Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2 (6 page)

BOOK: Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2
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Your sparkling blue eyes and the chestnut hair curling on your nape. That’s two

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

He slowly lifted a hand to her face and rubbed the big pad of his thumb across her lower lip. The rough touch fueled her need, and she battled the desire to stick out her tongue and taste his skin.

Their gazes met and held once more just as the opposing team was called to bat.

“You’re going out with me after the game, Hayley. I won’t take no for an answer.”

Chapter Five

Why the hell was his demanding side bursting out of him like an alien from a host’s chest in an eighties film? Staring Hayley down as he climbed the stands to sit beside her so she knew exactly why he was there. And high-handedly telling her that he was taking her out. He’d even bought her a hot dog and wouldn’t allow her to refuse it. Then he’d watched her full lips wrap around every inch. And watching her lick her sticky fingers while eating the watermelon he’d brought for the players…

His balls drew up tight.

But he couldn’t act this way with her anymore. She deserved better—not to be on the receiving end of his fucked-up control games that led to the sexual appetites he needed to suppress.

He paced the length of his foyer. Dozens of sets of keys hung on his log wall, some for properties he owned but many for his vehicles. What should he pick her up in? He could use the Mustang, but he didn’t want her to see him as a mid-life crisis waiting to happen.

BMW? Too much. SUV? Maybe. The decision shouldn’t feel so weighty, but he didn’t want to give the wrong impression. Skepticism lived in her beautiful emerald eyes, revealing that he only had one chance.

As a single mom, she most likely wouldn’t put herself on the line more than once. If she saw him as a player or thought he wasn’t serious, she’d walk away. He knew it in his heart.

Snagging the keys to his modest Nissan, he headed to the garage.

The sun hadn’t yet set and the air embraced a warmth that was unusual for this time of May. The doubleheader hadn’t lasted as long as he’d thought it would. The home team had shut out the visitors nineteen to five and sixteen to one. When Drake had hit a grand slam, Hayley had bounced around cheering until Brant thought he’d come in his jeans.

He shut himself inside the car and adjusted his cock. The thing had a mind of its own when it came to Hayley Graff. Too bad he also imagined swats on the ass and the prickle of hemp knots under his hands.

. Boundaries must be set. She’d allowed him to boss her around a little and even eaten the hot dog he’d forced on her, but he’d have to put an end to his behavior.

Backing out of the four-stall garage, he headed toward the cozy diner at the far side of town. Before leaving the field, he’d begged to pick her up but she’d refused, saying she wanted to keep Drake in the dark about where she was going. While Brant understood, disappointment seeped in. Having her in the car with him meant he’d have more time to get to know her.

But he planned to wheedle her address from her.

When he arrived, he got out of the car and walked the length of the parking lot, looking for her. What did she drive?

A minute later, she bumped into the lot. An excited laugh broke from him as he noted the rusted pickup with the peeling blue paint. A couple pieces of furniture were strapped down in the bed.

Striding forward, he fought to keep from breaking into a run. Still, he reached her door before she came to a full stop.

He yanked the door open and pulled her right into his arms. She came willingly, all soft female and perfumed tresses. And Brant simply couldn’t stop himself. He dropped his lips to hers.

The first touch speared him with want. It roared through his veins, a wild beast demanding attention. Brant pressed more firmly on her plush lips, eyes closed and drowning in her scent. Something else mixed with her personal musk. Arousal.

Fuck, yeah. She wanted him. He could smell it.

Cock hard and aching, he slanted his mouth over hers.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in the longer hair on his nape.

A low growl burst from him when he pressed on the seam of her lips with his tongue and she opened to him. Locking her more firmly in his hold, he sank his tongue into her hot, sweet mouth.

Hayley swayed against him, bringing her round breasts against his chest. She wasn’t tall, but she fit him perfectly. He tightened his hold on her waist and then tightened again. God, she was so delicious, so tantalizing, he couldn’t get enough. Addiction had never tasted so fucking good.

Hesitantly, she stroked her tongue against his.

Rumbling his appreciation, he cupped her ass and hitched her higher so his erection fit snugly at the juncture of her thighs. She gasped into his mouth.

He opened his eyes right into hers. The liquid green pools sucked him under.



“Say my name.” She hadn’t said it all afternoon. When he prompted her to call him Brant rather than Dr. Foxfire, she’d agreed to, but never had.

Breathing hard, she looked away.

“Hayley.” He followed her, recaptured her lips and plunged his tongue into the depths of her wet mouth. Pressure built in his body, barreling up from his groin and settling in his chest.

He tore his mouth away. “Say it.”

“Brant.” The word was hot with longing and seared him from the tips of his cowboy boots to the ends of his hair. Everything else was a pile of ash with her name on it.

Tenderly, he cupped her cheek. The silken skin threatened to steal his control all over again. “God, I’ve wanted to do that all damn day.” But fuck, he shouldn’t have done it now. She probably thought him a madman. All the traits he struggled to tamp down she brought to the fore. Oil sitting on top of the fresh water that he wanted to offer.

He had to make it up to her—apologize somehow.

Stumbling back a few steps, he fought to find words. “I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you. You hardly know me and…it was too much too soon. Damn, I hope I haven’t ruined our evening together.” He focused on her toe ring, which glinted silver in the fading daylight. When he chanced a look at her face, he was shocked to find her biting her lip against a smile.

She dropped her gaze to his mouth, her stare a touch of its own. “Thank God you didn’t do that at the field. We had enough tongues in those stands wagging.”

“That’s because they saw what we feel.”

She disentangled herself and ducked under his arm. Two steps away, she stopped and smoothed her skirt over her hips. The black fabric conformed to them. Brant wanted nothing more than to tug it down and look at her.

With self-conscious movements, she straightened the hem of her peasant top. The motion sent a pendant swinging between her supple breasts.

“You about done looking?”

Her teasing tone spurred him to say what he really wanted to. “No, but I’ll stop for a minute.” He pressed a hand to the small of her back and guided her toward the entrance.

The diner was a piece of American history. Established during World War II, it still boasted the original wooden counter and the same menu. The leather booths had been replaced with vinyl long ago, but images of its former splendor lined the walls, along with photos of the smiling people who’d worked here over the years.

“I hope you like home cooking. They make a mean country steak.”

“Sounds great.”

Inside, he seated her at a booth in the back, where they could hold a private conversation away from the nosy regulars. He’d never brought anyone here before, and the fact was not lost on the waitress, who approached with a grin.

“Hiya, Brant.”

He gave a nod. “Cheryl. How are you tonight?”

“Fine, fine. What can I get you two?”

Hayley started to order a water, but he interrupted and told Cheryl to bring them two chocolate malts with extra whipped cream. With a big grin, the waitress scuttled away, leaving them alone at last.

Reaching across the table, Brant stroked Hayley’s hand. That was a normal guy thing to do, right? “I’m so glad you agreed to come.”

“Do you make it a habit to follow mothers of the kids you fit with braces and ask them out?”

Pressing his lips into a line, he shook his head. “Never.”

“Why me?”

He leaned across the table. “Why not you?”

“Well, I’m—”

“Beautiful? Intriguing?” Before she could even respond with a pink flush, he said, “Tell me about your work at Anecdote.”

She extricated her hand from his, but he snagged it back immediately, that possessiveness he’d felt in the parking lot rising instantly. Her lips were still swollen from his kisses. Jesus, he could taste her on his tongue.

He stifled a groan.

She rested back against the seat and gave him a long look. Her eyes were enough to set his pulse racing, but the way she gnawed her lower lip… Fuck, he wasn’t going to get to order dinner before he picked her up, hurled her over his shoulder and made off with her into the night.

“There’s not much to know about my job. It’s nowhere near as interesting as yours.”

“I think it is. How long have you worked there?”

“Three years. When Drake and I moved here, I pulled up in front of that little shop and knew it was my home.”

He scanned her, from her messy braid to the thin silver band on her thumb. “I can see why.”

For once, it wasn’t him doing the blushing.

“What about you? How long have you been in practice?”

“Twelve years. It’s very rewarding. Now tell me about the furniture in the back of your truck.”

A smile crept over her full lips. It touched her eyes, and the green depths sparkled. “Once a month my boss, Andrea, sends me to big flea markets in the surrounding counties to look for new items for the shop. This time I bought that Chippendale table and the gentleman’s dresser. Great finds.” Enthusiasm seeped into her voice.

He locked her in his gaze, unaware that he could be making her uncomfortable until she squirmed. Damn, failing wasn’t something that set well with him. And he couldn’t seem to keep that hated side of himself hidden.

“I can’t have food on my face, so you must be looking at something else.”

He gave a huff of laughter. “I’m sorry if I can’t quit looking at you.”

At that moment, Cheryl returned to take their orders. Hayley ordered a salad and Brant the country fried steak. Once the waitress left again, Brant leaned across the table and scooped Hayley’s hands into his.

“You didn’t order the steak.”

“I could stand to lose a few pounds.”

“Where? You’re stunning.”

Again, pink tinged her cheeks and throat.

“That’s it. I can’t sit here another minute wanting to kiss you.” He slid out of his seat and moved to her side of the booth. As he crowded beside her, she gasped.


“I can’t control myself with you, Hayley. I want to put my hands on you, to hear your voice even in my dreams.”

“You can’t be…serious.”

“I’m dead serious, darlin’. For the two days since you’ve been in my office, I’ve been thinking of little but you.” Mentioning the weeks before would only alarm her.

“I…” She tilted her face up to his at last. And he couldn’t stop himself. He clasped her jaw and kissed her.

Flames burst inside him. She opened to him instantly, speaking with her body when she struggled to find words. The way her tongue swirled against his told him she was as out of control as he was.

A low whistle sounded from the front of the diner, and Hayley jerked. Stiffening, she broke the kiss and twisted away.

Warring with the need to carry the woman out of here and take her directly to his bed, Brant returned to his seat opposite her.

“I’m not sorry.”

Hayley shivered, the blonde braid slipping on her shoulder. She pressed it behind her and pierced him to the heart with a despairing look. “I haven’t made out in a booth since I was sixteen.”

“Me either. But I still won’t apologize. If possible, I’ll do it again.” Especially since she wasn’t shying from him, wasn’t frightened in any way.

Lightning crashed between their gazes. For a long moment, he couldn’t breathe. God, to take her to bed and press her down beneath him. To be allowed to strip off her clothes and touch her skin.

“Brant, what are we going to do?”

He caught a glimpse of Cheryl heading their way with their dinners. Squeezing Hayley’s hand, he said, “We’re going to eat and learn as much as we can about each other. Then I’m going to take you outside and kiss you until you can’t stand up.”



Hayley’s legs were jelly before Brant even kissed her. Following him outside took supreme effort, probably because her panties clung to her wet pussy and her inner thighs were sticking together. Just looking at the man left her wanting.

During dinner, he’d cast her more smoldering looks than a blockbuster movie hero. And the touches… She quivered. A simple fingertip on the back of her hand had nearly sent her over the edge, and she’d almost come without him touching anything else.

BOOK: Lip Lock: Country Fever, Book 2
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