Read Love, Always, Promise [Wolf Creek Pack 5] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Wolk Creek Pack

Love, Always, Promise [Wolf Creek Pack 5] (11 page)

BOOK: Love, Always, Promise [Wolf Creek Pack 5]
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“Come on,” Nate said, excitement lacing his voice, “there’s something really special over here that I want to show you.”

Jace and Ethan followed Nate across the living room to one of the doors on the far side. Nate practically bounced where he stood. “You’re going to love this.”

Nate opened the door and led them into a large bedroom. Jace saw as set of double glass doors on one wall, two multipaned windows on another. The third wall had a solid wooden door, the fourth wall solid except for the doorway they stood in.

“This is very nice, Nate,” Jace said.

“That’s not the best part. They called this the mother-in-law suite,” Nate said as he hurried over to the one other solid door in the room. “Mrs. Drummond’s mother stayed in this room. She wasn’t a shifter. The Drummonds refitted the entire bathroom for her and her walker.”

Jace’s mouth fell open. The bathroom had been refitted with metal bars by the toilet, the very large bathtub and inside the separate glass shower. It looked a dream bathroom for anyone that might be disabled in any way. It was perfect.

“There’s an office off of the kitchen,” Nate continued. “It’s not as large as this room, but I think you’ll find it more than adequate for your needs, Jace. There are also two more bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, just in case you have company.”

As they made their way back into the main room and explored the rest of the first floor, Jace couldn’t help but wonder how they had been so greatly blessed. Nate said he knew of the perfect place for them, but Jace had no idea it would be this perfect.

The inside of the house was open and well equipped for Ethan. He would be able to get around without any trouble, even if Jace wasn’t there to carry him everywhere. Between the specially equipped bedroom and bathroom for Ethan, the office for Jace, and the acres of land for the horses, it was more than Jace ever dreamed they’d have.

Jace wrapped his arms around Ethan as they walked out onto the front porch. From where they stood, most of the fenced in field could be seen on either side of the driveway. Granted, there were more trees around the house, some of them blocking their view, but Jace imagined they would shade the house well in the summertime.

“What do you think, sweetness?” Jace asked. “Do you think your dog could be happy here?”

“My dog?”

“You did say you wanted a dog, remember?” Jace reminded Ethan. “And I don’t think you can actually own a farm without one.” He glanced over at Joe, winking. “Isn’t that right, Joe? Isn’t there some law or something that says you have to have a dog if you own a farm?”

Without batting an eye, Joe replied. “Oh, yes, it’s in the county by-laws. Every farm owner must have a dog. Helps keep down on the rat population and all.”


“The two legged kind.” Joe smirked. “You might even want to think about getting a second dog just in case.”

Jace saw Ethan frown. “You don’t have a dog,” Ethan pointed out.

“No, but I don’t need a dog,” Joe replied, grinning. “I have Nate.”

“Well, sweetness?” Jace asked again. “Should we take it and give your dog a place to run and play?”

“Can we afford it, Jace?” Ethan whispered. “I don’t have a lot of money, and most of it has been used up for my medical bills.”

“I don’t want you to worry about the money, Ethan,” Jace said, a sliver of anger shooting through him at the idea of Ethan using up his hard earned money to pay for his medical bills. “I have enough to take care of both of us.”

Jace grabbed Ethan’s chin and tilted his head up to his. “I just need to know if you could be happy here with me.”

“And my dog.”

Jace smirked. A sparkle twinkled in Ethan’s eyes again. “And your dog.”

Chapter 7

“That’s the last of them, Ethan,” Jace said as he walked back into Ethan’s bedroom. “Are you about ready to go?”

Ethan glanced around his furnished apartment one last time. As much as he looked forward to moving into their new home together, the thought of leaving this place saddened him just a bit.

This is where he lived when Jace claimed him for the very first time. Even if Jace couldn’t remember it, Ethan knew he always would. It held a special place in his heart and always would.

The last month with Jace had been some of the best, and the hardest, times that Ethan ever experienced. His love for Jace grew with every moment they spent together. Jace was a kind and gentle man who seemed to care for Ethan greatly.

He was also a hard task master when it came to Ethan’s health and physical therapy. He wouldn’t let Ethan feel sorry for himself or stay home instead of going to see the physical therapist. While Ethan felt grateful for Jace’s loving care, there were times he wanted to kick the man’s ass.

“What’s wrong, sweetness?”

Ethan shrugged. “I’m going to miss the place.”

“You only lived here for a few months, Ethan,” Jace said as he walked over to sit down beside Ethan on the bed. “How could you be that attached?”

Ethan felt his face flush. He quickly dipped his head. He loved Jace, he really did, but sometimes he felt like he rode an emotional rollercoaster with the man. His feelings seemed to be totally out of control around Jace.

“Uh uh, no hiding from me,” Jace said as he lifted Ethan’s chin. “What’s wrong?”

“I know you don’t remember it, but I do,” Ethan tried to explain without looking like an overwrought, emotional fool. “This was the first place we came together, where you claimed me. It holds special memories for me. It’s hard to leave it and move somewhere new.”

Ethan cried out as Jace suddenly got to his feet and picked Ethan up, tossing him over his shoulder. Jace leaned down and grabbed Ethan’s crutches, then walked right out of the bedroom and through the apartment to the front door.

“Jace!” Ethan laughed.

Jace simply locked the door and carried Ethan down the stairs without saying a word. Ethan could see people staring at them as Jace walked toward his truck. They looked surprised, then smiled. Ethan’s face burned as he continued to laugh.

Jace put him in the truck then walked around to the other side, tossing his crutches in the back before climbing in and starting the truck. He had the truck on the road and aimed toward their new home by the time Ethan stopped laughing long enough to speak.

“Where are we going?”

“Home to make some new memories for you.”


Ethan couldn’t keep the grin off his face. Jace always did stuff like this, things determined to put a smile on Ethan’s face. He seemed to take this mating thing very seriously. Maybe it was time to give a little back.

Ethan turned his body until he could lean his body back against his door. He could see Jace trying to ignore his movements, but his eyes kept coming back to Ethan over and over again. Ethan was thrilled.

He slowly unzipped his jeans and pushed his hand inside. Jace was right, going commando made things so much easier, no underwear or boxers to get in the way of him playing with himself.

With thoughts of what Jace would do to him when they got home, it didn’t take more than a few moments for Ethan’s cock to fill. A few strokes of his hand and he ached, wanted.

When he heard a small whimper from Jace’s side of the truck, Ethan decided to up the game. He pushed his shoes off his feet, then wiggled his hips until he could push his jeans off his legs.

Naked from the waist down, Ethan spread his legs and started stroking himself again. He dropped his other hand down to gently massage his balls. He tried to arouse Jace, but Ethan found that he got incredibly turned on himself.

His moved his hand down to stroke his finger over his hole.

Jace groaned.

The truck swerved.

Ethan giggled.

“Oh, fuck, sweetness,” Jace moaned, “put it in. I want to see you fuck yourself.”

Ethan shuddered. Jace’s words had such an intense effect on him. He reached over to the glove box and pulled out their hidden bottle of lube, pouring some on his fingers. Dropping the bottle on the floor, he reached for his hole again.

Ethan couldn’t contain his moan as his fingers glided over his eager flesh. It wasn’t often that he played with himself anymore. He didn’t need to. He had Jace. But in the past, wanting to save himself for his mate, he played often. It still felt really good.

Ethan pressed one finger into his ass and started fucking himself. His legs trembled. The pleasure shooting through his body overwhelmed him. His hand tightened on his cock, his thumb pressing against the slit in the top.

“Another finger, sweetness,” Jace demanded, his voice sounding low and husky. “Put another finger in.”

Ethan pressed another finger in as he glanced across the truck cab at his mate. Jace’s eyes kept roaming from the road to Ethan’s ass, then back again. His chest rose and fell in rapid succession. His nose flared, his eyes dark green.

“Fuck, sweetness,” Jace groaned, “you’d better stretch yourself out real well. The minute this truck stops, I’m going to be so deep inside your ass I won’t ever come out.”

Ethan pressed a third finger in. He really started to get into it, stroking his cock and riding the fingers in his ass, when the truck came to a sudden stop. The only thing that kept Ethan from hitting the floor was the seatbelt around his waist, which was gone a moment later.

Ethan heard the truck door open. He felt Jace pull his fingers free from his ass, then grab his legs and drag him to the edge of the seat bench. Before he could do or say anything, his legs were lifted into the air and Jace’s cock sank into him.

Ethan’s eyes drifted closed as Jace started pounding into him with the very first thrust. He grabbed the steering wheel with his free hand to keep from being pushed up the seat by the force of Jace’s movements.

Jace was always so careful with him. While Ethan delighted in Jace’s gentle touch, it frustrated him at times. Sometimes he just needed to be taken, to be fucked, and not worry about his injuries.

This was the first time since they got back together that Jace seemed to forget that Ethan had an injured back. He wasn’t gentle and caring. He wasn’t even loving. He was fucking fantastic, or was that fantastically fucking? Ethan wasn’t sure. Whatever it was, he enjoyed the hell out of it.

It also sent Ethan right over the edge. He cried out as pleasure so intense that it sent shockwaves throughout his body exploded. His body stiffened and ropes of white cream shot out of his cock, covering his hand and abdomen.

Ethan opened his eyes just in time to see the muscles in Jace’s neck tighten. He looked like he gritted his teeth before he tossed back his head and roared out Ethan’s name. Ethan felt the cock in his ass thicken, then hot spurts of cum filled him only to be replaced a moment later by Jace’s knot.

Jace’s head fell down on Ethan’s stomach. Ethan wrapped his arms around Jace’s head, cradling his lover to him. He could feel Jace’s rapid breathing. Small spasms racked the man’s body as the knot at the end of his cock pulsed.

Jace suddenly lifted his head and stared down at Ethan with a look of horror on his face. Ethan instantly knew what his mate thought. He reached up and pressed his fingers against Jace’s lips.

“I’m fine, Jace, never better in fact.”

Jace didn’t look convinced. “Are you sure? I was pretty rough with you.”

“I know.” Ethan grinned. “Great, wasn’t it?”

Jace looked shocked then he slowly began to grin, too. He brushed back the hair from Ethan’s forehead. “Yeah, it was great,” Jace said. “Maybe we can do it again sometime?”

“I’d like that,” Ethan replied. “Although, I think we can find another place than your truck, hmm? There’s just not enough room in here to maneuver properly.”

“Are you ready to head home, then?”

“Yes.” Ethan chuckled. “We have a lot more flat surfaces at home to make new memories on.”

* * * *

Ethan set his spoon down and reached across the counter when the phone rang, picking up the receiver. “Hello?”

“I’d like to speak with Jason Dominick.”

Ethan frowned. The voice wasn’t pleasant. In fact, it sounded very demanding. “He isn’t here at the moment. Can I take a message?”

“Who are you?” the voice asked.

“Who are
?” Ethan countered.

“I want to speak to my son!”

Ah, the picture became clear to Ethan. The voice at the other end of the phone was Jace’s father, Alpha Dominick. The one person Ethan really didn’t want to talk to.

“I’m sorry, sir, but Jace is not available at the moment. I would be happy to take a message.”

Ethan bit his lip when he heard the man grumbling to himself. He wanted to laugh, but he figured that would be bad manners, so he kept his mouth shut.

“You tell my son he’s done enough fooling around,” Alpha Dominick growled. “You tell him to get his ass home where he belongs before I have to come get him.”

“I’ll be sure to pass the message along to him.”


Ethan wasn’t surprised when the alpha hung up on him without saying goodbye. The man was just plain rude. Ethan chuckled as he set the phone down and went back to his tea. There was no way he’d pass that message on to Jace. He might tell his mate that his father called, but he wasn’t about to tell him he had been ordered home. Jace was home.

“Hey, Ethan, there’s something I need to talk to you about,” Jace said as he walked into the kitchen a moment later.

“What’s up?” Ethan glanced up from his cup of tea. The anxious look on Jace’s face made Ethan forget all about his phone conversation. His concern was for Jace.

The moment his eyes met Jace’s, the man glanced away. He looked hesitant and just a little worried. Ethan was shocked. Except for when they first got back together, Jace always seemed self-confident. He was never uncertain of things.

“Jace?” Ethan asked. He moved over to cup his hand around Jace’s cheek. “What’s wrong?”

“The full moon is tonight, Ethan.” Jace still wouldn’t meet his eyes.

Ethan frowned. “And?”

Ethan didn’t understand what the problem was. The full moon would come out when the sun set. It happened every month. Those that could would shift and run free, hunt and celebrate being a shifter. Those that were mated would shift and search out their mates for a night of unbridled passion.

BOOK: Love, Always, Promise [Wolf Creek Pack 5]
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