Read Jodi_ByTheLight Online

Authors: JenniferLitteken

Jodi_ByTheLight (8 page)

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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“I got it.” Pulling out three hundred-dollar bills, he handed them to her. She gave him a brilliant smile. His chest tightened.

For the first time in his life, Damon felt like he was the one in danger.


The sales woman dressed in a black-and-white wrap dress and sparkling black heels shot Ava a dirty look as she walked through the door of the boutique. Apparently she wasn’t a fan of Ava’s truck-stop attire either.

Luckily, Jayden was there, armed with a few charming words and a devastating smile. He assured the sales clerk that Ava was practically family. After Jayden left, the woman was saccharine-sweet helpful, showing her everything from diamond jewelry to designer handbags. Neither of which Ava needed, nor could afford.

Much to her relief, an older lady dressed to the nines walked in and the clerk left Ava to attend to the new customer.

Ava ran her fingertips over an angora sweater and picked it up. After glancing at the price, she put it back on the shelf.

“Not everyone who comes to the casino leaves with money. You’d think they’d know that,” Ava muttered to herself. Her eyes glazed over at the array of designer jeans and trend-setting shirts that were way out of her price range.

Her heart sank. “I can’t afford any of this.” As she walked toward the back of the store before making her way out, a small sale rack caught her eye. She rifled through the clothing and smiled. Now this she could afford.

Ava ignored the haughty looks the sales clerk gave her as she paid for her purchases. All in all, she’d done pretty well.

She’d grabbed her bag off the counter when her pulse picked up. She knew without turning around that Damon had just walked in.

The scent of warmed leather and hot danger heated her blood. Every time he came near, she had to fight the urge to push him to the floor and straddle him.

After that very hot kiss in the motel room, she thought he was attracted to her. But by the way he pushed her away, she knew better. He probably had a girlfriend. Hell, she’d bet he had a female in every city across the Southeast.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she turned. Her stomach turned to jelly when she met his intense eyes.

“Did you find something?” Damon looked down at her with those aqua eyes that seemed to see into her soul.

At five foot ten inches, it was hard to find a man who actually had to look down at her. But Damon did. He made her feel petite and dainty and delicate.

“I did. But I didn’t have much money left over.” She handed him a little more than seventeen dollars in change.

He frowned.

“Sorry, the clothes are really expensive. I did manage to buy everything on clearance, but it still added up.” Maybe she should return a few things. She could wear the same thing a couple of days in a row, right?

He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”

She narrowed her eyes. Did the man ever show any kind of emotion other than anger and irritation? She seriously needed to have her head examined for her attraction to him.

She stepped around him and out into the lavish lobby where Jayden was waiting for her with a brilliant smile.

Jayden. Now there was a guy about whom she should be having fantasies. Not only was Jayden gorgeous, he was incredibly attentive. Despite his movie star good looks and charm, when she looked at Jayden, she didn’t feel anything. No bolt of excitement straight through her body, or the need to lean into his neck and inhale his scent, or even the urge to rip his clothes off with her teeth. Only Damon made her feel that way.

She was so screwed.

“Did we get a room?” She needed a hot shower and a wardrobe change to feel like herself again.

Jayden bowed elegantly and dangled a room card in front of her. “What my lady wants, my lady gets.”

That wasn’t true. Ava knew, this time, she wasn’t getting what she wanted. Not by a long shot.


Chapter Four


It took all Damon’s restraint not to knock that goofy looking grin off Jayden’s ridiculous face.

He shoulder checked Jayden as he followed Ava into the elevator.

“Is your room on the same floor?” She punched the number for her floor without looking at him.

“Yes, it is.”

The elevator ride was tense and quiet. She was still angry and he didn’t think that wasn’t about to change anytime soon. He should never have touched her. He was playing a dangerous game that would only end up hurting his career as a Guardian. If he had ended up sleeping with her and Barrett found out, Damon would be punished, stripped of his title, and never allowed back into a Pack. He’d have to go Nomad, always on the run, always alone, always without a home.

The elevator doors opened with a soft chime and they stepped out.

He waited behind her as she inserted the key into the lock.

She entered the room and turned to close the door. He pushed past her, ignoring the glare she shot him. Pulling off his jacket, he tossed it on one of the double beds.

“You don’t have to stay here while I change.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I think I’ll be safe enough.”

“Actually I do. This is my room too.” He went to the window, looked out for evidence that they’d been followed, before closing the curtains.

“You don’t need to stay in the same room with me. There are security cameras everywhere. I doubt anyone is going to risk taking me here.” She licked her lips.

He stared at her mouth
. Mind on the job. She was a job. Nothing more.
“We’re short on funds due to your shopping spree.” Her face fell and his stomach tugged with guilt. “I can’t use my credit card because it’s traceable.”

“They have the connections to track us by a credit card?”

“Believe me, baby, the bad guys have connections. They already admitted to having their hands on the ultimate fantasy elixir.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s an intravenous medication that forces a female wolf into heat so she can reproduce. They were planning on using it on you.”

She dropped her arms to her side as her face paled a couple of shades. “So, they were going to force . . .”

“They were going to force you into heat.”

“Like a dog?” Her voice was only a whisper.

He shook his head. “When a female werewolf goes into heat there are personality changes, loss of appetite, and an increased need for sex.”

“After they forced me into heat, they were all going to take turns raping me.” Her hollow voice cracked as she fully comprehended the horror at what those wolves had planned.

“I wouldn’t have let them touch you.” He stepped closer and cupped her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him. “Those red wolves won’t be brave enough to jump state lines. They’ll know by now that all the Southern states are on alert after the kidnapping. You’re safe.”

“For how long?” Her face tightened with doubt.

“As long as I’m alive.” No question in his mind, he would stand between her and a million of those red wolves to keep her safe.

“Then I guess we need to keep you alive.”

He snorted. “Yeah, I guess we do.” He nodded at the bag she dropped on the floor. “Why don’t you go get a shower and change clothes?”

She nodded, picked up the bag and headed for the bathroom.

He grabbed his phone and punched some numbers. Jayden picked up on the second ring.

No matter what happened to him, he needed to do whatever it took to keep Ava safe.

No matter what.


After a long, hot shower and changing into her new clothes, Ava stood in front of the steamy bathroom mirror staring at her reflection. Retail therapy had always cheered her whenever she was feeling low, but right now, new clothes did nothing to lighten her mood.

She needed to call her father, the General. She needed to let him know she was okay. Her stomach knotted with guilt. She should have called him right after Damon had rescued her. She’d been too caught up in the excitement and danger to even think about letting him know she was okay. Being with Damon had made her forget her family obligations. She was a horrible person.

Stepping out the bathroom, she cringed as the Arkansas Razorback football game blared from the TV. Damon dragged his attention from the game to her.

He scowled.

She glanced at her jeans and white cable knit sweater. “Is this okay? I have another top that’s not as casual that I can put on.”

“You look fine,” he grumbled before turning his attention back to the game.

She clenched her jaw at his less than stellar compliment. She’d never been one to fish for compliments, but she wasn’t used to men dismissing her either.

“I need to use your cell phone and let my father know I’m okay.” She sat on the edge of the bed and tugged on the boots she’d gotten at the boutique. They were knee-length, black leather heels with buckles on the sides and were way better looking than those CAT boots Damon had gotten her at the truck stop.

“He already knows.”

A knock at the door had her jumping to her feet. Maybe he ordered room service.

She stood to answer it, but Damon beat her to it.

“Really? I don’t think a kidnapper is actually going to take the time to knock before he breaks in.”

“Did the kidnappers knock at your house?” He arched a brow.

“Yeah. They did.” She narrowed her eyes. Smartass.

He gave her a hard stare before reaching behind his back and pulling out a really big gun.

“Jesus! Have you had that on you the whole time we were riding? You could have shot me.” She slugged him in the arm. She didn’t remember feeling any weapons on him while being pressed against him on the back of the Harley.

“I had it in my saddlebag.”

“How did you manage to sneak it thorough the metal detector in the casino?”

“Jayden showed me the other way in.” He peered through the peephole. “Speak of the devil.” Damon opened the door and tucked his gun in the back of his jeans.

“What the hell took so long? I was beginning to wonder if you two were making yourselves decent before opening the door.” Jayden waggled his eyebrows.

“I was making sure who it was before I opened the door. As security, even you should know that.” Damon bristled.

“If I were staying in a room with a beautiful woman, working would be the last thing on my mind.” Jayden winked at her.

She sighed. Why couldn’t she lust after Jayden? He was built like an expensive male stripper and charming as hell.

“I have a job to do.” Damon grunted.

“He is simply tolerating my presence. Maybe he needs to get hazard pay for having to put up with me.” She spat out the acrid words.

“The Damon I used to know liked the ladies, especially the beautiful ones.” Jayden scratched his jaw. “You haven’t turned gay on me, have you?”

“What?” Damon’s eyes grew wide.

Jayden shrugged and held up his hands. “Not that there’s anything wrong with that.”

A laugh bubbled out of her. She slapped her hand across her mouth as he shot her a glare.

“I’m not gay,” Damon growled.

Giving her complete attention to Jayden, she smiled prettily. “I’m sure he still likes the ladies. It’s just me he doesn’t like.”

“Was there something you wanted?” Damon stepped between her and Jayden.

“I’m heading over to Granny’s. I thought maybe you guys wanted to come along.”

“I don’t think so.” Damon shook his head.

Ava clenched her fists. He had no right to tell her what to do. He wasn’t her boss.

“I’ll go, if you don’t mind the company.” She smiled.

“I’d love it.” Jayden grinned. “If I bring home a hottie, it might give Granny the idea that I’ve finally settled down.”

“Fine. We’ll all go.” Damon growled as he slipped on his leather jacket.

“You don’t have to go. I’m sure Jayden can be my bodyguard,” Ava snapped.

“Hell, yeah. I’m all over guarding your body.” Jayden took a step closer to her.

“I said, we’ll all go.” Damon shoved Jayden out the door before he could get any closer.


Damon had never met a female who could piss him off faster than Ava Renfroe. She had a smart mouth, didn’t obey, and undermined his authority at every turn. Females tended to stay away from him. But not Ava. She was fucking fearless.

When she walked out of the bathroom wearing those skin-tight pants, he almost came in his jeans. Her sweater dipped low enough to hint at her small, but firm, breasts that strained under the snug material. Then there were her high-heel boots that screamed “Fuck me up against the wall.” She had a body made to be worshiped.

She walked ahead of him, her hips swaying with each step. What would that ass feel like in his hands as he pressed her palms against the wall, ripped off her clothes, and took her from behind?

Jayden cleared his throat. Judging by the looks Jayden was giving him, he knew where Damon’s mind had been.

BOOK: Jodi_ByTheLight
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