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Authors: Hazel Hunter

Jackson (6 page)

BOOK: Jackson
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Her eyelids drooped and her lips parted as she lay back against the pillows.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Jackson blew a soft breath across her clit before he covered her with his mouth and circled the hard nub with the tip of his tongue. In response her thighs tightened against his shoulders and a helpless sound spilled from her lips. He knew from last night how sensitive and responsive her center of pleasure could be, and first rubbed the flat of his tongue over it in a slow, soothing stroke. The taste of her intoxicated him, and made his unruly cock pulse even harder as he gently sucked the sweet pearl between his lips.

“Jackson, please,” she said, and squirmed as he released her and ran his tongue from the clenching ellipse of her opening to the top of her sex. “You’re making me crazy.”

“Good.” The breathless excitement in her voice made him smile against her curls. “I want to.”

He slowly kissed his way up to her navel and then back again, cradling her hips as he settled his mouth against her before he began to work his tongue back and forth over her.

The steady, wet strokes made her first tremble and then writhe as she rode his mouth, her hands clenching the sheets as she arched her back and rolled her hips, helplessly snared by the intimate friction. When she suddenly climaxed she uttered a sharp cry, but Jackson kept at her, pushing her through the first peak of pleasure and into the next as he devoured her. After the third orgasm she went limp, and he crawled back up to take her shuddering body into his arms.

Audrey opened her damp-lashed, dazed eyes to gaze upon him. “I think I just became your slave.”

The erotic confession made his cock twitch. “I’m sorry, but Lincoln outlawed that.”

“Then we won’t tell him.” She snuggled closer.

Jackson felt her hand brush his erection and tightened his jaw. “I didn’t allow you to rest much last night. You should go back to sleep.”

“I should.” Her cool, slim fingers curled around his shaft. “But I’m afraid this big, hard guy here is distracting me.”

As she slid down every muscle in his body tensed. “Audrey, you don’t need to–”

“Return the favor?” She brushed a kiss across the hard plane of his belly, pausing to rim his navel with the tip of her tongue. “I’ve never done this, but I’m a quick learner.”

To initiate her Jackson would have to spill inside her pussy, so he could allow it. He also wanted to watch her luscious mouth stroking his aching shaft. He shifted onto his back, watched her through half-closed eyes as she straddled his legs and braced her hands on either side of him. She lowered her head until her pretty lips touched the straining bulb of his cockhead. “Mmmm.” She took him between her lips and swirled her tongue around him, testing and tasting him.

Now it was Jackson’s turn to fist his hands in the sheets as he endured the sensual quest of Audrey’s curious mouth as she licked and sucked and tugged on him. He felt her hand pull at his wrist, and let her move his hand to her head.

She released his cock from her erotic hold long enough to say, “Show me how you like it.”

He twined his fingers in her soft tresses and guided her into the rhythm that most pleased him. It took all his self control not to thrust hard into her mouth as her head bobbed over him, her lips sliding up and down his girth as she lashed him with her tongue and suckled his tip. When she began to take more of his length into her mouth she choked a little, and he tilted her head back to a better angle, rubbing his thumb along her jaw until she relaxed it.

“Like that, yes,” he said as she took him again.

He grunted with pleasure as he felt the end of her nose brush his body hair, and panted when she drew back with a particular slow, sensuous languor. The need to come soon pounded inside him as his balls tightened and his buttocks clenched, but he grimly held onto the last shreds of his self-control as he caressed the back of her head.

Audrey seemed to sense his need, for she increased the speed and depth with which she took him, drawing more firmly and using her tongue to rub harder at his shaft. When he felt the first surge coming he tried to push her mouth from him, but she wrapped both hands around his root and kept sucking.

He jetted into her hot, wet mouth with a deep, rumbling groan, his coiled muscles throbbing with the ecstasy of the release as his seed pulsed from him. She drank his cream without hesitation, making soft eager sounds that hummed all around his shaft. Only when she had swallowed every drop did she allow him to slide from her lips, pausing to give his slick cock one last kiss before she rolled over onto her back and sighed.

Jackson idly stroked her damp hair back from her brow. “What was that about being my slave?”

“You said it was illegal.” Audrey reached up to lace her fingers through his. “How did I do for my first time?”

His mouth hitched. “If I tell you, I’ll get hard again.”

“I don’t think that’s possible, even with your inexhaustible penis.” She crawled up beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Besides, we might have to ration ourselves, or we might end up killing each other in bed.”

“Yeah.” He stared up at the ceiling, wondering how anyone could have assumed Audrey was a killer. “Can I ask you a personal question?”

“You’ve just run me through most of the Kama Sutra,” she reminded him, her voice sounding sleepy now. “I think that entitles you to a couple.”

“You said your godmother makes herbal remedies,” he said carefully. “For what purpose?”

“She uses them on her skin and her face.” Audrey yawned. “Aunt Hannah is a little obsessed with her looks. I think because she’s scared of getting old.”

Jackson held her until her breathing slowed, and then carefully got up and dressed. He stood by the bed to watch Audrey sleeping for a few minutes before he walked out to the front room to retrieve his mobile from his jacket and call in.

“We have a serious problem,” he said as soon as Command answered. “Audrey Mather isn’t the killer. I think she’s–”

He stopped as he felt the presence behind him, but before he could turn, something large and heavy crashed into the back of his skull and hurled him into darkness.


“ARE YOU GOING to waste your entire day off sleeping?” a cheerful voice said.

Audrey squinted up at her godmother. “Aunt Hannah?” She smothered a yawn. “What are you doing here?”

“Oh, the opera I went to see was cancelled, and then my attorney had an emergency in court. Once I finished my shopping I couldn’t see the point of sitting in my hotel for another day.” She held up a small brown bag. “I didn’t forget your tea.”

“Thanks.” Audrey frowned as she sat up and looked around. Jackson’s clothes were gone, and if his pickup truck had still been in the drive Hannah would have mentioned it. “I’m sorry your plans were ruined.”

“It doesn’t matter. Portland isn’t going anywhere.” She draped Audrey’s robe across her lap. “Now why don’t you get up and shower? I’ll take you out to lunch.”

She frowned as her godmother strode out of the room. Hannah often brought her food, but she had never taken her out for a meal because she didn’t dine in public.

Audrey took a quick shower and dressed, selecting one of the outfits her godmother had given her for her birthday. She didn’t care for the pink and yellow dress, which was somewhat dowdy and didn’t suit her coloring at all, but at least Hannah couldn’t object to it.

When she emerged her godmother was on the phone, but immediately replaced the receiver as she beamed at her.

“Oh, my favorite dress. Thank you for wearing it, dearest.”

“Why don’t we have lunch here instead of going out?” Audrey said carefully. “I can make some sandwiches or a salad.”

“That’s so sweet of you.” Hannah picked up her clutch. “But I think it’s time I braved the public eye, and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather have with me.” She held out her elbow. “Shall we?”

Audrey grabbed her purse before she linked arms with her godmother. Hannah led her out to where her driver was waiting with the limousine, but on the way Audrey glanced down and spotted some dark smears forming a trail on the walkway.

“Aunt Hannah, stop.” She pulled away from her and knelt down to examine the stains before looking up at her. “This is blood.”

Her godmother’s mouth tightened as she glanced around them. “I don’t see any bodies. Perhaps it was an animal, or one of the guards was clumsy.”

Audrey followed the trail of blood to where it abruptly ended in one large smear. “It looks like someone was dragged.” She straightened and glanced at her car. “Jack.”

“Jack who?”

“A friend who stopped by last night.” Audrey took out her mobile to call him, and as soon as he picked up asked, “Hey, Jack, it’s Audrey. Are you okay?”

“Jack’s fine,” a girlish voice said. “He’s in the shower right now, though––can I take a message for him?”

Audrey went still as dread filled her heart. “Who is this?”

“Becky, his girlfriend. Who’s this?”

“Audrey Mather from work. There’s no message.” She switched off the phone and stared at it, unable to believe what the other woman had said. Jackson had a girlfriend. Jackson, who had spent the night with her. Jackson, that lying, cheating son of a–

“So your friend is all right?” Hannah asked.

She blinked before she forced a smile. “Yes, he’s with his girlfriend. The blood must have come from someone or something else.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” Hannah went to the car, where her driver opened the door for her. As she climbed in she glanced back at Audrey. “Come along, dearest. I’m starving.”

As they drove into the city Hannah talked about the new clothes she’d bought in Portland, but Audrey barely heard her. Discovering that Jackson had cheated on his girlfriend with her left her feeling numb and disconnected, as if she’d suddenly dropped into a bizarre, parallel world. How could the man who had spent all night giving her one orgasm after another be involved with another woman? Was that why he’d insisted on using all those condoms? She knew firefighters had a bad reputation for being bed hoppers, but how could he do this to her? Would he tell his girlfriend? Should she?

“Dearest, snap out of it,” Hannah said, patting her arm. “We’re here.”

Audrey had gotten out of the limo and followed her godmother up to the door before she realized where they were. “Oh, no, not this place.” She stepped back from the unmarked green door. “I’ll wait in the car for you.”

“No, you won’t,” Hannah snapped as she turned around, but her flare of anger quickly turned to chagrin. “Dearest, you can’t abandon me now.” She didn’t notice the door opening behind her. “You know how dippy Mariah is; if I go in by myself she’ll keep me in there for hours listening to her ramble on about the moon and stars and who knows what else.”

Audrey winced as she gazed past her godmother at the impassive expression of the old woman standing behind her.

“Of course she’s kidding, Mariah,” Audrey said.

“Darling.” Hannah turned and immediately embraced the old lady. “It’s so good to see you.”

Mariah endured the hug without returning it, and kept her shrewd, dark eyes on Audrey as she stepped back. “Come. I have other matters awaiting my attention.”

The pungent smoke from burning incense fogged the air inside the shop, which was small and cramped, with walls lined with narrow shelves of baskets, jars and vials filled with hundreds of varieties of roots and herbs. On one side Mariah kept a work bench where she made up custom mixtures and measured out and bagged purchases for her customers. Today the shop was empty, however, and as soon as Audrey and Hannah came inside Mariah flipped over her front sign to CLOSED, drew down the blind and bolted the door.

“Mariah, darling, I’m in dire need of your special astringent,” Hannah said as she went over to the bench and examined several vials. “Oh, you’ve already made up a fresh bottle. How thoughtful.” She beckoned to Audrey. “Would you mind tucking this in your purse, dearest? I left mine in the car.”

“That can wait,” Mariah said, taking hold of Audrey’s arm with her bony fingers. “It’s time for her to join the circle.”

Audrey eyed the old woman. “You mean the circle that dances naked in the moonlit meadow? Because I think I already said no, thanks.”

“You were born in the circle,” Mariah told her. “Your mother delivered you in the light of the full moon before the entire coven. When it was time she would have brought you to us to be instructed, if she had not…died.”


“Taught to manage your ability to heal.” Hannah gave her an uneasy look. “Dearest, I wanted to tell you, so many times, but then you decided to become a paramedic, and I thought it best to wait. I was hoping you would come to me, you know, for advice. When you came into your healing power.”

“You knew? All this time, you knew?” Audrey felt as if she’d been kicked in the stomach. She turned to Mariah. “So what am I supposed to be? An alien? A reincarnated faith healer? What?”

“You are a Wiccan, my dear. A member of very old and noble race of pagans who practice the craft of magic and witchery.” The old woman looked almost sympathetic now. “I know this is a great shock to you, but you must have suspected you were different from the humans around you.”

“Excuse me?” Audrey glanced down at herself. “In case you haven’t noticed, I

“You are, for now,” Mariah agreed. “It is only temporary. When you take a Wiccan mate, you will make the final transition to your True Self, and become immortal. But you cannot mate with Daniels. He is a powerful warlock, but he cannot stay with you.”

Audrey felt as if she’d fallen down the final rabbit hole. “Okay, I’m out of here.” Before she reached the door something pinned her arms to her sides and dragged her back to Mariah. “What the…

The old lady lowered her hand, and the invisible force surrounding Audrey ebbed away.

BOOK: Jackson
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