Read Kiss Me Online

Authors: Kristine Mason

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General, #Contemporary Women

Kiss Me (3 page)

BOOK: Kiss Me
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Blinding fluorescent lights from Jenna’s next door neighbor put them on stage. Luke stepped back and shaded his eyes. Her neighbor had lights like the Ohio Penitentiary and he was waiting for sirens, guard dogs and maybe even an escaped convict to dash across the lawn.

“Everything okay over there?” her neighbor called while leaning from her screen door.

Jenna mumbled something under her breath, then shouted, “Everything’s fine, Lucinda. You can douse the lights now.”

Luke continued to see sharp pinpoints of light, even after Lucinda did as Jenna had requested. He blinked several times and once he’d regained normal vision, he caught Jenna giving him a shy smile. Damn, she was as sweet as melting ice cream on a hot summer day, and tasted even better. He wanted to lick her up, taste every inch of her until he knew every intimate spot like the back of his hand. Found every freckle and committed it to memory. Although the arousal tenting his pants belied the fact, it was probably good that Jenna’s neighbor had taken that particular moment to light up the neighborhood. Otherwise, he might have thrown his no-sex rule straight to the curb.

“Sorry about Lucinda. She’s a little nosey and a little over protective.”

Luke looked next door. “A little? I just hope she doesn’t flip on her porch lights too often. She’s using enough wattage to suck the electricity from the rest of the neighborhood,
maybe even half of Cleveland.”

“Stop,” Jenna laughed. “Leave the helpless old woman alone.”

“Helpless? I was waiting for her to pull a shotgun on me.”

“The only thing Lucinda could attack you with is her cats and a frying pan.”

Sliding a long strand of hair between his fingers, he gave the lock a gentle tug and leaned forward. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Maybe next time we should take our kiss inside,” she said, and inched closer.

As she grazed her lips against his, he realized he had two choices. One, he could kiss her again and in the process convince himself that it was a-okay to head inside for a nightcap that would most definitely lead to sex. Or two, go home and take a cold shower. Option one appealed to him the most, but then he’d be right back where he’d started — diving into a relationship dick first.

He didn’t want that. If he gave into Jenna’s friend with benefits crap, their relationship would end up being based on sex. Just like all his relationships.

Instead of giving into what his body desired, he gave her a long lingering kiss that bordered on chaste. Almost. The sexual energy between them could probably power up Lucinda’s porch lights. With reluctance and regret for what could have been tonight, he stepped away. “I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

While he still held a shred of willpower, he forced his feet to move toward his Explorer. Once inside the SUV, he waited until Jenna closed her front door, then
he sat in the driver’s seat for a moment.

He’d made the right decision. He’d thought with his head, the one that calculated numbers for a living, not the one that couldn’t add up — unless growing inches in front of a certain sexy psychologist counted.

As he backed out of Jenna’s driveway, he tried hard not to think about their kiss. He tried even harder not to think about what she might wear tomorrow. The harder he thought, the harder he became.

“Damn,” he muttered. “What the hell did I get myself into?”

Chapter 2

Jenna yawned as she stepped onto Darci’s front porch. She’d had a difficult time falling asleep last night. Instead of dozing off into dreamland, she’d relived Luke’s kiss over and over again. Imagined inhaling his spicy sweet scent, the press of his lean, hard body, and how his firm mouth had melted against her lips. As much as she had loved the way he’d kissed her, it had scared her too. Luke’s kiss had awakened something inside her. Something that had nothing to do with mere lust, and something she didn’t know how to handle.

Shoving a hand through her bangs, she shook her head. For crying out loud, she was a psychologist. Sure, she had no problem helping others deal with their emotions, but when it came to hers, everything she’d been taught seemed to fly right out of her head.

Stifling another yawn, she rang the door bell. Deep gravely barks, mixed with high-pitched yelps assaulted her from the other side of the door. She rolled her eyes. Darci’s mutts had to be the loudest creatures.

“Good morning.” Darci opened the door with a chipper, sing-song tone that in no way matched Jenna’s current mood, and held her leg outstretched to keep the dogs inside. “How are you?”

“Exhausted.” Jenna moved past her. In need of a gallon of coffee, she headed for the kitchen. The dogs, Maude and Stella, ran after her, sniffing and snorting.

Darci followed behind, her bare feet smacking against the hardwood floors. “Does this state of exhaustion have anything to do with last night?”

Jenna bent and cuddled the dogs, loving every wet, sloppy kiss. “Yes.”

Darci twirled a dark curl around her finger. “Details?”

After giving the dogs a final scratch, Jenna stood. “You first.”


“I don’t see any other Cupid wannabes in the kitchen.”

A big grin nearly split Darci’s face in two as she turned to pull a mug from the cabinet. “Coffee?”

“Yes, please,” Jenna said. Drawn to the strong, mouthwatering aroma of the hazelnut coffee, she sidled toward the kitchen counter. “And don’t think you can sidetrack me with caffeine.”

Darci sighed as she filled the mugs. “All right, I’ll admit, I so want to see you and Luke hook up, but I swear, last night wasn’t my idea.”

So Luke was telling the truth. Although she had believed him when he’d admitted asking Darci to switch places, she’d still suspected her friend with the Cupid disorder had pushed the issue.

While they sat at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and munching on day old blueberry muffins, Darci finished verifying everything Luke had said. “I’m sorry, you’re not mad are you?”

“No, I’m not mad,” Jenna assured her as she rose to refill their mugs. “Actually, I’m very confused. Luke asked me to date him…exclusively.”

Darci dropped the muffin. “And?”

“I agreed.”

Clapping like she was still head of their high school cheerleading squad, Darci wiggled and bounced in her seat. “And you thought my Cupid stuff was crap.”

Jenna laughed. “You’re Cupid stuff is crap. But to feed your delusions, here’s what happened.” She then told Darci all the details of her date with Luke, even about the no-sex, kissing-only rule.

“Wow, I had no idea Luke was such a romantic,” Darci said as she used her fork to shove a smashed blueberry around her plate, then she furrowed her dark brows. “So what are you confused about? I think everything sounds perfect.”

Jenna sighed and leaned into her chair. Now that Darci was engaged to Nate, she loved love and anything screaming of romance. “For starters, Luke’s exclusive dating stuff borders on commitment. You of all people know how I feel about relationships.”

Darci nodded. “True.”

“Plus, Luke’s given me the impression that he thinks I’m some sort of naïve, good girl.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“What’s wrong is that I’m not naïve when it comes to sex and I haven’t been a good little virgin since I was sixteen.” She toyed with the handle of her mug. “And, even if I don’t want to have a relationship with Luke, I still don’t want him to know I used to be an easy lay.”

“C’mon, you weren’t as bad as you think.”

“I wasn’t, huh? Don’t you remember the hell I put my mom through after my dad left us for that…that…” Jenna sputtered and waved a hand in the air.

“Piece of trash?” Darci offered with a shrug. “Yep, I remember, but that was also over ten years ago. You were young, immature and looking for a way to lash out at your parents. You, Miss I’m Almost a Doctor, should know your reaction to your parents nasty divorce wasn’t unusual. I’m sure you see it all the time with the kids you counsel at the youth center.”

Jenna released a deep breath. Darci was absolutely right. Yet she still sometimes wished she could turn back the clock and erase some of her mistakes. Although her psychology courses and counseling teens had helped put her own past into a new perspective, she still harbored remorse. For how she’d treated her mother, for how she’d treated her own body. Partying, hooking up with random guys, using sex to banish her insecurities, and avoiding anything close to a commitment or serious relationship. Well, until the jerk from grad school.

She shook her head. “I do know all those things now, but it doesn’t matter. Guys are funny about that kind of stuff. I guarantee Luke would be totally turned off if he knew about my wild past, even if I’d done those things a long time ago.”

“That’s a bullshit double standard.”

Jenna shrugged. “I agree. Like I said though, guys are funny.”

“But now you’re involved. It sounds like Luke was pretty upfront with you. Don’t you think he deserves the same? Have you thought about that?”

Jenna stood and placed her dish and mug in the sink. Yes, she’d thought about it. “I wouldn’t consider us
,” she said over her shoulder. “So, I don’t see any reason to tell Luke anything. Actually, the more I think about, I should probably cancel today.”

“Today? What are you talking about?”

Jenna cringed as she sat back down. She’d forgotten that she hadn’t told Darci about their afternoon plans. “Luke asked me to go boating, but I think it would be best to end this before it starts.”

Darci laughed loud enough to startle the dogs. They ran into the kitchen barking up a storm.

As Jenna soothed one of the yapping mutts, she cocked a brow at Darci. “You want to let me in on what’s so funny?”

“You, Luke, this whole no-sex, kissing-only stuff…I’d love to see how he handles himself once he sees you in a bikini. I’m picturing him jumping into the lake to hide his raging hard-on.”

Jenna cracked a smile. “I told you, I’m not going to go.”

“C’mon, why not?” Darci asked as she tossed a crumpled napkin at her. “Quit psychoanalyzing things and let them ride. Luke’s a great guy. For once, stop letting your head mess with your heart. For once, let things get messy.”

She didn’t like messy, didn’t like letting things ride, because it left her feeling out of control. And after the way her body and heart had responded to Luke’s kiss, right now, she was definitely feeling very out of control.

Darci rested her hands on the table. “Be honest, you want to take things to the next level.”

She tossed the napkin back at Darci. “I do and I don’t.”

Darci caught the napkin, then balled it in her fist. “Jenna, you’re my best friend, I’d do anything for you, except watch you keep beating yourself up for something you had no control over. People divorce, men and women cheat, but not every relationship has to end that way. Quit avoiding a serious relationship. You can’t keep worrying about those what ifs, when they might never happen. And, no offense, but if you keep this up, you’ll end up like your mom.”

Jenna looked away. After her father had left, her mother had spiraled into a deep depression, and still lived like a recluse. “I’m nothing like my mom.”

“Really? You don’t date, you spend your weekends cleaning, your nights organizing your hutch or sock drawer or watching reality shows.”

Oh God, she
turned into her mother.

Darci stood, then rested a hand on Jenna’s shoulder. “You’re a great catch. And you deserve a great guy. Promise me you’ll go with Luke this afternoon. It’s such a gorgeous day and you’ll have so much fun on his boat.”

Still floored over the idea that she’d been subconsciously following in her mother’s footsteps, Jenna muttered, “Okay, but you have to promise me you won’t try anymore Cupid crap.”

Darci sent her a triumphant grin. “Deal. By the way…how was that goodnight kiss?” she asked with a waggle of her dark brows.

Fabulous and absolutely toe-curling.
“Nothing big, it was just a kiss.”

Darci shook her head, then took her dirty dish and mug to the sink mumbling, “Yeah, right. Just a kiss, my butt…”


Luke inwardly groaned. Jenna’s yellow sundress revealed bright blue straps and the outline of her bathing suit.

Not a one piece.

As he climbed aboard the Sea Ray, Jenna toed on her flip flops and moved toward him. With no make-up, and her hair pulled back in a ponytail, she looked sexy, summery, and way too tempting.

She gave him a broad smile, then eyed the ropes at the dock. “Are we ready to go?”

The boat was ready, but he wasn’t, not entirely. Asking Jenna to spend the afternoon with him on his boat hadn’t been his brightest plan. They’d be stuck out on the lake. Alone.

“We’re all set,” he said as he untied the Sea Ray from the dock.

She moved next to him. He flinched at her closeness, battled the need to pull her against him. Instead, he dropped the rope and pushed off the dock. The boat rocked and she grabbed his forearms. Smiling, he wrapped his hands just below her waist, until she gained her balance. Man, did she feel good, soft and curvy. Her flowery scent made him want to bury his face in her hair. Lick the smooth arch of her neck, nip her small earlobes, and kiss her lush, tempting lips.

A pretty, pink blush stained her sun-kissed cheeks. She nervously shifted her gaze to the sky. “I thought I saw a chance of rain today. Maybe we should hang out here for a while and make sure it’s safe for boating.”

Luke eyed the blue sky. Fat, puffy white clouds drifted with the breeze. Although the weather off the lake tended to be unpredictable, he suspected Jenna was looking for an easy exit. Maybe she felt the same apprehension he did. Other than last night on her front porch, they’d never been truly alone.

“The weather’s fine. If you’d rather not go, I understand.” He did and would respect her wishes. He respected her, damn it.

She relaxed and grinned. “Well, after the way Darci worked me like a dog this morning, and how you slaved at the office, I think we both deserve a little fun and relaxation.”

He gave her ponytail a quick tug. “Yes we do,” he said, then led her to the cockpit, offering her the cushioned seat next to the captain’s chair.

He turned the ignition, and the motor came to life, twirling and churning the water. Waving to a passing boat, he then shifted gears, taking them along a small finger toward the open lake. He veered the boat out of the No Wake Zone, and once he reached Lake Erie, he moved the throttle, then took the Sea Ray up to forty miles per hour. With the motor humming and the wind whipping, they fell into a comfortable silence. As they passed other boaters, Luke caught every guy ogling Jenna. Tempting and gorgeous, he couldn’t blame them.

She leaned back in the passenger chair. The sun’s rays highlighted her golden head, kissed her tanned cheeks. She flashed him a smile, then slipped on a pair of sunglasses, making her look very Hollywood.

Damn, how he’d love to see that smile every day. Wake up to it, go to bed with it. Any other time, that thought would have scared the shit out him. But he’d grown tired of playing the scene.

Up until a few years ago, he’d never cared if he went to bed alone or woke by himself, as long as he’d gotten laid. Then the quick satisfaction sex had offered began to become too quick for his liking. He’d started to feel as if something was missing.

While searching for that missing link he’d met Monica. She’d turned out to be a total gold digger. As a Senior Manager for the accounting firm Dryscal & Myers, he did well for himself. He had a great condo, a boat, could take nice vacations, but apparently he still hadn’t met Monica’s social climbing standards. Then there was Tina. She was cute and fun, until she told him she was carrying his baby. One thing Luke prided himself with was playing it safe. He never had sex without a condom. Besides, Tina claimed to be six weeks pregnant and they’d only been dating for three weeks. He hadn’t needed a calculator to do the math. The baby wasn’t his.

After his disastrous, albeit brief, relationships, he went back to unfulfilling one-night-stands. Then, one by one, his friends started getting married and settling down. He’d meet those buddies out for beers, and they’d tell him how lucky he was to still be single. How they envied his freedom. As they expanded their families and switched from muscle cars to minivans, he hardly ever saw any of them. And no one was telling him how lucky he was anymore.

Luke pushed those thoughts from his head and maneuvered the Sea Ray along the shoreline. They passed other boats anchored off the water’s edge, where people swam, sunbathed and picnicked on the beach. He navigated a bit further until they reached a secluded area where the unpredictable and harsh waters of Lake Erie had carved jagged cliffs, exposing smooth bedrock and dangling pines.

BOOK: Kiss Me
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