Little Men - The E Book (22 page)

BOOK: Little Men - The E Book
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The other disciples were calmer now, sitting and lying on the floor, some chattering, some silent. Mike thought for a moment. The evening’s session would soon be winding down, it was approaching three a.m. Another gathering would start at about eight, but Mike wanted to keep going with his new recruit. Charles looked at him and smiled again, but the effects of the MDMA he had taken was starting to wear off.

“Come on!” Mike leapt to his feet. “Follow me!”

Mike led Charles out of the ashram and into the night. The warm humid air made them rush again.

“Where are we going?” Charles said dreamily.

“Somewhere amazing. Here…” Mike handed Charles another pill and necked one himself. He led his companion down a side road to a battered

“Get in.” They entered the vehicle. Mike reached behind. He produced a plastic water bottle and took a swig. He handed it to Charles. He took several huge gulps, he needed it. The water made his thoughts a little clearer.

“Wait! My friends!”


“They should be round here somewhere!” Charles hurriedly opened the door and exited the car. He ran back to the building.

“Where the hell are they?”

Charles ran to the far side of the ashram. There, slumped against the white wall, were Tony and Simon, both fast asleep, lying in the dusty grass. Charles crouched down and shook them.

“Wake up! Wake up!” he yelled, his eyes wide and pupils dilated. First Tony, then Simon, jolted awake. “Come on! Let’s get out of here.” They looked confused. It was Charles, but dressed in orange robes. They clocked Mike standing behind him, his long hair floating in the gentle breeze. They stood up, and Charles ushered them towards the tatty red car. They squeezed into the back seat, blinking sleep away.

“Where are we going?” Tony asked.

“We are going to Amnesia,” Mike replied.




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BOOK: Little Men - The E Book
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