Read Julian Assange - WikiLeaks Online

Authors: Sophie Radermecker

Julian Assange - WikiLeaks (38 page)

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Anna Ardin is a left-wing militant. She is the political secretary of the Fraternity Movement, a controversial group close to the Social Democratic Party. As a radical feminist, Anna Ardin wrote a manual called
Seven Steps to Legal Revenge
, which has been published on her blog. In September, she erased all the traces of this guide. It was a humorous posting for women who wanted to get revenge on their ex-lovers. In seven steps, one could use legal means and make sure the victim suffered a lot.

There have been all kinds of arguments flying around about this article and Ardin's militant past. Articles on
, an American newsletter that writes about politics in a controversial and provocative manner, have greatly contributed in playing up the idea that the main accuser of Julian Assange in Sweden has a serious past collaborating with anti-Castro groups.

The following comments are those on
picked up by a large number of blogs, which endlessly propagate the idea that Anna Ardin is in fact a CIA agent.

“Anna Ardin (the official complainant) is often described by the media as a ‘leftist.' She has ties to the US-financed anti-Castro and anti-communist groups. She published her anti-Castro diatribes in the Swedish-language publication Revista de Asignaturas Cubanas
put out by Misceláneas de Cuba. From Oslo, Professor Michael Seltzer points out that this periodical is the product of a well-financed anti-Castro organization in Sweden. He further notes that the group is connected with Union Liberal Cubana led by Carlos Alberto Montaner whose CIA ties were exposed here. Note that Ardin was deported from Cuba for subversive activities. In Cuba she interacted with the feminist anti-Castro group Las damas de blanco (the Ladies in White). This group receives US government funds and the convicted anti-communist terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is a friend and supporter. Wikipedia quotes Hebe de Bonafini, president of the Argentine Madres de Plaza de Mayo as saying that “the so-called Ladies in White defend the terrorism of the United States.”

“In addition to her anti-Castro, pro-CIA streak, Anna Ardin apparently indulges in her favorite sport of male bashing. A Swedish forum reports that she is an expert on sexual harassment and the male ‘master suppression techniques.' Once, as she was lecturing, a male student in the audience looked at his notes instead of staring at her. Anna Ardin reported him for sexual harassment because he discriminated against her for being a woman and because she claimed he made use of the male ‘master suppression technique' in trying to make her feel invisible. As soon as the student learned about her complaint, he contacted her to apologize and explain himself. Anna Ardin's response was to once again report him for sexual harassment, again because he was using the ‘master suppression technique,' this time to belittle her feelings.”

These passages were written by Israel Shamir, known journalist, anti-Semite and Holocaust denier, who also wrote under the names of Adam Ermash and Jöran Jermas.

It's interesting to hear what is being said in Stockholm. By listening one can hear so many things…

It's important to know that though currently not in power, the social democratic party is the largest political party in Sweden since a long time. It has its roots in socialism – but has always also been a democratic party, as opposed to various leftist communist movements and parties. As a part of its heritage, social democratic party members tend to be very suspicious towards communism. This is also reflected in the common Swedish social democratic view on Cuba and Castro. For a Swedish social democrat it is perfectly normal to be anti Castro.

Also, in recent years, feminism has been embraced as a part of social democracy (and, for that matter, most political parties). Being a feminist is not at all considered extreme in a Swedish political context. It simply means that one acknowledges that women are paid less than men for doing the same kind of job and that women are under represented in leading positions in the society – something should be done to correct this. Hardly radical or extremist.

There are those in Sweden to the left of the social democratic party that have a more positive view on the Castro regime in Cuba and considers the current Cuban government as legit. They are however a marginalized minority in Sweden. There are also some conservatives and libertarians that doesn't embrace the feminist analysis. But they too are few.

Based on that, Ms. Ardin is to be considered as a pretty mainstream Swedish social democrat – although it is also fair to say that she has shown a clear passion for these two issues. The rumor that Ms. Ardin would have accused Mr. Assange of sexual assault as a part of a CIA initiated honey pot seems simply absurd. Based on some conspiratorial web sites, the rumor is based on her visiting Damas de Blanco – an opposition movement in Cuba consisting of wives and other female relatives of jailed dissidents, and writing about Cuba in various papers. According to some sources, Damas de Blanco and these papers are CIA funded.”

A friend of Ms. Ardin told us:

“I have no idea how – if at all – the CIA tries to undermine the Castro regime. But it seems very farfetched that they would hope to accomplish anything by supporting Ms. Ardin's meetings with Cuban dissidents or writing about Cuba. She is simply not that important.

The Anna Ardin I know is an intelligent and politically passionate person. Her being a strong supporter of the ideals behind WikiLeaks fits her ‘profile' far better than wanting to hurt it or its course. That being said, I don't think she would keep quiet if she felt that she or someone she knew had been subjected to any kind of wrongdoing.

In Sweden we have an expression of the importance of keeping two thoughts in one's head at the same time. In this case, I would say it is perfectly possible that Ms. Ardin is a strong supporter of WikiLeaks and admires Mr. Assange's work – but is equally determined to get justice for what she feels is an assault from him.

When in doubt, it is often best to rely on the law of Occam's razor; the simplest explanation is most likely the correct one. It seems far more likely that – due to cultural differences, misunderstandings, intoxication etc. – Mr. Assange acted in unwanted sexual way towards two Swedish women than that they were setting him up as a part of a CIA trap.”


“This case will go down in history as the case of the condom.”

That was how Julian Assange's former Australian lawyer, James Catlin, summed up his ‘rape' case, which was way more complex than it seemed.

In fact, Julian's suspicions of a political intervention were confirmed when Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny made a decision on September 1, 2010. Setting aside a decision made by Eva Finné, she restored the initial allegations stating that rape was the appropriate charge.

As for Mark Stephens, Julian's lawyer in London, he claimed that without any other detail, a ‘higher political authority' had initiated the reopening of the case. He was basically referring to the influence Claes Borgström, the lawyer of the two plaintiffs, may have exerted.

Swedish legal experts believe that this decision was not exceptional, especially since over the last thirty years the feminist movement had been helping reform laws on sexual aggression, which better protect women. It must be said that Chief Prosecutor Ny, in charge of the Assange case, has been fighting for a reform of Swedish rape laws, specifically extending them to include the refusal to wear a condom. She reopened the investigation for rape
and sexual assault, and Julian is facing a sentence of four years in prison.

However, as of September 2010, Julian asked to be represented by another lawyer in Sweden, Björn Hurtig, as he felt that Leif Silbersky didn't defend him with enough verve. Hurtig had previously collaborated with the American Embassy in Stockholm. Born in 1965, this lawyer became a member of the Swedish bar association in 2002 and has claimed several high-profile cases to his name.

As for Borgström, the lawyer of the two plaintiffs, he says he has evidence of rape in both cases. He's even asked to have the case reviewed by a prosecutor of the
Prosecution Development Centre
in Gothenburg.

• Evolution of the Assange case Friday, September 3 2010

No new information can be provided on the case.

“I cannot provide any new information on this case. No information will be provided over the weekend,”
said Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny, leading the investigation.

• An exclusive interview with Julian Assange on Tuesday, September 7 2010

Assange tells his story on Swedish television
in an exclusive interview. He refused to invoke his private life or the private lives of others. He also denied ever having forced anyone to do anything. On the other hand, he said he didn't think the young women were
under the influence of the CIA or that they had been pushed to accuse him.

The Australian said he was also worried, as he submitted a request for a work permit two days earlier. He was wondering if, because he was being accused of rape, he could be arrested at the airport if he tried leaving the country.

• The next morning, there was more protest from Julian On Wednesday, September 8 2010, Julian said:

“This entire rape investigation has been conducted without my input. No one has asked me any questions regarding the rape case. The police refuse to say if there is a warrant out for me or not. I found out everything in the press. It's been two weeks now.”

• Evolution of the Assange case Thursday, September 9 2010

“Work on the investigation progresses, but right now and within the next few weeks, I cannot provide any new information on this case,”
said Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny, leading the investigation.

• Evolution of the Assange case on Friday, September 24 2010

Work on the investigation continues and is relatively well advanced. A number of additional investigative steps remain before a decision can be taken in this case.

On September 27 2010, Assange left Sweden.

• Evolution of the Assange case on Wednesday, September 29 2010

“It is still impossible to say anything at the moment about when a decision will be made. Considering the confidentiality of the investigation and the persons concerned, no more detailed information concerning the investigation can be provided for now,”
said Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny on that day.

• Evolution of the Assange case on Friday, October 22 2010 Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny gives a brief description of the situation:

“The investigation has progressed, but there are still some steps to take before making any decision. It is impossible to say at the moment when a decision will be made. A decision may lie in the near future, but it may also take some time.”

The same day, secret documents, (
Iraq War Logs
), were broadcasted by
The Guardian, The New York Times
Der Spiegel

On Saturday, October 30 2010, Julian's request for work and residence permits in Sweden was refused.

• Evolution of the Assange case on Thursday, November 4 2010

The case is in progress, but Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny says that it is still impossible to make a decision or provide more details due to the legal confidentiality she must respect.

Julian Assange was in Switzerland, where he said during a live interview on Switzerland's TSR that he planned to ask for political asylum there. From there, Julian flew to the United Kingdom to work on the launch of the American diplomatic cables.

• On Monday, October 18 2010, a missing person notice is issued for Assange

Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny submitted a request to the District Court of Stockholm in order for Julian Assange to be detained in his absence.

The District Court decided in his absence to place Assange in detention on suspicion of rape, sexual assault and coercion.

As a result of this decision, a search is launched for Assange abroad.

For the sake of the investigation and the parties involved, the Chief Prosecutor cannot provide any more details of the suspected crimes or the investigative measures taken so far.

“I request that the District Court detain Assange in his absence, for the charges of rape, sexual assault and coercion, based on the need to interrogate him within the scope of the investigation that could not be carried out,”
said Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny, leading the investigation.

However, the hearing for issuing an arrest warrant for Julian Assange has to take place the same day at 2 p.m. at the District Court of Stockholm, after which additional information will be published on the site
. Marianne Ny will then also be available by phone.

The response from every party was immediate.

Hurtig, Julian's lawyer, went first:

“Of course [Julian Assange] denies the allegations […], we do not think it is proportional to demand his arrest just to interrogate him. An interrogation can be organized in many ways.”

He was angry when claiming that his client did everything to help the Swedish prosecution.

As for Chief Prosecutor Ny, she felt she had, “exhausted all the procedures to set up an interrogation.” And Borgström claimed, “Finally, that [the arrest warrant] could have been done earlier.” Mark Stephens didn't mince words either. He accused the Swedish court of treating Julian's case as a “persecution and not a prosecution.”

Julian, who was then in Great Britain, was prepared to answer questions from the Swedish prosecutor, but not at her beck and call, as “he had his own agenda and lots of work,” according to Hurtig. Stephens concluded: “All of these offers have been flatly refused by a prosecutor who is abusing her powers.”

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