Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3) (18 page)

BOOK: Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3)
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Payton walked down, her hand rubbing his arm as she passed him. “I’ll get them out.” Power emanated from her, but nothing happened.

The woman who was Taryn’s mom raised her hand. “Over there, in the wall.”

Niall walked to where she pointed and looked around. Payton ran her palm over the area and pointed. His alpha made a motion for her to step back and then he punched his hand through the wall. Inside was a lever that looked to belong to each cell. One by one he released them and the doors slid into the walls. Some of the fey appeared too scared to come out, but with Payton and Taryn both soothing them, they finally stepped free.

“You saved us,” Taryn’s mom murmured.

Taryn hugged her. “Mom, I want you to meet my mate. Jett, this is my mom, Nalina.”

Payton gasped. “We thought you’d perished. Your family searched for you for years.”

Nalina blinked. “I was foolish. I thought I was in love and didn’t think they’d approve so I left with Keith. I didn’t realize he was sucking my power from me.”

Jett caught his mate’s mother as her strength gave out. “Now you are free. You can go home with us.”

“I want to go
.” Nalina looked to Payton.

“I’ll take you there,” Payton said.

Taryn sobbed. “What about me?”

“She can come and go and you can too. In the fey land she will heal a lot quicker,” Payton reassured her.

As he listened to Payton and the women discuss how they would be communicating regularly, he knew he’d be sharing his mate on the two realms. He thought about his future, and couldn’t wait to get back to the cabin they were calling home. The pack in Deadwood would need a new alpha, but none from the lot left were ready to step up. Jett left the decision to Emerson and Niall, the only thing he wanted to decide on doing was how to make love to Taryn.

Tonight they’d begin a new chapter, the next one of their lives together, and let tomorrow deal with itself. That was how he rolled, and was glad he had Taryn to share it with.

“Thank you for being with me through this. I don’t think I could have handled it alone,” Taryn said against his chest hours later.

He rubbed her back in a soothing motion. After they returned they made love two times, each one solidifying their connection. He didn’t kid himself that their life would be easy, but with Taryn, it would definitely be one wild ride he couldn’t wait to take.



aryn looked up at the repaired home she and Jett would now share. She felt like pinching herself, unsure if she was dreaming.

“Welcome home,” Niall said, holding hands with his mate Alaina.

She looked at the gathering of people standing outside.

Little Nolan ran up holding a basket. “Welcome home. I helped make the cookies, but I’m not supposed to tell you I licked the spoon.”

Niall groaned. “Get back here, you.”

The crowd laughed. She noticed Taya at the back of the group, her head bent. The other woman peered up, their eyes met and held. A sad smile appeared and then slipped away. The big wolf, Bronx, not far behind her, but he didn’t look much happier. Taryn knew they’d have to find their way, whether it was together or not. The injured wolf would need a strong partner to help heal her, and time.

“What’s that look on your face?” Jett came up to her, his hand lifted her face up to meet his dark gaze.

“I was just thinking I was the luckiest girl alive.”

He bent and brushed his lips over hers. “Nah, I’m the lucky one,” he murmured against her lips. “Come on, we have lots of rooms to christen.”

“I think that’s our sign to get the hell out of Dodge. Give us a holler when you a few days,” Zayn said, grabbing Cora around the waist before placing her next to his bike.

Taryn blushed, but couldn’t wait to be alone with her mate. They stood watching until the last of their friends and family left.

“Finally. I didn’t think they’d ever leave,” Jett growled. “I was ready to fuck you on the hood.” His eyes twinkled as if he was remembering when they’d done that before.

She laughed, loving his dirty mind. “I can’t believe you let me drive your baby. She really handles like a dream. Did you see I almost had her on two wheels around the bend?”

He growled, turning on his heel and tossed her over his shoulder. “Never again woman. You are dangerous to all on four wheels. From here on out you drive your purple rig, and ride with me.”

As he swatted her ass and stepped inside, the fresh scent of newly cut wood and orange blossom wax hit her. She lifted up to look at their home. “It’s perfect.” And it was.

He’d asked her what she wanted to add to make the place theirs, and listened when she requested certain things. He’d even gone so far as saying he would love to have dark purple color splashes throughout with pillows and throws. The perfect mix of masculine and feminine that blended them together.

She didn’t get a chance to appreciate all the changes that had been done, his obvious intent was to reacquaint them with the master bedroom.

“We’ll spend time checking out all the froofroo shit later. Now, I need to make sure the bed is the right height and has just the right amount of bounce.” He sat her on the edge, waggling his eyebrows.

Hours later, after he did indeed prove the bed was exactly what they needed, she lay next to him, her thigh between both of his. Their fingers entwined with matching tattoos done on their ring fingers. The intricate design with the infinity symbol mixed in, hers in pinks and purples, while his had more black and red and a little purple for her, matched exactly.

“I’m so happy Niall and Emerson allowed those from my old pack to come up to the Mystic Lodge to live and work. Sky and Joni seem happy.” The old alpha and his fey wife were able to see who was and wasn’t tainted. Taryn wasn’t upset when they had to put down dozens of men and a few women who were too far gone to save. She remembered the ones who not only stood by and watched with glee, but those who’d joined in on her beatings. Her mom was healing from all the time she’d been held in the dungeon, their daily talks through their mental link were getting easier. Emerson had become more like a grandfather, and Payton a loving grandma. Both seemed intent on making sure she felt part of their family, even going so far as to offer her a place in their home, much to Jett’s dismay.

Jett pulled her on top of him. “Of course they were welcomed. Anyone who is packless, and is good will always find a home with the Mystic or any other upstanding pack. You don’t still think that you’re on some sort of trial here do you?”

She buried her face in his neck, but he wouldn’t allow her to escape him. Their mental path was always open and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

We are mated for life. No matter what happens, you are always a part of the Mystic Pack. If you leave, I go with you. Promise me you will talk to me if you feel the need to run. We can go anywhere, do anything, as long as we’re together.

I promise. I love you soo hard, Jett. You’re my world. Without you there is nothing but darkness. I never want to return to that life again.
She sniffed against his throat, loving his earthy scent.

You’re my world. The earth, moon, sun, and stars to me. I’d give up everything except you.

Taryn felt the familiar swelling nudging at the apex of her thighs. A small shift and she had her mate inside her. Their coming was sweet, and slow. They rocked together, a lazy lovemaking until the need to reach for the stars became overwhelming.

Jett laced their hands together. “Feel me, Taryn. I’m everywhere in you. Your heart, mind and body.” He thrust deep.

She nodded, bent her head and kissed him as her orgasm washed over her, milking his seed from him. One day she knew they’d create a child, but not just yet.

The End

About Elle Boon


lle Boon lives in Middle-Merica as she likes to say...with her husband, two kids, and a black lab who is more like a small pony. She’d never planned to be a writer, but when life threw her a curve, she swerved with it, since she’s athletically challenged. She’s known for saying “Bless Your Heart” and dropping lots of F-bombs, but she loves where this new journey has taken her.

She writes what she loves to read, and that is romance, whether it’s erotic or paranormal, as long as there is a happily ever after. Her biggest hope is that after readers have read one of her stories, they fall in love with her characters as much as she did. She loves creating new worlds and has more stories just waiting to be written. Elle believes in happily ever afters, and can guarantee you will always get one with her stories.

Connect with Elle online, she loves to hear from you:


Author’s Note


’m often asked by wonderful readers how they could help get the word out about the book they enjoyed. There are many ways to help out your favorite author, but one of the best is by leaving an honest review. Another great way is spread the word by recommending the books you love, because stories are meant to be shared. Thank you so very much for reading this book and supporting all authors. If you’d like to find out more about Elle’s books, visit her website, or follow her on FaceBook, Twitter and other social media sites.

Other Books by Elle Boon

Erotic Ménage

Ravens of War

Selena’s Men

Two For Tamara

Jaklyn’s Saviors

Kira’s Warriors

Akra’s Demons, Coming Soon

Shifters Romance

Mystic Wolves

Accidentally Wolf

His Perfect Wolf

Jett’s Wild Wolf

Paranormal Romance



Berserker’s Rage

A SmokeJumpers Christmas

Mind Bender, Coming Soon

MC Shifters Erotic

Iron Wolves MC

Lyric’s Accidental Mate

Xan’s Feisty Mate, Coming February 2016

Contemporary Romance

Miami Nights

Miami Inferno

Miami Blaze, Coming Summer 2016


Book 2

Chapter One

Elle Boon


rielyn Mattice, or Breezy to her friends, worked the kinks out of her shoulders after a long day in the ER. Lord how she loved her job, but hated some of the doctors on staff. She grimaced as she thought about the newest fuck who thought he was god’s gift to women. Sure he was gorgeous with a great body, and a good job, but that did not make him a good catch in her mind.

“Hey girl, you going to come out with us tonight?” Cheyenne asked, slamming her locker door shut.

The other nurse had already changed into a cute outfit ready to party, but Breezy just wanted to go home and soak in a hot bubble bath. “Nah, I think I’ll just go home and read a book.”

Her friend snorted. “What has happened to my cool friend? You know the one who was up for body shots and partying all night with me?”

It was her turn to snort. “First of all, the body shots was you, girlfriend. I just held your hair when you tossed your cookies later. You’re welcome by the way. Second, I don’t think I ever partied all night.”

Cheyenne shrugged her shoulders. “I told Dr. Hottie you’d be there. He wouldn’t agree to come if you weren’t. Please come. You can leave after one drink.”

Big brown eyes pleaded down at her, but Breezy wouldn’t be swayed. She’d seen the way the doctor had looked at her and didn’t want any part of him or any man for that matter. Well, no man other than the one who thought she was nothing better than a whore. If only he knew...she stopped her thoughts from swaying to the asshat who didn’t deserve her, and focused on Cheyenne. “I promised my dad I’d pick up some dinner and bring it home. Sorry, girl.” She put just enough sorrow into her tone the other woman seemed to believe her. “Tell him I’m running late, and then pretend I texted you. Heck, I’ll text you and say I changed my mind.”

With a nod of her short dark head, Cheyenne grabbed her bag and walked out of the locker room.

Breathing a sigh, she quickly changed, and then headed out. She shivered as she entered the parking garage. At eight o’clock in the evening the lot was almost empty, except for several cars she recognized as the late shift. She wished she would have parked closer to the elevator, but at the time there weren’t any spots. Her shoes echoed through the concrete space, and she glanced around before she reminded herself she was a wolf and could take care of herself.

Her vehicle was against the back wall, but with a feeling that wouldn’t let up she looked around. The hair on the nape of her neck stood up. She reached into her bag for the can of Mace she kept there. A large arm grabbed her from behind, pulling her between two parked cars, one gloved hand clamped over her mouth. Breezy froze in her attackers arms, forgetting all the training her brothers and the Iron Wolves had taught her.

“I’ve got you now. Don’t fight me and you won’t get hurt...much.” Hot breath whispered in her ear.

She couldn’t get any air inside her body, with his large hand encased in leather gloves covering both her mouth and nose. She began to feel lightheaded, when her wolf woke up. Even though they all knew not to show their other half to humans, the fight or die instinct took over. Claws replaced her nails, and she dug them into her attackers thighs, her head went back. The satisfying sound of bone crunching had the man releasing his hold.

“You fucking cunt. I’ll kill you.”

Breezy gasped for air, her wolf wanting to lash out, but her human half still had control. She took a step away when his arm snaked out. Without thinking, she turned and hit him, getting her first glimpse of the masked man. He was large, almost as large as Xan. Fear and adrenalin kicked in. Her knee came up, connecting with his family jewels at the same time he swung a right hook. She thanked the goddess her knee hit first, or knew the fist would have broken something. Stumbling back as he dropped to the ground, she didn’t stop to think about her actions, just kicked him in the side of the head. Xan’s words
to never let an opponent get back up or they’ll stab you in the back
ringing in her head.

BOOK: Jett's Wild Wolf (Mystic Wolves 3)
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