Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5) (6 page)

BOOK: Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)
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“I enjoy your brother. He is very smart for one so young.” TarAK squeezed her hand reassuringly.

“He is. And he is so serious. Sometimes he acts as if he is grown already. It amazes me at the same time it makes me a little sad. I worry he lost so much of his childhood while being held by the Morins.” She frowned with worry over her younger sibling.

TarAK stopped walking and pulled her into his arms. “We will make sure he gets to enjoy his childhood. What happened to him cannot be changed, but it can be managed.”
, he sounded just like the therapist they had been going to with ConEL and TorEL.

She smiled and leaned up to give him a kiss. “The Goddess blessed me with you. I am eternally grateful.”

“I am the one blessed. Come, let us get our visit in the Medic Wing over.”


AriELa and TarAK walked into the Medic Wing stopping just inside the waiting room. Her cousin, Prime Medic SydEL, was there and he was talking with Medic JadEN. Both males turned to greet them.

“It is good to see you both. You are a little early, we are still waiting on Doctors Sampson and Applegate to return from Morning Meal.” Syd greeted them giving his cousin a kiss on her cheek and clasping forearms with TarAK. Medic JadEN also clasped forearms with TarAK and smiled gently at AriELa.

“Is Kat going to be here too?” AriELa asked. She knew there was still tension for Syd whenever Kat was in the same room with JadEN.

“ArabELa was fussy this morning so she stayed home with her,” Syd told her.

“Is she sick? Will she be alright?” AriELa asked with concern. There were so few young on Katiera and each one was precious, but her new little niece had a special place in AriELa’s heart.

Syd patted her arm comfortingly. “She is fine. Young are fussy sometimes. Do not worry.”

The door opened and two people stepped through almost at the same time. One was a male and one was female and they were both from Earth. Everyone turned to look at the newcomers.

“Sorry we’re late. We got lost,” an Earth female said, breathing heavily as if she had been running for a while and suddenly came to a stop. The female was about five feet five inches tall, medium weight, with curly brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and brown eyes.

“Yes, if we hadn’t run into someone from Earth we might still be roaming the hallways,” the Earth male said with a laugh. He was five feet eight inches, with a slim swimmer’s build, sandy blond hair, and clear aqua blue eyes.

“Good morning, Dr. Sampson and Dr. Applegate. I apologize for the inconvenience. I will have a Liaison give you a more thorough tour of the building,” Syd told them.

There was a third person standing in the open doorway. No one noticed the female at first. Then JadEN suddenly moved forward toward her.

“Is there something I can help you with?” JadEN asked the pretty female. He had noticed her scent first. It was a lovely lavender smell. It filled the room and seemed to gravitate toward him. She had red hair pulled up into some kind of bun on top of her head, and she wore wire rimmed square glasses that barely hid her striking eyes. At first glance JadEN assumed her eyes were brown but the closer he got the color seemed to change to a green. He had never seen that before.

“Just making sure my new friends made it here okay,” the female said.

“Thank you so much, Dr. Garrett,” the female with brown hair said, shaking the other woman’s hand.

“No problem. And please call me Rose.”

“If you would call me Jenny.”

“Yes, thank you…Rose, for showing us to the Medic Wing. Call me Marshal as well.” He shook her hand and everyone froze when a strange growling sound erupted from behind him. Everyone in the room was looking around for the source.

JadEN felt a heat rush to his face as he realized at the same time as everyone else that the growling sound had emanated from him. One minute he was checking the red haired female head to toe, then the Earth male put his hand on hers. Everything male in him demanded he rip the Earth male piece by piece.

What in Kitana was that all about?
It was shocking the violence he felt and very out of the norm for him. He was a medic, sworn to save lives not take them. He shook his head and stepped back giving himself space from the red haired female.

AriELa watched in fascination as the normally very calm and serious Medic JadEN seemed to lose some of his control at the mere sight of the therapist. Dr. Garrett waved goodbye to everyone. JadEN’s eyes lingered on the doorway a little after the female had left.
. AriELa would have to tell Kat, Cassie, and Jaxon about this later.

“Prima AriELa, should we check the results of the last treatment?” Dr. Sampson asked.

AriELa nodded her head. She and TarAK followed the medics and doctors into one of the exam rooms. She climbed onto the narrow bed and laid back. She had been to the Medic Wing over that last few months so often she had memorized every corner and crevice there.

Kat and Syd had started treatments on her prior to JadEN returning to Katiera with the fertility specialist. They knew there had been an abnormality in her cycles but it wasn’t until the specialists arrived that she was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).

According to the specialist this was a type of hormone imbalance that was messing with her cycles. It wasn’t curable but it was treatable. Treatments focus on correcting reproductive hormone levels, and metabolism problems. It took a few weeks for the specialist and the Katieran scientists to come up with a drug that was more natural using Katieran natural resources. In the meantime, AriELa had been put on a regular exercise regimen and a special healthy diet.

JadEN used his medical scope to take her vitals and check her insulin levels. “Everything looks very good. How is your energy level?”

“Good. I am walking for an hour a day and am learning an exercise called Yoga that is very calming,” AriELa told him.

The two specialists from Earth were looking over the results of the scan JadEN had done. They both nodded agreement and the male spoke, “We think the best recommendation is to move forward with the injectable gonadotropins.”

“What is that?” TarAK asked, reaching for AriELa with concern.

“It’s a fertility medication we have been developing with your scientists. It contains a follicle stimulating hormone. It should cause the development of one or multiple follicles that is needed to ensure pregnancy,” Dr. Sampson explained.

“How long will I have to get this injection?” AriELa asked.

“Normally three to six months of treatment. If pregnancy is not achieved we could look into in vitro fertilization,” Dr. Applegate told her.

AriELa looked at TarAK. “What do you think?”

“Will this hurt her?” TarAK asked SydEL directly.

“I have read up thoroughly on this type of treatment. As long as she is monitored several times a week, she should be fine,” Syd reassured them.

TarAK walked over to the bed and took AriELa’s hand. She nodded at him. He turned to the Earth specialists. “When can we get started?”


Chapter Nine


Leader LarIS of the Colonial Planet and his mate, Lola, arrived on Katiera about Midday. Prime Leader RendEL personally greeted them at the landing field.

“Leader LarIS, it is good to see you.” RendEL clasped the other male’s forearm.

“I am glad to return under better circumstances,” LarIS told him. He motioned for his mate to step closer. He was worried about Lola, she looked really tired.

RendEL remembered to look directly at Lola when he spoke because she was deaf but could read lips. “I hope the trip was not too unpleasant.”

Lola signed and LarIS translated for her. “She says that she is a little tired but the trip was fine.”

LarIS spoke to her mind to mind. '
What is wrong my love?'

'I am just a little tired. A nice long nap should put me to rights,'
she reassured him.

'I worry that traveling on the transport brought back bad memories for you

'It’s getting easier each time I travel. I need to do this. I won’t let the Morins hinder me living my life,'
Lola said determinedly.

LarIS reached for her hand and they followed RendEL to the Prime building. His bond mate was strong and brave. But he still worried over her. The things the Morins had done to her still made him so furious he wanted to hunt them all down and destroy them all. However, that wouldn’t help Lola. She needed him there with her each and every day.

RendEL took them to the blue elevators that only the Prime family used. A male was there waiting for them. “This is Liaison TeEK. He will show you to your suite and ensure that all your luggage arrives there. We hope it's all right that we scheduled an evening meeting with the leaders and commanders. The End of Year Celebration is tomorrow evening and there will be quite a bit going on before that.”

LarIS nodded his head. “That’s fine. I’ll eat an early Evening Meal with Lola in the suite and let her rest.”

“Oh, I will let Cassie know your mate will be resting. She was hoping Miss Marquesa would be available for this evening. She planned a special get together for some of the females to go over the final touches for the big event tomorrow night.”

Lola touched LarIS’s arm.
'I will go,'
she told him using their psychic link.

'Are you sure? You don’t have to,'
he told her.

'Yes. It will give me something to do while you are gone to your meeting.'
She gave RendEL a smile.

“Lola would be happy to attend,” LarIS informed RendEL.

“I will have a Liaison come to escort you tonight then.” RendEL parted ways.

LarIS kept his hand wrapped around Lola’s waist as they took the lifts up to the Prime floor at the top. They followed the Liaison down the hallway and entered the suite. He ushered Lola inside as he turned to the leader.

“Leader LarIS, I will come back with your luggage and will also come to escort you to the meeting room for tonight.” The Liaison left then.

'Oh this is lovely!'
Lola called out in his mind.

He went into the suite in search of his bond mate. She was out on the balcony. Their suite was located on the side of the building that gave almost a 180 view of the green Waters of Katiera. The wind blew the fresh scent of the water over Lola and goose bumps rose on her arms. He wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back against him.

'Is it more beautiful than our home on the Colonial Planet?'
he asked, nuzzling his face into her slender neck.

'This is beautiful but it is not my home. I prefer the mountain views and the lush green forests. The smells of fresh rain and tropical flowers surround me and make me feel loved.'
She turned to lay her cheek against his chest.

'You are loved, my Lola.
By me and all our people.'
He kissed the top of her head. '
Let’s go take a nap together before I have to go to the meeting.'
He held her hand as he led her to the bedroom.

She nodded her head. '
When we get back, we need to make another trip to visit the mountain villagers. I worry about them being so secluded.'

'We will do that. I want to revisit our cliffside retreat and make love to you while the sun is setting. You have such a beautiful body, I can never get enough of you.'
He helped her remove her clothes and then removed his own.

She shivered with need. He always did this to her. She felt her arousal dripping down her leg. LarIS sniffed the air and growled with desire. She loved it when he growled at her. She felt the growl more than she could hear it. It vibrated the very air around her and her body responded immediately.

'Do we have enough time?'
she whispered as she fumbled to help him unhook his clasps on his shirt. She sighed when her fingers finally reached his warm skin.

'There is always enough time for us to be together. I will always make the time.'
He lifted her up in his arms and carried her the rest of the way to the bed. He lowered her down and followed, sheltering her with his large body. Their skin touched as their lips came together for a searing kiss.

He stroked into her mouth with long deep sweeps, making them both moan. She thrust her tongue up to meet with his each time. He released her lips with a gasp and began to nibble down her chin and neck.

Lola wanted him inside her badly.
'Please, LarIS,'
she begged.

He was torturing her by kissing his way down to her breasts. He loved her breasts. She smiled, then it turned into a keening sound of need when he sucked a hardened tip into his hot mouth.

LarIS reached between their bodies and touched the seam of her pussy lips. He growled finding that she was wet and ready for him. He needed to get inside her or he would release too soon. But her pleasure would come first before his, always.

He inserted a finger stroking her the way he planned to with his cock. She lifted her hips to meet his strokes and her nails dug into the skin on his shoulder.
He loved it when she marked him. He couldn’t hold back any longer.

'Then don’t!'
Lola yelled in his mind through their link.

He placed the tip of his shaft at her soft opening.
Oh Goddess!
She felt divine as he pushed inch by inch into her warm tight entrance. He would never get enough of her, the way she gloved him so perfectly. It was beyond anything he had ever known.

With every stroke into her depths his thoughts were simple. She was his and he was hers. He savored the feel of her, the way she responded to his every touch was priceless.

He pinned her underneath him. When she called out her release, he let go of his control. LarIS pummeled into her harder and deeper. He never let his cock leave her completely, keeping himself buried within her.

Her mind was intertwined with his. Her pleasure had become his pleasure and his pleasure hers. Lola could feel his climax building and she felt herself responding with renewed arousal. They both needed release. Just a little longer. It was almost unbearable the shared need they had.

BOOK: Katieran Prime Celebration (Katieran Prime Book 7.5)
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