Kimberly Nee - The McKenzie Brothers (24 page)

BOOK: Kimberly Nee - The McKenzie Brothers
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He smiled down at her as his hand came up to cover hers. “I’d not spoil it for you for anything, love. In fact, if you wish, I will help you think of more ways to make her a bit more miserable.”

She lifted her gaze to his as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “Garrett, I — ”

He didn’t give her the chance to finish. Determined to hurry her along, he bent forward, snaking his free arm about her waist as his lips sought hers.

Katherine melted into him at once, slipping her free arm about his neck to pull him closer, her fingertips dancing lightly over his skin. He responded by tugging her closer still, turning her to press firmly against him, hip to hip, chest to chest.

It felt like years had passed since he’d last felt the soft curves of her body fitting so nicely against his. His blood warmed, and his arousal was swift and furious. Every sinew in his body tightened in response to her. She moaned softly into his mouth as he lifted her, pressed her into his growing erection, and arched against her.

Before she could protest, Garrett bent, scooping her easily into his arms. He swept her from the parlor, making haste to mount the steps and spirit her to the privacy of their chambers, where they would not be disturbed.

Chapter Thirty-Three

Garrett pressed her back into the tick, covering her with his length, his lips scorching a path down the curve of her neck. Katherine couldn’t contain her breathless laughter as he brushed over a sensitive spot and goose bumps tingled over her from head to toe.

He lifted his head at her laugh. “Do you mock my prowess, sweetheart?”

“Hardly,” she replied, reaching out to draw a fingertip down the roughened curve of his cheek. “You give me the shivers, love.”

Another nuzzle. “Do I, now?”

“Most definitely.”

“I do believe I like the sound of that.” He brushed her lips with a kiss. “Shall I continue?”

“Please do.”

He dipped back down, picking up where he had been. As his lips moved over the hollow of her throat, he eased his arms about her, rolling to pull her atop him.

His tongue caught hers in a sensual caress, his fingers skittered over her back, then her gown parted. The air was warm on her skin as he tugged the muslin from her shoulders.

She responded with a bit of teasing of her own, catching his tongue to draw it deep into her mouth while her hands skimmed down over his belly to clutch at his shirt and tug it from the waist of his trousers. Her fingernails swept over his skin as she tugged the fabric higher still, wanting to remove all barriers between them. Another roll, and she was beneath him again. He pulled away from her long enough to allow her to shove the cambric over his shoulders before delving back down to seize her lips once more.

He continued to torment her breasts with tantalizing squeezes and feathery light caresses. Her nipples tightened further as the almost unbearable pleasure burst forth to streak through her with the heat of the sun. That wonderful knot was back, twisting her insides, filling her with the strongest yearning for him.

He tugged the silk from her body, his lips smoking along her belly as they moved down over her. Her fingers twisted in his hair, her belly quivering beneath each caress of his lips over her sensitive flesh. He heard her cry of delight as he nipped at the inside of her left thigh.

Katherine clutched at his hair, her fingers twisting sharply, her body arching against the tick. She sucked in a heavy, almost painful, breath as he shifted a fraction of an inch and fire erupted deep within her.

She was shocked, to say the least, feeling the heated silk of his tongue caress her in such a manner. Embarrassment filled her, but it fled just as quickly at the delectable sensations pouring into her. As he ravished her, she let go of her shock, allowing the pleasure to swallow her whole.

She couldn’t believe the maelstrom of pure passion whirling through her. Fiery delight spread through her entire body as Garrett worked magic on her, bringing to life wicked pleasure.

The fire spread through her, threatening to reduce her to cinders at any moment if he didn’t do something about the inferno he was stoking to life. Her mind went blank as feeling overrode thought as liquid heat burned through her veins.

It seemed an eternity had passed before his lips were claiming hers again and she was desperate to caress him, to make him feel even a fraction of the intense bliss he’d sent sweeping through her.

Garrett laughed softly as she shoved him onto his back, then struggled with the falls of his trousers. “Easy, love.” He caught her earlobe between gentle teeth. “There is no need to rush. I am not going anywhere.”

“If it wasn’t so bloody stubborn.” she gritted, giving the fall a pull.

He reached down to catch her wrist. “Allow me, love.”

He shed his trousers and it was his turn to gasp as her fingers curved about his hard male flesh. This time, there was no hesitation. She felt no fear of him, just the bold need to explore that incredible part of him that made her feel things she never knew existed.

As she caressed the satiny steel of his erection, he groaned again, his voice sounding like that of a man in mortal agony. “Oh, love, you’ve no idea what you do to a man.”

“Oh, but I have,” she whispered back, lightly tracing the shell of his ear with just the very tip of her tongue. “Hopefully, it’s half as good as what you did to me.”

Now, his fingers did the twisting, burying themselves in her as she kissed her way down, over his chest, along his belly, into sensitive territory. He responded to her not-so-innocent caresses with a variety of mewls and moans, and tightened his grasp on her hair. Then, as if afraid he hurt her, his fingers relaxed and his body tensed beneath her.

“Kat.” He pulled away, caught and lifted her, wrapping his arms about her as he growled, “Vixen.”

She met his smoldering stare. “Am I, now?”

“God, yes.”

“I take it that wasn’t too bold of me? You liked that?”

“Need you really ask?”

She reached up to trace her forefinger over his bottom lip. “What else would you like then?”

His gaze was so hot, it almost burned right through her. “I want to be inside you, love.”

“Hmmm…” She shuddered at his husky whisper. “I do believe I like the sound of that.”

With that he tossed her off him, onto her back, and came up to settle between her legs. His mouth slashed down over hers as he surged into her, swift and hard, to fill her completely.

Katherine clasped the back of his head, allowing him to catch her cry as he thrust deeply. Her legs wrapped about his waist easily as they moved together in perfect rhythm. He slid one arm beneath her, lifting her hips to increase the depth of his powerful, driving thrusts.

“Garrett!” The cry broke free from her lips and he felt the throb all around him. Her fingernails sank into his shoulders, her voice was hoarse, her back arching sharply as she exploded all around him in a sensual shudder.

His muscles locked, tension pulling every sinew in his body taut. As he peaked, he managed to growl out one breathless word.


He sank into her, still fighting for air as her arms wrapped about his neck, her fingers threading through his hair, sweeping it from his temple as she kissed his forehead, murmuring, “Garrett.”

His head came to rest on her breast, his breath hard, but warm on her overly sensitive skin. Peace reigned, thick and comfortable, wrapping them both in a loving embrace.

Katherine smiled down at him, at his dark hair contrasting so sharply with her pale skin.

is love
This is what it feels like to be the happiest woman alive.

He lay quietly against her for a long moment, simply breathing. To her, it was the most beautiful moment of her life. Then, he shifted, moving to brush his lips over the inner curve on her left breast, then murmured, “My love.”


He lifted his head to gaze at her with his beautiful topaz eyes. “I am sorry for everything, Katherine.”

“It isn’t necessary to apologize,” she murmured back, brushing his damp hair away from his forehead. “It no longer matters how I came to be here. Only that I did.”

He shifted to lie beside her, tugged the sheets up over them, and gathered her in his arms as he did. “Still — ”

“No,” she shook her head, “there is no
, Garrett. I care naught about it. There is no other place in the world I would rather be than here. With you.”

She curved herself against the planes of his body. Her left hand rested against his belly, fingers threading through the trail of dark hair that disappeared beneath the linen sheet.

He kissed the top of her head. “You’ve no idea how happy that makes me, Katherine.” It was her turn to lift her head to gaze down at him. “Is that so?”

He curved a hand against her cheek, his thumb tracing along her jaw. “Yes.”

There was seriousness in his eyes she’d never seen before. “Garrett, what is it?”

“You, sweetheart.”

“What about me?”

He didn’t answer her immediately, but covered her with his body once more. Lifting himself onto his forearms, his hands came up to cradle her face. “I think I’ve been in love with you since the night you decked me in the alleyway behind the Bayside.”

She couldn’t have possibly heard him correctly. “What?”

“I love you, Katherine. I love you as madly as any man can love a woman. I love you more than I ever thought possible to love anyone.”

Her heart soared at his whispered words. Tears pricked at her eyes and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “You love me?”

He kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you.”

“Even if I was a barmaid?”

His laughter was a warm, silken caress on her skin as he muzzled her. “I think it’s
you were a barmaid, love. Fiery and strong, with a mean punch, Kat.”

She chuckled at his teasing tone. “I didn’t mean to hit you so hard.”

“I am glad you did. It’s nice to know you aren’t so fragile that I need worry about breaking you.”

“Well, seeing as how you’ve yet to do so, I don’t think that is a problem we need concern ourselves with.”

“Does this mean you might love me in return?”

“Oh, did I forget to mention that?” she asked, eyes wide with feigned innocence.

“I can take it back, you know. There are no witnesses.”

Katherine couldn’t hold back her laughter. Wrapping her arms about his neck, she pulled him close to whisper, “I do love you, Garrett McKenzie. And there is no way on earth I will ever let you take those words back.”

His lips skimmed hers as he said, “Well, then, I suppose that leaves only one thing as yet unaddressed.”

“And what might that one thing be?”


Her stomach fluttered. “What about children?”

“I think I should like us to have a child, love. Several, actually. I should like to see this house filled with children.”

“Is that so?”


“And when would you like to see this happen?”

He grinned at her, rising up to press into her thigh. “I think this is as good a time as any, seeing as how I am here, you are here, and no clothing is coming between us. Besides, the way one makes them has long been a favorite practice of mine.”

“Please, do not remind me.” She sank back into the pillows. “I forgot that I married a rake.”

“A former rake, love. A former rake. Those days are long behind me. There is only one woman I wish to see in my bed and she lies here with me now.”

He kissed her then, a deep, soulful kiss that left her more than a little breathless when they parted. She tightened her arms about his neck. “So, shall we get a start on that family, then?”

“Madam McKenzie, I am shocked to hear such a brazen suggestion pass such ladylike lips.”

She chuckled at his playfully horrified expression. “Ah, but I am not a lady. I am a barmaid, remember.”

“No, Katherine. You are a lady. Do not ever forget that.” He brushed her lips with another kiss. “But, since you did mention it…”

She let out a shriek of laughter as he flipped over to bring her atop him once more. “Garrett, you cannot be serious.”

“Oh, but I am, love. You worked such wonder on my body in the chair, I’m curious to see if you are equally skilled in our bed.”

A sense of delicious wickedness coursed through her at the memory of the night they made love in the chair. But then, a feeling of daring surged up. “Curious, eh? Well, I suppose I ought to do something about that, now, shouldn’t I?”

“Do your worst, Madam McKenzie,” he whispered, as she threaded her fingers through his to pin his hands against the bed, one on either side of his head. “Do your worst.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

Katherine stepped down from the carriage and glanced up at the small white building before a large, weathered warehouse. Eagleton’s home office. It was the first time she’d ventured down to her husband’s office, but as she was in town running errands, she thought it might be nice to pop in and surprise him in the middle of the day.

Three days had passed since that magical afternoon he told her he loved her. The three happiest days of her life. Katherine was quite certain she’d never felt so lighthearted, had never laughed quite as much as she had since that night. Even Mrs. Riley and her icy demeanor no longer troubled her. Nothing could trouble her now.

Gathering her deep claret silk skirts in one hand, she pulled open the door, smiling at the merry tinkle of the bell above it. All was quiet. Everyone else was most likely in the warehouse, or out on the docks.

She made her way down the narrow corridor, and peered around the corner of the first door, where she came upon Garrett bent over his desk. He looked so serious, so studious, his dark hair tumbling over his forehead and his quill scratching over the parchment before him. He’d shed both his frock coat and his waistcoat in deference to the thick, sticky heat, and rolled up the sleeves of his fine midnight blue silk shirt.

Not wanting to startle him, she hung back in the doorway. “Garrett?”

His head snapped up, the quill clattering to the floor as he whipped about to face her. His eyes held a glint of annoyance which faded once as a smile lifted his lips. “Katherine? What’re you doing here?”

“I thought I’d surprise you. Are you busy?”

“Never too busy for an interruption from my lovely wife. Come in, love.” He rose from his chair, skirting the desk to move toward her. “To what do I owe this visit?”

He reached for her hand and drew her into his arms. She slid her arms about his waist, hands splayed flat against his back. “I was in town with Patsy, running a few errands.”

“Ah, spending my money again, are you?”

“I told you the back bedroom needs new furnishings.”

“So you did. I hope you enjoyed yourself,” Garrett said, giving her a gentle squeeze as he bent forward to brush her lips with a kiss.

“I did, I must admit. But, I managed to restrain myself and not go overboard.”

“Sweetheart, I do not give a damn how wild you go. It’s your home as well. Furnish it as you see fit.” He pulled out of the embrace and took her hand to bring her to his vacated chair, pulling her down onto his lap as he sank into it.

She eased her arms about his neck, her fingers trailing through his hair curling at his nape. “Where are Julian and Drew?”

“They’re both on the water. Two ships arrived this morning.”

“So, we are alone, then?”

Garrett chuckled at the glint in her eyes. “You, lady, are turning into a harlot, do you know that?”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Hell, no. However, I’ve no way of knowing when either one of them will return. If it’s all the same to you, love, I’d rather
share the beauty of your body.”

She shared the sentiment, but couldn’t resist a bit of teasing. “But, I thought you mentioned something one time about a desk and a fantasy?”

He gave her a squeeze. “You do evil things to me, lady.”

“Well, I apologize for that,” she murmured, gazing down into his eyes as he tugged her closer still. “And I promise not to keep you away from your work. I know how busy you are.”

“Unfortunately, that’s the case now. We’ve cargoes going out as quickly as they come in,” he sighed, sinking back against the chair. “But, I can certainly spare five minutes for you, love.”

Katherine reluctantly pulled herself from his arms and stood. “Actually, I was wondering if, perhaps, Patsy had wandered up here for some reason. I seem to have lost her.”

His brow furrowed. “You lost her?”

“In a manner of speaking. I’d gone into MacDowell’s to find the fabric for the drapes in that back bedroom. It’s her day off, so she came into town with us to do some shopping of her own. So, we agreed to meet at Croft’s at noon. It’s half past one now and I’ve seen no sign of her.”

Garrett shook his head. “She hasn’t come poking around here.”

“It’s as if she’s simply vanished.” Something strange fluttered in her belly. Apprehension, though she couldn’t imagine what she had to be apprehensive about.

“Perhaps she lost track of time,” he suggested, leaning over to retrieve his quill from the floor.

“Perhaps. I’ll drop in on Mr. Fletcher and see if she passed through.”

He nodded. “If I see her, I’ll tell her you are waiting for her.”

“Thank you.”

He rose from his chair once more to walk her to the door. “Not that I’m chasing you, love. But the quicker I can finish this, the sooner I’ll be home.”

“Oh, no, I understand. You’ve work to do.”

“I promise you, love. Tonight, I am all yours.”

Another flutter rippled through her, but this one was far more pleasant than the last. “I like the way that sounds, Garrett.”

He curved his hand against her cheek. “As do I, love. Now, you’d best go, before I say to hell with Julian and Drew and lift you atop my desk anyway.”

She resisted the urge to close her eyes as his thumb swept over her cheek. “You are terrible.”

“I’m in love, lady. What do you expect me to say?”

“Now, I most definitely like the sound of

He leaned in to kiss her lightly. “Enjoy what’s left of your day, sweetheart. I’ll see you in a while.”

With that, they parted. Garrett returned to his desk while Katherine carefully made her way down the long flight of narrow, wooden steps back to the street, where her coach was waiting.

Climbing in, she said to the driver, “Back to Mr. Fletcher’s, James.”

“Of course, Madam McKenzie.”

Katherine settled back against the pale blue velvet-covered seat. It wasn’t like Patsy to simply up and vanish. Although their friendship cooled in the days since Katherine married Garrett, a cordial working relationship had taken its place. A bit of iciness lingered, but Katherine suspected that was to be expected. Still, she wouldn’t have thought Patsy would simply vanish on her, either.

She went from shop to shop, inquiring about Patsy, and at each the response was the same. No one had seen her. Fletcher’s was her last hope, and it was quickly dashes when Mr. Fletcher explained he hadn’t seen Patsy either.

“I’m sorry, Madam McKenzie,” he shook his head, then adjusted his spectacles on the bridge of his thin, crooked nose, “but I’ve not seen her since the week before last, when I bumped into her at the apothecary.”

“Drat.” Katherine glancing around the miller’s small shop. Barrels of flour, sugar, and cinnamon were on prominent display, along with small bottles of various other rare and exotic spices and extracts. “She’s not been in at all today, then?”

“No, Madam. She’s not.”

This was even more troubling to her. Her brow furrowed as she said, “This makes no sense.”

“I beg your pardon, Madam McKenzie?”

She looked up to see Mr. Fletcher’s gray eyes clouded with confusion. “I apologize, Mr. Fletcher. I was merely thinking aloud.” She took a deep breath. “If Patsy should pass through, would you please let her know I was looking for her?”

“Of course, Madam.” He nodded solemnly. “Is there anything else I can do for you, then?”

“No. Thank you.” She would send Mrs. Riley into town for anything Victoria needed. After all, that was part of the housekeeping duties.

Katherine couldn’t help her grin at that. Perhaps she shouldn’t, but she did so enjoy giving the housekeeper her due. In the time since she’d become Lucy Riley’s mistress, the housekeeper had gone from a smug, self-satisfied creature to a properly obedient and deferential servant. She no longer took matters or decisions into her own hands, but first brought them to Katherine for approval.

She still chuckled, thinking about how Mrs. Riley carefully sorted their clothing before laundering it. She thoroughly enjoyed watching as Mrs. Riley picked through the jumble of clothes, making certain that her master and mistress’s clothes never came into contact with those of the staff.

“I’ll call off the silliness in a few weeks,” Katherine murmured to herself after thanking Mr. Fletcher and returning to the carriage. “I suppose it’s a bit nasty of me, but I am enjoying it.”

She made herself comfortable in the carriage once more. “Home, James.”

“Of course, Mrs. McKenzie.”

Still, as she settled into the coach once again, Katherine couldn’t help but feel that flutter of apprehension. Patsy never left her chores unfinished and it wasn’t at all like her to not complete her errands, either. Even at the coldest point in their relationship, Patsy never shirked her duties. That she seemed to have done just that didn’t sit well with Katherine.

Not at all.

BOOK: Kimberly Nee - The McKenzie Brothers
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