Read Love, Lies and High Heels Online

Authors: Debby Conrad

Tags: #Romance

Love, Lies and High Heels (16 page)

BOOK: Love, Lies and High Heels
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Rusty smiled sweetly up at him. “That sounds like a very tempting offer, Mr. Lehman.”

“Brad. Please call me Brad.” He ran a hand over his shaved head and grinned. “How about tomorrow night?”

Luke had heard enough. “There you are, Princess. Did you find the tampons?”

Rusty closed her eyes briefly, then opened them slowly. She turned her head to the side to glare at him. “If you don’t mind, perhaps you could wait for me in the truck, Mr. Galloway.”

“That’s all right. I don’t mind waiting right here for you.” Luke deliberately looked up at Lehman. “You were saying?”

Lehman’s gaze shifted from Luke to Rusty. His jaw tightened. “My conversation with Ms. Paris was private.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude, but I did hear you mention a hot tub. And, well, I should probably mention Rusty doesn’t like getting all hot and sweaty.”

“How would you know what I like and don’t like?” Rusty asked, her lips puckering with annoyance. Her accusing gaze was riveted on him.

Luke snatched a set of nail clippers from the wire bin on the counter and snipped a hangnail. “I think I know you pretty well.”

“You don’t know anything about me.”

“I know you’re a spoiled brat, who thinks she’s better than anyone in this town.” He tossed the clippers back into the bin. “And the only reason you’re even considering going out with the pill doctor here is to make Sam happy.”

Rusty glared at him. A warning in those green eyes to keep his mouth shut about her reasons for considering Lehman as a potential sperm donor. “You … are delusional.”

“Yeah, maybe so. But at least I don’t go out with people just to please someone else.”

“And neither do I.” She squared her shoulders and, turning her head from Luke, she smiled up at Lehman. “Brad, if you’d still like to take me out tomorrow night, I accept your invitation.”

Luke couldn’t believe his ears. She was actually going to go out with this guy. Lehman was a player. And Rusty was too naive, and too new to the area, to know just how much of a player the man was. Lehman would have Sam’s daughter on her back faster than she could say “Thank you for the nice evening.”

He needed to do something, and fast. “So you still have that old hot tub?” Luke chuckled wickedly. “Man, Lehman, if that thing could talk. I’ve heard the stories … and I have to say I’m pretty impressed with the number of ladies you’ve … entertained in that thing. Including your wives.”

“Jealous?” Lehman taunted. “Or are you simply trying to turn Ms. Paris against me so you can have her to yourself?”

“Don’t be ridiculous. Rusty and I are just … friends. She’s free to date anyone she pleases.”

Luke had almost forgotten about Claudia until he heard the woman clear her throat beside him.

“Brad, I hate to interrupt your little social gathering, but I really do need to grab my prescription and be on my way.”

“I’m sorry, Claudia. Let me get it for you.” Lehman disappeared for a moment.

While he was gone, Luke introduced Rusty to Claudia, explaining she was Sam’s daughter and was here for an extended visit.

Being the polite socialite she was, Rusty extended a hand. “It’s my pleasure to meet you, Claudia.”

“Same here,” Claudia said with a brief smile. “So, you’re staying with Luke?”

“I’m staying with my father.” Rusty’s gaze flickered from Claudia to Luke. “Luke just happens to be in the way most of the time. For some reason, Sam likes having him around.”

Luke lifted his brows. “That annoys the hell out of you. Doesn’t it, Princess?”

Rusty didn’t bother answering. She flicked her hair from her shoulder and turned her head back toward the pharmacy counter.

“Here we go.” Lehman reached between Luke and Rusty, waving a small white bag. “I put it on your bill, Claudia.”

“Thank you, Brad.”

Lehman immediately turned his attention toward Rusty. “So, we’re on for tomorrow night then?”

Rusty lifted her gaze skyward a moment. “Let me think about it.”

“Oh, come now. Surely you don’t believe those things Galloway said.”

Rusty glanced Luke’s way. “Of course not.”

And just like that, Luke knew she was about to cave in. Quickly, he said, “I have an idea.” He threw an arm around Claudia. “Claudia and I were just talking about getting together. Why don’t we make it a double date?”

Rusty was the first to protest. “I’d rather not—”

Brad opened his mouth. “If you don’t mind, Galloway—”

“I don’t mind at all. We can all grab a bite at the Steak and Ale and then we’ll go back your place, Lehman. I’ve never been in a hot tub before. I’m kind of anxious to see what all the fuss is about. What do you say, Claudia?”

Claudia turned to Luke, clearly surprised by the invitation. “That sounds like fun.”

“Great. You make the reservations, Lehman. Seven o’clock?”

Before Rusty could protest further, he steered her away from the counter. “We have to get going. Sam was due to take a pain pill an hour ago.”

That got her moving. The sound of her heels tapped on the tile floor. Although she was clearly agitated with him, her face was a mask of concern. “I didn’t realize how late it was,” she said apologetically as Luke continued to guide her toward the front of the store.

Luke followed her out the automatic doors. “Yeah, you were so busy flirting with Lehman, you forgot all about your dying father.”

“How dare you!” She stopped in her tracks, but Luke kept on walking. He opened the passenger door of the truck, then walked around to the driver’s side and got in. Rusty scrambled onto the seat and slammed the door shut. “I noticed you weren’t thinking about Sam’s comfort while you were busy horning in on my plans for tomorrow night. I don’t need you to chaperone, if that’s what that was all about.”

“That guy is as obvious as a fly on the end of your nose. He’ll have your designer panties down around your ankles before you know what’s up. It’s a good thing I’m chaperoning. You should be thanking me.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You are so full of yourself. And don’t talk to me that way. As Sam’s daughter I deserve a little more respect.”

“Honey, respect is something you earn.” He started up the truck and backed out of the parking space. “And what happened to Richman? I thought you two were all hot and heavy.”

Rusty glared at him. “Tyler’s a very nice man. A perfect gentleman, in fact. I’m simply exploring my options.”

Luke shook his head. “If you want my opinion, Lehman is not the fatherly type. Nor is he the faithful type.”

“Thank you for your perceptivity, but I’ll decide for myself what type he is.”

“Just trying to help, Princess.” He hit the Defrost button to get rid of the steam on the windshield.

“I think you used my date with Brad as a way to go out with Claudia.”

Luke concentrated on his driving as they turned onto the main drag. “I don’t need an excuse to go out with Claudia. We’ve already been down that road.”

She was quiet for a moment, apparently weighing his words. “Did you …”

“Did I what? Sleep with her?” He glanced her way, and from the curious look on her face, he knew that was exactly what she wanted to know. Luke laughed. “Honey, a gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.”

“I wasn’t asking a gentleman. I was asking you.”

Luke tilted his head back and laughed harder. He chanced a glance her way. “I think you’re jealous.”

“You’re delusional.”

“Yeah, maybe so, because I’m actually looking forward to our double date tomorrow night.”

After a moment’s silence, she smiled brightly. “So am I.”

Yeah right, he thought. Just what the hell was she planning to do?


RUSTY CAREFULLY APPLIED HER make-up, arranged her hair around her shoulders and deliberately chose her sexiest black sheath to wear on her date with Brad.

Black silk stockings and her highest heels completed her look. She spun around slowly, admiring herself in the mirror. “Eat your heart out, Luke Galloway,” she whispered, then stopped in the middle of her spin.

Where had that come from? Had she dressed this way for Luke? And if she had, why? It wasn’t as if she wanted his attention, but then again, he had a way of making her feel as if she was the only female on the planet one minute and totally undesirable the next. The man was utterly exasperating.

So, was she trying to look sexy for Brad Lehman, and at the same time hoping to make Luke jealous? That had to be it, she decided, feeling a bit disconcerted. But even admitting it to herself made her feel small. She was about to change when she heard a low whistle from the doorway.

She whirled around. “Don’t you ever knock?”

Luke pushed the door open and shrugged. “The door was open a crack.” He ran his gaze up and down the front of her, not once but twice, and whistled again. “Very nice.”

“Thank you.” She basked in the knowledge of her power.

“Of course, don’t be surprised when Lehman starts putting his hands all over you.”

“Thanks for your concern, but I’m a big girl and can take care of myself.” She slid her full-length mink from the hanger and was surprised when Luke helped her into it.

“Shall we go?” he asked, standing back to let her pass through the doorway. “I told Brad it would be silly for him to drive all the way over here to pick you up. We’re meeting him and Claudia at the restaurant.”

“Fine.” Rusty grabbed her clutch and turned off the light. “We should check on Sam to see if needs anything,” she said before starting down the stairs.

“Already taken care of. Sam turned in early, about half an hour ago. He’s probably sound asleep by now.”

“Oh,” she said, not bothering to cover her disappointment. She’d gotten used to saying “goodnight” to Sam. “Well, then I’d better not wake him.”

Luke followed her down the stairs, stopping to greet Jack. He patted the dog’s head. “Don’t wait up, boy. Rusty and I are going to be out pretty late.”

Rusty didn’t bother to respond. It would only start an argument, and she was determined not to fight with Luke this evening. She was Brad’s date, not Luke’s. Once they got to the restaurant, she would try to pretend Luke wasn’t even in the same room. Though she knew that was impossible. Luke had a way of making his presence known.

They walked out the front door, and Luke took her arm, leading her to the truck. “Your chariot awaits.”

Rusty stopped, turned to look up at him, then paused. Whatever she’d been about to say died in her throat. It was the first she’d noticed how nicely Luke looked. All decked out in a gray suit, crisp white shirt that looked brand new and a blue tie. He could easily pass for a model in GQ.

She smiled. “Let’s not fight tonight, okay?”

“Okay. Whatever you say, Princess.”

Rusty shook her head and didn’t bother to fight him when he helped her into the truck. They could do this. Pretend to be friends for one evening. Get along, for the sake of their dates. Piece of cake.

Trying to relax, she took a deep breath and fastened the seat belt around her.

So, if she believed they could have a peaceful evening and maybe even a little fun, why was she so worried?

The Steak and Ale was the nicest dining establishment Red Ridge had to offer, and the most expensive. It was where a smart guy took a woman on their first date, especially if he wanted to get laid after dinner. But it was not the type of place Rusty was used to. Luke knew that for a fact. Even so, she hadn’t made any snide remarks when the waitress apologized for not having a wine list. The choices were red and white. Rusty chose white to go along with the stuffed flounder she’d ordered.

Luke glanced at her untouched plate of food. “Are you going to eat that?” he asked, ready to dig in when she said, “no.” Although he’d just finished an eighteen ounce T-bone, a baked potato piled with sour cream and butter, a salad with ranch dressing and a half dozen slices of crusty Italian bread, he was still hungry.

Rusty glanced at Lehman, who was engaged in a conversation with Claudia about her boob job and her plans to have a Botox treatment, then slid her plate across the booth. “I guess I’m not very hungry, after all.”

“Uh, huh,” Luke said, pushing his empty plate out of the way to make room for Rusty’s. What she really meant was, she didn’t like her meal, and it had nothing to do with what she ordered, but more with the fact that she couldn’t lower herself to eat in a place with less than five stars after its name. “You’re spoiled.”

She crossed her arms across her chest. “I am not spoiled.”

Ignoring her, Luke dug in, taking a large bite of the stuffed fish. Before he finished chewing, he grabbed for his beer and quickly rinsed the rancid tasting garbage down his throat.

“Why didn’t you tell the waitress the fish was rank?” He took another swig of beer, trying to get the nasty taste out of his mouth.

“I didn’t want to complain,” she said quietly, holding her mouth in a tight thin line. It was obvious she didn’t want Lehman to hear.

“Well, you could have at least warned me before I took a bite.”

“I thought you might like it. I’ve seen some of the things you put in your mouth. You don’t seem to have very discriminative tastes.”

“Very funny.”

She smiled sweetly. “You promised we wouldn’t fight tonight.”

“That was before you tried to poison me.”

“Someone tried to poison you?” Claudia asked, scooting closer to Luke and rubbing her breast against him arm. “Poor baby.” She kissed his earlobe, then nibbled at it.

Rusty watched the entire scene before rolling her eyes.

Brad turned toward her just then. “Did you get enough to eat, or do you want dessert? They have a delicious banana cream pie on the menu. It’s homemade.”

“No, thank you, Brad. I can’t eat another bite.”

Luke realized Lehman had no clue that Rusty hadn’t touched her dinner. He’d been too busy listening to Claudia for the past half hour.

“How about some coffee then?” Lehman asked Rusty.

But it was Claudia who answered. “Coffee? Are you kidding? I don’t want to spoil my buzz.” She blew a stream of breath in Luke’s ear. Luke, surprised and embarrassed by the public display, slid a few inches away from her and toward the steam-covered window only to have her scoot closer to him.

BOOK: Love, Lies and High Heels
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