Read Jesse Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #General Fiction

Jesse (21 page)

BOOK: Jesse
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“Get in that thing over there. We’re
going to leave here right fucking now. What I have plans for, you won’t—”

“I’m not going anywhere with you. I
remember you now. You were the bitch from the fire. You tried to kill me.”

Sondra smiled. Finally, she was getting

“You can go fuck yourself for all I give
a shit.”

The gun exploded in her hand. She hadn’t
even realized she’d fired the thing and she was pretty sure it had gone off
more than once. She was just glad that the idiot that had rushed her hadn’t
been able to disarm her or knock the gun away. The girl fell back and Sondra
hoped that she’d killed her, but when she got up and came after her, Sondra had
to take several steps back before she could fire again. There should have been
one more bullet, but it only snapped at her.

Sondra fell back as the bitch punched
her. She felt the blood pour from her nose and when she tried to get up to
fight back, the girl kicked her in the head. Dizzy for several seconds and not
able to see, she fell back again when another kick hit her in the ribs. The
bitch wasn’t waiting for her to get up.

“You should have shot me when you had
the chance. Now I’m going to make you hurt like you did me.” The girl was
speaking gibberish and Sondra knew it. She’d never hurt the girl without
needing to. She made it sound as if Sondra had tried to strangle her because
she enjoyed killing. She most certainly did not.

“You should have died in that fire. All
this…” She waved her hand around the cemetery. “This is all your fault. All you
had to do was let me kill Annamarie so that I could collect the insurance
money. Or you could have let me kill you and the affect would have been the
same. Double the money.”

She smiled. It all made perfect sense
and if she didn’t see that then the girl was stupider than she’d first thought.
Car doors opened behind them and Sondra just knew that the police had arrived.
When no one came to see to her wounds, she looked at the girl again. She was
shaking her head.

“You’re nuts. I’m sure you know that,
but you’re really nuts. The police are looking for you. Hell, even the Feds. If
you think this is going to go away because you want it to, then—”

“The Feds? What on earth do they want to
do with me?” Sondra pulled some bullets out of her pocket and started to load
her gun. “I haven’t done a thing wrong for them to want to speak to me. Unless
it’s to tell them what a fuck up you are. But I’m going to save them the
trouble of that in a moment.”

The girl laughed. Long and hard. Sondra
wasn’t sure what she found so funny, but smiled too. This was going to be easy.
Much easier than she’d thought. When the gun was reloaded, Sondra had to wipe
the blood off it before she could get a better grip on it. She was just raising
it to fire when she felt something touch her head. Then someone jerked her gun
out of her slippery hands.

“Move and I will happily end your
fucking life.”

She knew that voice and started to turn
to the younger man.

“I mean it. I will have no problem
whatsoever putting this entire clip into your head.”

“Jesse, if you don’t put that gun away
and let me finish this, you’re going to be in such trouble with your mother. What
will she think when I tell her you were dropping the F-bomb as if you had a
potty mouth?” She tried again to turn and found she couldn’t. “Stop this right
now. I won’t sell your company any more property if you don’t stop this nonsense
right this moment.”

“She thinks that once I’m dead, your mom
will come back to her as if nothing happened. I think she’s lost her marbles
somewhere along the line.”

Sondra glared at the bitch.

“She keeps talking like I should feel
privileged that she has picked me to die.”

“You’re not dying. She might, but you’re

Sondra started to protest when she saw a
pair of dark pants in front of her.

“Sondra Jennings, you’re under arrest
for the murder of Clint Hampton, Sally Ferguson, and Patty Melbourne, also the
attempted murder of Annamarie Hunter and Josephine Foster.”

“Who? I don’t know any Ferguson or
Foster. You got the wrong person for those and if you find that other guy, Jon
somebody, I didn’t kill him either. Clint did that because he fucked him.”

The bitch knelt down in front of her and
was grinning. “I’m Joey Foster, you mental case. I hope you get the chair for

The police jerked her to her feet and
before she could tell them that they had the wrong person, again, she was told
if she spoke again it had better be to say she wanted a lawyer. She looked over
at Jesse and raised a brow. “Will you represent me? I’ve been using the Hunters
for my entire career. Tell these men yes so that I can get this thing over

Jesse walked toward her and smiled. “Fuck
off, you miserable excuse for a human being. You tried to kill my mother and my
fiancée. Why on earth would I help you get off?”

Before she could answer him, she was
being dragged to a cruiser. Fiancée? What the fuck? He couldn’t be thinking of
marrying that homeless person, could he? She was in the back of the cruiser
when she found her tongue. The driver, a big cop, told her to shut up or he’d
shut her up. She was so going to report him.


Jesse gathered Joey into his arms and
held her. When she tried to pull away, he asked…no, he begged her for just a
few more minutes. He looked over at his friend and cook and smiled when he
tried to brush the blood off his suit.

Joey turned in his arms enough to see
Lowell. “He said he had a gun in his other suit when I tried to help him. I
nearly wet myself laughing. Do you think he was serious?”

“Probably. He told me once he was a hit
man for the now defunct mob. I thought at the time he’d been kidding about it
until someone tried to rob us when we’d been out Christmas shopping. He saved
my life.”

The ambulance attendant came to stand
next to them. He had the strangest look on his face, a cross between a grin and
adoration. “Mr. Melbourne said that you hit that woman like a man. Said he
would like to see you fight sometime. You really knock her on her ass with one

Joey flushed and Jesse laughed. “Yes, I
did. She was trying to hurt that man over there. And I only fight when it’s
necessary. Is Mr. Melbourne all right?”

“Yeah. He said his head hurts, but
that’s his own fault. We’re going to take him in so it’s not a waste. That
fancy guy, he said he’s driving you home. Might not want to let him behind the
wheel. He lost a bit of blood.”

Jesse told Lowell to get in the
ambulance or he’d fire him. After several more threats he told him he was
calling Samuel. That shut him up and sent him to the ambulance. He and Joey
followed them to the hospital in the truck. He couldn’t let her go just yet.

Chapter 19


Joey was sitting in the outer office of
the big building two days later. She had been staying with Jesse and was being
pampered by his staff and having sex every night with him in that huge bed. She
shifted on the soft couch and thought about this morning. Christ, that man
could do things to her body that made her melt.

He’d been in the shower when she’d woken
up. She thought maybe she’d make the bed. Actually, she’d wanted to snatch a
pillow case, the one he’d been sleeping on, but he’d come out of the bathroom
before she could.

“We’re just going to mess it up again
now that you’re awake.” He came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her
waist. “If you help me do that, I’ll make it worth your while.”

His voice was a purr and she felt it all
the way to her toes. When she tried to say something she’d lost her train of
thought when he cupped her pussy.

“You’re wet, aren’t you? I want you to
open your pants for me and let me see.” She started to shake her head when he
lifted her breast with his other hand and pinched her nipple. “Open them, Joey.
Let me run my fingers through your curls and then taste what I find there.”

Her fingers shook as she worked the
button. The zipper slid down quickly and, as soon as she moved her hands, he
slid his hand down the front of her panties. His moan made her try to close her
thighs when she felt herself get wetter. His, “no, wider” had her spreading her
legs for him.

“Jesse, please. We shouldn’t be doing
this. You have to go to work.” Instead of answering her he lifted her shirt up
and cupped her bare breast. “Please.”

“Please what? Tell me how you want me to
please you, baby, and I will.” She felt his finger touch her clit and she
moaned. “You want me to suck you here? Taste that cream that you give to me? I
would love that. Turn for me and lay down.”

She did as he said and saw that his
towel was gone and his cock stood straight from his groin. Leaning in, she took
a quick lick of his own cream and heard him growl at her. He didn’t speak, but
pushed her back away. She lay down and watched as he gripped his cock. She thought
he was going to come on her and touched her pussy.

“Strip down and let me see you naked. I
want to see all of you when you come like this.” Her shirt was already gone and
she’d not put on a bra, needing a shower. “Take it off and then spread those
lovely legs for me so I can watch you play.”

She’d never touched herself before, only
in the shower to get clean, but was looking forward to doing it for him.
Without getting off the bed, she shimmied out of her jeans, taking her panties
with them. Not sure what to do next, she put her feet on the edge of the bed
and let her legs fall open. His hiss of breath made her pussy wetter.

Touching her clit was harder than she’d
thought it would be. So she watched his face as she experimented. When his eyes
seemed to glaze over, she knew she had a part of it right. The first time her
finger nail slipped over her clit she moaned and lifted her ass up higher with
her feet. Jesse’s breath on her thigh startled her.

“Don’t stop. Please don’t stop what
you’re doing.” She looked down her body at him. He was looking at her pussy so
intently that she nearly came. “I’m going to fuck you while you play, fuck you
with my tongue until you come in my mouth.”

“I’m so close now it won’t take much. The
thought of your tongue dancing in me makes me so wet.” She watched as he slowly
lowered his head. “Suck me, Jesse, please. Make me come in your mouth, then I
want you to fuck me with your cock.”

His mouth covered her and she screamed
out. His fingers joined hers and his tongue until she felt him slide down to
her tiny puckered hole. As soon as he rubbed his finger over it and popped through
the tight rings she came, screaming out his name, not even caring if anyone
heard her. Before her body was finished, still jerking and tightening, he stood

She reached for him, sitting up and
taking him into her mouth before he could speak. He fucked her mouth a few
times before he pulled back and stood there.

“On your knees. I want to take you from
behind and hard. Christ, I want to fuck you hard.” She was barely the way he’d
told her before his cock was deep in her pussy. His fingers dug deep into her
hip and she knew she’d have a mark. When he leaned over her and nipped at her
shoulder she came again, screaming louder this time than the last. As soon as
she started to slam back with his every surge forward he bit her again and then
stood up. She lowered her head to the bed to try and brace herself for his hard
pounding. When he came he cried out that he loved her then reached around her
body to her clit and pinched, making her come again.

And now here she was, waiting to talk to
the police again, and then she was leaving. She looked around the beautiful
room and wondered what a man like Jesse saw in this sterile room. His office,
she knew, wasn’t much different.

There was a desk, a reception area he’d
called it, with a woman sitting behind it. She was busy answering calls and
directing people to where they wanted to go. She had sent one man away when
she’d informed him four times that Mrs. Hunter wasn’t going to be able to see
him today, that he’d have to call for another appointment. The man shut up when
the security officers showed up with their hands on their weapons.

There were no plants to speak of. Three
by the window and that was all. And those seemed to be sickly and not all that
happy to be here. The one nearest the window looked like it was thirsty and the
larger one, the one that was seemingly growing up the window, needed to be
repotted badly. She wondered if she asked the pretty lady there if she could do
it, if she’d have her thrown out as well. There was a small plant and Joey
thought maybe it was the healthiest of the three, which wasn’t saying much. She
could tell even from here that someone had put out a cigarette in the dirt. She
wanted to find the person and put one out on him. Appalled by her train of
thought, she looked up when she heard her name.

“They’ll see you now, Miss Foster.”

She stood up and put her hands in her
pockets. That’s when she remembered the ring.

“Could you please see that Mr. Jesse
gets this back? I tried to give it to him twice now and he keeps putting it
back. I think he’s nuts.” She flushed when the woman stepped back from her and
the ring. But her smile made her think she wasn’t mad.

BOOK: Jesse
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