Read Kidnapped the Wrong Sister Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Kidnapped the Wrong Sister (8 page)

BOOK: Kidnapped the Wrong Sister
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“Please don’t cry Daryle, let me take you home, you don’t belong here, neither of us does”, she said softly looking over at Nikias who was watching her with a hooded expression on his handsome face.  She heard her sister still crying, saying “Yes”, so softly.  “I’ll phone you tomorrow and we’ll get flights home then, OK?”, she said gently, relieved to hear her sister agree with her as she ended the call, dropping the phone she covered her face with her hands.

“Oh God, what she must think of me”, she said, her voice pained as she was unable to look at the man watching her so thoughtfully.  “Why are you going home tomorrow?”, he asked, interrupting her tortured thoughts.  Lifting her head, Diona looked back at him with surprise.  “Wasn’t that your plan Nikias?  Your brother is safe from an unsuitable marriage - isn’t that what you wanted?”, she bit out with a hard edge to her voice, looking away with disgust as he nodded.  “I won’t lie to you Diona, that was exactly what I wanted”  He moved his arm to pull her around to lie down beside him.

“But I want so much more now”, he said softly, “I want you to stay”  Diona looked back at him, her eyes not able to hide the want in them as she looked back up at the ceiling, biting her lip. “I can’t”, she finally sighed.  “I have to take my sister back home”

once more moved over her, his kisses blazing a trail along her cheek and back down along her throat as he spoke.  “I will organise for my plane to take you both back home and then you can return with it - come back here to me”, he breathed so softly against her skin as she groaned with the need once more rising within her.  “No”, she gasped, as his hand once more began to move along her supple body, causing him to raise his head to look into her passion-filled blue eyes. 

“I ha
ve my own life in the UK Nikias. I have a job and a sister who needs me. I can’t waltz off on a whim… I have commitments”, she said with another small groan, as he pulled the sheet from around her and once more lowered his head to tease her raised nipple with his tongue.  Once again she felt herself sinking under the great need for this man.  This man who seemed so determined to take her once more to such a wonderful place as the two lost themselves in each other’s arms.  Diona became more daring as she explored him back, causing him to groan so loudly, his body showing the pleasure she was raising within him.  Once more they brought each other to an earth-shattering climax which left them both shaken with the intensity of what each was able to raise in the other.  Exhausted, sated and spent, Diona fell asleep against him, his arm around her shoulders as she wrapped an arm around his waist, her head resting on his chest as he lay on his back.

looked down on the woman in his arms, his body once more surprising him with its reaction to the sight of how peaceful she looked.  Her eyes were closed, with long lashes sweeping across her lovely cheeks, her soft red mouth slightly open as she breathed softly with her hair falling across the two of them.  He frowned, thoughts of the following day filling his mind.  While relieved that Alexis was not married, he was also angry at finding out that it had been her sister who had called it off because of Alexis’ intentions.  He had thought so badly of her…them, he corrected himself, as no more than gold diggers, and they as it turned out had been innocents.  With a grim look he felt angry at his brother knowing that it was Alexis at fault not them.  Looking down at her again he felt contempt at himself.  She had been nothing but honest with him, and he had treated her so appallingly; no wonder she wanted away from him as quickly as possible.

, with another furrow of his brow he thought that he was not quite ready to lose Diona Brown, and with grim determination he knew that no matter what, she would be staying with him for the foreseeable future.  What Nikias Dranias wanted, Nikias Dranias got, and right now he wanted the small, blonde haired, blue-eyed spitting angel who lay so peacefully in his arms, his eyes closing as this thought firmly lodged in his mind.


The next morning
Diona woke, confused as to where she was, a small smile finding its way onto her lips as she turned and saw Nikias lying beside her. Memories of the previous evening flooded her mind.  As she moved, his eyes opened watching as she lifted herself onto her elbow to look down into his dark eyes.

“Good morning
”, he whispered gently, Diona feeling a warm shiver run down her spine as his sensual voice once more sent tremors rushing through her, raising the now familiar sensations within her eager body.  “Good morning back”, she smiled softly, her breath stalling as he flashed her one of his heart-stopping smiles.  “Did you sleep well?”, he asked, as his eyes flicked so erotically over her face.  “Very well”, she replied, her eyes now doing the same dance as his.

With a small groan she
felt his hands move to cup her face, pulling her head down until their lips met, his mouth so gentle, before he deepened the kiss, the passion between the two once more flaring.  She felt one arm wind around her waist, pulling her in tighter as the other moved to the back of her head, holding her mouth to him.  She wound her arms around his neck, and with a masculine moan he rolled with her, once more lying over her.  As he licked her nipples, which had once again swollen to such points of need, she groaned against him.  Her fingers ran through his glossy hair, feeling as the flat of his tongue played with her before his teeth nipped at her, causing Diona to arch her back as she gasped with delight.

However, he
then continued to move down, his mouth kissing along her stomach as she writhed below him before coming to rest between her legs.  Diona felt him push them apart as her eyes shot open, feeling his mouth on her.  “Nikias”, she moaned, “I don’t…”, she began, her voice showing the embarrassment his intimate actions raised within her.  Looking down, she could see his dark eyes looking back into hers.

“Don’t be embarrassed Diona”, he said so softly. “We should know every part of each other, there should be nothing held back between lovers”, his voice so sensual as his tongue entered her, causing Diona’s eyes to roll back as her head once more sank into the pillow with the instant pleasure he evoked within her.  She felt wanton as his mouth moved so intimately, his tongue sending electric signals throughout her entire body, until she could hardly breathe with the sensations running through her. 

Just as she
felt she could take no more, he pulled his mouth back and, quickly moving up, entered her in one sure thrust, the whole length of him sheathed deep. With a cry of sheer ecstasy, she flew straight into orgasm. Diona’s head thrown back, her mouth gasping and panting as he thrust so forcefully into her, the sensations still rocketing through her as she groaned, eyes closed, her whole face showing the force of her climax.  His mouth took hers as he continued to keep Diona floating in that wondrous place, until with a final plunge, he released deep within, gasping as he cried out her name.  He fell heavily over her, his breathing laboured, his heart beating so fast against hers.

could never have imagined such sensations, her eyes still showing the pleasure he evoked.  As he raised his head to look down on her, she held his face, kissing him, her mouth still shaking with the force of what they had just shared.  As their breathing slowly returned to normal, he kissed along her cheek so gently that she sighed happily, her arms moving around his neck to keep him close to her.

, as he raised himself from her Nikias looked down, his face thoughtful as he turned her to speak.  However, his mobile phone began ringing, and as much as he wanted to let it ring out, with a tortured groan he knew that it might be Alexis.  Moving from her, he lifted the device from the bedside table it still sat on, and frowning, not recognising the number, he answered.

“Nikias Dranias”, he said huskily, his voice still a little breathless.  For a second there was silence, before a voice very similar to Diona's spoke.  “ my sister…is Diona there?”  Nikias looked over at Diona, handing the phone to her.  “Your sister”, he said softly, seeing the flush on her cheeks as she took the phone from him.

“Daryle are you OK?”, she asked, her voice full of concern.  “You said you would phone”, her sister chided her. “You’re still with him”, she added, her voice full of hurt.  “Yes”, Diona answered, her eyes closing for a second, as Nikias moved to the edge of the bed, his dark eyes watching so closely.  Looking at her watch and seeing it was eight she said, “It’s still early Daryle.  I promise I was going to call”

On the other end of the line
, Daryle began to cry.  “Please Diona, I want to go home”, she whispered, her voice so full of tears that Diona felt her heart breaking in two.  “It’s alright sweetheart”, she said as gently as she could, “I’ll book the flights …I’ll get us home today - I promise”, she assured her with real conviction, making Daryle calm down slightly.

“Are you still in the same hotel Daryle?”, she asked, as her sister replied, “No...He has been looking for me, says we need to talk.  He keeps ringing my phone constantly, but I can’t talk to him Diona, he just wanted a mistress, not a wife”, she said, the tears once more choking her.  “And I truly loved him”  Diona looked over at Nikias, who sat on the end of the bed watching her.  “It must run in the family”, she said gently, seeing a frown cross his handsome face.  “Tell me where you are”, she asked, quickly writing down the address on a piece of paper he passed to her.  “I will phone you later this afternoon when I’ve organised a flight and pick you up”.  Her sister sniffled miserably as she ended the call.

“My offer still stands Diona”, he said softly to her, as she looked over at him.  “And my answer is the same Nikias”, she replied, “I don’t want to be your mistress” With an edge to her voice, she ran her fingers through her hair.  “Is that the only thing the men in your family can offer?”, she asked harshly, before looking away from him.

With a small frown he
looked back at her with a more sombre expression on his face.  “I assume that your sister had the same offer?”, he asked, as she nodded.  With a small sigh he rose, grabbing his trousers and pulling them over his hips before looking back at her.

“While that offer is most definitely still open, it is not the one I was referring to”, he said more patiently, as she looked back at him.  “I can take you both home in my plane”  As he mentioned the plane, he saw a small shiver pass through Diona, as she seemed to pale slightly.  “ thank you Nikias”, she said, the fear still evident in her eyes, “I can’t fly on small planes…I” She stopped before she raised her eyes to meet his.

“And sorry…I didn’t mean to …”, she began sighing softly. “She is my baby sister, and it’s painful when somebody hurts her like that”, she said, her eyes seeing that he understood what she meant, as he lowered his.  “I would like to come with you”, he told her softly, once more raising his eyes to hold hers, the look in them so soft as to make her catch her breath as she found herself nodding to him.  Nikias moved over to where she still sat, and dropping his head, took her mouth with his once more, causing soft shivers to once again invade her whole being.  “I will make some calls, get us booked on a flight and get a shower.  Meet me downstairs in an hour”, he said so sensually against her mouth as she nodded gently against him.

n hour later, Diona made her way down the stairs to join him.  Showered, dressed and packed, she smiled seeing him waiting for her, a small hold-all in his hand. “I have booked us on the afternoon flight, which should just about give us time to collect your sister and make it to the airport”, he said softly, bending his head to kiss her lips.  Diona nodded gently, her mouth smiling softly at him.

“Thank you”, she whispered with such sincerity as she followed him from the house.  Part of her had been sad to be leaving the wonderful island, with its tranquillity which seeped into her very bones, his island, which she had fallen so much in love with in such a short time.

As they
stood on the boat, the warm sun heated their bodies, while the sea air provided a cooling breeze.  Nikias’ mobile once more rang; this time he recognised the number and answering it, his voice angry.  “Where are you Alexis?”, he demanded, making Diona’s head whip round.  As he had done the previous time his brother called, Nikias reverted to Greek, his voice clipped, before he called off, looking over at Diona, his face sombre.

“What did he say?”, she asked, her voice hard. “I told him that I was taking you both back home”, he said softly to her, seeing how she nodded.  “He was asking where your sister was, says he wants to talk to her”  He watched as Diona’s eyes became angry.  “I don’t think that would be a good idea”, she said.  “He has hurt her enough”, she added, looking away from him.

looked intently out to sea, his face serious as he recalled the conversation with his brother.  Alexis demanded that he tell him where she was, not something that he had ever done before.  As Nikias angrily told him that he was to get himself back to the island, he heard the way his brother groaned, his voice so pained as he once more begged him to tell him where she was.  Looking at Diona, he knew that he had to get Daryle Brown away from Greece as soon as possible.  A small voice was warning him that even now she still posed a threat to his brother and he frowned.  If Daryle Brown was half the woman Diona was then she was a problem; he could handle Diona, but he was not so sure if Alexis could handle Daryle.

As the large luxury car
drove to the small bed and breakfast just on the outskirts of the small Greek village, Diona was relieved to see Daryle waiting for them.  Daryle, however was surprised to see Nikias with her sister, and looked at him coldly before he spoke.  “Daryle, I am sorry about the way I treated you”, Nikias said, his voice soft, as he watched Daryle flash a hurt look to her sister, before her eyes filled with tears and Diona pulled her in close, her voice soothing.  “Its OK sweetie”, he heard Diona say so softly, “Let’s get you home”

His eyes frown
ed at the obvious hurt the younger woman was feeling.  She was, he had to admit, very beautiful, her colouring darker than her sister’s, her copper hair hanging loosely around her perfect figure.  He could see instantly what had attracted Alexis, but looking at Diona, he felt the familiar jolt at the way he reacted to just the sight of her.

In the car
, they all sat in silence.  Diona watched her sister with such concern as she looked out of the window, her eyes full of hurt as she stared unseeing at the passing landscape.  Nikias frowned, the anger once more rising within him at his younger brother.  He noticed how nervous Diona became as they came closer to the airport, wondering again why she refused to use his plane, a much simpler alternative to the hassle of tourist flights.

at the airport, they made their way to the check-in.  Diona was surprised to find that he had booked them onto executive seats, a luxury she had never been able to afford.  As she looked up at him, he gave her a small wink, surprised to see how she seemed to be shaking slightly as she looked nervously around.

“It really is the only way to travel”, he whispered with a small smile, which she returned shakily.  He made to slip his hand into hers, a small comforting action seeing how nervous the thought of flying seemed to be making her, just as a loud cry came from the left of them.

“Daryle!”  The three of them turned round to see a tall handsome man run towards them.  Nikias looked on in surprise, as Daryle lifted her hands to her mouth in a sob.  “No”, she cried, turning to find somewhere to escape to. “Leave me alone Alexis”, she sobbed, her eyes once more filling with tears.  Diona looked on in complete shock, as the man grabbed her sister, pulling her against him, his eyes filling with tears also.

“I thought I would never find you”, he told her, his voice tortured as he kissed her head, his arms holding her tight to him. “I’ve been searching for you since we spoke.  I am sorry Daryle. I had to know for sure”, he groaned, completely oblivious to everybody else around him, as his eyes sought out those of the young woman in his arms.  “I love you, I love you so much”, he was moaning, as Daryle looked back at him, her eyes open wide with such emotions running through them.

As they stared into each other
’s eyes, another voice rang out like a shot.  “Alexis”  This voice was hard and angry, “What the hell are you doing?”  Diona turned to see Nikias, his face alive with barely controlled rage as he glared at his brother.  Alexis looked over at him, his eyes pleading.  “You are wrong about her Nikias”, he said softly, “So wrong…and I love her… and if she will still have me I am going to marry her”, he said looking back down at Daryle, who was staring back at him in complete stunned shock.

“Will you marry me Daryle?”, he asked, his face showing such devotion, as with a small sob she nodded her head, before Alexis lifted her high in the air happily, as he kissed her, the two of them laughing and smiling in each other’s arms.

turned to Nikias, seeing the coldness enter his eyes as he watched the scene, before he turned on her.  “You…you organised this.  No wonder you didn’t want to use my plane, how else could you have arranged this little reunion?”, he cried.  His eyes were angry daggers as he glared at her.  “I thought you were different, Diona, God no wonder you’ve been so nervous”, he continued, “But you really are a devious money grabbing little bitch”

stood back, her face showing the shock of his words, as she fought back the tears as she bit back at him.  “How dare you Nikias.  I didn’t organise anything.  All this...”, she waved her arms around, “Is your doing”  She watched the contempt filling his eyes as he spoken at her in Greek, words she had not understood, but which made his brother gasp. As he opened his mouth, Nikias turned on him, throwing words at him like a whip, fast and stinging as they landed on him before he once more looked down at Diona.

BOOK: Kidnapped the Wrong Sister
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