Read Las Vegas Honeymoon Online

Authors: Francis Drake

Las Vegas Honeymoon (8 page)

BOOK: Las Vegas Honeymoon
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Her muscles closed tightly around his finger and he almost came himself, thinking about how she would feel in a matter of minutes, with all of him deep inside her.

He licked his finger and then rubbed it along the seam of her lips until she opened and took it, sucking like a kitten on its mother’s teat. Then he had to kiss her again, over and over. God, how he wanted her. If he’d thought he could get away with it, he’d take her right there in the cab, and be damned if the cabbie saw it all.

Thank God they pulled into the
entrance minutes later. Dan helped Mary off his lap and out of the cab, then gave the driver his fare and a healthy tip.

“The lady, she is your wife?”

Dan let the word rumble through his mind. He hadn’t come to Las Vegas with any thought of a wife, but since meeting up with Mary, he’d imagined what it would be like to be with her every day, to have her there to touch and hold whenever he wanted.

“No,” he replied, looking over his shoulder at the woman in question. “But maybe.”

“Very pretty. Very passionate. You keep her,” the cabbie said.

Dan laughed and then walked to where Mary stood. Her lips were red and lightly swollen. Her nipples poked the material of the dress, aroused and ripe for sucking, and her expression showed both excitement and lust. He knew exactly how she felt.

He guided her through the lobby and to the elevator.

“What did the cab driver say to you?”

The walled mirrors of the elevator reflected a woman who needed a man. He hoped she wanted
, and wasn’t thinking about that ass she almost married.

“He said you’re beautiful.”

She smiled. “And?”

“How do you know he said anything else?”

“You talked too long for a one-sentence comment.”

“He said you’re passionate.”

Mary nodded. “You make me feel that way.”

“I’m glad.”

“Was that all he said?”

Dan hesitated to say more. He wasn’t sure about the “keep her” part. Not that she wasn’t
keeping, but it seemed a big commitment to say so. “You fishing for compliments?

She looked at her reflection and laughed. “I look like I’ve had sex.”

“You look like a woman who’s been screwed and is ready for more.”

“Do you think he knew what we were doing in the backseat?”

Dan had to smile. She had him roaring like a lion ready to mate. “I don’t think so.” She looked so disappointed he had to laugh again. “Who would have thought little Mary Franks was such an exhibitionist?”

Her face reddened and he immediately regretted his words. He took her in his arms. “He knew. He was watching,” he whispered into her hair. “I love fucking you in public.”

“I love…you know, anywhere,” she said into his shirt, and he just knew she was blushing even more.

What a woman. His woman. It felt right.


* * * *


It took no time for them to shed their clothes. Starting at the door with hot, wet kisses, they left a trail to the bedroom. The only thing Dan made sure to keep with him was his wallet that held the condoms. Plural. He didn’t plan to stop after once. He didn’t think he could.

“This isn’t because of what
did, is it?” He had to ask after her utterance of the previous night. “I don’t want him in bed with us.”

“Him, who?” she said with the hint of a smile in her voice. “I want you so much it hurts.”

He sheathed himself and settled between her legs.

, yes,” she whispered. “Just what I want.”

“Me, too.” He could barely speak. She felt so good, and he hadn’t even gotten inside. Heat wafted off her along with her unique musk. No perfume could be more intoxicating. “Remember what you said you wanted me to do?”


Raising up on his forearm, he used his cock to furrow between her pussy lips. Her eyes widened and she dug her nails into his shoulders. She’d just climaxed in the taxi, and was already wet again. He stroked up and down, sliding across her clit with each pass.

“Sure you do. You said you wanted me to talk dirty. And you want me to—”

“Fuck me hard.”

“That’s right, baby, and I’m going to, right now.” Positioning the crown of his cock at her pussy, he pushed all the way to the hilt. He gasped in sheer pleasure, keeping still while Mary adjusted to him, and while he got his mind around being deep into her moisture and incredible heat.

Her breathing was fast and ragged. He looked down, wanting to see her eyes and know that this was what she wanted, but her lids were closed.

“Are you okay?” He couldn’t help moving a little. Stars danced behind his eyelids, she felt so good and tight around his cock. If she said to stop or even “no,” he didn’t know if he’d be able to.

“Dan,” she whispered. “Oh, Dan.” Then her knees came up and she wrapped her legs around his waist.

He thrust forward just as her hips rose. The perfect storm brewed in his body, starting right where his cock met her pussy. He determined to give her every bit of pleasure he could manage, and everything she wanted.

“Your pussy is so tight, it’s like a fist on my dick.”

Her eyes flew open, and for a moment she looked confused. He pulled out and thrust hard. Her lids drifted to half-mast. She pushed off the mattress to give as good as she got. She licked her lips, inflaming him even more.

“My cock is as hard as iron. I’m going to nail you to the bed.”

“Yes, yes.”

Her breasts took on a rosy tint, and the color spread upwards. A light sheen of perspiration coated her upper lip. He lowered his body to meet her breasts with his chest. Skin to skin, breath to breath, they took each other closer to oblivion. His balls drew up. Any second he’d lose it, but he had to hold on, had to bring Mary off.

“Your breasts are hard and tight. I want to suck them. I want to suck your tits while you scream my name.”

“Suck and fuck.” She gave a tight, strained smile, then her eyes scrunched closed and her mouth formed a perfect “O.” Her back arched. Dan bent to take a nipple, lightly biting, licking, suckling.

“Dan! Oh, God, Dan.”

Her pussy
, clamping, releasing, tightening, milking. He shot off like New Years Eve fireworks, with her breast filling his mouth and her lips moaning his name.

He’d never known sex could be so good.


* * * *


When Mary’s reason returned, Dan was climbing back in bed and wrapping her in his arms.

“Now I know why all those girls wanted to date you in high school.”

She felt him smile against her shoulder. “Do you think it’s always like this? It isn’t. This was special.”

“Yes?” How she wished she could believe him. He’d shown her lovemaking like she’d never imagined. It might be cruel to think it, but from what she’d experienced with Ralph, she’d trade a lifetime of sex with Ralph for one night with Dan.

“Believe me, sex doesn’t explode into a new world. Plain, old sex doesn’t make you see the fucking Milky Way instead of a few stars. This was making love.”

He sounded a bit dazed but she was too sleepy to analyze his words and tone. She knew he pulled the sheet over them, knew he tugged her close, but then she knew nothing but contentment and sleep.

It seemed only minutes had passed when a soft breath touched her ear, then lips, then a word, barely spoken.


Mary strained to open her eyes. Awareness came in bits and pieces. A streak of sunlight about to expunge a corner of its shadows, muffled traffic noise, laughter from the hallway. A warm body spooning her back. Suddenly she remembered and her fatigue mixed with incredible contentment was explained.

Late though they’d gone to bed, they must have made love at least three times. She’d drop to sleep and then be awakened by Dan’s touching, kissing, probing, licking, taking her to places she’d never dreamed before. Once she’d brought him awake by stroking the giant between his legs. The same giant she felt crawl and surge up her thigh to her butt right now.

“Oh, yeah.” His cock stroked between her butt cheeks. She pushed. His pressing there tantalized her. He cradled her head on his right shoulder so he could reach over and massage her breast. The fingers of his left hand wandered among her pubic hair, tickling and stirring up desire at the same time.

“You do know how to bring a girl to life, Mr. Higgins.”

“I’m glad you think so, Ms. Franks. Believe me, I’m coming to life, too.” In proof, he wriggled his sex harder into her butt.

Seemingly of its own volition, her leg rose and wrapped back, around Dan’s. Immediately he caressed her clit. She moaned from the sensation and in anticipation of what she knew would be happening. As she expected, his cock slid from her butt to her pussy like a bee homing in on a flower. She blossomed when his thick crown pushed into her passage.

The smell of sex hung in the air from all they’d done the previous night. Mary breathed it in, letting the rhythm of Dan’s thrusts and the stroke of his hands on her breasts carry her away.

“I could make love to you forever and never get enough.” Dan’s husky voice sounded at her ear. Then he buried his face in her neck and covered her in wet kisses.

She loved this, loved the way Dan kissed, the way he filled her body and listened to her desires. She just loved Dan, period. The thought should have shaken her to her core or at least surprised her, but somehow, it was no more than confirmation of a truth she’d held secret all these years. Instead of coming as a shock, she felt…right.

The certainty of her feelings gave their lovemaking new meaning. Without warning, she flew apart, splintering into a million pieces, trusting Dan to be there to help put herself together again. His groan against her skin told her he’d fallen apart like her, with her. She wished time would stop.

Of course, it didn’t. Moments later, breathing heavily, Dan fell back onto the bed. He tugged her around to snuggle against him. “Do you have any idea how fantastic you are?”

“No, do tell.”

Dan laughed. “Fishing for compliments again.” He lightly slapped her butt, then caressed it with slow, lazy strokes. “My statement was rhetorical.”

“Well, darn.” Mary craned her neck to see the clock. “Gosh, it’s almost eleven. I guess we should get up.”

-hmm, as soon as I find the energy.”

“You’ll feel better after a shower.

He cracked open one eye. “With you?”

Smiling, she rose to her knees, straddled him, and then climbed out of bed, resisting his hands on her hips trying to hold her in place. “You can shower with me only if you hurry.”

I can find the energy. I hope they have lots of hot water, because I’ll hurry to get there, but I don’t plan a short time in the shower.”

Laughing, she sauntered into the bathroom and turned on the water. The liquid burst from the spigot, steaming almost immediately. Rather like she felt when anywhere near Dan. For a few seconds, she enjoyed the heat in the cool, tiled bathroom, but the intensity couldn’t continue. She moderated the temperature, as she knew she’d have to adjust to living without Dan in a few days.

Last night she’d determined to be a bold bird of paradise, but Mary couldn’t kid herself. Deep inside she was a violet—shy and demure, but, as she was discovering, not as delicate as everyone thought.

Dan’s mother said he liked the flashy and spirited. Mary would take these few days to be that and more, before going home to face reality. A violet could withstand a lot, but not the searing heat and steam of Dan’s world.






Chapter 7


Dan looked across the lunch table. He’d never had a night like they’d shared last night. For one thing, lacking a steady girlfriend, he never spent the night with anyone. Waking up next to Mary was like opening his eyes on a sunny day. Her passion astounded him. The sweetness that shone through when she slept humbled him. If he didn’t know better, he’d think he was in love.

“Mary, will you attend the prom with me?”

“What?” She giggled and slapped his arm. “Didn’t we already do that once?”

He thought back. He’d been seriously
two girls, both of whom expected an invitation to the senior prom. Going with either one would have caused him trouble, so he leapt at his mother’s suggestion that he take Mary. No one in his crowd expected her to be anything more than a pity date, not that he treated her in any way other than as a gentleman. But still, his heart hadn’t been in the right place.

“Not like we should have. Tonight’s the company dinner dance. It’s as close to a prom as we’re likely to get. I want to share it with you, have something to eat, dance a little, and later, maybe…” He saw a flash of emerald fire in her eyes and knew she wanted what he did. Shit. Too bad they couldn’t skip the damn dance, but he couldn’t. Besides, he owed her one.


“Great. We’ll have to get you another dress.”

“Dan, really. It’s too much. I’ll buy something this time.”

“Do I need to remind you that you’re out of work?”

She seemed to consider this. “Okay.” But she didn’t look happy. “I’ll let you buy me another dress, and I’ll go to the dance. But this is the end of buying me things, okay?”

“Okay, no more gifts. And it’s the

“You’re silly,” she said laughing. But her eyes sparkled with joy and he knew he’d made the right move.


* * * *


The lead singer announced, “The next song will be the last for the night, so take your sweetheart in your arms and make the most of this magic moment.”

Dan took Mary’s hand and led her to the dance floor as the band struck up a slow beat. She melted in his arms as she had many times during the evening. The very short, full skirt of her new gown tapped the backs of her thighs. She still hadn’t been ready for anything as daring as the first black dress, but this one was a giant, intrepid step forward from what she would have purchased. Betty had persuaded her, and the look in Dan’s eyes all night had her sending Betty telepathic thank

BOOK: Las Vegas Honeymoon
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