Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club (7 page)

BOOK: Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club
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“Try not to scream, Emma, I don’t want my mom to hear you.”

“It’s gonna be hard,” she said. “Christ, it’s unbelievable.”

She rocked and shuddered, her tongue fierce inside my mouth, she was chewing my lips, pushing hard against me, sighing, moaning.

“Helen, I can’t stop, I’m, oh Christ, no….”

She came in a massive heaving and pushing of her hips, bucking against the pulsing, vibrating device that was strapped inside her.

“Schh,” I said to her. “Keep it quiet.”

She let out a low, ‘oohhhh’ as she reached her peak, then sagged against me, I reached inside her and turned it off.

Her eyes shone. “Fuck me, Helen, but that was good.”

“Yeah, it is pretty intense, you’re right about that.”

When she was calm, I rinsed her face for her and we went back to my bedroom. The other girls looked at us curiously, but Emma’s flushed face said it all. They ignored us and carried on helping Yvonne.

“We think we’ve tracked down their email accounts,” she said. “I logged into the school server, checked their emails and traced it back. I’ve set the email store to download to my computer server at home, it’ll take a while to download the lot but I’ll be able to do a search on obvious terms, like the word lesbian, our names, porn, stuff like that. I reckon we’ve got a good chance of nailing the bastard.”

It was a good effort, we’d made a good start. Mom brought us sodas and we spent the rest of the evening discussing our routines for the Glee club performance. Emma’s mom came to pick them all up and take the girls home, she had a big people carrier. It was only after I’d seen them off that I realized that Emma still had the egg fastened inside her cunt. I smiled, she’d said nothing to me. Obviously she was planning to devote some more attention to it later.



* * * * *



chapter SEVEN



The next morning mom had a further surprise for me, she’d bought me a new coat, a really sexy, short, double-breasted shiny trenchcoat style jacket in glistening black. I put it on and buttoned it up, God, it looked sexy. I felt like a cross between a celebrity and a hooker.

“You don’t have to wear it to school, Helen,” she said to me.

“Oh yes I do,” I replied firmly. I wanted to show off to Emma in my stylish little mac, she was such a fashion fiend, it was time I had something nicer to wear. The girls were waiting outside school, their faces long. Emma noticed my new jacket, “hey, that’s nice, Helen, really stylish.”

“Thanks, Emma. What’s the problem here?”

“More videos on the internet, and they’re even more explicit than before. Helen, one of them shows you and Emma, it’s even more graphic than before.”

Oh shit. “Did you have any luck with those emails?” I asked Yvonne. She shook her head.

“The school server crashed halfway through and I lost the lot. I’ll have to try again tonight, sorry.”


We went into school and found a quiet corner in the library where we could look at the internet. Yvonne expertly loaded up the website with the videos and played the one with me in it. I couldn’t believe it, at one stage I arched my back over to allow Emma to reach me and the camera was looking straight into my cunt, almost like an anatomy lesson. I felt sick.

“Yvonne, you’ve got to do something, can you pull this one from the net?”

“I’ll try,” she replied. “The bastard changed the passwords and access details, so it’s going to be difficult, but I’ll do my best.”

I was thinking about my mom, if she saw that there’d be hell to pay. Her only daughter, engaged in a sexual act, a lesbian sexual act, it would mean that I’d probably have to move school. It wasn’t as if it was a casual kiss or touch, no, it was full blown sex, face screwed up in blissful joy at being totally engaged with my lover.


I went through hell for the rest of the morning, before I saw that video clip I’d started to really enjoy myself at Forest Heights High School for Girls. If mom pulled me out and moved me to another school I’d be back to the beginning. And of course, there was Emma. I met her in the cafeteria at lunchtime.

“Er, Emma, I lent you something last night, do you know what happened to it?”

She looked sheepish. “Don’t worry, I’m looking after it for you.”

She looked down at her crotch. “No, surely not?” I asked her. She nodded and grinned. Allison came and joined us, she looked very unhappy.

“Hey, what’s the problem?” I asked her. “It can’t be worse than mine, surely?”

“You should know,” she said bitterly. “Look, before you came here, Emma and I got on fine, but now I don’t get a look in.”

I was surprised, I looked at them both, but Emma just sat with a small smile on her face, she was elsewhere. Like, down in her cunt.


“I’m sorry, Allison,” I said to her. “I really didn’t know that.”

She shrugged. “Yeah, well, shit happens. You playing hockey today?”

I nodded. “We’ll be cheering on the field, too,” she continued. “We’ve got the use of the coach’s shower room afterwards if you fancy joining us for another shower. I guess I’ll have to get used to being without Emma, though.”

What was she up to, I wondered? But I was amazed at her suggestion of using the showers. “Surely if someone is videoing what we do, it’ll make things worse.”

“Maybe, maybe not. But we hope that we’ll be able to fool whoever is doing it into thinking that we don’t suspect yet. If they see us avoiding the coach’s shower room, they’ll know that we know. How could it be worse, anyway? Which part of you, or any of us, hasn’t been seen on the internet?”

I had to agree, there was a sound logic to our continuing as is nothing had happened.

“Ok, I grinned. “Let’s do it. Fuck ‘em.”

“Or each other,” she laughed.

I noticed the deputy head, Roberta Simonds watching us from the other side of the cafeteria. I wonder, I thought, could it be you? Maybe I ought to go up and ask her, give her nipples a tweak too, see if she was really upset by lesbian activities. But no, maybe it wouldn’t be the best strategy to try.


In the afternoon I got changed for hockey along with my teammates. I loved getting into my sports gear, my short, pleated hockey skirt over the full, white, frilly panties, my singlet in the school colors and the matching socks under my hockey boots. I felt ready to take on the world, I think we all did as we ran out onto the pitch with our hockey sticks, skirts swinging as we ran, showing a tantalizing glimpse of frills as they lifted up and down with the motion. My Glee club friends were giving it their all, leaping and prancing, but somehow it wasn’t enough to spur me on and I failed to score a goal. It was time for a shower.


They were already in the shower, naked. Emma was on her own, under a stream of water, still smiling contentedly. I’d have to get that egg out of her before it drove her crazy. I started to undress, but Allison came over to help.

“You look tired, Helen, let me give you a hand.”

I could sense that Emma was taking notice as Allison stripped off my clothes. She did it in such a way that her hands continually ran across my skin, pausing to touch me in the places that mattered, especially my cunt when she pulled down my panties. It was thrilling to be undressed by a girl I hadn’t been with before, and I put my hands on Allison’s tits and kissed them gently before we climbed into the shower. She kept her hands on me and started to stroke me gently, my tits, then lower down until she was brushing my cunt.

“What the fuck’s all this then?” Emma said, coming over to us.

“I thought you were otherwise engaged,” I grinned at her.

“Yeah, well I am, but there’s always room for more. Look, you two, how about a threesome, I’ve never tried that before, have you?”

We shook our heads. “Ok,” she said. “Let’s go for it.”


We held hands and stood under the streaming warm water. I stood with my back to the wall, Emma knelt down in front of me and her mouth came up to find my vagina. Allison faced me and kissed me deeply, there was so much depth and yearning in that kiss, it seemed to go on forever. I knew what she wanted, I reached down and felt inside her crotch, pushed my fingers inside her vagina and started to probe and stroke. With my other hand, I took hold of one of her breasts and started to knead it softly. She sounded a slight groan and I knew that I was heading in the right direction. My lover was sucking and licking deep inside me now, igniting a warm fire that spread all through my body. I put more of my concentration into stroking Allison, she was moving her hips in time with my movements. She opened her eyes and looked at me, it was a look of deep need, of even deeper lust. I put my other hand down to her crotch and felt her labia, then her clit. With one hand I explored inside her cunt as deeply as I could, with the other I worked on her clit. Our mouths were glued together in a kiss that neither of us wanted to end. She started to heave even more, as we parted briefly to draw breath, a loud groan escaped her mouth. Down below, Emma was in a half dream state, she’d obviously switched on the vibrating egg so she was enjoying a series of climaxes as she knelt contentedly sucking away at my fanny. I had no complaints either. It was unique, a superb new experience that showed me how rich and lovely sex could truly be between females. Emma hit a really sweet spot and I gasped and pushed my cunt down towards her head, trying to get her inside me as much as I possibly could. I gripped Allison harder too, she screamed with passion and held me tighter, then I screamed too as I came in a searing and tempestuous climax, the end of my ultimate arousal was a volcanic, hot, and torrid climax that send my mind soaring into the heavens.


I realized we’d all come within the same few seconds, wow, what an experience.

“Hey,” Lisa said abruptly. “What about those cameras?”

There was total, dead silence. We’d forgotten about the cameras, we were supposed to just take a shower and pretend that we didn’t know about them.

“Well, the motherfucker will sure as hell think we haven’t seen them,” Yvonne said. “No one but a bunch of lunatic dykes would ever have a mass fucking session if they knew there were cameras recording it all.”

We collapsed, roaring with laughter. But when the laughter died, we realized we had to get to grips with the problem. Lisa said she’d spend time with Yvonne that evening, helping to track down who was responsible and at the very least, to pull down any more videos that were put up on the internet.

“Can you try and get those emails?” I asked Yvonne. “They could lead us straight to the nasty little shit that’s doing it.”

“Yeah, don’t worry, I’m on it,” she replied. “We should have them all overnight and I can start searching for our pervert friend.”

“What’s going on here,” a voice said loudly. We looked around to see our deputy head, Roberta Simonds, together with Jessica Epps, the netball coach.

“We’ve just taken a shower,” Rachel said. “We were about to leave.”

“Don’t you think you ought to get some clothes on first,” Miss Simonds said to her.

Rachel turned away without a word, although someone muttered ‘motherfucker’ loud enough for them both to hear.

“Who said that?” the deputy head said.

Nobody replied. She pursed her lips in annoyance and stalked out, closely followed by Miss Epps.

We looked at each other, Rachel spoke for all of us.

“It’s got to be one of those two, maybe both. We need to fix them, and I mean fix them good and proper. They’ll be gunning for us from here on in.”


“Yeah, what can they do, give us all a good spanking?” Lisa asked, grinning widely.

I felt a twitch in my cunt and I shivered, Emma had a hand on my hip and noticed it. What happened next horrified me. At first.

“Hey, girls, Helen got really hot when you mentioned spanking. Why don’t we try it out on her, see if it starts her motor running again.”

“No, shit, I didn’t mean…”

They grabbed me and held my arms and legs so that I couldn’t move. Rachel sat on a bench and they dragged me over to her and draped me over her knee.

“Girls, what do you reckon I should give this naughty girl?” she laughed.

“Spank her, give her twenty whacks,” Allison grinned.

Thirty, forty, oh God, the numbers went up and up as the girls threw in their suggestions.

“Nah, I think twenty will give her a good taste of it.”

We were all still naked. My head was almost at floor level and I was looking up and their legs, the triangles of their pubic hair guarding the entrance to their cunts. One had her hand over her vagina, I could see it was Emma, reaching inside her. Had she removed that damn egg yet, I wondered? But obviously she had, her hand delved inside her and she started massaging her cunt. Suddenly she took out her hand.

“I’ve got an idea, something to take the sting out of it, hang on.”

She came back with my vibrating egg, dangling from her hand by the straps.

“I’ll put this on her and get it moving, just one sec, Rachel.”

She knelt down and reached between my legs, I shuddered as she pushed the egg inside me, then she fastened the straps.

“Get on with it,” Rachel said. “Is it ready yet?”

Emma reached inside me and switched on, the vibrations jolted though me. I closed my eyes and tried to stop my hips from humping up and down on Rachel’s knee, but it was a battle I was losing.


“Christ, she’s humping me,” Rachel said. “I’d better start your punishment, Miss, see if it throws cold water on your fire.”

‘Whack’, her hand came down on my ass, it was a hard smack and I flinched. But it pressed down harder on my vibrating egg, the sensations intensified. ‘Whack’, the second blow, I didn’t care now, I had no thought for the humiliation of being spanked in front of my friends, now that the vibrator inside me. I whimpered, but it was a whimper of joy, of pleasure, of wanting more. My hips were moving in a steady rhythm and Rachel timed her smacks to it, I knew I wouldn’t last the whole twenty. As the fifteenth whack slammed down on me a colossal heat surged through my body and I came shuddering, squirming and screaming to a climax on Rachel’s knee as they all looked on curiously. As I exhausted my peak, Rachel obliged by giving me the final five spanks, they heightened the sensation even more. She finished and I lay there exhausted, totally spent. Rachel lifted me up and sat me on her knee, one hand on my waist, the other holding my tits.

BOOK: Lesbian Schoolgirl's Glee Club
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