Love & Hate (Book Two: Love) (27 page)

BOOK: Love & Hate (Book Two: Love)
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Oh shit! Mitch just got hit in the face!” One of the guys at the table shouted out. I snapped my head around to see a large husky guy punch their drunken friend in the face.

Chairs instantly flew backwards as the four boys jumped up to the aid of their friend. I looked over at the girls and we watched as the guys stormed out front of the bar.

I got to see this.” Liv said standing up and quickly making her way toward the exit. Audrey and I glanced at each other and then jogged to catch up with everyone.

When we got out to the front of the bar there was a full on brawl taking place, it was hard to even understand what was happening. I could see fists flying and I think I made out the back of Jamieson’s head in the middle of the crowd. We pushed past the small crowd forming and I saw the Julian guy had their friend Mitch up against the brick wall holding him back looking at his bloody nose. I felt bad for Mitch. He may have been kind of a drunken idiot but he seemed harmless. I could see why the guys were protective of him, he didn’t mean any harm he was just clueless.

As I got closer to the center of what was happening I saw Jamieson and my heart stopped. He was fighting the husky guy from the bar. It’s was a fairly even match but the big guy was definitely getting some good hits in.

I have no idea what possessed me but I took a step forward like I was going to intervene when a large arm stopped me. “Ladies I think it’s safer if we stand over here.” The dark haired guy Audrey was talking to ushered us off the sidewalk next to the parked cars. “Watch your step there is a curb there.”

I could tell this guy was a pretty boy. It was obvious from the fact all of his friends were fighting but he remained completely scuff-free. I don’t know why that bothered me but it did. “Aren’t you going to stop them?” I asked him, my annoyance laced my voice.

Nah, they need a good fight every once in a while.” He said to me like it was no big deal.

I saw something fly through the air and land in a clatter flying across the pavement. I crouched down to look at what it was and I see it was a cell phone. I think its Jamieson’s. “Hey I think your friend’s cell phone just landed under that car.” I said to pretty boy.

Yeah, probably.” He clearly gave a shit less about the phone or any of the events unfolding before him.

Uh, aren’t you going to get it?” I asked dumbfounded. I looked at Liv and Audrey to see if they were paying attention but they were too concerned with the fight.

Nah, I don’t want to get dirt on my new shirt.” He said coolly.

That infuriated me. I stomped over next to the car and bent down to pick it up, not caring I was in a mini skirt.

Jenna what the Hell are you doing? Your butt is hanging out?” Livy asked freaking out.

Well I think this is that guy’s cell phone and it flew off under this car. I think he may want it later.” I said as I got down on all fours to reach under the car.

It took a minute but I grabbed the cell phone and climbed out from underneath the car. When I popped up there were three sets of eyes totally staring at me.

What?” I asked. “It’s not like he was going to get it.” I said motioning to the useless pretty boy.

You’re all dirty.” Audrey said as she helped me dust off the front of my skirt.

Ah, it’s alright. It’s just a little dirt.” I told her unconcerned.

I looked around to see what was happening with the fight now. Climbing under the car had only taken a few seconds but it felt like longer because the fight had moved down the sidewalk.

Alright, alright break it up you knuckle heads.” A huge grizzly looking man said as he crashed in between Jamieson and the husky guy.

I recognized the big guy as a bouncer from Havens. He stood in between Jamieson and the other guy forcing them to walk away in separate directions. The husky guy hurled some insults at Jamieson and then slowly began to walk away with his friends. Jamieson started walking back up the sidewalk towards us. He walked up to Mitch and Julian squinting at Mitch’s nose. He looked at it closely, clearly checking out the damage.

I don’t think its broke bud.” He said in an even tone.

I’m sorry man. I swear I didn’t know she was married.” Mitch said looking a bit sheepish.

It’s alright, could happen to anyone.” Jamieson said and pats Mitch on the shoulder.

I watched this whole exchange like I was watching a movie. It didn’t seem real somehow. I was in awe watching Jamieson go from raging maniac to calm concerned friend in seconds. I knew it shouldn’t excite me but somehow it did.

Jamieson turned around and looked over at the group of us as if he could tell we were watching him. He slowly began striding over to us. I could see his white shirt was totally trashed. It had blood all over it, some of it was his and some of it was the other guys. He had a fairly large cut above his eyebrow which made my stomach turn a bit. I assumed he was coming to talk to his friends but instead he continued on until he was squarely in front of me.

I’m sorry you had to see all that.” He said watching my face for a reaction.

Oh, no worries.” I stammered. “Here, I think your cell phone fell out of your pocket.” I said and thrust my hand out holding the phone forward towards him.

Thanks.” He said quietly and took the phone from my hand. When his hand brushed mine electricity melted its way straight up my arm.

It was nothing.” I blushed a bit under his stare.

Yeah right you totally climbed under the car to get it and ruined your skirt in the process.” Audrey exclaimed.
Thanks Audrey!

You did that for me?” His eyes went dark and intriguing.

I knew you would probably want it.” I have no idea what I should have said to him. My mind had suddenly gone blank. We just stared at each other sharing some sort of weird silent connection.

Hey you ladies want to meet us at Hals in a bit?” Julian piped up from across the sidewalk putting an end to the weird connection between Jamieson and me.

Hals was a famous local dinner. It was the original greasy spoon, but it hit the spot perfectly after a night of drinking.

Sure.” Audrey said a bit too eagerly.

Cool, meet us there in a half hour?” Julian said as the guys started to walk toward their vehicles.

Jamieson however, didn’t move. He was still staring at me.

You’re going to come right?” He asked me.

Yeah it sounds like it.” I tried to play it cool.

Good, I’ll see you soon.” He said quietly. He hesitated as he turned to leave but finally found his momentum and jogged to catch up with his friends.

Uh…earth to Jenna. Come in Jenna.” Liv waved her hand in front of my face waking me from my daze.

Oh, hey.” I said groggily from my trance.

What the heck was all that about?” Livy asked with her hands on her hips. Audrey stood behind her with the same question on her face.

I really have no idea.” I told them truthfully.

Well whatever it is, it looked like trouble.” Liv said smiling. “And you know trouble can be a very good thing, right?” Her grin said it all; she thinks Jamieson and I were going to hook up or something. Liv and Audrey always gave me a tough time about loosening up and living a little. It wasn’t that I was stuck-up or anything, it was just that I was focused and I didn’t want anything to distract me from my goals.

I shook my head at them and began walking toward our car.

It had been almost an hour and a half. Audrey, Olivia and I sat in a corner booth at Hals all looking a bit forlorn. We finally gave up and had ordered food. We were now finished eating and the guys were still a no-show.

Maybe they had to take their friend to get checked out at the hospital? He did take a nasty hit to the face.” Audrey said.

Or maybe we just were stood up.” Liv bit back.

Well whatever, I’m tired. Let’s just head home.” I said faking my tiredness. I knew Audrey and Livy were upset because they were enjoying our time with the hot guys, but I also knew they will get over it by tomorrow night. I however, felt a weird sense of loss. I couldn’t really describe why I felt that way but I did. It bothered me that I felt like that; I had no right to feel that way. After all we had just met and it wasn’t like I even really knew the guy. I just needed to go home and try to forget about ever meeting Jamieson Wellington.
Stay focused Jenna you are so close to graduating, just stay focused.


J.J. Dorn lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and terrifyingly maniacal cat, Pippa Kiddleton. She currently owns three American Paint Horses. She has been riding and competing since she was a very young child. J.J. competes on a national level with her horses. When she isn’t spending time at the barn, she is busy working on her next novel. For more information please visit
or find her on twitter @JJDorn1.






Lovely Distraction

(Coming in Late 2014)


Faith & Betrayal

(Tess’s Story)

Book One: Betrayal

Book Two: Faith

BOOK: Love & Hate (Book Two: Love)
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