy this. You’ve had a rough day so let me make it better.” He hadn’t taken his eyes off her face since she lay down. She had picked her head up to make her requests, but she must have taken his advice and decided to just go with the flow because she lay her head back like she was going to try to relax.


The shivering he’d noticed when she was at the door had subsided, and he hoped it was because she now felt the arousal starting to grow within her body. The anticipation he was building was hopefully one of the things that was going to make this better for her and in turn better for him.


His touch was a little firmer so she was getting a good bit of stimulation but not enough to send her over the edge. Licking from her opening up to the bundle of nerves and then sucking that bud into his mouth is what he’d been doing for the last few minutes. Judging how fast or slow he should be going by the rhythm of her breathing, his hands palmed her breasts and squeezed her nipples as he tried to make this a full body connection.


One last lick down to taste the sweet nectar she was producing for him was all he was going to do for her. She needed this to be drawn out, and he’d done that. Now his sweet woman deserved to come hard. Making it up to the top of her cleft the last time, he sucked her clit into his mouth and kissed it like it was a little tongue. Lorna seemed to really like that as she drew her legs back and up so he’d have more than enough room. She fucked her hips up to his mouth and murmured the unknown language of passion. What she was saying he didn’t know, but it made his cock harder than stone.


He’d never heard her get as loud during sex as he had when she finally broke and her orgasm over took her. It was a good thing he had a strong neck because it was like she was trying to break it. He held on while she arched up onto his mouth and enjoyed the ride. It took a while for her to finish, and he lightened his touch during the aftershocks of her pleasure.


“Your turn,” she said as she pushed him off her and then stood up by the bed.


“You want me to lay down now?”


She looked like a sated kitten, and he absolutely loved it. He considered this a job well done. Aiden had wanted to comfort the woman who helped him and was left shaking by his door as she ran across town from what he didn’t know but that she had come to him left him wanting to do something for her.


“Yes,” she said sounding much more confident and comfortable. This was the Lorna he knew, and he was glad to see her back to normal.


Laying down for her wasn’t a problem, and he wondered what she had planned. Not that he was picky. He’d love his cock in her mouth or sliding into the pussy he’d just tasted.


She settled on her knees and placed kisses from his groin to his neck. It looked like she was going to try her hand at the art of teasing. He loved having it all drawn out, but he liked a quick nut as well. With this woman, he liked whatever she did, but the light sucking kisses she was anointing his body with were building him up even more. When she got to his face she just stared down at him like she wanted him to say something or she wanted to get something off her chest. He had a cock as hard as a rock but this was her show and if she wanted to say something he was willing to listen.


“What?” he said and was surprised when she smiled big at him.


“You are always so patient. I wanted to see how long it would take you to say something.” She said as she straddled him.


“So we’re playing games now?”


“You weren’t playing with me with all those slow licks and long pauses?” she countered, and he had to laugh. This woman knew how to sneak a bit of revenge into her game, and although it was crazy he loved it.


“I was trying to increase your pleasure by prolonging it. You came like an animal on my tongue. I would think you would be happy instead of trying to tease and torture me.”


“I think you like it like that. You know a lot about my body, but I’ve been studying what you like as well.”


“Good to hear.” He moved his hands to her ass because although he was a patient person and liked to prolong his sexual climax, eating her out had been enough of a tease for him. If she was trying to see what his limit was then she didn’t have much to do; he was primed and ready for her.


“Oh, now you want me to go a bit more quickly? Do you want me to sit down on this? Take you inside me?”


He nodded as he watched her reach down and position his cock right at her entrance. She jerked his cock a few times like she was testing it, but they both knew he was hard enough to crack rocks with his cock, and her cool hand felt like heaven on his heat.


All this talking must have excited her because her nipples had hardened and reddened making him want to suck them into his mouth. She inserted him into her moist heat and slowly moved down so that his member had disappeared into her. Trying to stay relaxed was difficult when all he wanted to do was to fuck up into her. The squeeze around his dick was driving him crazy, and he knew she realized it. Someone must have been doing exercises for their insides because her grip was nice and strong.


He wanted to do something so he sat up and latched on to her nipple sucking hard without any build up. This was a bit new for him. Frustration wasn’t something that happened to him. He loved sex and had it regularly, but he knew from experience that women got off on different things so he didn’t mind going at their speed, but with Lorna he felt greedy. He wanted her the way he wanted her which was fast and hard. Thinking of that, he remembered their first play session in the alley way which revved him up even higher.


Moving to the other tit, he sucked that nipple into his mouth biting down a little. That’s when she started trying to move a little. That’s the game she wanted to play, huh? Great that was one of his favorites. He brought his hand to her long hair and wrapped it around his hand and upper arm like a rope. She grunted, and that made his cock even harder. Pulling her hair a bit caused her to lean her head back and exposed her neck. Looking up at her in that position was like waving red at a bull. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to contain himself as he leaned back and brought both of his hands to her ass.


“I gave you a chance to be on top baby, but you lost out. I need to fuck you, and I can’t wait.” He brought her up and slammed her down on his cock making them both make needy noises. “Fuck, you feel good.”


Watching her face had always been a top priority but now he couldn’t think of anything but his throbbing dick. It felt like it had a mind of its own, and it wanted to be relieved. Gripping her ass and using it as handles as he worked her up and down his shaft like one of those Pocket Pussy’s he’d seen when he was in Sal’s Adult Mart had him huffing and puffing like the fox in that children’s story.


He’d never understood why people yell out incoherent and unintelligible things in the heat of passion but he found the answer right then. They couldn’t help it. He tried to hold back the stream of nonsensical bullshit that was escaping from him as the jets of fluid pulsed out of his cock, but it just was unstoppable. When it was over he was overwhelmed. He heard Lorna turning the corner on her second climax and was glad to know that she’d gotten off as well because while that was always his priority, just then he’d pretty much forgotten all about it and was totally on the selfish train.


“That was fantastic,” Lorna said sounding amazed.


“What? The fact that I was so wrapped up in your body that I almost forgot to take care of you? I’m glad you found your pleasure in that, but being a good lover means you come first.”


“I did come first. You pleasured me before I even started with you. I’m saying that was fantastic because you let go this time. I could tell you were caught up in it, like I always am. That’s a great feeling to have your lover so into your body and how you’re making them feel. Isn’t it? I wouldn’t know that feeling from you, until today. So I’m saying that I loved it. It wasn’t about being selfish watching the pleasure take over your face and the words tripping out of your mouth was sexy and powerful.” She hugged him. “Thanks.”

BOOK: Insatiable - Devil's Stepbrothers MC
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