Jake (The Highland Clan Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Jake (The Highland Clan Book 4)
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Jake took Aline over to the bed and pulled the screen across it to give them some privacy. He convinced her to lie down on the bed, and once she did, he climbed on behind her, tucking her back against his chest.

He whispered in her ear, “Now, I do not expect you to talk.” He kissed her temple. “But I want you to hear me out. You’ve been sick for a couple of days, and the people I love tell me that the type of sickness you are experiencing can indicate you are carrying a bairn. Now, I know that ‘tis possible you could be carrying my bairn, but based on the way you’re acting, I’m guessing you believe it to be Hew Gordon’s bairn.”

At that declaration, she sobbed harder, unable to believe he had guessed what tormented her so. She gripped his forearm as if she would die if he let her go.

“I love you, and I will always love you. And if you carry a bairn, I will love that bairn the way I love you. It does not matter to me what color hair or what color eyes that bairn will have because the bairn will be half
. I’ve asked you to marry me, and I hope you will say aye, but I understand that you need time.

“I’ll leave you alone for a while to give you the time you’ve asked for. I’ll not come back until you come for me. But know this, when you are ready, I am ready to make you my wife. I will stand by you with pride whether you carry my child or another’s.”

He got up from his spot behind her and knelt down in front of her, kissing her forehead and then her lips. “Remember, I love you.”

She gripped his hand and managed to squeak out, “I love you, too.”

“Will you be all right if I leave now?”

She nodded.

Jake walked over to the door after he moved the screen aside, then glanced at her one more time before he left.









Chapter Twenty-Four


Aline told a story to the three girls as they lay in the bed, a story about princes and princesses, kings and queens. When she finished, she kissed each one of them on the cheek and said, “Good night, my loves.” She pulled the screen across and strode over to Effie, sitting on a stool with her needlework.

“Are you sure you’ll be fine without me?”

Effie blushed, then gave her a sideways glance and waggled her brow at her.

“What?” Aline said.

Effie grinned, “I will not be alone exactly…”

Aline could not hide her shocked expression. “Who?” Effie was a pretty lass. How happy she would be for her if she’d found someone.

“One of the warriors. I rode back with him. I like him, so I invited him over. He’s stopped to visit a few times when you’ve been gone.”

Aline gave her a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you.”

“Go. Go see the man you need to marry. Do not worry about your sisters. I am pleased that Caralyn said this has happened to others. We have been through a great deal, so I understand that dealing with such difficulties can affect your body in strange ways. We both have many reasons to be grateful, and this is another for you.”

Aline gathered her things, then donned her mantle and headed out the door. She trudged up the hill, pleased to see the moonlight was strong enough to lead the way for her. There was no one about. She followed the path around to the side staircase of the keep, then let herself inside and started climbing the steps.

It was a piece of luck that Jake’s chamber was on the third floor, not the same floor as his parent’s chamber, and it was at the end of the corridor, just next to the staircase. She knocked on his door, just a light touch because she did not wish to wake anyone else, and she was surprised to hear him call out an answer right away. She stepped inside the room and closed the door quietly behind her.

Jake sat in a chair by his hearth, his elbows on his knees, wearing naught but his plaid. He lifted his gaze, and she saw the surprise there.

“Aline?” He stood up.

True, she hadn’t seen him for a few days, but for a good reason. “Nay, please stay where you are. I need to say something.” He sat back down in the chair. Pleased to see he’d done as she’d asked, she continued with her plan, setting what she’d brought down on the chest at the end of the bed.

She took a deep breath and continued. She removed her boots and mantle, then her shift and stockings. She caught his look of appreciation when she stood in front of him with naught on.

Squaring her shoulders, she picked the cloth up from the chest, carefully arranged it, and then draped the last piece of the red, green, and gold Grant plaid over her shoulder.

Jake whispered, “I know you have asked me to wait, but I have never seen aught so beautiful in my life as you in just our Grant plaid. Continue. You said you had something you wished to say.”

She folded her hands in front of her and said, “I do.” She reached up and undid the plait in her hair, setting her hair free to fall over her shoulders. “John Alexander Grant, I have never loved anyone the way I love you. You are the most kind, considerate person I have ever met. You are loving to my sisters, passionate in my arms, and more loyal to your clan than any other. Your touch is so tender, yet I know when you are near me, you will always protect me.”

She stopped to gather herself because she could feel the tears burning her eyes, ready to pour down her cheeks, but she needed to say everything to this man, this warrior whom she adored. “I have come to you…I wish for you to know that I do not carry your bairn…nor any man’s bairn. I stayed away because I had my courses, and I am forever grateful to the Lord above for all he has given me within such a short time. But you are my greatest gift of all.”

He strolled over to stand in front of her, wiping her tears away. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying, love?”

She nodded, though her voice came out scattered because of her tears. “I love you, Jake Grant, and I will always love you.”

He cupped her cheeks, and lifted her gaze to his. “Then will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

“Aye, if you’ll still have me.”

Jake lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed. He removed both of their plaids and laid them across the chest before settling himself above her, resting on his elbows as he caressed her face and ran his fingers through her hair. “Then we shall marry on the morrow. This is where I want you every night. We’ll find a chamber where your sisters can sleep nearby.”

His mouth descended on hers and he kissed her, slowly, lingering over her lips as if he’d never tasted her before. Suckling her tongue, he made slow love to her mouth, something she’d never experienced before. “Jake…”

“Hush, allow me to love you properly.”

He continued in the same attentive manner, kissing, suckling, and nibbling his way down her body, paying close attention to each of her breasts. Each time his mouth settled on her nipple, she clutched his head, not wanting him to leave, feeling every stroke of his tongue all the way to her core, her sex, and beyond. She arched against him, trying to tell him she wanted more, but he would not have it. He took his time as he’d promised.

He did the same to the hollow of her belly, to each hip, and to the inside of each thigh, causing her to moan so loud that she feared she would awaken someone. His tongue found the sensitive spot at her entrance, and she behaved like a wanton, spreading her legs wide to give him better access.

He almost brought her to climax with just his tongue, but he stopped, instead finding his way back up her body so he could settle himself between her thighs.


He kissed her cheek. “Aline, I love you, and I want you now. Do you want me?”

“Aye, Jake. I need you inside me. Please?”

He nuzzled her neck and whispered, “Guide me. Show me where you want me.”

She reached for him and grasped him with the softest of touches, teasing him by moving her hand slowly up and down the length of him.

He chuckled and whispered in her ear. “You play with fire, my lady.” He cupped her breast with one hand, teasing her nipple with his thumb, then squeezing the taut peak between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it back and forth until she squirmed.

“Jake…” She rocked back and forth, showing him how she wished to finish, and rubbed the head of his cock against her entrance, bringing her slick juices out.

He growled and grabbed her hips. “Play is over.” He thrust inside her with one move, burying himself in her liquid heat. She moaned, a sweet sound to his ears, which drove him further in his quest to bring them to climax together. He held her hips tight so he could plunge into her, rocking her, each thrust landing where it mattered most. He could feel her hands on his biceps, digging deeper as he continued to plunder her, driving himself into her until she shattered, calling his name as she opened wider for him, her muscles contracting on him until he exploded, emptying his seed into her with a roar.

He lay on top of her, holding himself on his elbows so as not to crush her. Humbled by what had just happened, he was momentarily unable to speak. She’d given herself to him completely, and he knew, without a doubt, that she was the only one for him. What they’d just experienced was beyond his wildest expectations.

“I love you, Aline.” He kissed her lips with a tenderness that frightened even him.

“And I you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Love me again, Jake, and please, never stop loving me.”








Aline tucked the huge fur around her and Morna as tight as she could. She glanced over at Jake and Maisie, who was having the time of her life riding the horse in the snow. Her husband. How she loved calling him that. She was so fortunate that she could scarcely believe it. They’d married quickly, just as they’d wanted, in a small ceremony with only Jake’s close family and Effie in attendance.

Married life with Jake Grant had been as wonderful as she’d ever guessed it could be. His sire had moved them into a large chamber in the new section of the keep that he’d built years ago to keep his family close. They had two separate chambers for sleeping connected by a central room with a table and chairs and a hearth for cooking, though they often ate in the great hall with his family. Maisie was quite happy sleeping in a bed with Morna.

They’d been married less than a moon. This trip was something Jake had planned. He’d insisted on leaving before the snows became too heavy, though he would not tell her where he was taking them. It wasn’t long before she figured out where they were headed, and she had to force herself not to cry because her tears were liable to freeze on her cheeks in the bitter wind.

“Jake?” She cast a sideways glance in his direction, hoping she could tell him with one look how much she loved him for what he was doing for her, for them.

“You recognize the area? I thought ‘twas near here by your descriptions.”

“Aye.” She sniffled, then pointed. “Just over that ridge and through the trees.”

Jake nodded and moved his hand, inviting her to lead the way. One Grant guard rode on either side of her, and Magnus rode behind her. When they came into the clearing, her heart leapt almost clear into her throat. There it was, her father’s cottage. Memories flooded back in a rush. Of her mother, of better times and hard work, and of family. She rubbed her mother’s ring on her finger through her glove, grateful it was still hers. She’d moved it from the cord to her hand when she’d married Jake.

She almost jumped down from their horse in excitement at the thought of seeing her sire again and her brother. In fact, Jake had offered to invite them to Clan Grant, though she had said she doubted her sire would ever leave their home with the memories of her mother there.

Jake and Magnus managed to get them all down safely without anyone falling in the snow, though it was only knee deep, and strangely enough, the sun was out at present, highlighting the glittering flakes on the top of the uneven drifts. She did her best not to squeeze Morna too tightly, instead tugging her own scarf across the wee one’s face.

Morna pulled her hand out of her coat to point at the large shape next to them. “Mangus.” Then she pointed to the sparkling surface on the snow drift. “Snowfwake.”

“Aye, Morna. ‘Tis Magnus with us today, and are the snowflakes not beautiful?” Aline gave her a kiss on her forehead and moved her hand back underneath her wool mantle. “You must keep warm. Your wee fingers shall fall right off if you do not.” She’d been so pleased with how quickly Morna had adjusted to their new home. Each day brought more phrases and smiles.

Magnus and Jake moved to the door, swords at their sides, mashing a path for her with their boots. Once there, she waited for Jake to knock. What would she say? What would her da say when he saw them, all three of them?

An old woman opened the door and Aline’s face fell. Her father must have married again. No matter, he needed someone to care for him. A loud male voice could be heard in the background. “Who is it? ‘Tis cold as a sheep’s teat out there, let them inside.”

Jake held the door open and Aline stepped inside, doing her best to adjust her eyes from the sunlight to the dark cottage. She set Morna down in front of her, but she didn’t let go of the wee lassie’s hand.

A large man stood from the table and said, “What can we do for you? We have not much food to share in winter.”

The woman said, “Warm broth. Allow me to get some warm broth for the wee ones.”

She scuttled over to the hearth while Aline stared.

The man was not her father. Jake’s hand settled on her back and she heard his voice near her ear. “Aline?”

She couldn’t speak, so she simply shook her head. All this time, all this distance, and her sire was gone. Her sire and her brother, both gone. Mayhap she would never find out what had become of them.

“James of Carron?” Jake asked.

The man shook his head, giving them a puzzled look.

“Do you know what has become of him?” Jake asked the man and woman as he stomped his boots on the floor by the door, making room for Magnus. “He lived here many moons ago.”

“Why do you ask?” The man moved closer to stare at them.

Aline forced her lips to move. “He is my sire. We lived here…”

“Och, just a moment and I’ll explain.” He ushered them inside, and led the way to the hearth, where he took their mantles from them and hung them on the wall. Then the old man opened the door and yelled, “Lad?”

A few moments later, a tall boy ducked through the doorway, his arms full of wood. “Aye. What is it? Whose horses are they?”

The old man nodded toward Aline.

Aline couldn’t believe her eyes. “Leith? ‘Tis you, truly?” She took a step toward him, unsure of herself. He was so much taller, so grown up.

The lad dropped the wood near the door and stood near her, staring at her in shock until a wide smile crossed his face. “Aline?” He ran up and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her into the air. “I thought I’d never see you again. What are you doing here?”

He set her down and stared at her, then his gaze roamed the room, looking at everyone who stood by her.

“Leith, this is Maisie,” she said, placing a hand on the wee lassie’s shoulder.

Maisie, never afraid of anything, asked, “Are you my brother? I have two sisters, Aline and Morna.”

He followed her gaze to the other wee one standing next to Aline, still huddled up next to her. He knelt down and brushed a thumb down Morna’s cheek. “Morna? ‘Tis you?”

“Sit, sit,” the old woman said. “Take your mantle off, Leith, and warm up.” She eyed the Grant plaid folded over Jake’s trews and the swords hanging in sheaths at the Grant warriors’ sides. “I have enough broth for all of you.”

“Aline, you wear the Grant plaid. Are they the ones who stole you away?” Leith asked.

Aline accepted the goblet of broth and sipped it, enjoying the warmth settling in her belly. She sat on a stool and picked Morna up, helping her sip some broth. “Nay. Leith, this is Jake Grant. He is my husband. He rescued me from the scum who stole us away. And this is Magnus.”

She could see how impressed her brother was by the Grant warriors in front of him, but she could no longer wait to learn the truth. “Da…what happened to Papa?”

Leith stared at the ground. “It happened the same time Morna was taken. The same man who took you and Maisie came along with another man. One he called ‘chief.’ They wanted Morna, but Da refused. I was outside cutting wood when I heard them, but I was afraid to step inside. They had three other men with them.” He hung his head.

Jake said, “Lad, ‘tis all right. The men were bastards. You alone could not have stopped five of them. Saving yourself was the right thing to do.”

“But I did not even try to save myself. ‘Twas as if I could not move. I heard them, and I heard Papa say they’d have to kill him first, and then they did. When I heard him fall to the ground, I ran away. I should have run toward them. I panicked.”

Jake put a hand on the lad’s shoulder. “The Grants are looking for more warriors. Would you care to join our forces?”

Leith’s face lit up. “Aye. You’d have me? Will I be near my sisters?”

Magnus said, “How old are you, lad?”

“Twelve summers.”

Jake said, “Usually, our youngest warriors sleep in the warriors’ building in the winter, and under the stars in the summer. Your sisters live with Aline and me in the keep. You’re welcome to join us for meals. We’ll see you fed and clothed if you wish to join our clan and fight for it.”

Aline smiled as she watched her brother square his shoulders and try to act like Jake and Magnus. He nodded his head and stood in front of Jake. “It would be my honor to be a Grant warrior.” He turned to the old man and woman behind him. “My apologies, but I’d like to go with my sisters and become a Grant warrior. My thanks for staying with me.”

Jake said to the old couple, “You’re welcome to join Clan Grant, if you’d like.”

The old man looked at his wife, and she shook her head slightly. “Nay, my thanks, but we’ll spend our last days here. We were fortunate to find this cottage and live with Leith. You young’uns go on your way, but warm up first. My wife will find some bread for the wee ones.”

Jake clasped Leith’s shoulders, then gave him a brief hug. “Welcome to Clan Grant, Leith.”

Leith turned to Aline and said, “I missed you so, Aline. All of you. Papa was devastated when you were taken.”

Maisie jumped out of her seat and said, “Now we’ll all be together again. My sister, Aline—” she pointed to Aline, then continued to point as she turned, “—and my brother, Leith, and my sister, Morna, and me.” She pointed to her own chest.

Jake picked her up and tossed her in the air a wee bit. “And…?”

She giggled before she hugged Jake, “And my new brother, Jake.”









BOOK: Jake (The Highland Clan Book 4)
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