Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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Chapter 46
By the time we make it back to the clubhouse, I’m still shaken up. June runs towards the car with Drew, Elise and Natasha quickly following behind.

“Oh my god, are you ok?” June asks.

“Come here, honey.” Drew fusses.

I look to Elise and Natasha, they don’t say a thing. They hold me and guide me inside as I clutch my top tight so everyone doesn’t see my bra. I look around, trying to see if I can see Strike or Demon lurking about.

They take me straight to the room that I share with Natasha and I’m glad because I don’t want everyone staring. Not that there’s many people here, it seems pretty empty.

“Where is everyone?” I ask them.

“As soon as they heard, most of them got on their bikes and left, but some stayed behind just in case.” Drew lets me know.

Once we get into the bedroom, I sit down on the bed and Elise grabs me a new shirt that I gratefully put on. They fuss over me, trying to calm me but as horrible as it sounds, nothing they do will help because the person I need the most isn’t here. I’ve become very close to Brandon in our time together and I need him, but he’s trying to find Strike and that scares me. I know how dangerous those men can be and the thought of them near Brandon doesn’t sit well with me. However, The King’s did manage to trample all over The Devil’s club house and do some serious damage.

Hours later I hear a loud bang and we all freeze, fearing the worst, but when I hear Brandon’s voice I instantly calm.

“Lauren?” He shouts. “Where is she?”

I jump up from the bed and run out of my room, speeding down the hall and into the main club room. At the same time he barges through the door and spots me, running over to me and capturing me in his arms. As soon as I feel his body, absorb his body heat and hear his voice whispering into my ear, I finally relax and my emotions crash. My body shakes as tears stream down my face and Brandon squeezes me tight.

I didn’t realize he was carrying me away until he places my feet down on the floor and I notice we’re alone in his room.

“Fuck babe, I’ve never been so fucking scared!” He admits to me.

“He had a gun, Brandon.” I sob. “He held it to my head.”

Brandon’s arms tighten around me and I hear his heart beating loudly against his chest.

“I said I’d keep you safe.” He roars.

“This isn’t on you.” I look up at him. “Don’t blame yourself.”

“I blame my brothers.” He admits with fury.

“No!” I shout. “They helped me, if it wasn’t for Devlin I would have been raped on that floor.”

“What?” Brandon holds me back, looking me over.

“It’s true.” I nod. “I didn’t shout at them because Strike had a gun. I didn’t want anyone hurt but when he pushed me down to the floor and tried to strip me, Devlin ran in and saved me.”

“Fuck.” Brandon sighs.

I look at him in question and he shakes his head, silently asking me to leave it. I sink into him again, needing to feel him all over me.

We don’t get much time alone when there’s a knock on his door. Franky stands looking guilty for interrupting us and I spot Devlin standing behind him supporting a bloody and already bruised face. I stare wide eyed at Devlin and then back to Brandon. Now I understand why he didn’t want me to ask questions.

I quickly barge past Franky to Devlin and reach for his face. He grimaces a little but holds his ground. “I’m so sorry.” I whisper.

“It’s not on you.” He replies.

I glare back at Brandon, but when I see the guilt written all over his face, I forgive him right away. He was scared and wanted to put his anger somewhere. Unfortunately, that was Devlin’s face.

“Lauren, can we talk?” Franky asks.

“Sure.” I smile and follow him to his office.

There’s quite a few members already here and I feel exposed. Brandon places a reassuring hand on my lower back and guides me to the very same leather sofa I sat on when I first arrived here.

“Ok Lauren,” Franky begins after closing his office door behind him. “Is it ok to ask what happened?”

“Yeah,” I shakily reply.

Franky sits beside me, on the opposite side. “We just need the facts, to understand how he found you and where he might have gone.”

I don’t understand how my day’s details will help, but I tell him everything from my day of shopping, including the noise I heard in the changing room and when Spike found me. I tell him exactly what Spike had said to me and what he did, not leaving out when Devlin saved me and I look over to him appreciatively. He also gets a couple of well-done back slaps from Kings’ members who stand near him.

Franky nods when I’ve finished, thinking over what I’ve said. “Thanks, Lauren.” He smiles.

Brandon takes my hand and leads me out of the room. I feel a little awkward because the room is deadly quiet as we walk out but I’m thankful to be alone. He takes me back to my room where the girls are waiting for me and kisses me gently.

“You did amazing, I’ve got to head back but I’ll be back soon.” When I give him my answering nod, he leaves me to join his dad and discuss what I’ve said. I honestly don’t know what they’re going to get from what I’ve told them.

“How did it go?” Natasha asks me.

“As good as I thought.” I sit on my bed, and become very tired.

The girls take the hint and talk amongst themselves while I lie on my bed. The events from today have tired me out and it’s not long until my eyes start to become very heavy. I try to fight them, I want to be awake when Brandon comes back for me, but I just can’t fight my eyes any longer!

I lose the battle and blackness settles over me as I fall to sleep.


I dream of kisses on my face and being lifted in the air. Strong arms carry me and I breathe in a familiar scent that I have come to adore. The more I breathe in, the more I become aware that it’s Brandon who is carrying me and I’m not dreaming at all. He lays me down on his bed and then goes to lock the bedroom door. Brandon strips me of my jeans and when he joins me, I find him in just his boxers and I sigh in contentment, falling back to sleep.

Chapter 47

It’s been a week since I bumped into Strike in the toilets and the only thing I’ve had to put up with is the whore, Dyson. Since Brandon has put more security on us while on lockdown, I’ve seen more of the friendly whore and I’m afraid to report that she hasn’t got any clothes. Sure she has belts for skirts and bra’s as her tops but they’re not clothes. There are kids running around here for Christ’s sake!

I’m trying to eat some dinner with the girls, Laura and June while I shoot daggers at her from across the room. Brandon is ‘talking business’ with his dad and other members of The King’s, but there’s good little Dyson standing to the side and trying to get everyone’s attention.

“Is she even allowed to be that close while they talk?” I sneer.

None of them even look up to see who I’m talking about. Either she’s that bad that they know who I’m talking about or I’m being a little pathetic. I’m going to go with the first.

“No, but for some reason she’s always getting away with more shit.” Drew grumbles.

I look over at her, she doesn’t sound like her usual self. She places her fork into her mouth, chewing on her dinner when I see the new addition on her arm. I stare wide eyed and when Drew looks to me I point to the black lines on her skin and she quickly rolls down her sleeve and looks at her mum to see if she saw anything. I’m guessing mother Laura doesn’t like tattoos then, which is funny because her sons are covered in them.

“It’s probably because they feel sorry for her.” Laura adds.

“Why?” I ask.

“Her old man was a member, a pretty good one too, but he died on a run a couple of years back. Not that she cared. She was a whore before he made her his old lady and she didn’t stop whoring while they were together.” June replies with anger.

“She wasn’t even sad when he died, just carried on fucking men like she always does.” Elise frowns over at Dyson as she tries to get Brandon’s attention. “I can’t stand her.”

“So she takes their pity for granted?” I ask.

“Yep,” Laura answers.

I watch Brandon try his best to ignore Dyson as she wiggles her ass on him and tries to touch him. When her hand lands on his face I see red. I like to scratch his stubble, that’s mine!

Without a thought I stand but Laura takes my hand. “You prepared for what might happen if you go over there?” She asks.

I look back to the sight and my blood boils. “Yep.”

She smiles and so do the rest of them. “Well, we have your back, darling.”

With a smug smile, I walk over with purpose. Baby is the first to notice me and smiles, nudging Devlin beside him. I give them a wink and stand behind Dyson and I almost gag at how much perfume she’s got on.

“Excuse me?” I ask. I was thinking I’d at least try to be polite first so I can say I tried.

All the men stop talking and look at me as Dyson turns to face me. She chews slowly on her gum and looks me up and down like I’m shit on her shoes. She says nothing and turns back around. Well, I tried.

I give Brandon a smile from behind her back and he gives me a simple nod of the head. He knows what I’m about to do and gave me permission whether I needed it or not. I was going to do this anyway, because the bitch is getting on my damn nerves.

I reach for her hair and grab a handful of it pulling her head back hard. She yelps in pain and grabs onto her head, I keep on pulling so she lands on the floor on her ass. I look down at her, ignoring the fact that I have a full view between her legs.
Fuck sake!

“I tried being nice but I ain’t trying anymore.” I lean down into her face. “Fuck off.”

She glares up at me in anger. “You can’t tell me what to do!”

“She sure can!” Shouts Laura from her seat. All the girls stand staring down at Dyson, showing her I’m not alone. I get now that in this life you can’t appear weak because people will walk all over you. It’s time I let a little of my old self show through, because I am not letting a bitch walk all over me.

“Old Ladies are above whores Dyson,” Brandon says as he wraps an arm around me. “You should know that.”

I stare up at him, shocked at his words. Is he just saying that for my sake, or is he being serious? I have a feeling it’s the second. I look around and everyone is surprised at his words, just like me. We haven’t even spoken about this yet. Surely we would need to talk about this! Isn’t this the equivalent to marriage to normal people?

Dyson gets up and storms away, not looking very happy but nobody pays her any attention. Laura runs over to us, grabbing us in a joint cuddle but I’m too shocked to move.

“Try to smile.” Brandon whispers into my ear and I snap out of it.

“You can’t blame me.” I snap. “I can’t believe you threw that out there!”

Brandon leads me away to talk in private. “I’ve been thinking of asking you, but that seemed the perfect time to let her know her place.” He pulls me close against him. “You wanna be my Old Lady, right?”

He nibbles on my neck and I can’t help but groan. “That’s not fair.”

He laughs. “I never said I don’t play dirty.”

I scrape my fingers through his hair and moan. “I think you should be punished.”

He quickly looks up at me. “What for?”

“Surprising me.” I smile. “Does this mean we get a party tonight?”

I know that once a man gets his Old Lady there’s a party for them. I’m not expecting anything seeing as we’re on lockdown and everything, but it would be nice.

“Nothing big, but I think we could get a few drinks.” He agrees.

“Good.” I give him a kiss and walk off towards my room. Brandon starts to follow like a lost puppy but I turn and stop him. “No, you stay here. I’ll see you later.”


“Holy shit Lauren, you look hot!” Drew squeals as I give them a turn.

I knew I had this dress somewhere. I brought it to the UK when I visited Maisy for her birthday, but didn’t bother unpacking it when we arrived here. It shows way too much skin and I’m only just confident enough to wear it right now, but Brandon needs some teasing for what he did today.

It’s a short dress in royal blue that shows a lot of everything. That means cleavage, legs and ass! It’s perfect. When I look at my reflection, I have a sense of déjà vu about my sister. The last time I wore this I was with her, and a wave of sadness overcomes me. I’ve been thinking a lot about her recently, I want all this shit to be over so I can see her again. I’ve been wondering if I could sneak a phone call to her, but even that is risky. I don’t want to put her in any danger at all. I would hate myself if anything did happen. I’ve done enough to her as it is.

“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Natasha slaps my arm.

“I didn’t know myself.” I slap her back.

I’ve told them over and over that I didn’t know. They just don’t see Brandon like that, thinking about it all himself. I really had no clue.

When all four of us are ready, we walk out into the main club room and I smile when I see everyone finally relaxing a little. I spot Brandon at the bar and walk over, smiling to myself when I try to imagine his reaction to this dress. I stand beside him, but he doesn’t notice me at first and I can’t blame him. I haven’t looked like this since I arrived here. I look like the old and confident Lauren.

He does a double take on me and steps back in shock. “Fuck, Lauren!” He scoops me up in his arms, groaning into my neck. “You’re going to kill me.”

I can’t help but laugh. “I need a drink.”

“Erm, no.” he steps in. “I need you naked now.”

“No.” I shake my finger in his face. “I said you need punishing.”

“Yeah and I’ve had enough of that.” He rubs his hard erection against the thin material of my dress. “You can punish me in other ways.”

I become excited at his words thinking about exactly what I can do, but I need to play the game.

“I need a drink.” I repeat.

“Damn bro, if you won’t get her a drink, I will!” Baby appears and looks at me in shock. “Shit, Lauren!”

I laugh but Brandon doesn’t look happy. He orders me a drink from the prospect behind the bar, and glares at his brother as he pulls me closer.

“Eyes to yourself,” He demands and Baby just laughs.

“Chill, bro! She’s my sister now.” Baby gives me a wink. “My hot sister, which I can dream about without it being weird.”

I burst out in laughter but Brandon punches him in the arm. Baby gets the hint and goes, leaving us alone as I drink. I make sure to make it last me a while and I have to hold in my laughter. I can feel Brandon’s eyes burning into me.

“You’re fucking killing me here, babe.” He moans. “You look good enough to eat.”

I turn towards him, my drink long forgotten about. “Really?”

“Damn fucking right.” He growls. “I need to have a taste.”

Without warning he picks me up like a cradled baby so nobody gets an eyeful of my ass, and carrries me away.

BOOK: Karma (Kings of Rebellion MC Book 1)
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